Tablesorter can not update table columns - javascript

I use table sorter function and need to update one or more cells. I try to do this:
var tr = document.getElementById('myTable').rows;
var table = jQuery(".tablesorter");
for(l=1; l<newData[k].length; l++)
but this produce the next exception message:
TypeError: cell.parentNode is undefined
Can anybody tell me how can I fix it to update the table columns?


Filter multiple badges in a bootsrap-table column

I have a table made with bootstrap-table and I have a column "status" in which a cell can contains multiple html badges.
I have a select data-filter-control but it doesn't works correctly.
The first problem was that I had html content in filter selection like this :
I resolved the first problem by add a data-filter-data-collector like this :
<th data-field="status" data-filter-control="select" data-align="center" data-filter-data-collector="tableFilterStripHtml">Status</th>
Here the js code for tableFilterStripHtml :
window.tableFilterStripHtml = function (value) {
return value.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').trim();
Now the filter still don't work correctly. The problem is that I have same data in multiple rows selection of the filter. And for one row I should have one data, not multiple.
See this :
Do someone know how to fix this problem ? Thank you in advance.
Just found the solution by myself, here the js code :
window.tableFilterStripHtml = function (value) {
var badges = value.match(/<span[^>]*>(.*?)<\/span>/g) || [];
return (badge) {
return badge.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').trim();

jQuery get all rows using table.rows().data().each with pagination

I can't find a solution online for this. I have my code like this
$('.validation-summary-table').dataTable({ paging: true, ordering: false });
const conflictsArray = pushConflictDatas('#conflict .validation-summary-table tbody tr.odd');
function pushConflictDatas(dataTableTr) {
let radioButtonsConflicts = new Array();
$(dataTableTr).each(function() {
const currentRow = $(this).closest("tr"); // CSV row
const nextRow =; // DB row
let currentRowObj = {
Name: currentRow.find('td:eq(0)').text().trim(),
isChecked: currentRow.find('td:eq(1) input[type="radio"]').is(':checked')
let nextRowObj = {
Name: nextRow.find('td:eq(0)').text().trim(),
isChecked: nextRow.find('td:eq(1) input[type="radio"]').is(':checked')
radioButtonsConflicts.push([currentRowObj, nextRowObj]);
return radioButtonsConflicts;
This worked fine until I found out it wasn't getting all table rows on the next pages when I click a button, only the current page and nothing else. I need to get all the rows and push them to an array for my ajax request. So I found this code from their docs:
var table = $(conflictTable).DataTable();
table.rows('.odd').data().each(function (value, index) {
console.log('index: ', index)
console.log('value: ', value)
} );
However this only selects <tr> on the current page, just like what the old function does. If I move to the next page, it will "append" it. If I remove the selector .odd, it would get all the rows from all paginated pages, but I'm writing a code that targets the next row and I want to only select rows with a specific class name before I do such. How do I do this?
You can use the following code to get all table data:
let table_data = table.rows({ search: 'applied'}).data();

Datatables - not able to put colun chooser

I have a datatable whose data I am populating as follows. I need to add column chooser to the below function. Can somebody tell me where to place the columns array in the below code.
var data = "jsonResponse."+"controlKpiList";
$.each(eval(data), function(id1, value) {

Display no results using Angular Kendo for kendo list view

I am using Angular Kendo and building one list.
<kendo-mobile-list-view id="myList" class="item-list" k-template="templates.myListTemp" k-data-source="myService.myDataSource">
I am using Kendo DataSource and ObservableArray for generating data for my list in my service.
this.myDataSource = new{ data:this.myObservableArray });
this.myObservableArray.push({ key: "test", id:"test" });
Every is working as expected.
Now I want to display a message when their are no records to display, in the place I am displaying the list, like "NO RECORDS TO DISPLAY, Please Refresh".
How can I achieve this using angular Kendo.
I saw few posts for Kendo JQuery but no solution for Angular Kendo.
Define the grid
dataSource: employeeDataSource,
dataBound: function () {
The javascript function 'DisplayNoResultsFound' is as follows
function DisplayNoResultsFound(grid) {
// Get the number of Columns in the grid
var dataSource ="kendoGrid").dataSource;
var colCount = grid.find('.k-grid-header colgroup > col').length;
// If there are no results place an indicator row
if (dataSource._view.length == 0) {
grid.find('.k-grid-content tbody')
.append('<tr class="kendo-data-row"><td colspan="' + colCount + '" style="text-align:center"><b>No Results Found!</b></td></tr>');
// Get visible row count
var rowCount = grid.find('.k-grid-content tbody tr').length;
// If the row count is less that the page size add in the number of missing rows
if (rowCount < dataSource._take) {
var addRows = dataSource._take - rowCount;
for (var i = 0; i < addRows; i++) {
grid.find('.k-grid-content tbody').append('<tr class="kendo-data-row"><td> </td></tr>');
First, you should add a name to your kendo instance(myList):
<kendo-mobile-list-view="myList" id="myList" class="item-list" k-template="templates.myListTemp" k-data-source="myService.myDataSource">
Then, in your controller:
Also you could specify some k-options in the html and read those options(including the dataBound) from the angular controller, this link explains more about it

Angular JS : creating table with json

I've created an application in angular-JS for creating table with dynamic columns from json
For example the JSON structure returning from a service is in the structure where the others field of the main JSON contains another JSON array which is the additional columns,
so all together there will be four additional dynamic columns i.e File 1, File 2, File 3, File 4 each object has value for the corresponding File field, sometime present sometime not present.
$scope.getColumns = function()
//console.log( $scope.datas[0].others[0]);
$scope.datas.resultsOrder = new Array();
for ( var i = 0; i < $scope.datas.length; i++)
for ( var j = 0; j < $scope.datas[i].others.length; j++)
if (countInstances($scope.datas.resultsOrder, $scope.datas[i].others[j].id) < countInstances(
$scope.datas[i].others, $scope.datas[i].others[j].id)){
$scope.datas.resultsOrder.sort(function(a, b){
return a.localeCompare(b);
return $scope.datas.resultsOrder;
I've shown the tables with the dynamic columns perfectly using javascript help, but can anyone please tell me some other way for creating the above dynamic table through angular js in a simple way, since in my code I've used javascript complex logic for the creation of dynamic columns which is as shown below
My JS-Fiddle is given below
This wll create an object called columns where the properties are the names of the dynamic columns ('File 1', 'File 2' etc.)
$scope.columns = {};
angular.forEach( $scope.datas, function(data){
angular.forEach( data.others, function(other){
// Set the 'File x' property for each item in the others array
data[] = other.value;
// Add the dyanmic column to the columns object
$scope.columns[] = null;
<!-- table header -->
<th ng-repeat="(column,val) in columns">
<a ng-click="sort_by()"><i>{{column}}</i></a>
<!-- data rows -->
<td ng-repeat="(column,v) in columns">{{val[column]}}</td>

