how to access jquery internal data? - javascript

As you may or may not be aware as of jQuery 1.7 the whole event system was rewritten from the ground up. The codebase is much faster and with the new .on() method there is a lot of uniformity to wiring up event handlers.
One used to be able to access the internal events data and investiate what events are registered on any given element, but recently this internal information has been hidden based on the following scenario...
It seems that the "private" data is ALWAYS stored on the .data(jQuery.expando) - For "objects" where the deletion of the object should also delete its caches this makes some sense.
In the realm of nodes however, I think we should store these "private" members in a separate (private) cache so that they don't pollute the object returned by $"
Although I agree with the above change to hide the internal data, I have found having access to this information can be helpful for debugging and unit testing.
What was the new way of getting the internal jquery event object in jQuery 1.7?

In jQuery 1.7, events are stored in an alternate location accessible through the internal $._data() method (but note that this method is documented as for internal use only in the source code, so use it at your own risks and be prepared for it to change or disappear in future versions of the library).
To obtain the events registered on an element, you can call $._data() on that element and examine the events property of the returned object. For example:
$("#yourElement").click(function() {
// ...


Access ReactJS's internal event mapping

Since ReactJS uses event delegation, is there a way to access the internal node/events mapping?
It doesn't have to be pretty, wrapping one of the responsible functions (like the equivalent of jQuery's on()) and doing custom housekeeping would work fine and would actually be preferable to accessing that data through an object of some sort.
If I could get the selector, event and handler (optional) that'd be great, as I'm already doing this for jQuery.
The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to optimize Arachni for ReactJS applications and having prior knowledge of which elements actually have event handlers (and what they are) would result in a much more efficient scan.
In addition, that data would be of great value when scanning web applications for non security reason's as well, you could gather some very interesting stats that way. support across windows

I'm trying to update a web app that uses the function to store information. The update involves refactoring the interface so that there are separate windows for different types of information rather than using just divs on the same page. Because of the way some plugins work the code that calls them has been moved into different windows to run in the window where they are needed. However, many of the callbacks used by these plugins use .data() to find stored information, but then code that sets the data stored by .data() is in the parent window, and it does not seem to attach the data to the DOM, it stores it somewhere attached to the window, so in the child window the callbacks can no longer find the data they are looking for.
Will it work using call(parent,;? And is there possibly a tidier way of dealing with this?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for all the suggestions. This wasn't using cookies because the information doesn't need to be stored beyond the current session. All of the interaction is done via javascript, there are no server requests until you save at the end. The windows that have to communicate are all open at the same time, hence the call() suggestion. I ended up solving this using .prop in place of .data as the syntax and functionality was almost identical. This directly associates the data with the DOM on the relevant window. $_SESSION only works when each page is requested from the server.
So, if you are trying to store information that needs to be accessed by multiple windows simultaneously or without a page refresh you can use the jQuery .prop() function to attach data to the DOM. .attr() could also work, but .prop() allows you to directly access values using . notation.
The .data functions are designed to prevent circular references but they store the information somewhere that means you can't access it without using .data which stores info separately for each context.

jQuery .remove() vs Node.removeChild() and external maps to DOM nodes

The jQuery API documentation for jQuery .remove() mentions:
In addition to the elements themselves, all bound events and jQuery
data associated with the elements are removed.
I assume "bound events" here means "event handlers"; documentation for the similar .empty() says:
To avoid memory leaks, jQuery removes other constructs such as data
and event handlers from the child elements before removing the
elements themselves.
It does sound like leaks would ensue if one were to not use these functions and use Node.removeChild() (or ChildNode.remove()) instead.
Is this true for modern browsers?
If so, why exactly can't properties and event handlers be collected once the node is removed?
If not, do we still need to use .data()? Is it only good to retrieve HTML5 data- attributes?
Documentation for (lower-level function) says:
The method allows us to attach data of any type to DOM
elements in a way that is safe from circular references and therefore
free from memory leaks. jQuery ensures that the data is removed when
DOM elements are removed via jQuery methods, and when the user leaves
the page.
This sounds an awful lot like a solution to the old IE DOM/JS circular leak pattern which, AFAIK, is solved in all browsers today.
However, a comment in the jQuery src/data.js code (snapshot) says:
Provide a clear path for implementation upgrade to WeakMap in 2014
Which suggests that the idea of storing data strictly associated to a DOM node outside of the DOM using a separate data store with a map is still considered in the future.
Is this just for backward-compatibility, or is there more to it?
Answers provided to other questions like this one also seem to imply that the sole reason for an external map is to avoid cyclic refs between DOM objects and JS objects, which I consider irrelevant in the context of this question (unless I'm mistaken).
Furthermore, I've seen plugins that now set properties on relevant DOM nodes directly (e.g. selectize.js) and it doesn't seem to bother anyone. Is this an OK practice? It certainly looks that way, as it makes removing entire DOM trees very easy. No need to walk it down, no need to clean up any external data store, just detach it from the parent node, lose the reference, and let the garbage collector do its thing.
Further notes, context and rationale to the question:
This kind of capability is especially interesting for frameworks that manage views (e.g. Durandal), which often times have to replace entire trees that represent said views in their architecture. While most of them certainly support jQuery explicitly, this solution does not scale at all. Every component that uses a similar data store must also be cleaned up. In the case of Durandal, it seems they (at least in one occurrence, the dialog plugin - snapshot) rely on Knockout's .removeNode() (snapshot) utility function, which in turn uses jQuery's internal cleanData(). That's, IMHO, a prime example of horrible special-casing (I'm not sure it even works as it is now if jQuery is used in noConflict mode, which it is in most AMD setups).
This is why I'd love to know if I can safely ignore all of this or if we'll have to wait for Web Components in order to regain our long-lost sanity.
"It does sound like leaks would ensue if one were to not use these functions and use Node.removeChild() (or ChildNode.remove()) instead.
Is this true for modern browsers?
If so, why exactly can't properties and event handlers be collected once the node is removed?"
Absolutely. The data (including event handlers) associated with an element is held in a global object held at jQuery.cache, and is removed via a serial number jQuery puts on the element.
When it comes time for jQuery to remove an element, it grabs the serial number, looks up the entry in jQuery.cache, manually deletes the data, and then removes the element.
Destroy the element without jQuery, you destroy the serial number and the only association to the element's entry in the cache. The garbage collector has no knowledge of what the jQuery.cache object is for, and so it can't garbage collect entries for nodes that were removed. It just sees it as a strong reference to data that may be used in the future.
While this was a useful approach for old browsers like IE6 and IE7 that had serious problems with memory leaks, modern implements have excellent garbage collectors that reliably find things like circular references between JavaScript and the DOM. You can have some pretty nasty circular references via object properties and closures, and the GC will find them, so it's really not such a worry with those browsers.
However, since jQuery holds element data in the manner it does, we now have to be very careful when using jQuery to avoid jQuery-based leaks. This means never use native methods to remove elements. Always use jQuery methods so that jQuery can perform its mandatory data cleanup.
"Furthermore, I've seen plugins that now set properties on relevant DOM nodes directly (e.g. selectize.js) and it doesn't seem to bother anyone. Is this an OK practice?"
I think it is for the most part. If the data is just primitive data types, then there's no opportunity for any sort of circular references that could happen with functions and objects. And again, even if there are circular references, modern browsers handle this nicely. Old browsers (especially IE), not so much.
"This is why I'd love to know if I can safely ignore all of this or if we'll have to wait for Web Components in order to regain our long-lost sanity."
We can't ignore the need to use jQuery specific methods when destroying nodes. Your point about external frameworks is a good one. If they're not built specifically with jQuery in mind, there can be problems.
You mention jQuery's $.noConflict, which is another good point. This easily allows other frameworks/libraries to "safely" be loaded, which may overwrite the global $. This opens the door to leaks IMO.
AFAIK, $.noConflict also enables one to load multiple versions of jQuery. I don't know if there are separate caches, but I would assume so. If that's the case, I would imagine we'd have the same issues.
If jQuery is indeed going to use WeakMaps in the future as the comment you quoted suggests, that will be a good thing and a sensible move. It'll only help in browsers that support WeakMaps, but it's better than nothing.
"If not, do we still need to use .data()? Is it only good to retrieve HTML5 data- attributes?"
Just wanted to address the second question. Some people think .data() should always be used for HTML5 data- attributes. I don't because using .data() for that will import the data into jQuery.cache, so there's more memory to potentially leak.
I can see it perhaps in some narrow cases, but not for most data. Even with no leaks, there's no need to have most data- stored in two places. It increases memory usage with no benefit. Just use .attr() for most simple data stored as data- attributes.
In order to provide some of its features, jQuery has its own storage for some things. For example, if you do
$(elem).data("greeting", "hello");
Then, jQuery, will store the key "greeting" and the data "hello" on its own object (not on the DOM object). If you then use .removeChild(elem) to remove that element from the DOM and there are no other references to it, then that DOM element will be freed by the GC, but the data that you stored with .data() will not. This is a memory leak as the data is now orphaned forever (while you're on that web page).
If you use:
$(some parent selector).empty()
Then, jQuery will not only remove the DOM elements, but also clean up its extra shadow data that it keeps on items.
In addition to .data(), jQuery also keeps some info on event handlers that are installed which allows it to perform operations that the DOM by itself can't do such as $(elem).off(). That data also will leak if you don't dispose of an object using jQuery methods.
In a touch of irony, the reason jQuery doesn't store data as properties on the DOM elements themselves (and uses this parallel storage) is because there are circumstances where storing certain types of data on the DOM elements can itself lead to memory leaks.
As for the consequences of all this, most of the time it is a negligible issue because it's a few bytes of data that is recovered by the browser as soon as the user navigates to a new page.
The kinds of things that could make it become material are:
If you have a very dynamic web page that is constantly creating and removing DOM elements thousands of times and using jQuery features on those objects that store side data (jQuery event handlers, .data() on those elements, then any memory leak per operation could add up over time and become material.
If you have a very long running web page (e.g. a single page app) that stays on screen for very long periods of time and thus over time the memory leaks could accumulate.

How to "correctly" create an object which inherits from Element?

I am writing an HTML5 application that involves a lot of XML manipulation, part of this manipulation involves comparing the versions of two different XML Elements.
What I need is for every Element, Attr, and TextNode (all of which inherit from Node, AFAIK) object that gets created to have associated version information, but still be able to behave like a normal Element, Attr, or TextNode. The current working solution I am using to store the version information, is the following:
Node.prototype.MyAppAnnotation = {
Version : null
Now, I understand that augmenting built-in types is considered bad form, but beyond this technique, I'm at a loss for how to get the desired functionality. I don't think I can encapsulate the Node in a wrapper because I need the Node related properties and functions exposed on the wrapper. I might be able to write some sort of pass-through functions for the wrapper, but that seems really clunky.
I feel that because the app I'm writing is an HTML5 app, and as such only has to run on the most modern browsers (all of which support the augmentation of built-ins), makes this technique appropriate. Also, by providing a sufficiently obscure name to my augmentation object, I can avoid all naming collisions (except for intentional collisions). I've also explored inheritance-based solution using Google's Closure library. However, it appears that because Element, Node and TextNode don't have direct constructors (i.e. they're created off of a Document object), this technique will not work either.
I was wondering if someone could either a) recommend an elegant way of achieving this effect without augmenting Element, or b) provide a compelling reason for why I shouldn't break the "don't augment built-ins" rule in this case.
Many Thanks,
Your idea is theoretically valid, but there's a weird feeling I get when reading about it.
First of all - you don't have to augment any prototypes. If you just do somedomnode.myweirdname='foo' it will become a field of that object. That's what javascript does ;)
So when there is no version you'll get undefined instead of null.
But, if you want to add more functionality or wrap dom node in anything - there's a bit of history of doing that. Most of that history is dominated by stuff like jQuery :)
Just create an object that has a field containing the node. And then you can access it really simply:
And create the object with some constructor or just factory function:
var myobject = createDomNodeWrapper(domnode)

What sort of memory leaks should I watch for with jQuery's data()?

Should I pair every data() call with a later removeData() call?
My assumptions: jQuery's remove() will remove elements from the DOM, and if I don't have any other references to remove, I don't have to do any more clean up.
However, if I have some javascript var or object referring to one of the elements being removed, I'll need to clean that up, and I'm assuming that applies to jQuery's data function, too, because it's referencing the elements somehow.
So if I do need to call removeData before remove, is there a shortcut to remove all data associated with an element or do I have to call each explicitly by name?
Edit: I looked through the source code and confirmed what Borgar and roosteronacid said. Remove takes the elements out of the dom and deletes any events and data stored with them - which is convenient, but makes me wonder when you would use removeData(). Probably not often.
jQuery's data does not keep a reference to the element so that you don't need to worry about memory leaks. Its intended purpose is to solve this exact problem.
A slight simplification of how it works:
An id member is added to each "touched" DOM node. All subsequent actions involving that DOM element use that id.
var theNode = document.getElementById('examplenode');
theNode[ 'jQuery' + timestamp ] = someInternalNodeID;
You can access the id using the same function jQuery uses:
someInternalID = document.body );
When you append data to the node it stores that on the jQuery object, filed under the node's internal id. Your $(element).data(key,value) translates internally to something like:
jQuery.cache[ someInternalNodeID ][ theKey ] = theValue;
Everything goes into the same structure, including event handlers:
jQuery.cache[ someInternalNodeID ][ 'events' ][ 'click' ] = theHandler;
When an element is removed, jQuery can therefore throw away all the data (and the event handlers) with one simple operation:
delete jQuery.cache[ someInternalNodeID ];
Theoretically, you may therefore also remove jQuery without leaks occurring from any references. jQuery even supports multiple separate instances of the library, each holding it's own set of data or events.
You can see John Resig explaining this stuff in the "The DOM Is a Mess" presentation.
The whole point of jQuery is to abstract away from crappy JavaScript implementations and bugs in browsers.. such as memory leaks :)
.. Yup; all associated data to an element will be removed when that element is removed from the DOM.
By and large, javascript is fairly good about knowing when it's appropriate to collect the garbage, and unless you're writing very large-scale or long-running client-side apps, I'd say the memory involved is mostly inconsequential and trying to second-guess it isn't gonna gain you a lot.
Determining what unfinished lexical closures or other tricky javascript in jQuery might still be accessing your given data could be pretty complicated in some cases.
As far as I'm aware, though, if you store a reference to whatever you got with jQuery's data function then it would continue to exist after the element is removed, so removing that reference would be necessary as well. Some simple test cases would give you a more definite answer.

