how can url be hidden in hyperlink when mouse hover - javascript

How can I hide URL from displaying when mouse hovers on a hyperlink?
How can I hide URL from displaying in browser's bottom status bar when mouse hovers?

Don't put the URL in the href (or keep it href="#") and attach a JavaScript function to the onclick event which puts the actual link in the a element. This way you won't see the actual URL when hovering over the link but the link will be inserted when the user actually clicks.

This way you can easily hide url when mouse hover on hyperlink.
Simply add one id on anchor link.
<a href="url" id='no-link'>Hyperlink</a>
Jquery code
$(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
$('a[href]#no-link').each(function () {
var href = this.href;
$(this).removeAttr('href').css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function () {
if (href.toLowerCase().indexOf("#") >= 0) {
} else {, '_blank');
}, 500);
Here is demo link

you technically have window.status to make custom status bar messages. you can set it during an "onmouseover" event for that element and set the window.status to a blank string.. thats how we did it a long time ago however..
browsers these days prevent the modification of the status bar by default (as far as i know, firefox prevents it). so there is no guarantees as to this approach will do anything at all.

<button class="class" onclick="window.location.href=''">Visit StackOverflow</button>
<button class="class" onclick="window.location.replace('')">Visit StackOverflow</button>

Just use onclick="location.href='#'"

just remove href attribute from a element. :)


Executing an asynchronous AJAX call when a link is clicked, and then following the link

We have a link on our page of which we want to track the usage. Currently, it's not really a link. It's a <div> tag with a data attribute containing the destination and a click handler bound to it.
When clicked, we send data to Google Analytics, and then trigger a page load with window.location = url after a short delay, so that we're sure that the data has gone through.
This approach works, but it has a major flaw: the clickable element is not actually a link, and behaves like one only in part. For example, I can't use my mouse wheel to click on it and have the link open in a separate tab (as you'd expect), or I can't right click on it and get a menu that is contextual to the link (because it's not a link).
Is there a way to use an <a> tag and get the behavior of a real link, intercept the click event, interact with Google Analytics and then follow the link normally after a small delay (to make sure the data goes through), without having to redirect ourselves and without having to lose functionality?
You can use event.preventDefault() to prevent the link from being followed:
var href = this.href;
window.location = href;
}, 2000)
With new HTML5 standards, couldn't you wrap your <div> in an <a> tag? Then you could do:
<a href="" id="gaEvent" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_set', 'hitCallback', function(){window.location = this.href;}]); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent','category','action','label']);">
<div id ="blah"></div>
$('gaEvent').on('click', function(){
_gaq.push(['_set', 'hitCallback', function(){
window.location = url; // you'll still have to define this somewhere
I totally referenced this SO post - Track event in google analytics upon clicking form submit

jQuery to add a class to image links without messing up when the link passes variables

OK so I was using a bit of jquery to select all the <a> tags on the page and if they link to an image file to add a zoom class to it for the purposes of a lightbox.
This is the code which works
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".jpg"]').addClass('zoom');
There is a problem with this though;
Say I have a link which just goes to another page but passes an image url as a GET variable in the URL the lightbox is activated as a result of this and fails because the link is not actually to an image. For example:
Link text
In the above instance the jQuery script will add the zoom class to this anchor even though it doesn't actually link to a picture.
This wouldn't usually be an issue as you would leave the page to go to the link's destination before the lightbox has a chance to appear, but in times where a new tab/window is opened I get a failed lightbox coming up.
This is particularly prevalent on social media buttons such as Pinterest which passes an image url within the link.
[apologies for the title - I wasn't sure how best to phrase it. Please feel free to edit to something more suitable]
you could add the zoom class only if href attribute doesn't contain a ? (or, in other words, a querystring is not included), e.g.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a[href*=".png"], a[href*=".gif"], a[href*=".jpg"]').each(function() {
if (this.href.indexOf('?') < 0) {
You can parse the href with a simple regex to check that the image is not in the query string, and filter out the false positives.
$(document).ready(function () {
$imgLinks = $('a[href$=".png"], a[href$=".gif"], a[href$=".jpg"]');
$imgLinks.filter(function() {
return !$(this)

How can I remove address element highlighting when I double click using the chrome browser?

I have the following code block and javascript that work as intended.
<a id="menuPrev">
<div class="sprite-blank"></div>
.click(function () {
return false;
.doubleClick(function() {
return false;
When a user double clicks on the address link a blue line appears below the <a> element a the bottom of the <li> element. This only happens with the Chrome browser and on a double click. From what I can see it's the default color behaviour in Chrome when I double click on something. It looks confusing and if possible I would like to stop this happening.
So far I have found that if I change the code and add href="#" to the link then this
does not happen. However when I do this the link address appears at the bottom of
the page and I don't want this.
Does anyone have any idea how I can solve this and make the browser ignore my
double clicking?
Try href="javascript:void(0);" to prevent browser from displaying the link in the status bar.
Also try event.preventDefault(); to "as the name suggests"
It sounds like you've already solved it, you just need to prevent the browser from displaying the link in the status bar. The first thing you have is a link with no href. Chrome flat out just doesn't like this because it considers the link to be malformed. So you should place your href="#" back in place and add this to your jQuery:
.click(function () {
return false;
.doubleClick(function() {
return false;
.mouseover(function() {
window.status = '';

How to hide href from appearing in the bottom of browser window

I am executing some javascript on clicking on anchor tags and use href="javascript:void(null);" to disable anchor tag.
Now if I hover on anchor tag browser status bar will show javascript:void(null).
Is there any way hiding it from status bar?
Use events instead of the href attribute.
Example with jQuery:
I'm a link
$('a#link').click(function(ev) {
do whatever you want
For the sake of completeness here is a pure JavaScript solution as mentioned in the comments below:
document.getElementById('link').onclick = function(ev) {
// other stuff

Middle Click JS Function

I have a button on the site I am working on that uses a sprite sheet animation and so needs to be set as a background image. I require a regular click on the button to delay the redirect to another page by a fraction of a second for the animation to play, however I still wish for middle mouse clicks to function to open in new tab, without a delay.
Currently I have this working in Javascript but it seems a pretty bad idea for everything to be handled that way and not to just have a href.
So I have made this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function delayed(){
setTimeout('window.location = "";', 800);}
I am a link
The idea being that a regular click triggers the function and incurs a delay whereas a middle mouse click will just go straight to the href link.
This works in Firefox. However in Chrome and Safari the middle click triggers the function and as a result opens the dog link in the same window (on the finished version the links will be the same of course).
Basically all I need is a href that delays on click but still functions normally on middle click. My working solution uses Javascript to open in new tab on middle click but it strikes me that this may override browser settings and is probably a bad idea.
In the meantime I had found this solution using Jquery:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".delayed").click(function() {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
setTimeout(function() {window.location = href}, 800);
return false;
...and the HTML:
<a href="" class='delayed'></a>
This worked but encountered the same problem with Chrome treating a middle click as a left click and hence opening it in the same window.
I have now modified it to include the content from sransara so that... I think... everything is resolved. Again using Jquery:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".delayed").click(function(event) {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
if(event.button == 0){
event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault():event.returnValue = false;
setTimeout(function() {window.location = href}, 800);
Seems to work in all browsers. Hopefully these can be of use to anyone stumbling upon this page in the future.
This is just a quick solution, but I think it mostly fits into your need.
The code of HTML anchor tag:
I am a link
Here is the Javascript:
function delayed(event){
if(event.button == 0){
event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault():event.returnValue = false;
setTimeout(function(){ window.location = ""; }, 800);
There are few simple changes:
I have removed the return false from onclick event, but the new code line event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault():event.returnValue = false;, prevents default action when left clicked.
And added a button code check to Javascript.
Working demo code is here.
This is a quick solution, some area for improvement is to:
Take out the inline onclick event and add an event listener dynamically with JS.

