Library that auto-updates/reloads the current page when the server changes - javascript

I'm looking for a Javscript library, server, etc. that will allow me to automatically reload a web page when the version in the server changes.
Update: I understand the technologies involved, and what it would take to implement this. What I'm looking for is something that's already made. A script I can include in my HTML file that will monitor the server for me. I mean, why reinvent the wheel? :D

Do an ajax call at set intervals to a server side script passing it a timestamp of the latest file, compare that to the timestamp of the file on the server, and if the one on the server is newer, then echo back the contents and reload the page.

You need something like Comet, that lets you send a push message from the server to the client, as soon as a new version is available. The basic idea is to keep an connection open from the client to the server, over this open channel you can send messages to the client which in turn can react to such messages (e.g. by executing JavaScript code to reload the page).
See this example with a PHP backend on how to implement Comet.

The must for this kind of technology is node.js with the module.
It allows you to use WebSockets, a channel remaining open between the client and the server, and both of them react to changes when a message is sent either way.
When websockets are not available (not using modern browsers), fallbacks to long-polling ajax.


Real Time Interaction on Web Page

Background: I have a microcontroller ESP8266 that enable connexion through TCP/IP, UDP or even HTTP stack using WiFi. A button is connected to this microcontroller and trigger event on touch. I send that information (now in UDP for test) towards a computer which runs an HTML carousel (web page). I would like to create the interaction between the button and the web page in real-time. I found that a simple HTML/CSS/JS web page doesn't allow to read UDP socket so I install a web server on the computer to use PHP.
NB: Real-time means direct interaction (inferior to 30 ms up to 100 ms) but should be ok in the actual data flow.
Problem: I struggle on the Web implementation. I found appropriate carousel in HTML/CSS/JS. I already received some UDP packet in a PHP file but I don't know how can I perform a real-time interaction (trigger image change in the carousel). I read about Ajax but it seems to be at client-side. I have in fact no background in Web application design.
I would like to know if in fact, it is possible and if yes basic information to start working on it.
Although I don't completely understand your microcontroller setup I can tell you that it is defiantly possible to change html elements and values in real-time. The place where I work uses Angular.js and it has a handy "scope" variable that is directly linked to the HTML. So, if the value in the code changes it will change on the website as well (without reloading the page). Its relatively simple to begin with but check out demos or something first, maybe I understand the question wrong.
Yes, this is definitely possible. Your two options are polling and websockets. If your backend is PHP, I'd start by writing some JavaScript to to poll the server at a given URL every 200 ms. Your PHP code handing that URL endpoint would then read a value from a data store somewhere, let's say a cache key in memcached.
Press button
UDP message sent
PHP code receives UDP message and sets value in cache key
When your polling code runs next it will receive the updated data which you can then display on your webpage.
This is a really basic (and inefficient) setup, but it's simple and should get you started.
We struggled with this same problem and eventually used NGINX and the PUSH module.
It allows a Post message to the server (NGINX) to be pushed to displayed web pages on the browser.
In our setup the controller sends a POST,containing JSON data, to a small linux board running NGINX. NGINX then sends this to any subscribers. The web page contains a couple of lines of js code to subscribe to the feed. When the JSON arrives at the page, it fires the js receiving code, and we update the displayed fields in the webpage. The setup is quite responsive, without measuring the delay, it seems to be within 60ms.

Write PDF files from Web-App to USB-Stick

I am concerned with the feasibility of this:
On a pre-configured machine I will have a Web-Application pre-installed, next to an Apache-Suite. So client and server are the same!
In this Web-Application Users can drag and drop PDF-Files to an USB-Icon.
Then the Web-App should write the dropped PDF to an attached USB-Stick.
I have never done something like this (writing to USB), so I am fairly insecure.
And I am well aware of the browser-restrictions concerning JavaScript and Filesystem-Access, but...
after researching a bit I found out, that there might be some possible and
relevant (I'm a Web-Platform-Guy) solutions to this:
Make a "Chrome App" with USB-Permission (does this really work?)
Use PHP to find the USB and then write to it (how would that work under Windows?)
Use some Flash as middle man (not preferred)
Now I'd like to know:
Has anyone some good experience with before mentioned possibilities?
Has anybody ever done something similar? Did it work? Which path did you choose?
How would I know which drive the USB is mounted, and how would I get sure?
What other possible solutions to this problem are there?
You have a website ('client-side' user interface) and a back-end server ('server-side') running on the same machine. This gives you 2 options:
Client-side: Download a file through the browser via HTTP GET and let the user choose where they save it.
Server-side: Build your USB interactions into the back-end (Node.js) code, as #mcgraphix suggests.
Interacting with the USB on the server-side provides the most flexibility. Furthermore, there are a number of libraries that you can leverage. Head to and consider, among others, the following Node.js server-side packages:
With the server-side approach, initiate a Webservice request when the user completes the drag & drop action on the client, and implement the USB interaction within the server (Express.js or similar) method which services the request.
If the letter of the stick is known then writing a file from PHP will be simple
file_put_contents( 'E:\\folder\\file.pdf', $data );
You can read a list of drives into a dropdown and allow a user to select a default drive to write to
Your question is more an architecture question than a code specific question.
Your web app (if you insist on a web app) should have two major components, a server side component that can be given arbitrary commands, and a client side component (javascript using XMLHttpRequest) that can make requests to the server side component to execute said arbitrary commands.
So your server side component, the component that serves your web page should have some server side code that can write your pdf to the file system, it should probably generate the pdf file as well rather than doing that on the web browser.
Which technology you use is up to you, whether that's PHP, .Net, Node.js etc...
The general gist is you want a server side framework that deals with HTTP requests, in your case probably a post request from the client side containing the encoded pdf, and responds accordingly. Bind a particular http route to trigger your save logic.
Your http post request to the server will contain your payload which is the pdf file to a particular path, e.g. http://localhost/savepdf that whichever technology stack http listens to (you'll need to configure that)
Your server side component should read the incoming data, decode it as appropriate then make a file system request to write the received payload to disk.

How to refresh table automatically from database

So I have a table with content from a database and I want it to automatically refresh if new content arrive to the database. How can I do it?
I have seen this code but I don't want it to be asking everytime the server if information has arrived. I think that way it will overload the server. What do you think?
Please give me some tip to how can I do this.
Thanks in advance
HTML5 supports websockets.
Nearly all major PC browsers supports web sockets. You can check the compatibility in
You can learn more about the html5 websockets in
for push Notification I don't think php is best language for. I think you should use Nodejs for this.
write your entire page in php and use node.js for live notifications. Simply run node.js on differant port and then run on apache. remind that php and node.js are two differant processes. so nither you can call stuff between them nor you can call node.js function to client side.

Node.js chat without Socket.IO

I just started learning Node.js and as I was learning about the fs.watchFile() method, I was wondering if a chat website could be efficiently built with it (and fs.writeFile()), against for example Socket.IO which is stable, but I believe not 100% stable (several fallbacks, including flash).
Using fs.watchFile could perhaps also be used to keep histories of the chats quite simply (as JSON would be used on the spot).
The chat files could be formatted in JSON in such a way that only the last chatter's message is brought up to the DOM (or whatever to make it efficient to 'fetch' messages when the file gets updated).
I haven't tried it yet as I still need to learn more about Node, and even more to be able to compare it with Socket.IO, but what's your opinion about it? Could it be an efficient/stable way of doing chats?
fs.watchFile() can be used to watch changes to the file in the local filesystem (on the server). This will not solve your need to update all clients chat messages in their browsers. You'll still need web sockets, AJAX or Flash for that (or, which handles all of those).
What you could typically do in the client is to try to use Web Sockets. If browser does not support them, try to use XMLHttpRequest. If that fails, fallback to Flash. It's a lot of programming to do, and it has to be handled by node.js server as well. does that for you.
Also, is pretty stable. Fallback to Flash is not due to it's instability but due to lack of browser support for better solutions (like Web Sockets).
Storing chat files in flatfile JSON is not a good idea, because if you are going to manipulating the files, you would have to parse and serialize entire JSON objects, which would become very slow as the size of the JSON object increased. The watch methods for the filesystem module also don't work on all operating systems.
You also can't compare Node.js to Socket.IO because they are entirely different things. Socket.IO is a Node module for realtime transport between the browser and the server. What you need is dependent on what you're doing. If you need chat history, then you should be using a database such as MongoDB or MySQL. Watching files for changes is not an efficient way and you should just send messages as they received.
In conclusion no, using fs.watchFile() and fs.writeFile() is a very bad idea, because race conditions would occur due to concurrent file writes, besides that fs.watchFile() uses polling to check if a file has changed. You should instead use Socket.IO and push messages to other clients / store them in a database as they are received.
You can use long pooling method using javascript setTimeout and setInterval
long pooling
basically long pooling working on Ajax reqest and server responce time.
server will respond after a certain time (like after 50 seconds ) if there is not notification or message else it will respond with data and from client side when client gets response client javascript makes another request for new update and wait till response this process is endless until server is running

Using Node.js to track XMLHTTPRequests

I've just started learning Node.js and was very interested in its real-time capabilities, especially with Since then, I've written a very basic script to connect to Twitter's streaming server and broadcast tweets to all connected clients.
To build that, I used http.createClient to connect to and added in the relevant response and data event handlers. Everything works quite well.
Obviously, Twitter's Streaming API pretty much outputs an infinitely loading webpage and what why using a data event handler works fairly well with it. However, is it possible to make other types of websites 'streamable'?
For example, if a client (browser) updates a website periodically using an XMLHTTPRequest, would it be possible to track the output of those requests using the HTTP API of Node.js? Or similar Node.js extension?
websites do not periodically use XMLHTTPRequest. Clients periodically send XMLHTTPRequests to an URL.
A simple call to http.request(options, callback) with the correct headers should emulate XHR's. Most of these servers will also accept normal POST or GET requests.
If you want node.js to connect to a server and simulate a browser then something like zombie would serve you well. It claims to support XMLHTTPRequest.
The best case for you would be to use web-sockets between your dashboard and node server. This way node will be notified immediately that something has updated at your dashboard ( I am assuming that you can modify your dashboard a bit to accept such connections, won't be difficult as long as you have access).
Then you can use long polling at client-end i.e. send a request to the node server and wait. Node will receive the request and then register an event to it. The moment it receives the updates from dashboard, it'll fire the event which will send the response to all the clients one by one waiting.
I would recommend take a look at . It does something similar but the functionality is ofcourse different.

