JQuery hover fadeIn/fadeOut on different divs - javascript

I have lists inside a div called header which I want to expand the lists on hover over each list, but I want all the lists which have been hovered over to stay open until the mouse is moved out of the header div. So far I have fadeIn/fadeOut for each list individually or I can get each list to fadeIn and stay open but not fadeOut whenever I move out of the div.
here is the code that I am using: http://jsfiddle.net/jTCdg/11/
The line commented out in the javascript is what changes between all the lists staying visible or the list fadeIn/fadeOut on hover.
This is my first time using javascript so help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

jQuery hover is a shortcut for the mouseenter and mouseleave event handlers. You can define both separately.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#header ul").mouseenter(function() {
$("#header").mouseleave (function() {
Also see the updated jsfiddle.


How to move element on slide change using jQuery cycle2?

I have a slideshow that’s using jQuery cycle2. I’ve included a jsfiddle with a mockup of how it needs to function in my project: https://jsfiddle.net/b1tfx58o/2/
It has navigational links on the side and it has a red small box on the edge that’s supposed to move to align with the nav link. For example if I click “slide 2” than the red box will slide down and stay there like it does for slide 1. If I click either slide 1 or slide 3 than it will move to be in the middle of the border line for that link. You should also be able to click on the red box to make it go to the next slide. I have that part working but not moving it when I click the links. Any help on this would be much appreciated!
The script so far(checking the JSfiddle will make more sense):
var icon = $('.icon');
var slideshow = $('.cycle-slideshow');
icon.on('click', function(e){
slideshow.cycle('next', function(){
You need to add click listeners to each list link, to run a function that .getBoundingClientRect() of 'this', referring to the link clicked, then use the 'top' value from getBCR to change the top position of your icon element. You'll likely have to combine it with window.scrollY for your project.
See here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect & good luck

click events and css attributes not attaching to divs, possibly because divs are "mostly padding"

I'm trying to attach click events to a couple of divs. One of which has no height or width, just borders. Maybe it's just the browser, but the clicks are being triggered very unreliably. Even the css parameters .class:hover{} isn't really working.
$("body").on("click", "._tlh_dropdown, ._tlh_dropdown *", function (event) {
isn't working when the a div contained by ._tlh_dropdown is clicked. And the div ._tlh_dropdown_close_button is not removing it's parent div when clicked, nor turning a darker shade of gray when it is hovered over. What am I doing wrong here? I assume it has to do with the click event not being applied to the areas of the divs that are "just padding". Is this the case? How can I overcome this?
This is happening because the underline element that is a div element overlaps the elements in question . As you know div is a block level element.
One work around is to to set the 2 divs to inline-block
._tlh_dropdown_input_container, ._tlh_dropdown{
display: inline-block;
Check Fiddle for hover
If you want the div to be block level as it is then you can also play around with the z-index
z-index: 1;
This will make sure the close div is always on top of the underlying container
2 events fire for every click event on the page..
So the content is not shown when u click on the image because of this condition
if ($targ.hasClass('_tlh_dropdown')
|| $targ.closest('._tlh_dropdown_content').length)
This happens because the e.target when you click on the arrow image will be the arrow and not the tlh_dropdown .. So it fails on this condition and moves to the next statement where the content is removed.
Change it
if ($targ.hasClass('_tlh_dropdown')
|| $targ.closest('._tlh_dropdown').length
|| $targ.closest('._tlh_dropdown_content').length)
It should work..
Check Fiddle
Also I feel the same can be accomplished with a lot less code. You can always have the HTML already built and then hide or show based on the condition.
Regarding the close button, if you hover "_tlh_dropdown_input_container" in the inspector, you can see that it overlaps the bottom part of the X button. That's why the hover/click event on the X is not caught below the middle of it.
Regarding the down arrow, just wrap it with another DIV on which you'll add the events. You can achieve minimal HTML by using a single DIV and adding the arrow to it using CSS :before or :after.

Drop down menu cut-off after SlideOut

I'm using a drop-down-menu which I modified to use animations such as SlideOut and FadeIn using onmouseover and onmouseout.
The problem comes after hovering through all of the nested lists a few times, which results in the second nested list becoming cut off.
You can replicate the bug by moving from "nav 1" to "nav 2" and back again rapidly.
Link to jsFiddle
Screenshot of cut-off:
Please and thank you for any advice / criticism.
Please see this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/SuRJ9/
The code I've changed:
function slideDown(toSlide) {
function(){ $(this).css('overflow','visible') });
I've added resetting overflow to visible after finishing animation. overflow is set to hidden by jQuery in order to make sliding animation.
Also, please don't use onmouseout="slideUp(this)" and onmouseover="slideDown(this)", this is obtrusive JavaScript and is a bad technique. You should assign these events using jQuery.
$.fadeOut/In() apply certain styles before running the animation. These are remove when the animation completes.
Your fadeOutNav() is calling stop(true) , which if done while fadeOut() or fadeIn() are working, will leave the style's they have applied to the element. In this case overflow:hidden on the parent ul. You can remove the stop and let the effects bubble up, or insert a .css('overflow','') to your chain.

jQuery menu effect gone wrong

I am seeking for a way to fade a submenu in a list-ordered navigation as I want it to fade:
There is always an active menu item - and if the active menu item is in the submenu - also an active menu parent. So, at init the submenu with an active current item or current parent item should be visible. If I hover an other menu item, its submenu will fade in, the active one fades out. After leaving the whole menu, the active submenu fades in again. Plus, I used the jQuery plugin hoverIntent (http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html) to give a timeout for each hover action.
This is what I got so far, but it's really buggy. For some reasons, submenus are sometimes just disappearing completely, also when hovering two items without leaving the navigation, two submenus overlap. Does anyone have an idea or tip for me? =) Please see a demo HERE: http://jsfiddle.net/BQuPz/
Problems with CSS: It's best not to play with display:none and opacity yourself, leave it up to jQuery and use the proper functions for fadeIn() and fadeOut().
Instead of putting display:block; float:left; on the menu's <li> elements, you should use display:inline-block. If you float the <li>s, that effectively tears them out of their parent container, leaving the ul with zero size, hence it is impossible to listen to mouseleave events unless you explicitly set its size.
Problems with code: In the hoverIntent plugin, timeout might not be what you're looking for. Timeout automatically fires the out event after a certain amount of time. To delay the hover effect, use sensitivity and interval instead. Check out the documentation page.
If you apply the above fixes, the only events needed are hoverIntent's over and the main navigation's mouseleave. The over event fades in the current submenu and fades out the rest, the mouseleave fades in the active submenu when the user hovers off the navigation. Look at your modified jsfiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BQuPz/4/
// Hide inactive ones
$('#main-nav > li:not(.current-menu-parent) .sub-menu').hide();
// What to do when hovering over a menu item
$("#main-nav > li").hoverIntent({
over: function(){
// Find the hovered menu's sub-menu
var $submenu = $(this).find('.sub-menu');
// Stop the animation and fade out the other submenus
// Fade in the current one
// What to do when user leaves the navigation area
// Fade out all inactive submenus
$('#main-nav > li:not(.current-menu-parent) .sub-menu').fadeOut(260);
// Fade in the active one
$('.current-menu-parent .sub-menu').fadeIn(260);
Instead of using animate in $(this).find("ul").animate({'opacity': '1'}, 250);
I would have used fadeIn and fadeOut functions with callbacks. Then you're sure your fadeIn animation begins after the fadeout ends

animating div elements left to right and back

I have a menu system made up of divs and i want to animate the left property to slide each time the user mouses over a menu item but i need the outer div(which is black) element to expand as the menu items move left to right also I want the div element(.container) to slide back and contract the outer div element(this black div which is 0 width) I have a basic example done in jsFiddle it olny moves the elements to the left
Having a little trouble fully understanding, but is this sort of what you mean?
If I could rewrite your html a bit, I would put make each .menu-item into an unordered list.
When you mouseenter the unordered list, you expand the second container. Inside that mouseenter function, I would have a second event when you mouseenter a list item, you populate the second container and stopPropogation.
You could probably still do it with a mouseenter on the first container, and another mouseenter on the div.menu-item, but your first container has extra height and width.
You should be able to fix the left is null issue by having the code not execute on the last .content, like this:
$('.container').not(':last').find('.menu-item').mouseenter(function () {
This will not apply to the menu-items within the green box.
For the re-show issue, I would change the way you are showing. Instead of sliding the box out from behind the other, you can position it where you want it to end up and hide it, then you can use:
.animate({width: 'show'})
Which will give a similar sliding effect.
That, or do it similar to my response to your other question, only without the collapsing I had previously:

