memoize continuation passing style function - javascript

I'm wondering if there is a way to implement a generic "memoize" functional (as in a function with a function as input and a function as output, as python's decorators) capable of handling also cps-style functions.
for a normal function (as in "the result value comes back by the return, the parameters are only for input!") a memoize function can be as simple as (in javascript)
function memoize(fun) {
var cache = {};
return function () {
var args =;
if (args in cache)
return cache[args];
var ret = fun.apply(this, arguments);
cache[args] = ret;
return ret;
but a cps-style function cannot be memoized by my simple memoize function, cause I need to evaluate "again" the arguments of type function, knowing also the parameter to pass to them.
For example, given the function
function cps(param, next) {
var ret = param + 1;
// setTimeout for simulate async behaviour
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
maybe I can find that next is a function, but its signature (well... maybe, but it's tricky), and definitely not the parameters used in the function!
Can someone tell me I'm wrong? :D
I'm interested to be able to memoize an half dozen of cps-style functions and I don't want to mess with the logic inserting a "cache" in every one of them.

I'm new to CPS, but I think you'll have to construct your functions in a particular way.
Your CPS functions have the following structure (generalising from your example):
function cps(param, next) {
var ret = someFunctionOfParam(param);
// setTimeout for simulate async behaviour
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
So, you could use your standard memoizer, and construct the CPS function as well. Keeping this separate for the sake of it, first the CPS-maker (assumes the last argument for the functions is always the function to pass to):
function cpsMaker(transformFunc) {
return function() {
var args =;
var next = args.pop(); // assume final arg is function to call
var ret = transformFunc.apply(this,args);
// setTimeout for simulate async behaviour
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
And then the memoizer can be used in conjunction with it:
function plusOne(val) {
return val+1;
var memoPlusOne = memoize(plusOne);
var cpsMemPlusOne = cpsMaker(memoPlusOne);
The point is to separate the memoization of the transform from the CPS construction.
Thank you for introducing the idea of memoized CPS; even if this answer is rubbish, it has been an eye-opener for me!


using a thunk to factor time out of async code

Kyle Simpson has an amazing class on pluralsight.
In one of the modules, he goes through a snippet of code that can be safely called asynchronously, and be certain that the results are going to be shown to the user in the same sequence with which the code was executed.
The function in its glory:
function getFile(file) {
var text, fn;
fakeAjax(file, function(response){
if (fn) fn(response);
else text = response;
return function(cb) {
if (text) cb(text);
else fn = cb;
We can call it like so:
I'm having a tough time understanding the getFile function:
where is cb defined? how does it get called, i.e. cb(text) if it's not defined anywhere?
when we call getFile, how does the response get a value at all?
getFile returns an anonymous function:
return function(cb) {
if (text) cb(text);
else fn = cb;
so var th1 = getFile("file") ends up assigning that anonymous function to the value of th1, so th1 can now be called with an argument - which becomes cb. So when later, we call th1 with:
th1(function(text1) {
we are passing in a second anonymous function (with argument text1) which is assigned to cb (shorthand for 'callback').
The reason it works is that when the ajax is complete, it does one of two things:
if fn is defined, calls fn with the response
if not, it stores the response
Conversely, when the returned anonymous function is called, it does one of two things:
if text is defined (i.e. a result is already received) then it calls the callback with the response
if not, it assigns the callback (cb) to fn
This way, whichever happens first - ajax complete, or thunk called, the state is preserved, and then whichever happens second, the outcome is executed.
In this way, the 'thunks' can be chained to ensure that while the ajax functions happen in parallel the output methods are only called in the sequence in which the fn values are assigned.
I think part of the confusion is unclear variable naming, and the use of liberal anonymous functions with out giving them an intention revealing name. The following should be functionally equivalent with clearer naming (I think):
function getFile(file) {
var _response, _callback;
fakeAjax(file, function(response){
if (_callback) _callback(response);
else _response = response;
var onComplete = function(callback) {
if (_response) callback(_response);
else _callback = callback;
return onComplete;
var onFile1Complete = getFile("file1");
var onFile2Complete = getFile("file2");
var onFile3Complete = getFile("file3");
var file3Completed = function(file3Response) {
var file2Completed = function(file2Response) {
var file1Completed = function(file1Response) {

Asynchronous Request Chaining

I'm looking for advice on extending a previous accepted answer regarding chained ajax requests.
The following asynchronous-chain solution was proposed to sequence 3 ajax requests:
var step_3 = function() {
var step_2 = function(c, b) {
ajax(c(b.somedata), step_3);
var step_1 = function(b, a) {
ajax(b(a.somedata), step_2);
ajax(a, step_1);
This is great for a small pre-determined number of chained ajax functions but does not scale well to the case of a variable number of such functions.
I've tried doing the following but seem to run into scoping issues due my admitted lack of javascript expertise:
var asynch = function (options, fNext) {// do something asynchronously}
var chain = {f:[]} // chain of asynchronous functions
var args = function(n){ //return arguments to feed n'th asynch function }
for (n=0;n<N;n++)
var a = args(n);
var ftmp = n==N-1? function(){} : chain.f[n+1]
chain.f[n] = function () {asynch(a, ftmp)}
chain.f[0]() // initiate asynchronous chain
What you have is a very common scoping issue with for loops. Each iteration of the for loop is using the same local scope as the parent function, meaning anything that happens asynchronously will end up accessing the last value of the loop rather than the value at the time it was defined. See this fiddle as an example: Instead of asynch getting called 9 times, it gets called once with a value of 9. You can fix it by simply providing a private scope for the inside of the loop. You'll also want to wrap chain.f[n+1] in a function so that you don't try to assign undefined to ftmp.
var N = 10;
var asynch = function (options, fNext) {
}// do something asynchronously}
var chain = {f:[]} // chain of asynchronous functions
var args = function(n){return n;} //return arguments to feed n'th asynch function }
for (n=0;n<N;n++)
var a = args(n);
var ftmp = n==N-1? function(){} : function(){chain.f[n+1]();};
chain.f[n] = function () {asynch(a, ftmp)}
chain.f[0]() // initiate asynchronous chain
Asynchronous loops are a pain in the ass. As a rule of thumb, if you want to do them by hand you need to rewrite the for loop as a recursive function.
function sequence_synchronous(steps){
for(var i=0; i<steps.length; i++){
function sequence_async(steps, callback){
var i = 0;
var next_step = function(){
if(i >= steps.length){
Note that this doesn't attempt to build a big chain of callbacks before calling the first one - all we did was convert the traditional for loop into continuation passing style.
I would highly recommend looking for a library to do this for you though.

JavaScript - override a function with a function that contains async callbacks and still return original value

In JavaScript I want to override a function on an object, but still call the original function and return it's value. So I'd normally do something like this:
var render = res.render;
res.render = function() {
return render.apply(this, arguments);
However, what if that override contains async callbacks that need to be fired first before calling the original function eg:
var render = res.render;
res.render = function() {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var middlewares = getSomeMiddleware();
return callNextMiddleware(middlewares, function() {
return render.apply(self, args);
function callNextMiddleware(middlewares, callback) {
var middlewareFunc = middlewares.shift();
if (middlewareFunc) {
return {
return callNextMiddleware(middlewares, callback);
else {
return callback();
Notice that I'm using a 'return' statement where required. I have one problem though, the 'middlewares' variable is an array of functions, each middleware function looks like this:
function myMiddleware(next) {
performLongRunningAsyncDataAccess(function() {
Because it doesn't use 'return next()' the return value of the original res.render method is never passed back. I can get this to work if I get all the middleware functions to use 'return next()', but they come from an external source so I have no control over them, I can only guarantee that they will call 'next()'.
A bit of background, this is a Node.js app. The middleware is basically Connect middleware, and I'm trying to override the Express.js res.render method.
Generally it is a bad idea to mix asynchronous functions with return statements. Everything that you want to return, you can pass as arguments to your callback functions. So I still hope I understand your code correctly but I would assume, that you call the render function, which then grabs an array of middleware functions. Then you want to execute all the functions in that array, using the next as an callback to the previous. After all the functions have been executed, the render function should be called again, thus creating kind of an infinite loop. Assuming all of that, lets take a look at some of your return statements:
return {
return callNextMiddleware(middlewares, callback);
The first return in this block is useless since middlewareFunc is asynchronous and will therefore most likely return undefined. The second return statement is also useless, since it returns from the function, that you use as callback. But since your callback is just called by using next();, the return value will never be used.
else {
return callback();
In this block callback is the render function. So lets take a look at this function:
res.render = function() {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var middlewares = getSomeMiddleware();
return callNextMiddleware(middlewares, function() {
return render.apply(self, args);
So all last three return statements are essentially there, because you want to return something from your render function. But to be consistent, you should consider using a callback for that function as well:
res.render = function(callback) {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
var middlewares = getSomeMiddleware();
callNextMiddleware(middlewares, function() {
//this will be called after all the middleware function have been executed
render.apply(self, args);
So basically you are getting rid of all the return statements and using pure asynchronous design patterns.
callNextMiddleware should return its recursive call's return value, not middlewareFunc's.
if (middlewareFunc) {
var result;, function() {
result = callNextMiddleware(middlewares, callback);
return result;

Javascript: How do I tweak my debounce function to take an IF conditional?

I found a bug, and tracked it down.
You can see a simplified example of my code here.
As it turns out, I need to debounce my if() statement rather than debouncing the function itself.
I'd like to keep the debounce as a standalone function, but I'm not sure then how to pass the conditional in.
Any pointers?
Here's the code:
var foo = function(xyz) {
function setter(func, arg1, arg2) {
return {
fn: func,
arg1: arg1,
arg2: arg2
function debounce(someObject) {
var duration = someObject.arg2 || 100;
var timer;
if (timer) {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
timer = 0;
}, duration);
var toggle = true;
if (toggle) {
debounce(setter(foo, 'The best things in life are worth waiting for.', 1250));
} else {
foo('Instant gratification is sweet!!');
Using your example, why not pass toggle in as arg 1... something like:
var toggle = true;
var debouncedFunk = function(toggle) {
if (toggle)
// the function call
// something else
debounce(debouncedFunk, toggle, 1250);
You should also look into using the Function objects .call and .apply methods. They are for calling the function and passing in arguments. Taking the example function:
var example = function(one, two) {
// Logic here
You can call it in three ways:
// First
example(1, 2);
// Second{}, 1, 2);
// Third
example.apply({}, [ 1, 2 ]);
The first is the standard way to call a function. The difference between the first and the .call is that the first parameter to .call is the context object of the function (what this will point to inside the function), the other parameters are passed after that (and a known list is required for .call. The benefit of .apply is that you can pass an array to the function of arguments and they will be assigned to the parameter list appropriately, the first parameter is still the context object.
It would simplify your debounce function, instead of having to deal with a structured object as you currently do.
A suggestion for your debounce:
var debounce = function(funk, delay) {
var args = [];
if (arguments.length > 2)
args = [], 2);
setTimeout(function() { funk.apply({}, args); }, delay);
Changing your current if to:
var toggle = true;
var debouncedFunk = function(toggle) {
if (toggle)
// Do if true
// DO if false
debounce(debouncedFunk, 1000, toggle);
Maybe too much information (sorry)?
As a last note, I'd recommend using a framework (if possible) where these functions have been implemented already (and many other useful functions) such as Underscore. Using Underscore your example would look like:
// Define debouncedFunk and toggle
debouncedFunk = _.bind(debouncedFunk, {}, toggle);
debouncedFunk = _.debounce(debouncedFunk, 1000);
Fixed the underscore example, _.debounce returns a function that will execute only after the delay but it still needs to be called.

Flow control in JavaScript

Is it possible to write this flow control in JavaScript?
MyLib.get = function() { /* do something */ next(); }; = function() { /* do something */ next(); };
MyLib.alert = function() { /* do something */ next(); };
], function() {
// all functions were executed
Yes, but two things to know:
You should build the array from references to your functions. That means you leave off the (), because you just want to pass through the reference, not the result of calling the function!
You're going to have to deal with the fact that getting references to functions from properties of an object will not "remember" the relationship to that object. Thus, the "flow" code would have no way to know how to invoke the functions with "MyLib" as the this context reference. If that's important, you'll want to create functions that run your "member" functions in the right context.
To run the functions in the right context, you can cobble together something like the "bind" function supplied by the Prototype framework (and also, among many others, Functional.js), or $.proxy() from jQuery. It's not that hard and would probably look like this:
function bindToObject(obj, func) {
return function() {
func.apply(obj, arguments);
then you'd use it like this:
bindToObject(MyLib, MyLib.get),
bindToObject(MyLib, MyLib.alert)
If you need for parameters to be passed in, you could modify "bindToObject":
function bindToObject(obj, func) {
var preSuppliedArgs =, 2);
return function() {
func.apply(obj, preSuppliedArgs.splice(arguments));
That assumes you'd want additional arguments passed when the "bound" function is called to be tacked on to the end of the argument list. In your case, I doubt you'd want to do that, so you could leave off that "splice()" call.
This looks like continuation-passing style. However, normally in that style, each function takes a next function as an argument, like this:
MyLib.get = function(next) { /* do something */ next(); }; = function(next) { /* do something */ next(); };
MyLib.alert = function(next) { /* do something */ next(); };
and as Pointy notes, you would normally pass the functions themselves, without having already called them:
], function() {
// all functions were executed
With those changes, the code below might work.
Now, it's by no means obvious to the uninitiated exactly how continuation-passing style works just by looking at the code. I don't think I can make it clear in a single answer. But I'll try.
In this style, even a do-nothing function would not be totally empty, but would have to call next:
MyLib.do_nothing = function(next) { /* don't do something */ next(); };
One important building block is the ability to take two functions written in this style and chain them together:
// This function takes two CPS functions, f1 and f2, as arguments.
// It returns a single CPS function that calls f1, then f2, then next().
MyLib._compose2 = function (f1, f2) {
return function(next) {
return f1(function () { return f2(next); });
This is the hardest bit to understand, I think.
Once you have that, you can use it to glue together any number of functions:
MyLib._composeAll = function (arr) { // Easy!
var result = do_nothing; // Start with the "empty" function,
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) // and one by one,
result = MyLib._compose2(result, arr[i]); // add each element of arr.
return result;
And once you have that, flow is not too hard to write:
MyLib.flow = function(items, next) {
var f = MyLib._composeAll(items);
Fixing all the bugs in that code is left as an exercise. ;)

