Call string constructor function - javascript

I have a constructor function, for example webapp.core.cf1 or Backbone.Router. But I get this constructor function not as a reference, but as a string! I cannot change this requirement, the constr. must be in a string. How can I make a new object from this, for instance classfun("Backbone.Router")?
function classfun (cfstr)
cf = new window[cfstr]();
If I try it this way, I get the error: ... is not a constructor.
Why this does not work? Is there an alternative way without using eval()?
Thanks a lot in advance
Thank you all for your answers!
Thank you, Tronix117, this was the problem!!
Thank you, Benjamin Schulte, for the function!

If you try in your console:
var A=function(a){this.test=a};
b = new window["A"](3);
console.log(b.test); // return 3
So that means, you are trying to access something which is not in the scope of window, it should rather be something like that: window.something["A"], if you don't know what is something then you should use the function of Benjamin, otherwise use this one, because it's way faster.

You can do it this way (if I understand you correctly):
function getObjectByName(name) {
var nameParts = name.split('.');
var nameLength = nameParts.length;
var scope = window;
for (var i=0; i<nameLength; ++i) {
scope = scope[nameParts[i]];
return scope;
var ObjectClass = getObjectByName(cfstr)
new ObjectClass();
Can still be optimized, but should work this way.

ReflectUtil.newInstance = function(strClass) {
var args =, 1);
var clsClass = eval(strClass);
function F() {
return clsClass.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = clsClass.prototype;
return new F();
SomeClass = function(arg1, arg2) {
// ...
ReflectUtil.newInstance('SomeClass', 5, 7);
This will allow you to instantiate an object by its name and allow you to pass parameters as necessary.


Any way to reseat a Function object's "this" reference BEFORE constructor invocation?

Trying to implement a Javascript sandboxing scheme and now I've run into a bit of a wrinkle. I need to pass a "context" parameter to the code which will essentially serve as a handle to the "global" object, but so far no luck.
To illustrate the problem with a simple example, consider this bit of code:
var foo = new Function(" this.baz = this.mux; return this ");
foo.mux = "mux";;
$> undefined
$> function anonymous() { this.mux; return this; }
It obviously doesn't work because the Function object doesn't seem to get it's own this like ordinary functions created with new. there any way to "reseat" a Function's this to point to itself beforehand (or just any other way around the issue)?
Okay, so from what I understand from the comments section I'm going to need a constructed object.
var foo = new Function(" return new function(){ this.baz /* = ?? */; return this; } ");
Is there a way to somehow access the enclosing anonymous function's properties? Like "this.mux = foo.mux" (except of course "foo" isn't visible from that scope)?
I think your getting confused on what new Function( does,. It does not create an instance of an object, it just create a function. So like any object instances you will also need to use new on these.
So you need 2 steps..
create the function that you will be creating an object from..
with this function create an instance using new..
Below is a simple example..
var fcreate =
new Function('global', " = global");
var f = new fcreate("hello");
If your not bothered about instances, we can forget about this altogether, and just create a captured scope as a parameter..
var f = new Function("global", "console.log(global)");
f("This is a global to function");
f("This is another one");
You can pass foo as a parameter of call:
var foo = new Function(" this.baz = this.mux; return this ");
foo.mux = "mux";; // <-- this
Edit: Although the code above works, I wouldn't recommend it. You will be better off creating the function/class foo:
var Foo = function(mux){
this.baz = mux;
var foo = new Foo("mux");
The best I could come up with that actually works.
var foo = new Function(" this.baz = this.mux; return this ");
var context = { mux: "mux" };
foo = foo.bind(context);
// context.baz == "mux"
Alright so this is in fact doable, and it's basically an extension of Keith's answer:
function verify(condition)
console.log(condition === true ? "pass" : "fail");
function test()
if(!(this instanceof test))
return new test();
var foo = new Function("mux", "return new function(){ this.baz = mux; return this; } ");
var bar = new foo(null);
verify(bar.baz === null);
var zim = new foo(this);
verify(zim.baz === this);
var qud = new foo(global);
verify(qud.baz === global);
A sincere thanks to everyone for helping me figure this one out - cheers!
* EDIT *
As per Keith's comments, the correct implementation would simply be:
function verify(condition)
console.log(condition === true ? "pass" : "fail");
function test()
if(!(this instanceof test))
return new test();
var foo = new Function("mux", "this.baz = mux; return this; ");
var bar = new foo(null);
verify(bar.baz === null);
var zim = new foo(this);
verify(zim.baz === this);
var qud = new foo(global);
verify(qud.baz === global);

Passing parameter to a module javascript

I am using module pattern in javascript.
Is it a way to create instances of a "class" ?
I am using it in a right way ?
var moduleClass = (function () {
var a =5;
return {
getA: function () {
var instance = moduleClass;
How can I pass parameters on new instances ?
You don't really need new here, Below is the right way to code to achieve what you are trying to achieve.
Also, be really careful while using new, if used unwisely it can start clobbering your Global variable, If you want to use new, John Resig has a really nice explaination for how to do it the right way, for more read this article by John Resig
var moduleClass = (function () {
var a =5;
return {
setA: function (inA) {
} ,
getA: function () {
var instance = moduleClass;
contactmatt is right, definitely dont be afraid of using constructor, but here is some thing you need to be aware of
Taken from John Resig's article mentioned in the first paragraph,
suppose this is your code
function User(first, last){ = first + " " + last;
var user = new User("John", "Resig"); // John Resig
var user2 = User ("first","last"); //undefined, also this would pollute your current scope
if you call the constructor, you would not get any kind of indication and can be a debugging nightmare.
a way to solve this is
function User(first, last){
if ( this instanceof User ) { = first + " " + last;
} else
return new User(first, last);
To Conclude,
So if you feel that constructor is the best way for your problem, use it. But be aware, also the simple class instantiation by John is a really useful pattern, try to go through it,he also explains generic constructor.
Use constructor functions. Don't be afraid of "new", just use it wisely.
Note: Standard naming convention is to name functions that will be used as function constructors with a capital letter. (i.e. ModuleClass instead of moduleClass)
function ModuleClass() {
var a =5;
return {
getA: function () {
or if you're brave enough to learn about the 'this' keyword in JavaScript.
function ModuleClass() {
var a =5;
this.getA = function () {
var instance = new moduleClass();
For creating instances you have to use the key word new with any function.
This function aka Constructor can help you create multiple instances
var moduleClass = (function () {
var a =5;
return {
getA: function () {
var instance = new moduleClass;
Constructor:Constructor functions are used with the new keyword, and they're one of the ways you give an object a prototype.
Javascript Prototypes,objects,constructor??i am confused
Constructors in JavaScript objects

Javascript apply — Inheriting classes

The code below is adapted from this answer
function MessageClass() {
var self = this;
this.clickHander = function(e) { self.someoneClickedMe = true; };
var _private = 0;
this.getPrivate = function() { return _private; };
this.setPrivate = function(val) { _private = val; };
ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new MessageClass();
function ErrorMessageClass() {
MessageClass.apply(this, arguments);
var errorA = new ErrorMessageClass();
var errorB = new ErrorMessageClass();
The original post did not have the MessageClass.apply(this, arguments); since the purpose was to show how inheritance can go wrong in Javascript.
My question is, is saying: ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new MessageClass(); before the ErrorMessageClass constructor has even been declared bad practice? My understanding is that calling undeclared identifiers like that causes a silent declaration to occur, with the result being placed on the global window object, which I understand is bad.
Is this form:
function ErrorMessageClass() {
MessageClass.apply(this, arguments);
ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new MessageClass();
considered to be better practice? This link shows the code written as it was originally above, which is why I even tried it. Does this blogger know something I don't (quite likely)?
Lots of great info in the answers below, but I did want to highlight this link which really explains things perfectly
Usually, to avoid this confusion, you would just attach the prototype after, but as Adam Rackis pointed out, function declarations are hoisted, like var statements.
However, you should not instantiate the base object as the prototype. If your base object takes arguments, what are you supposed to use? Use an empty "surrogate" constructor
// Used to setup inheritance
function surrogate () {};
function MessageClass() {
var self = this;
this.clickHander = function(e) { self.someoneClickedMe = true; };
var _private = 0;
this.getPrivate = function() { return _private; };
this.setPrivate = function(val) { _private = val; };
// The key steps to creating clean inheritance
surrogate.prototype = MessageClass;
// Sets up inheritance without instantiating a base class object
ErrorMessageClass.prototype = new surrogate();
// Fix the constructor property
ErrorMessageClass.prototype.constructor = ErrorMessageClass
function ErrorMessageClass() {
MessageClass.apply(this, arguments);
There's much more to be said.
It works because function declarations are evaluated first. If you tried to move these classes under an object literal "namespace" the first version would fail.
I personally find the second method to be much easier to read - also, don't forget to set the sub-class' prototype.constructor property back to itself. Personally, I use an inherits() method on the Function prototype which wraps up essentially the type of code you're using here.

Dynamically firing a named-spaced method via JavaScript

I have multiple external JavaScripts that are namespaced based on the section of the site. I am trying to dynamically fire methods, but am unable to get the methods to fire. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
If I add this, the method fires:
But when I try to do it like this, nothing happens (note: namespace equals Namespace.Something and functionname equals init):
Unless you want to use eval which I am sure you don't the following works.
This assumes that all your methods are the same level deep i.e namespace.somename.somemethod
var Namespace = {
Something: {
init: function() {
console.log('init called');
var namespace = "Namespace";
var section = "Something";
var method = "init";
as Namespace is part of the global scope you can access it from this[namespace]
I asked the same question a few weeks ago, though I think I phrased it slightly differently. See this.
Basically, you need to parse the string functionname one piece at a time.
By the way, using the walk_path code from that answer, here's a general purpose function I wrote to run a function from a string including arguments.
// run an arbitrary function from a string. Will attempt to parse the args from parenthesis, if none found, will
// use additional arguments passed to this function.
utils.runFunction = function (funcdef) {
var argPos = funcdef.indexOf('(');
var endArgPos = -1;
var args = undefined;
var func = funcdef;
if (argPos > 0) {
endArgPos = funcdef.indexOf(')', argPos);
if (endArgPos > 0) {
args = funcdef.substring(argPos + 1, endArgPos).split(',');
func = funcdef.substring(0, argPos - 1);
} else {
args =, 1);
var func = walk_path(window, func);
return !args ? func() : func.apply(null, args);
var methodName = 'Namespace.Something.init';
var methodParts = methodName.split('.');
var method = this;
for (var i=0; i < methodParts.length; i++) {
method = method[methodParts[i]];
method(the arguments you want);

Javascript - Create instance with array of arguments

I know the possibility to call a function with an array of arguments with apply(obj,args);
Is there a way to use this feature when creating a new instance of a function?
I mean something like this:
function A(arg1,arg2){
var a = arg1;
var b = arg2;
var a = new A.apply([1,2]); //create new instance using an array of arguments
I hope you understand what i mean... ^^^
Thanks for your help!
I got the right answer. To make the answer fit to my question:
function A(arg1,arg2) {
var a = arg1;
var b = arg2;
var a = new (A.bind.apply(A,[A,1,2]))();
var wrapper = function(f, args) {
return function() {
f.apply(this, args);
function Constructor() { = 4;
var o = new (wrapper(Constructor, [1,2]));
We take a function and arguments and create a function that applies the arguments to that function with the this scope.
Then if you call it with the new keyword it passes in a new fresh this and returns it.
The important thing is the brackets
new (wrapper(Constructor, [1,2]))
Calls the new keyword on the function returned from the wrapper, where as
new wrapper(Constructor, [1,2])
Calls the new keyword on the wrapper function.
The reason it needs to be wrapped is so that this that you apply it to is set with the new keyword. A new this object needs to be created and passed into a function which means that you must call .apply(this, array) inside a function.
Live example
Alternatively you could use ES5 .bind method
var wrapper = function(f, args) {
var params = [f].concat(args);
return f.bind.apply(f, params);
See example
with ECMAscript 5 you can:
function createInstanceWithArguments (fConstructor, aArgs) {
var foo = Object.create(fConstructor.prototype);
fConstructor.apply(foo, aArgs);
return foo;
#Raynos answer works well, except that the non-ES5 version is missing the constructor's prototype after instantiation.
Here's my updated cApply method:
var cApply = function(c) {
var ctor = function(args) {
c.apply(this, args);
ctor.prototype = c.prototype;
return ctor;
Which can be used like this:
var WrappedConstructor = cApply(Constructor);
var obj = new WrappedConstructor([1,2,3]);
// or inline like this.
var obj2 = new (cApply(Constructor))([1,2,3]);
JSFiddle for reference.
You can curry the functions:
function A(arg1, arg2) {
// ...
function A12() {
A(1, 2);
You could even build a curry factory:
function A_curry() {
var args = arguments;
return function () {
A.apply(null, args);
You can use Object.create() to build the new instance, and call the constructor on the instance after that:
var args = [1,2,3];
var instance = Object.create(MyClass.prototype);
MyClass.apply(instance, args);
or in a single line:
var instance = MyClass.apply(Object.create(MyClass.prototype), args);
but don't forget return this; in MyClass by this single line solution.
If you don't have Object.create(), then it is very simple to write one:
Object.create = function (source){
var Surrogate = function (){};
Surrogate.prototype = source;
return new Surrogate();
You can optionally write an Function.newInstance() or a Function.prototype.newInstance() function:
Function.newInstance = function (fn, args){
var instance = Object.create(fn.prototype);
fn.apply(instance, args);
return instance;
so var instance = Function.newInstance(MyClass, args);.
note: It is not recommended to override native classes.
What if you have your object class name stored in a variable called className ?
var className = 'A'
According to this answer here it all becomes very clean and simple using ECMAScipt5's Function.prototype.bind method.
With an array of arguments:
new ( Function.prototype.bind.apply( className, arguments ) );
Or with an argument list:
new ( className, argument1, argument2, ... ) );
A single line, no need for a wrapper.
I just had the same issue and also wanted to preserve prototype properties of the target object. After looking at the answers, just came up with a rather simple solution. Thought I might as well share it for any future seeker :)
// Define a pseudo object that takes your arguments as an array
var PseudoObject = function (args) {
TargetObject.apply(this, args);
// if you want to inherit prototype as well
PseudoObject.prototype = new TargetObject();
// Now just use the PseudoObject to instantiate a object of the the OtherObject
var newObj = new PseudoObject([1, 2, 3]);
It can now be done using the spread operator:
let a = new A(...[1,2]);

