Dealing With Binary / Bitshifts in JavaScript - javascript

I am trying to perform some bitshift operations and dealing with binary numbers in JavaScript.
Here's what I'm trying to do. A user inputs a value and I do the following with it:
// Square Input and mod with 65536 to keep it below that value
var squaredInput = (inputVal * inputVal) % 65536;
// Figure out how many bits is the squared input number
var bits = Math.floor(Math.log(squaredInput) / Math.log(2)) + 1;
// Convert that number to a 16-bit number using bitshift.
var squaredShifted = squaredInput >>> (16 - bits);
As long as the number is larger than 46, it works. Once it is less than 46, it does not work.
I know the problem is the in bitshift. Now coming from a C background, I know this would be done differently, since all numbers will be stored in 32-bit format (given it is an int). Does JavaScript do the same (since it vars are not typed)?
If so, is it possible to store a 16-bit number? If not, can I treat it as 32-bits and do the required calculations to assume it is 16-bits?
Note: I am trying to extract the middle 4-bits of the 16-bit value in squaredInput.
Another note: When printing out the var, it just prints out the value without the padding so I couldn't figure it out. Tried using parseInt and toString.

Are you looking for this?
function get16bitnumber( inputVal ){
return ("0000000000000000"+(inputVal * inputVal).toString(2)).substr(-16);
This function returns last 16 bits of (inputVal*inputVal) value.By having binary string you could work with any range of bits.

Don't use bitshifting in JS if you don't absolutely have to. The specs mention at least four number formats
IEEE 754
It's really confusing to know which is used when.
For example, ~ applies a bitwise inversion while converting to Int32. UInt16 seems to be used only in String.fromCharCode. Using bitshift operators converts the operands to either UInt32 or to Int32.
In your case, the right shift operator >>> forces conversion to UInt32.
When you type
a >>> b
this is what you get:
ToUInt32(a) >>> (ToUInt32(b) & 0x1f)


JS bitwise shift operator '>>' not returning the correct result

I found this weird problem in JS. I have some native bindings to a board game api that uses bitboards for representing the game state.
I am trying to manipulate these bitboards in JS to display the result in a web-based GUI (using electron).
The 1s in the bitboard represent the position of the pieces. Here is an example:
const bitboard = 0b100000010000000000000000000000000000;
However, when I do bitboard >>= 1;, the value magically becomes 0b1000000000000000000000000000.
Runnable example:
const bitboard = 0b100000010000000000000000000000000000; // 0b is binary literal
console.log((bitboard >> 1).toString(2)); // .toString(2) prints the number in binary
The same code works in Rust which is the language that I am using on the native side.
There's probably a duplicate floating around somewhere but the solution here is to use BigInt
BigInt is a built-in object that provides a way to represent whole numbers larger than 253 - 1, which is the largest number JavaScript can reliably represent with the Number primitive and represented by the Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER constant. BigInt can be used for arbitrarily large integers.
You just need to make sure that both operands for the right-shift operator are the same type.
const bitboard = BigInt("0b100000010000000000000000000000000000")
console.log((bitboard >> 1n).toString(2)) // note "1n"
There are limits on what sorts of numerical values JavaScript can bit-shift. Using Node I found the cut-off right here at 32 bits:
0b10000000000000000000000000000000 >>> 1 // 32 bits
# => 1073741824
0b100000000000000000000000000000000 >>> 1 // 33 bits
# => 0
Where it just breaks down. Your binary value is over that threshold so you can't shift it using JavaScript's default representation.
You can do this with BigInt:
BigInt('0b100000010000000000000000000000000000') >> BigInt(1)
# => 17314086912n
Where that is the correct value.

Converting a Two's complement number to its binary representation

I am performing bitwise operations, the result of which is apparently being stored as a two's complement number. When I hover over the variable it's stored in I see- num = -2086528968.
The binary of that number that I want is - (10000011101000100001100000111000).
But when I say num.toString(2) I get a completely different binary representation, the raw number's binary instead of the 2s comp(-1111100010111011110011111001000).
How do I get the first string back?
Link to a converter:
Put in this number: -2086528968
Follow bellow the result:
var number = -2086528968;
var bin = (number >>> 0).toString(2)
pedro already answered this, but since this is a hack and not entirely intuitive I'll explain it.
I am performing bitwise operations, the result of which is apparently being stored as a two's complement number. When I hover over the variable its stored in I see num = -2086528968
No, the result of most bit-operations is a 32bit signed integer. This means that the bit 0x80000000 is interpreted as a sign followed by 31 bits of value.
The weird bit-sequence is because of how JS stringifies the value, something like sign + Math.abs(value).toString(base);
How to deal with that? We need to tell JS to not interpret that bit as sign, but as part of the value. But how?
An easy to understand solution would be to add 0x100000000 to the negative numbers and therefore get their positive couterparts.
function print(value) {
if (value < 0) {
value += 0x100000000;
console.log(value.toString(2).padStart(32, 0));
Another way would be to convert the lower and the upper bits seperately
function print(value) {
var signBit = value < 0 ? "1" : "0";
var valueBits = (value & 0x7FFFFFFF).toString(2);
console.log(signBit + valueBits.padStart(31, 0));
//or lower and upper half of the bits:
function print2(value) {
var upperHalf = (value >> 16 & 0xFFFF).toString(2);
var lowerHalf = (value & 0xFFFF).toString(2);
console.log(upperHalf.padStart(16, 0) + lowerHalf.padStart(16, 0));
Another way involves the "hack" that pedro uses. You remember how I said that most bit-operations return an int32? There is one operation that actually returns an unsigned (32bit) interger, the so called Zero-fill right shift.
So number >>> 0 does not change the bits of the number, but the first bit is no longer interpreted as sign.
function uint32(value){
return value>>>0;
function print(value){
console.log(uint32(value).toString(2).padStart(32, 0));
will I run this shifting code only when the number is negative, or always?
generally speaking, there is no harm in running nr >>> 0 over positive integers, but be careful not to overdo it.
Technically JS only supports Numbers, that are double values (64bit floating point values). Internally the engines also use int32 values; where possible. But no uint32 values. So when you convert your negative int32 into an uint32, the engine converts it to a double. And if you follow up with another bit operation, first thing it does is converting it back.
So it's fine to do this like when you need an actual uint32 value, like to print the bits here, but you should avoid this conversion between operations. Like "just to fix it".

Using a float in Javascript in a hash function

I Have a hash function like this.
class Hash {
static rotate (x, b) {
return (x << b) ^ (x >> (32-b));
static pcg (a) {
let b = a;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
a = Hash.rotate((a^0xcafebabe) + (b^0xfaceb00c), 23);
b = Hash.rotate((a^0xdeadbeef) + (b^0x8badf00d), 5);
return a^b;
// source Adam Smith:!msg/proceduralcontent/AuvxuA1xqmE/T8t88r2rfUcJ
I use it like this.
console.log(Hash.pcg(116)); // Output: -191955715
As long as I send an integer in, I get an integer out. Now here comes the problem. If I have a floating number as input, rounding will happen. The number Hash.pcg(1.1) and Hash.pcg(1.2) will yield the same. I want different inputs to yield different results. A possible solution could be to multiply the input so the decimal is not rounded down, but is there a more elegant and flexible solution to this?
Is there a way to convert a floating point number to a unique integer? Each floating point number would result in a different integer number.
Performance is important.
This isn't quite an answer, but I was running out of room to make it a comment. :)
You'll hit a problem with integers outside of the 32-bit range as well as with non-integer values.
JavaScript handles all numbers as 64-bit floating point. This gives you exact integers over the range -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991 (±(2^53 - 1)), but the bit-wise operators used in your hash algorithm (^, <<, >>) only work in a 32-bit range.
Since there are far more non-integer numbers possible than integers, no one-to-one mapping is possible with ordinary numbers. You could work something out with BigInts, but that will likely lead to comparatively much slower performance.
If you're willing to deal with the performance hit, your can use JavaScript buffer functions to get at the actual bits of a floating point number. (I'd say more now about how to do that, but I've got to run!)
Edit... back from dinner...
You can convert JavaScript's standard number type, which is 64-bit floating point, to a BigInt like this:
let dv = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8));
dv.setFloat64(0, Math.PI);
console.log(dv.getFloat64(0), dv.getBigInt64(0), dv.getBigInt64(0).toString(16).toUpperCase())
The output from this is:
3.141592653589793 4614256656552045848n "400921FB54442D18"
The first item shows that the number was properly stored as byte array, the second shows the BigInt created from the same bits, and the last is the same BigInt over again, but in hex to better show the floating point data format.
Once you've converted a number like this to a BigInt (which is not the same numeric value, but it is the same string of bits) every possible value of number will be uniquely represented.
The same bit-wise operators you used in your algorithm above will work with BigInts, but without the 32-bit limitation. I'm guessing that for best results you'd want to change the 32 in your code to 64, and use 16-digit (instead of 8-digit) hex constants as hash keys.

facing an issue with parseFloat when input is more than 16 digits

I am facing weird issued.
parseFloat(11111111111111111) converts it to 11111111111111112.
I noticed that it works fine till length is 16 but rounds off higher when input length is > 16.
I want to retain the original value passed in parseFloat after it is executed.
Any help?
Integers (numbers without a period or exponent notation) are considered accurate up to 15 digits.
More information here
Numbers in javascript are represented using 64 bit floating point values (so called doubles in other languages).
doubles can hold at most 15/16 significant digits (depends on number magnitute). Since range of double is 1.7E+/-308 some numbers can only be aproximated by double, in your case 11111111111111111 cannot be represented exactly but is aproximated by 11111111111111112 value. If this sounds strange then remember that 0.3 cannot be represented exactly as double too.
double can hold exact integers values in range +/-2^53, when you are operating in this range - you may expect exact values.
Javascript has a constant, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER which is the highest integer that can be exactly represented.
Safe in this context refers to the ability to represent integers exactly and to correctly compare them. For example, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1 === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 2 will evaluate to true, which is mathematically incorrect.
The value is 9007199254740991 (2^53 - 1) which makes a maximum of 15 digits safe.
JavaScript now has BigInt
BigInt is a built-in object that provides a way to represent whole numbers larger than 253 - 1, which is the largest number JavaScript can reliably represent with the Number primitive.
BigInt can be used for arbitrarily large integers.
As you can see in the following blog post, JavaScript only supports 53 bit integers.
if you type in the console
var x = 11111111111111111
and then type
you'll get
This has nothing to do with the parseFloat method.
There's also a related question here about working with big numbers in JavaScript.
Try using the unary + operator.
Like this + ("1111111111111111") + 1 = 1111111111111112

Javascript 32 bit numbers and the operators & and >>>

I am trying to understand Javascript logical operators and came across 2 statements with seeminlgy similar functionality and trying to understand the difference. So, What's the difference between these 2 lines of code in Javascript?
For a number x,
x >>>= 0;
x &= 0x7fffffff;
If I understand it correctly, they both should give unsigned 32 bit output. However, for same negative value of x (i.e. most significant bit always 1 in both case), I get different outputs, what am I missing?
To truncate a number to 32 bits, the simplest and most common method is to use the "|" bit-wise operator:
x |= 0;
JavaScript always considers the result of any 32-bit computation to be negative if the highest bit (bit 31) is set. Don't let that bother you. And don't clear bit 31 in an attempt to make it positive; that incorrectly alters the value.
To convert a negative 32-bit number as a positive value (a value in the range 0 to 4294967295), you can do this:
x = x < 0? x + 0x100000000 : x;
By adding a 33-bit value, automatic sign-extension of bit 31 is inhibited. However, the result is now outside the signed 32-bit range.
Another (tidier) solution is to use the unsigned right-shift operator with a zero shift count:
x >>>= 0;
Technically, all JavaScript numbers are 64-bit floating-point values, but in reality, as long as you keep numbers within the signed 32-bit range, you make it possible for JavaScript runtimes to optimize your code using 32-bit integer operations.
Be aware that when you convert a negative 32-bit value to a positive value using either of above methods, you have essentially produced a 33-bit value, which may defeat any 32-bit optimizations your JavaScript engine uses.

