Load page on selection from dropdown form - javascript

I am trying to make a drop down menu that takes me to various webpages. Right now it is set up so you make your selection and then you hit a "Go" button and then it takes you to the appropriate link. I am trying to figure out how to make it so when you make your selection it automatically goes and you don't need to push the "Go" button.
Here is what I have:
<p align="center">
<form name="jump" class="center">
<select name="menu">
<option value="#">Select an option</option>
<option value="/link1.shtml">Link 1</option>
<option value="/link2.shtml">Link 2</option>
<option value="/link3.shtml">Link 3</option>
<input type="button" onClick="location=document.jump.menu.options[document.jump.menu.selectedIndex].value;" value="GO">
Any help or links to explanations would be great. Thank you!

Try the following:
<select onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option>Please select</option>
<option value="http://www.apple.com/">Apple</option>
<option value="http://www.bbc.com">BBC</option>
<option value="http://www.facebook.com">Facebook</option>
What you were looking for was 'onchange' instead of 'onsubmit'

Check out jQuery .change()
// this function runs when a user selects an option from a <select> element
window.location.href = $("select.menu option:selected").attr('value');

Something like this might help - basically you just tie an onChange event to the select so that when a new option is selected it'll forward the location to the page.
<p align="center">
<form name="jump" class="center">
<select name="menu" onchange="gotoPage(this)">
<option value="#">Select an option</option>
<option value="/link1.shtml">Link 1</option>
<option value="/link2.shtml">Link 2</option>
<option value="/link3.shtml">Link 3</option>
<input type="button" onClick="location=document.jump.menu.options[document.jump.menu.selectedIndex].value;" value="GO">
<script type="text/javascript">
function gotoPage(select){
window.location = select.value;

I would recommend that you start using the javascript framework jQuery as it really will make your life much easier when it comes to javascript.
When you have jQuery installed and setup in you web page you should be able to do something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#selection").change(function() {
location = $("#selection option:selected").val();
<p align="center">
<form name="jump" class="center">
<select name="menu" id="selection>
<option value="#">Select an option</option>
<option value="/link1.shtml">Link 1</option>
<option value="/link2.shtml">Link 2</option>
<option value="/link3.shtml">Link 3</option>

Obviously super late to the party here, but since I was trying to figure out the same thing and was able to, I'll post how here.
The other answers have you load the link when you change your select element option, but you originally had asked to do it with a button, after making your selection. This worked for me:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var newUrl = "";
$("#picksite").change(function() {
$newUrl = $("#picksite option:selected").val();
$("#executelink").click(function() {
location = $newUrl ;
<select id="picksite">
<option value="">Pick A Website</option>
<option value="http://google.com">Google</option>
<option value="http://facebook.com">Facebook</option>
<option value="http://twitter.com">Twitter</option>
<option value="http://gmail.com">Gmail</option>
<button id="executelink">Go To Site</button>


Dropdown options - redirect to custom url depending to selected option

I've simple dropdown with some options.
<label for="server-select">Choose a instance type:</label>
<select name="servers" id="server-select">
<option value="">--Please choose an option--</option>
<option value="https://instance1.com">Instance1</option>
<option value="https://instance2.com">Instance2</option>
<option value="https://instance3.com">Instance3</option>
<option value="https://instance4.com">Instance4</option>
When I select example Instance3 I need to redirect to this custom url on submit.
Can anyone help me to do?
Try this!
function goToUrl(){
window.location = document.getElementById("server-select").value;
<label for="server-select">Choose a instance type:</label>
<select name="servers" id="server-select">
<option value="">--Please choose an option--</option>
<option value="https://instance1.com">Instance1</option>
<option value="https://instance2.com">Instance2</option>
<option value="https://instance3.com">Instance3</option>
<option value="https://instance4.com">Instance4</option>
<button onclick="goToUrl()">Submit</button>
This code won't run properly in the StackOverflow's code snippet. You may have to run it by adding this to your own project.
Thanks and best regards!
window.open(this.value, '_self');
This will achieve what you are looking for with jQuery, example: https://jsfiddle.net/rz8ty90n/

Enable popup on select and url redirect on select control?

I want menu to be in select control, like this
<form id="go">
<select name="URL" onchange="window.location.href=this.form.URL.options[this.form.URL.selectedIndex].value">
<option value="">Select option</option>
<option onclick="openChangePassword()">Change password</option>
<option value="www.editpersonaldata.com">Edit personal data</option>
<option value="www.dashboard.com">Dashboard</option>
This is changing url not a problem, but i have problem with some option because values are calling function, onclick="openChangePassword() and it is not working this way, any solution.
On some option i need url redirect on other i need function call?
As A. Wolff points out in his comment, you should add an event listener to the <select> element instead. Like this:
<form id="go">
<select name="URL">
<option value="">Select option</option>
<option value="openChangePassword">Change password</option>
<option value="www.editpersonaldata.com">Edit personal data</option>
<option value="www.dashboard.com">Dashboard</option>
document.querySelector('select[name="URL"]').addEventListener('change', function(e){
var selection = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
if(selection == 'openChangePassword'){
} else {
window.location.href = selection;
Notice that I only use the value attribute of <option> and then decide what to do in the listener callback function.

Load page on select menu option being chosen

i have a form like so:
<select onchange="this.form.submit()">
<option>Last Week</option>
<option>Last Month</option>
I need to do some basic filtering of results and the aim is that when a user changes the drop down the user is sent to page/?date=THEIROPTION
I a using the javascript on change so i dont have to have a button.
Any help?
P.S i have tried having the option value as the URL but no luck.
This works.
ONCHANGE="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"
This too.
<form name="filter_form">
<select name="filter" onchange="document.forms.filter_form.submit();">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="today">Today</option>
<option value="yesterday">Yesterday</option>
You may try something like this
<select onchange="loadPage(this.value)">
<option value="page?date=today">Today</option>
<option value="page?date=last_week">Last Week</option>
function loadPage(url)
location.href = url;

how to hide\show items in ddl

I have a ddl control. I want to change the visibility of some items on the client-side (JS).
I only found methods to insert\remove items.
But I only want to hide\show them.
Does someone has an idea how to do so ?
You need to access the item and set its [edit]style.display[/edit] to "none":
<script type="text/javascript">
function hideItem() {
document.getElementById("a3").style.display = "none";
<body onload="hideItem()">
<select name="ddl" size="1">
<option id="a1">Option 1</option>
<option id="a2">Option 2</option>
<option id="a3">Option 3</option>
<option id="a4">Option 4</option>
<option id="a5">Option 5</option>
I think you are looking for the
<span style="display:none">
option. You can toggle this style using Javascript.
In Firefox, you can use the display style:
<select id="s" name="ddl" size="1">
<option id="a1">Option 1</option>
<option id="a2">Option 2</option>
<option id="a3">Option 3</option>
<option id="a4">Option 4</option>
<option id="a5">Option 5</option>
document.getElementById("a3").style.display = "none";
However, this will not work on Internet Explorer. For IE, you can only remove the element entirely (possibly re-adding it later):
document.getElementById("s").options[2] = null;
You could move the element to a separate, hidden <select /> if you want to store it somewhere for adding back later.
The only thing you can do is removing the option.
You can do this simply in jQuery by:
Or you can disable the option by:
$('#yourOptionId').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
And enable by:
But no there is no way to simply hide an option.
By "ddl control" I'm assuming the structure will be like:
<select id="selectId">
<option id="optionId"></option>

Submitting a value with jQuery

I've been pulling my hair out with this one, although I'm certain the solution is embarrassingly simple! I have developed a pull-down menu that requires a selection before presenting more choices, based on the initial selection. It works fine.
However, I need to have jQuery submit the value of the option chosen without a submit button present. So, basically, when a user selects a fruit size, the user is taken to the relevant page in the option value. I cant figure it out! Heres my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var val = $('#fruit').val();
CSS to hide size select:
<style type="text/css">
.fruitSubSelect {display: none;}
<form action="nothing">
<select id="fruit">
<option value="">Choose Fruit</option>
<select id="fruitApple" class="fruitSubSelect">
<option value="">Choose Size</option>
<option value="http://www.mysite.com/big-apple.html">Big Apple</option>
<option value="http://www.mysite.com/small-apple.html">Small Apple</option>
<select id="fruitOrange" class="fruitSubSelect">
<option value="">Choose Size</option>
<option value="http://www.mysite.com/big-orange.html">Big Orange</option>
<option value="http://www.mysite.com/small-orange.html">Small Orange</option>
<select id="noFruit">
<option value="">Choose A Fruit First</option>
<option value="">Please Select Fruit First</option>
Would appreciate any help! Thanks.
I think you're looking for something like this:
window.location.href = this.value;
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/jonathon/bWUnR/
This will get the selected value of the dropdown and set the window location to it (so the page will go to it).
the addition of this into your jquery alert's the selected option's URL:
live example: http://jsfiddle.net/274Gv/
With dropdowns, do not use .val(). :selected is what you're looking for. http://api.jquery.com/selected-selector/

