Swap a view's model? - javascript

Basically I'm trying to figure out the best way to swap a model and react to that event.
class View extends Backbone.View
initialize: ()->
#do stuff
swapModel: (newModel)->
#model = newModel
view = new View({model:firstModel})
Is this all I have to do to swap out a view's model? Are there any other side effects I should plan for? What would be the best way to respond to this swap? Should I trigger a swap event in swapModel?

Don't swap models in a view. You'll run in to all kinds of problems related to DOM event, Model events in the view, etc. I've tried to do this a dozen times or more, and in every single case, I re-wrote my code so that I would create a new view instance for each model. The code was cleaner, simpler, easier to understand and easier to maintain and work with.

A very simple example of one way to do it. Why are you trying to swap models though?
MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.myTrigger = {};
_.extend(this.myTrigger, Backbone.Events);
this.myTrigger.on("modelChange", function(msg) {
alert("Triggered " + msg);
swapModel: function(model) {
// do something with model
// then trigger listeners
this.myTrigger.trigger("modelChange", "a model change event");
var myview = new MyView()

You could use a collection that only allows one model. This way you don't touch the model and can call render as many times as you want. Something like this:
var SpecialCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
swap: function (model) {
//remove all models
//add one model
var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);
render: function() {
this.model = this.collection.first()
//do your normal rendering here
var c = new SpecialCollection();
var v = new MyView({collection: c});
c.swap({name: 'Sam'});
//view should render
c.swap({name: 'Dave'});
//view should render
You could lock down the Collection rules a bit further but I think it serves as a good example to get you going.


Preventing Marionette CompositeView render until fetch complete

I'm having a problem where render is being called autimatically in my Marionette CompositeView which is correct, the problem is that I'm fetching collection data in the initialize and want this to be present when the render happens. At the moment I'm running this.render() inside the done method of the fetch which re-renders but this causes problems as now I have 2 views per model. Can anyone recommend how I can properly prevent this initial render or prevent the duplicate views. 1 entry will output view1 and view2.
JS CompositeView
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
this.teamsCollection = new TeamsCollection();
this.teamsCollection.fetch().done(function() {
First of all, I don't believe there is a way to stop rendering outright, but you have a bunch ways around that.
Option 1: fetch data first, then create your view and pass data into it when it's done.
//before view is rendered, this is outside of your view code.
var teamsCollection = new TeamsCollection();
teamsCollection.fetch().done(function(results) {
var options = {res: results};
var myView = new CompositeView(options);
myView.setElement( /* your element here */ ).render();
Option 2:
// don't use render method, use your own
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
this.teamsCollection = new TeamsCollection();
this.teamsCollection.fetch().done(function() {
render: function(){}, // do nothing
doRender: function(){
// override render here rather than using default
Option 3: (if using template)
// if you have a template, then you can simply pass in a blank one on initialization
// then when the fetch is complete, replace the template and call render again
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
this.template = "<div></div"; // or anything else really
this.teamsCollection = new TeamsCollection();
this.teamsCollection.fetch().done(function() {
self.template = /* my template */;
In reality I need more info. How is the view created? is it a region? is it added dynamically on the fly? Do you use templates? Can you provide any more code?

Backbone: Re-render existing model in new DOM element

I am using a collection view to render my array of model views. I have added a method that removes a single model view from the existing collection view, and attempts to re-render it in a new el: element.
I use collection.get(this.model) to save the model to a variable, I add that variable to my new collection which is the model of a new collection view associated with a new DOM element, and I re-use the same collection view render method. When I console.log() the new collection, I see the model that I picked from the old collection, but it's not rendering on the page.
//---------SINGLE ENTRY MODEL----------
var Entry = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function(){
word: '',
definition: ''
//------------ENTRY MODEL COLLECTION------------
var EntryList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Entry
var dictionary = new EntryList();
var saved = new EntryList();
//-----SINGLE ENTRY VIEW------
var EntryView = Backbone.View.extend({
model: new Entry(),
'click .edit': 'edit',
'click .delete': 'delete',
'keypress .definition': 'updateOnEnter',
'click .save': 'save'
delete: function(ev){
edit: function(ev){
this.$('.definition').attr('contenteditable', true).focus();
//method that adds existing model to new collection
save: function(ev){
var savedEntry = dictionary.get(this.model);
close: function(){
var definition = this.$('.definition').text();
this.model.set('definition', definition);
this.$('.definition').attr('contenteditable', false).blur();
updateOnEnter: function(ev){
if(ev.which == 13){
initialize: function(){
this.template = _.template($("#dictionary_template").html());
render: function(){
return this;
//--------------DICTIONARY VIEW------------
var DictionaryView = Backbone.View.extend({
model: dictionary,
el: $('#entries'),
initialize: function(){
this.model.on('add', this.render, this);
this.model.on('remove', this.render, this);
render: function(){
var self = this;
_.each(this.model.toArray(), function(entry, i){
self.$el.append((new EntryView({model: entry})).render().$el);
return this;
//---------SAVED ENTRY VIEW-----------
var SavedView = Backbone.View.extend({
model: saved,
el: $('#saved'),
initialize: function(){
this.model.on('save', this.savedRender, this);
//method that renders new collection view with different el:
savedRender: function(){
var self = this;
_.each(this.model.toArray(), function(saved, i){
self.$el.append((new EntryView({model: savedEntry})).render().$el);
return this;
var entry = new Entry({word: $('#word').val(), definition: $('#definition').val() });
dictionary.comparator = 'word';
return false;
var appView = new DictionaryView();
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
var router = new Router();
router.on('route:home', function(){
console.log('router home');
There are a number of problems here.
First, you do not have an instance of SavedView. The var SavedView = Backbone.View.extend(...); statement is just defining the SavedView class. In order to have a living instance of this class, you must initialize one with the new operator. You will need a line like the following somewhere in your code (a good place would be at the end of the jQuery ready handler):
var saved_view = new SavedView();
Next, we will investigate the save method of the EntryView class. The var savedEntry = dictionary.get(this.model); statement is completely unnecessary because we know that dictionary.get(this.model) will return this.model - which we obviously already have an instance of. So we can remove the clutter from this method and be left with the following:
However, we are still not at our destination. If we turn our attention to the SavedView class definition, we see that it is binding its render method to the 'save' event on its collection, the saved object. Its not the 'save' event we should be binding to, but rather the 'add' event - as that is what will be triggered when we add models to saved:
this.model.on('add', this.savedRender, this);
If we test our code now we should get scolded with a reference error on savedEntry within SavedView.savedRender. It looks like this is a typo and what was intended was `saved'. (You will notice below that in addition to correcting the typo, I have also removed a set of parentheses from this expression that served no function save for making the code less readable):
self.$el.append(new EntryView({ model: saved }).render().$el);
In response to your follow-up question about the saved variable inside the SavedView.savedRender method:
The saved object in this case is a single Entry model. The reason for your confusion is that we are re-using the variable name "saved". Within the _.each callback we have defined the first parameter to be called "saved"; this "saved" is local to the callback and is not related to the EntryList collection defined previously. Within our callback, saved is an element of the saved collection (yikes!) - which is a lesson in why variable naming is important.
As I proceeded to change the name of "saved" in the savedRender method, I noticed a few other refactorings that were screaming to be made. I have listed my refactorings below:
A purpose of using Backbone (http://backbonejs.org/) is to give us access to convenient helpers for objects (models) and arrays (collections). Backbone collections have an each method we can make use of instead of passing our collection to Underscore's (http://underscorejs.org/) each.
As stated above, saved is a terrible name for our each callback parameter because it conflicts conceptually with the name of the collection. Because saved is a collection of Entry models, "entry" is a much more suitable name.
Backbone allows us to pass the context to our each callback that will be our this within that callback. This allows us to skip the step of caching our this in the self variable.
My refactored savedRender becomes:
savedRender: function () {
this.model.each(function (entry) {
this.$el.append(new EntryView({ model: entry }).render().$el);
}, this);
return this;

Backbone.js: Rendering json data in a model

OK, super basic Backbone question - I've been searching all round for this, but am just too slow to get it despite a multitude of similar questions. Rest assured I am suitably ashamed.
Anyway, enough self-flagellation - why doesn't this render?
var app = app || {};
app.Option = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: 'http://localhost:4711/api'
//This url contains the following JSON: {"title": "Blahblah", "author": "Luke Skywalker"};
app.View = Backbone.View.extend({
el: 'body',
initialize: function(){
this.model.bind('change', this.render(), this);
render: function(){
return this;
$(function() {
var option = new app.Option();
this.homeView = new app.View({ //Tried changing this to a standard var declaration but didn't work
model: option
So I'm expecting to see the JSON "Blahblah" on the screen, but I see nothing. The JSON is being fetched correctly (I can see the successful GET request in the firebug console) and I think I've ensured the data is fetched before I attempt to render it...
So what's wrong? The console is giving me this error: "TypeError: (intermediate value).callback.call is not a function"
One thing is that you're calling this.render() immediately in your event binding rather than just binding the callback. Do this instead (using listenTo for best practices):
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
Is it possible that the model is not actually changing? You might try to bind to sync instead of change to see if that works.
You also render twice. Once directly with this.homeView.render() and once via the event handler. If you really want to keep your model fetch in initialize and bind to the change event you don't need the direct render.
Play with those and see if that doesn't fix it.
Just remove the parentheses from the render method while binding:
this.model.bind('change', this.render, this);
Also using on or listenTo is a better approach then bind.
I would construct the backbone skeleton in the following way:
var app = app || {};
app.Option.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
app.Option.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : app.Option.Model,
fetch : function(options) {
Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, options);
url : function() {
return 'http://localhost:4711/api';
parse: function(response) { // this is the ajax call
Then in View just call the fetch method on initialize:
app.Option.View = Backbone.View.extend({
collection : app.Option.Collection,
initialize : {
this.collection.bind('reset', this.render, this);
render : {
var results = this.collection.toJSON();
This is my minimal backbone skeleton when i need to call a webservice. I haven't tested locally, but this way the code should work.

Backbone Views inside Collections

I am quite new to backbone and need use it to create a list item. Each list item has a model, and a view. Because its a list it seems like an ideal solution for collections, but I'm struggling to use them.
Here is the current version, which I would like to chaneg to use collections:
// The Model & view
var IntroModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Introview = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template( $('#taglist-intro').text() ),
render: function() {
console.log( this.model.attributes );
this.$el.append( this.template( this.model.attributes ) );
// We will store views in here
// Ideally this would be a collection
views = [];
// Get the data for that collection
$.getJSON( url, function( json ) {
_.each( json, function( item ) {
// Create each model & view, store views in the views array
var model = new IntroModel( item );
var view = new Introview({
model : model
views.push( view );
// I can render a view like this
// But I'd rather it rendered the view when I add items to the collection
So what i have works, but its not really doing it 'the backbone way'. Which seem a little pointless because:
It would be better to use a collection, not an array
It would be better that views render when items are added to the array
Its not Backbone really is it..
Grateful for any pointers, if you cant provide specific code examples I'd still be very grateful to links & resources covering this issue.
Your right that the current implementation is not the Backbone way. Most of what you are doing is handled directly by the collection object in backbone. In backbone collections are essentially just an array with additional methods attached to them. These methods are what gives collections their power. Backbone has a number of features including:
'url' property: using this property the collection will automatically populate itself when you run the fetch method (e.g. myCollection.fetch() ).
You can bind a function to the 'reset' event of the collection. This event triggers when when you populate the collection. By including a call to your collection's render event your collection can automatically render the related view when the collection changes. There are also other collection events (e.g. 'add' new model, etc) which you can also attach functions to.
I find the Backbone documentation to be the best place to start. However a simple example is always useful. The following code shows how a simple collection can be defined, and how you would create two views (one view which creates a list, and another view which renders the item within the list). Note the use of the url property in the collection. Backbone uses this to retrieve the content of the collection when you run the fetch() method (See OrgListView object). Also note how the view's render method is bound to the collections 'reset' event, this ensures that the render event is called after populating the collection (See OrgsListView's initialize method).
* Model
var Org = Backbone.Model.extend();
* Collection
var Orgs = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Org,
url: '/orgs.json'
* View - Single Item in List
var OrgItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'onClick', 'render');
this.model = this.options.model;
// Create base URI component for links on this page. (e.g. '/#orgs/ORG_NAME')
this.baseUri = this.options.pageRootUri + '/' + encodeURIComponent(this.model.get('name'));
// Create array for tracking subviews.
/*var subViews = new Array();*/
events: {
'click a.test': 'onClick'
onClick: function(event) {
// Prevent default event from firing.
if (typeof this.listContactsView === 'undefined') {
// Create collection of contacts.
var contacts = new ContactsByOrg({ url: '/orgs.json/' + encodeURIComponent(this.model.get('name')) });
this.listContactsView = new ListContactsView({ collection: contacts, baseUri: this.baseUri });
else {
// Close View.
// Destroy property this.listContactsView.
delete this.listContactsView;
onClose: function() {
// console.log('Closing OrgItemView');
render: function() {
// TODO: set proper value for href. Currently using a dummy placeholder
this.$el.html('<a class="test" href="' + this.baseUri + '">' + this.model.get('name') + '</a>');
return this;
* View - List of organizations
var OrgsListView = Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'orgs-list',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.pageRootUri = this.options.pageRootUri;
this.collection = this.options.collection;
// Bind render function to collection reset event.
this.collection.on('reset', this.render);
// Populate collection with values from server.
onClose: function() {
this.collection.off('reset', this.render);
// console.log('Closing OrgsListView');
render: function() {
var self = this;
this.collection.each(function(org, index) {
var orgItemView = new OrgItemView({ model: org, pageRootUri: self.pageRootUri });
return this;

Delegating events to a parent view in Backbone

My view, TuneBook, has several child views of type ClosedTune. I also have separate full page views for each tune, OpenTune. The same events are bound within ClosedTune and OpenTune, so I've designed my app so that they both inherit from a shared 'abstract' view Tune.
To make my app more scaleable I would like the events for each ClosedTune to be delegated to TuneBook, but for maintainability I would like the same handlers (the ones stored in Tune) to be used by TuneBook (although they'd obviously need to be wrapped in some function).
The problem I have is, within TuneBook, finding the correct ClosedTune to call the handler on. What's a good way to architect this, or are there other good solutions for delegating events to a parent view?
Note - not a duplicate of Backbone View: Inherit and extend events from parent (which is about children inheriting from a parent class, whereas I'm asking about children which are child nodes of the parent in the DOM)
In your parent view (extending also from Backbone.Events), I would bind onEvent to the DOM event. On trigger, it would fire a backbone event including some "id" attribute that your child views know (presumably some row id?).
var TuneBook = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend({}, Backbone.Events, {
events: {
"click .tune .button": "clickHandler"
clickHandler: function (ev) {
this.trigger('buttonClick:' + ev.some_id_attr, ev);
Child views would then naturally subscribe to the parent views event that concerns them. Below I do it in initialize passing the parent view as well as that special id attribute you used before in options.
var ClosedTune = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
options.parent.on('buttonClick:' + options.id, this.handler, this);
handler: function (ev) {
You can of course also set up similar subscribers on Tune or OpenTune.
Here are a couple of possibilities.
1. Centralized: store ClosedTune objects in the TuneBook instance
Store a reference to each ClosedTune in tune_book.tunes. How you populate tune_book.tunes is up to you; since you mentioned an adder method on TuneBook, that's what I've illustrated below.
In the TuneBook event handler, retrieve the ClosedTune from tune_book.tunes by using something like the id attribute of the event target as the key. Then call the Tune or ClosedTune handler.
var Tune = Backbone.View.extend({
className: "tune",
click_handler: function (event) {
console.log(this.id + " clicked");
render: function () {
'' + this.id + ''
return this;
var ClosedTune = Tune.extend({});
var OpenTune = Tune.extend({
events: {
"click .button" : 'click_handler'
var TuneBook = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click .tune .button" : 'click_handler'
click_handler: function (event) {
var tune = this.options.tunes[
tune.click_handler( event );
add_tune: function (tune) {
this.options.tunes[tune.id] = tune;
render: function () {
return this;
var tune_book = new TuneBook({
tunes: {}
[1, 2, 3].forEach(function (number) {
tune_book.add_tune(new ClosedTune({
id: "closed-tune-" + number
var open_tune = new OpenTune({
id: "open-tune-1"
2. Decentralized: associate the view object with the DOM object using jQuery.data()
When you create a ClosedTune, store a reference to it, e.g. this.$el.data('view_object', this).
In the event listener, retrieve the ClosedTune, e.g. $(event.target).data('view_object').
You can use the same exact handler for ClosedTune (in TuneBook) and OpenTune, if you want.
var Tune = Backbone.View.extend({
className: "tune",
initialize: function (options) {
this.$el.data('view_object', this);
click_handler: function (event) {
var tune =
console.log(tune.id + " clicked");
render: function () {
'' + this.id + ''
return this;
var ClosedTune = Tune.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.constructor.__super__.initialize.call(this, options);
var OpenTune = Tune.extend({
events: {
"click .button" : 'click_handler'
var TuneBook = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click .tune .button": Tune.prototype.click_handler
add_tune: function (tune) {
render: function () {
return this;
var tune_book = new TuneBook({
tunes: {}
[1, 2, 3].forEach(function (number) {
tune_book.add_tune(new ClosedTune({
id: "closed-tune-" + number
var open_tune = new OpenTune({
id: "open-tune-1"
Response to comment
I considered option 1 but decided against it as I already have a collection of tune models in the tunebook and didn't want another object I'd need to keep in sync
I guess it depends what kind of housekeeping / syncing you feel the need to do, and why.
(e.g. in TuneModel.remove() I would need to remove the view from tunebook's list of views... would probably need events to do this, so an event only solution starts to look more attractive).
Why do you feel that you "need to remove the view from tunebook's list of views"? (I'm not suggesting you shouldn't, just asking why you want to.) Since you do, how do you think #ggozad's approach differs in that respect?
Both techniques store ClosedTune objects in the TuneBook instance. In #ggozad's technique it's just hidden behind an abstraction that perhaps makes it less obvious to you.
In my example they're stored in a plain JS object (tune_book.tunes). In #ggozad's they're stored in the _callbacks structure used by Backbone.Events.
Adding a ClosedTune:
this.options.tunes[tune.id] = tune;
this.on('buttonClick:' + tune.id, tune.handler, tune);
If you want to get rid of a ClosedTune (say you remove it from the document with tune.remove() and you want the view object gone completely), using #ggozad's approach will leave an orphaned reference to the ClosedTune in tune_book._callbacks unless you perform the same kind of housekeeping that would make sense with the approach I suggested:
delete this.options.tunes[tune.id];
this.off("buttonClick:" + tune.id);
The first line of each example is optional -- depending if you want to clean up the ClosedTune objects or not.
Option 2 is more or less what I'm doing right now, but (for other reasons) I also store the model as a data attribute on view.$el, and I can't help feeling that there's got to be a better way than storing references all over the place.
Well, it ultimately comes down to your preference for how to structure things. If you prefer storing the view objects in a more centralized fashion, you can store them in the TuneBook instance instead of using jQuery.data. See #1: Centralized.
One way or another you're storing references to the ClosedTune objects: using jQuery.data, or in a plain object in the TuneBook, or in _callbacks in the TuneBook.
If you like #ggozad's approach for reasons that you understand, go for it, but it's not magic. As it's presented here I'm not sure what advantage is supposed to be provided by the extra level of abstraction compared to the more straightforward version I present in #1. If there is some advantage, feel free to fill me in.
Great solution I have taken from this article (#dave-cadwallader comment).
Extend an general backbone events object and store it in a reference vent:
var vent = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
Pass it to parent view:
var parentView = new ParentView({vent: vent});
The child view will trigger an event:
ChildView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(options){
this.vent = options.vent;
myHandler: function(){
this.vent.trigger("myEvent", this.model);
And the parent view is listening to the child event:
ParentView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(options){
this.vent = options.vent;
this.vent.on("myEvent", this.onMyEvent);
let childView = new ChildView({vent: this.vent});
onMyEvent: function(){
console.log("Child event has been ");
Disclaimer - pay attention that the vent object has to be injected to every view so you will find in this article better design patterns to make use of.

