Using privat var from constructor in new method in javascript - javascript

I have written a constuctor
function Human() {
var legs = 2;
var iq = 100;
Then I create an instance of the object
var Man = new Human();
And want to add a new method
Man.getIQ = function() {
return iq - 10;
But I'm told that IQ is undefined. Even if I use
Why isn't a var inside the scope of an object available for new methods?

The variables legs and iq are simulating a "private" member to the Human class because they are visible only in that closure (only in the Human function).
If you want to access them from outside that scope, you need to make them public by binding them to the this keyword (;) or by implementing getters and setters for each of your private member :
function Human() {
var legs = 2;
this.getLegs = function(){
return legs;
Anyway, these are represent just the very tip of the iceberg; I explained them so that you can understand why what you were trying to do failed.
If I understand correctly what you were trying to do, the right way to write your ideea oop in js would be something like this :
function Human(){}
Human.prototype = {
legs : 2,
iq : 100
function Woman(){}
Woman.prototype = new Human;
Woman.prototype.getIq = function(){
return this.eq - 10;
var womanInstance = new Woman();
// needless to say that this line is both wrong and misogynistic
alert('a woman has an iq of ' + womanInstance.getIq());
Sorry if I got carried away, but there are lots of articles & blogs about javascript oop (such as this one) that I recommend you read before/while getting stuck with these kind of problems.


Running order of JS constructor

One question about JS constructor function:
var hm = {};
new function(name){
hm[name] = this;
Could anyone give me a little explanation about how this constructor running (such as which part runs first)
First var hm becomes an Object, then a new Anonymous function is called with ("hello") passed into name argument. The important thing to understand here is that when you see () with or without any arguments after a function name or an Anonymous function, it calls the function. In this case the new keyword and the fact that there is a this property inside the function makes it a Constructor. hm inside the Constructor creates a property based on the name argument and assigns the new instance itself to hm[name], as this refers to each new instance. End result is that hm.hello or hm['hello'] now refer to the new instance. Of course, all code runs from top to bottom and according to standard order of operations, like String resolution before assignment. Also, note that, this won't work:
var func = function(x){
This will work:
function func(x){
If you lack understanding of Constructors altogether you should know that a Constructor is used so you can have multiple instances of similar Objects. For instance:
function Person(last, first, middle){
this.lastName = last; this.firstName = first; this.middleName = middle;
this.said = this.ate = '';
this.saySomething = function(anything){
this.said = anything;
return this;
this.eatSomething = function(food){
this.ate = food;
return this;
this.didWhat = function(){
var m = this.middleName ? ' '+this.middleName : '';
var n = this.firstName+m+' '+this.lastName;
n += ' said, "'+this.said+'"';
n += this.ate ? ', and' : '.';
n += ' ate '+this.ate+'.';
return n;
var Bob = new Person('Small', 'Bob', 'Richard');
Bob.saySomething('This programming stuff is pretty cool.').eatSomething('Some Vegan Food');
var Sally = new Person('Jones', 'Sally');
Sally.saySomething("It just takes time, but you'll get it.");
Remember that the keyword this refers to the instance itself. In the example above I have created Bob and Sally Objects by calling new instances of Person. By returning this within a Constructor method you can chain methods, since the result of the executing method with be the instance itself.
Note that
Bob.saySomething('This programming stuff is pretty cool.').eatSomething('Some Vegan Food');
is the same as
Bob.saySomething('This programming stuff is pretty cool.');
Bob.eatSomething('Some Vegan Food');
since, as far as .eatSomething() is concerned, Bob and this are synonymous.
If you just want to access a property, it's like:
Bob.said = "Now you're getting it.";

Accessing property of constructor without creating new instance

Is it possible to access properties of a constructor object/function without first creating an instance from it?
For example, let's say I have this constructor:
function Cat() {
this.legs = 4;
And now – without creating a new cat instance – I want to know what value of legs is inside the constructor. Is this possible?
(And I'm not looking for stuff like: var legs = new Cat().legs. (Let's say the instantiation of a new Cat is super CPU expensive for some reason.))
Does something like this count?
function Cat() {
this.legs = 4;
var obj = {};;
console.log(obj.legs); // 4
This is even more expensive:
In your scenario, leg is an instance variable, which means that an object instance is needed in order to access it.
You can make it a pseudo-class variable (see class variable in Javascript), you should be able then to access it without calling the function (instantiating the object).
There's a hundred ways to do this, but the static default pattern below is as good as any of them:
function Cat(opts) {
var options = opts || {};
this.legs == options.legs || Cat.defaults.legs;
Cat.defaults = {
legs: 4
var myCat = new Cat({legs:3}); //poor guy
var normalNumberOfCatLegs = Cat.defaults.legs;
In short, no you can't access that variable without creating an instance of it, but you can work around it:
Global Variable
Assuming 'legs' may vary as the application runs, you may want to create a "global" variable by assigning legs to 'window', an object that will exist throughout the life of the page:
window.legs = 4; // put this at the top of your script
Then throughout the course of the application, you can change this until you're ready to use it in Cats():
window.legs = user_input;
Global Object
You could even assign an object to window, if you want Cats to have other, alterable attributes:
window.Cat = {};
window.Cat.legs = 4;
window.Cat.has_tail = true;
window.Cat.breeds = ["siamese","other cat breed"];
How to use Globals
Then, when a Cat object is created later on, you can pull the data from window to create an instance of Cat:
function Cat(){
this.legs = window.legs;
this.legs = window.Cat.legs;
// cat.js
function Cat() {
Cat.prototype.legs = 4;
// somescript.js
var legs = Cat.prototype.legs
var cat = new Cat();
console.log(legs, cat.legs); // 4, 4

What's the best way to create JavaScript classes? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Use of ‘prototype’ vs. ‘this’ in Javascript?
Object Oriented questions in Javascript
Can you please recommend which of the following is the best or their pros and cons?
Method 1
function User() { = "my name"; = function() {
Method 2
function User() { = "my name";
} = function() {
Coming from a background in Java and PHP, I had initially struggled with the whole 'class' concept in JavaScript. Here are a few things to think about.
First, since you're likely going to be defining your classes as..
Customer = function () {}
Customer.prototype = new Person();
You will end up running into all sorts of nightmares of code if you are defining properties and methods during construction. The reason being is that a piece of code like Customer.prototype = new Person(); requires that the Person be called in the Customer constructor for true inheritance.. otherwise you'll end up having to know what the original one sets at all times. Take the following example:
Person = function (name) { = name;
this.getName = function () {return}
Customer = function (name) { = name;
Customer.prototype = new Person();
Now we're going to update Person to also set whether they are 'new':
Person = function (name, isNew) { = name;
this.isNew = isNew;
this.getName = function () {return (this.isNew ? "New " : "") +; }
Now on any 'class' that is inheriting from the Person, you must update the constructor to follow form. You can get around that by doing something like:
Customer = function () {
Person.apply(this, arguments);
That will call 'Person' in the scope of the new 'Customer', allowing you to not have to know about the Person construction.
Take a look at these benchmarks:
Basically, what I am attempting to prove here is that if you're creating these objects en masse, your best route is to create them on the prototype. Creating them like:
Person = function (name) { = name;
this.getName = function () {return}
is very slow, because for every object creation, it creates a new function - it doesn't simply look up the prototype chain for the already existing one. Conversely, if you've got only a few objects that the methods are called extremely frequently on, defining them locally helps with the speed lost by looking up the prototype chain.
Shared properties
This always gets me. Let's say you've got something like the following:
Person = function () { = {};
this.setJob = function (jobTitle, active) {[jobTitle] = active; }
Employee = function () {}
Employee.prototype = new Person();
var bob = new Employee();
bob.setJob('janitor', true);
var jane = new Employee();
Guess what? Jane's a janitor! No joke! Here's why. Since you didn't define as being a new object on instantiation of the Employee, it's now just looking up the prototype chain until it finds 'jobs' and is using it as is. Fun, right?
So, this is useful if you want to keep track of instances, but for the most part you're going to find it incredibly frustrating. You can get around that by doing the following:
Employee = function () { Person.apply(this); }
This forces 'Person' to create a new ''.
Private variables
Since there's nothing that's really "private" in JavaScript, the only way you can get private variables is to create them in the constructor, and then make anything that relies on them initialize in the constructor.
Person = function () {
var jobs = {};
this.setJob = function (jobTitle, active) {jobs[jobTitle] = active; }
this.getJob = function (jobTitle) { return jobs[jobTitle]; }
However, this also means that you must call that constructor on every instantiation of an inherited class.
This is a super basic class setup. It's easy. It works. And it'll do what you need it to do 90% of the time without having to deal with all the insanity JavaScript has to offer :)
Best is a very subjective term.
Method 1 gives the possibility of truly private variables. e.g :
function User() {
var name = "fred";
this.getName = function () { return name;};
Method 2 will use less memory, as a single save function is shared by all User objects.
'Best' will be determined by your specific requirements.
JavaScript is an "Object Based" language, not a "Class Based" language. Shared behaviours, which is the class concept, are implemented by linking prototypes.
Method 1 does NOT create a class. Every time you invoke it, you create attributes and functions as defined and they are NOT shared with other "instances". If you replace then only the one instance will have altered behaviour.
Method 2 implements shared behaviours. Therefore it is what people associate with classes and instances. If you replace withe a different function, then all derived instances will immediately have the new behaviour.
If "best" means no memory consuming redefinitions of functions and sharing common behaviours (which is what class based programming tends to equate to) the Method 2 is the way to go.
As others have mentioned, there are two main differences:
Method 1 will create a new function for every instance of User
Method 1 will be able to access local variables in the constructor's scope
Here's an example to demonstrate these:
function User() {
var name = "my name"; = function() {
// one function per User instance
// can access 'name' variable
} = function() {
// one function shared by all User instances
// cannot access 'name' variable
var a = new User();
var b = new User();
console.log( ===; // false; each instance has its own foo()
console.log( ===; // true; both instances use the same bar()

Javascript OOP best practices? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm sick of seeing dozens of different ways of doing object oriented programming in Javascript. Can anyone just tell me which technique I should use considering I want to work on a large scale project and I want my code to be future proof?
These are just a few quick guidelines I've come up with, if anyone else has anything meaningful to add, I've set this answer as a community wiki so it should be easy enough for you to edit.
Namespace your objects to ensure they will never conflict with third party JavaScript libraries.
window['Andrew']['JS'] = {
addEvent: function(el,evName) {/*Stuff*/},
Rectangle: function(width,height) {/*Stuff*/}
So then you would create a rectangle object by using:
var myRect = new Andrew.JS.Rectangle(14,11);
And then your code will never interfere with, or be interfered by anybody else's Rectangle.
Use a consistent naming strategy, specifically:
Object names should be capitalized, everything else (variables, functions) should begin with a lower case character i.e.
var myRect = new Andrew.JS.Rectangle(14,11);
Ensure everything is meaningful, i.e. verbs for methods, nouns + adjectives for parameters.
Make sure all methods and parameters are relevant to the object they belong to. e.g.
In this example, the area of the rectangle can be converted to square feet using the method inSquareFeet().
Make sure inSquareFeet is a method of the object returned by getAreaObject() and not a method of Andrew.JS.Rectangle
Use constructors, or more specifically, try as hard as possible to make sure that an object doesn't need any further initialization to be used once it has been constructed, so instead of:
var Person = function()
{ = "";
this.sayHello = function ()
alert( + " says 'Hello!'");
return this;
var bob = new Person(); = "Bob Poulton";
var Person = function(name)
{ = name;
this.sayHello = function ()
alert( + " says 'Hello!'");
return this;
var bob = new Person("Bob Poulton");
I always use John resig's:
It's simple and doesn't require any frameworks to function.
Because you are working on a large scale project i would suggestion a javascript framework like mootools
It has a good class and inheritance structure.
My ideal Object for OOP is like using an Instance method with prototypes:
var Users = function()
var _instance;
this.prototype.getUsername = function(){/*...*/}
this.prototype.getFirstname = function(){/*...*/}
this.prototype.getSecurityHash = function(){/*...*/}
/*Static Methods as such*/
return { /*Return a small Object*/
GetInstance : function()
if(_instance == null)
_instnance = new Users(arguments);
return _instnance; //Return the object
New: function()
_instnance = null; //unset It
return this.GetInstnace(arguments);
Then I would always use like:
Firstname = Users.GetInstance('Robert','Pitt').getFirstname();
Username = Users.GetInstance().getUsername(); //Returns the above object.
Me = Users.New('Robert',null); //Deletes the above object and creates a new instance.
Father = Users.New('Peter','Piper'); //New Object
Me.AddFather(Father); //Me Object.
And that's the kind of road i go down when it comes to building a JavaScript OO Style architecture.
just for your information, i think YUI provides few great tutorials on this topic
//Create and define Global NameSpace Object
( function(GlobalObject, $, undefined)
GlobalObject.Method = function()
GlobalObject.Functionality = {};
}) (GlobalObject = GlobalObject || {}, jQuery);
//New object for specific functionality
( function(Events, $, undefined)
//Member Variables
var Variable; // (Used for) , (type)
// Initialize
Events.Init = function()
// public method
Events.PublicMethod = function(oParam)
///<param type=""></param>
// protected method (typically define in global object, but can be made available from here)
GlobalObject.Functionality.ProtectedMethod = function()
// internal method (typically define in global object, but can be made available from here)
GlobalObject.InternalMethod = function()
// private method
var privateMethod = function()
}) (GlobalObject.Funcitonality.Events = GlobalObject.Funcitonality.Events || {}, jQuery )
// Reusable "class" object
var oMultiInstanceClass = function()
// Memeber Variables again
var oMember = null; //
// Public method
this.Init = function(oParam)
oMember = oParam;
for ( n = 1; i < oMemeber.length; i += 1 )
new this.SubClass.Init(oMember[i]); // you get the point, yeah?
this.Subclass = function()
this.Init = function() { }
The strength to this is that it initializes the Global object automatically, allows you to maintain the integrity of your code, and organizes each piece of functionality into a specific grouping by your definition.
This structure is solid, presenting all of the basic syntactical things you would expect from OOP without the key words.
There are even some ingenious ways to set up interfaces as well. If you choose to go that far, a simple search will give you some good tutorials and tips.
Even setting up intellisense is possible with javascript and visual studio, and then defining each piece and referencing them makes writing javascript cleaner and more manageable.
Using these three methods as needed by your situation helps keep the global namespace clean, keep your code organized and maintains separation of concerns for each object.. if used correctly. Remember, Object Oriented Design is of no use if you don't utilize the logic behind using objects!
function foo() {
var bar = function() { console.log("i'm a private method"); return 1; };
var iAmAPrivateVariable = 1;
return {
publicMethod: function() { alert(iAmAPrivateVariable); },
publicVariable: bar()
var thing = foo()
This is a functional approach, and has a great deal more going for it (such as encapsulation) then anything else you are going to see
In a general way, you shouldn't be doing OO in javascript, it isn't that great a language for it for a great many reasons. Think scheme with squiggly brackets and semi-colons, and you will start writing the language like the pros do. That being said, sometime OO is a better fit. In those cases, the above is typically the best bet
to bring inheritance into the mix
function parent() {
return { parentVariable: 2 };
function foo() {
var bar = function() { console.log("i'm a private method"); return 1; };
var iAmAPrivateVariable = 1;
me = parent();
me.publicMethod = function() { alert(iAmAPrivateVariable); };
me.publicVariable = bar();
return me;
This makes things a tad more complected, but accomplishes the desired end result while still taking a functional approach to OO concepts (in this case, using decorator functions instead of real inheritance). What I like about the whole approach is we are still really treating objects the way they are intended to be in this kind of language -- a property bag you can attach stuff to at will.
Another note is this is wildly different then what you will see most of the time in most of the jobs you will ever work at, and often is very hard to explain a) what is going on, and b) why it is a good idea to coworkers.
I use such a pattern and recommend to you to use it too:
function Person(firstname, lastname, age)
var self = this;
var _ = {};
// Private members.
var firstname = firstname;
var lastname = lastname;
var age = age || 'unknown';
// Private methods.
function first_letter_to_uppercase(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
// Public members and methods.
_.get_age = function()
return age;
_.get_name = function()
return first_letter_to_uppercase(firstname) + ' ' +
return _;
var p = new Person('vasya', 'pupkin', 23);
alert("It's " + p.get_name() + ', he is ' + p.get_age() + ' years old.')
You can try with a simple, usefull and quick object:
var foo = {
foo1: null,
foo2: true,
foo3: 24,
foo4: new Array(),
nameOfFunction1: function(){
nameOfFunction2: function(){
To use this, you have to create an instance of this object and use like a object in java:
Also you can check this link to other solution:
I hope that answer your question.

Object Creation in javascript

Just for the kicks i am trying to create a simple data object in javascript. Here is the code.
var roverObject = function(){
var newRover = {};
var name;
var xCord;
var ycord;
var direction;
newRover.setName = function(newName) {
name = newName;
newRover.getName = function() {
return name;
newRover.setDirection = function(newDirection) {
direction = newDirection;
newRover.getDirection = function() {
return direction;
newRover.setXCord = function(newXCord) {
xCord = newXCord;
newRover.getXCord = function() {
return xCord;
newRover.setYCord = function(newYCord) {
yCord = newYCord;
newRover.getYCord = function() {
return yCord;
newRover.where = function(){
return "Rover :: "+ name +" is at Location("+xCord+","+yCord+") pointing to "+direction;
return newRover;
rover1 = new roverObject();
rover2 = new roverObject();
rover1.setName("Mars Rover");
rover2.setName("Moon Rover");
There are few questions that I have around this creation.
I want to create an object where the properties/attributes of object are private and not visible to world. Am I successful in doing that? Can I really not access the object attributes?
Is there a better way to create this kind of object?
If I want to inherit this object, I should do a newObject.prototype = roverObjectwill that work? And will that make sense most of all.
Finally I have a wierd problem. Notice the last method of objet "where" which returns a concatenated string. Here I tried following code instead.
newRover.where = function(){
return "Rover :: "+ name +" is at Location("+xCord+","+yCord+") pointing to "+direction;
and then did a following console.log
It threw following error for me:
cannot access optimized closure
Why would it say that? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for all the help. Any review comments would be appreciated too!
Am I successful in doing that? Can I really not access the object attributes?
Indeed. You don't have object attributes, you have local variables in the roverObject function. Local variables can't be accessed from outside, only from the functions inside the roverObject function that have a closure over them.
That you are calling roverObject as a constructor, with new roverObject, is irrelevant, as you are returning a different object from the function. Saying var rover1= roverObject() without the new would do exactly the same thing. Notably the object returned by [new] roverObject is a plain Object as you created it from {}; rover1 instanceof roverObject is false.
If you wanted instanceof to work, you would have to call with new, and use this instead of newRover in the constructor function.
If I want to inherit this object, I should do a newObject.prototype = roverObject will that work? And will that make sense most of all.
No. You currently have no allowance for prototyping. You are using a separate copy of each method for each instance of the roverObject. You can do certainly objects this way but it's a different approach than prototyping. If you wanted to make something like a subclass of roverObject in the arrangement you have now, you'd say something like:
function AdvancedRover() {
var rover= new roverObject();
rover.doResearch= function() {
return rover.where()+' and is doing advanced research';
return rover;
Note since the ‘private’ local variables in the base class constructor really are private, even the subclass cannot get at them. There's no ‘protected’.
newRover.where = function(){ ... }();
What's that trying to do? I can't get the error you do; all the above does is assigns the string with the location to where (before the setter methods have been called, so it's full of undefineds).
Is there a better way to create this kind of object?
Maybe. see this question for a discussion of class/instance strategies in JavaScript.
Q1: you can create 'private' members in javascript 'classes'. In javascript, privacy is not determined by any access specifier. Instead, access needs to be specifically instrumented. Example:
function MyClass() {
this.val = 100; // public;
var privateVal = 200;
function getVal() { return this.val; } // private method;
this.getPrivateVal = function() { // public method, accessor to private variable
return privateVal;
Object scope in javascript is governed by a queer concept called closures. AFAIK, there is no parallel concept in any other popular launguage like C+/Java etc.
While I understand what closures are, I cannot put it in words. Perhaps a demonstration will help you:
function closureDemo() {
var done=false;
function setDone() { done=true; }
function doLater(func) { setTimeout(func,1000); }
now, while setDone is called from within doLater, it can still access done in closureDemo, even though done is not in scope (in the conventional procedural sense).
I think you will understand more when you read this.
Q2: I can only say what I do; I don't know if it is better or not. If I wrote your code, it would look like this:
function RoverObject() {
var newRover = {}; // privates
var name;
var xCord;
var ycord;
var direction;
this.setName = function(newName) {
name = newName;
this.getName = function() {
return name;
this.setDirection = function(newDirection) {
direction = newDirection;
// and so on...
this.where = function(){
return "Rover :: "+ name +" is at Location("+xCord+","+yCord+") pointing to "+direction;
var rover1 = new RoverObject();
Points to note:
capitalization of "class name"'s first letter
use of this instead of roverObject
this function is a pure constructor. it returns nothing.
Q3: if you want to do inheritance, then my method (use of this) will not work. Instead, the public methods should be a part of the prototype of RoverObject. Read this. Excellent material.
Hope that helps.
EDIT: There is a problem with the way your code is doing work. Problems:
your function does not do what its name suggests. Its name had better be createRoverObject, because that's exactly what it is doing. It is not working like a class constructor
the methods supported by your class are part of the object, but the data members are not. While this may work (and it is not, as your console.log() problem suggests), it is not a good way to implement a class in javascript. The problem here is of closures. Again, i'm unable to articulate what the problem specifically is, but I can smell it.
With regards to 4. - you are trying to log the function, not the result of calling the function. Should be console.log(rover1.where()); My guess firebug(I assume it's firebug's console.log) does not like to log function definitions.
EDIT Oh I get it, you are actually executing the where funcion when you assign rover.where. Are you trying to get what looks like a property to actually be a function? If that's the case it won't work. It will have to be a function if you want it to be evaluated when it's called.
What happens in you case where gets executed in the constructor function. At that point you are still creating the roverObject closure and hence it's too early to access it's private variables.
This is just addressing point 1 of your post.
Here's a good article on javascript private members and more:
Private Members in JavaScript
Defining your object like this gives you private members.
function RolloverObject() {
var name;
var xCord;
var ycord;
var direction;
this.setName = function(newName) { name = newName; };
this.getName = function() { return name; };
this.setDirection = function(newDirection) { direction = newDirection; };
this.getDirection = function() { return direction; };
this.setXCord = function(newXCord) { xCord = newXCord; };
this.getXCord = function() { return xCord; };
this.setYCord = function(newYCord) { yCord = newYCord; };
this.getYCord = function() { return yCord; };
this.where = function() {
return "Rover :: " + name + " is at Location(" + xCord + "," + yCord + ") pointing to " + direction;
var rolloverObject = new RolloverObject();

