Multiple value to select field - javascript

I want the user to click the select box and when have selected any option redirect to index.php?id={variableId}&itemId={secondVariableId}
<select name="select">
<option value="id=1&itemId=2">One</option>
<option value="id=1&itemId=3">One</option>
<option value="id=2&itemId=1">One</option>
But, I can not imagine where to start

<select name="select" onchange="window.location='index.php?' + this.value;">
<option value="default">- select -</option>
<option value="id=1&itemId=2">One</option>
<option value="id=1&itemId=3">One</option>
<option value="id=2&itemId=1">One</option>

You can use the "onChange()" function, but does not work properly in some versions of IE, as I remember.

I think this is what you want (if i'm understanding correctly and assuming jquery is being used).
$("select").on("change", function() {
window.location = 'index.php?' + $(this).val();

What you can do is add the option multiple=yes to your select tag. When this is posted back, it will be in an array. Here's a good sample that you can test with:

Hiya this might help: sample demo
Jquery COde
$(document).ready(function () {
var url = "" // in this case your URL
$("select#foobar").change(function() {
url= url + $(this).val();
window.location = url;
<form id="temp1">
<select id="foobar">
<option value="nothing"> --select-- </option>
<option value="id=foo&itemid=bar"> click1 </option>
<option value="id=foo&itemid=bar"> click2 </option>


How to use getElementByID in JavaScript to connect to my HTML drop down box?

I have a drop-down box in HTML showing three options. I am also using javaScript and want to use the getElementById tool to connect the two. However, I only have one ID for the drop-down box. How does javascript recognize that I have three different options?
There's actually a demo on showing exactly what you're asking. To get the number of options, you could do something like
Here is an example of how to retrieve the value of a dropdown:
You use getElementBy* functions to get the element, however value attribute denotes which item is currently selected.
<select id="dropdown">
<option value="1">First option</option>
<option value="2">Second option</option>
<option value="3">Third option</option>
function onChangeHandler(e)
alert("you have selected item with value "+this.value);
document.getElementById("dropdown").addEventListener("change", onChangeHandler);
You can listen for change like this
var list = document.getElementById("mySelect")
list.addEventListener('change', function(e){
<select id="mySelect">
You can do something like this, here is an example:-
<select id="selectBox">
<option value="1">option 1</option>
<option value="2" selected="selected">option 2</option>
<option value="3">option 3</option>
var e = document.getElementById("selectBox");
var selectedValue = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
// this will give selectedValue as 2
Hope you find this useful!!

how to pass data/value to select option using jquery or js?

<select id="scStatus{{}}" name="statusclass" class="selectpicker nk-int-st statusclass">
<option selected value=""></option>
<option value="Active">Active</option>
<option value="Suspended">Suspended</option>
added the select option I want to change the value using jquery or js I tried like this
document.getElementsByClassName('statusclass')[0].value = data.job_status
$('.statusclass option[value="' + data.job_status + '"]').attr("selected", "selected");
It's a little bit difficult to see what's wrong with the code you've got, to be honest. .val() should work perfectly, assuming you feed it a valid option value.
Demo (click "Run code snippet", and then click the button marked "Click to change value" to see it in action):
$(function() {
$("#btn").click(function() {
var data = {
"job_status": "Active"
<script src=""></script>
<select id="scStatus{{}}" name="statusclass" class="selectpicker nk-int-st statusclass">
<option selected value=""></option>
<option value="Active">Active</option>
<option value="Suspended">Suspended</option>
<button type="button" id="btn">Click to change value</button>

Enable popup on select and url redirect on select control?

I want menu to be in select control, like this
<form id="go">
<select name="URL" onchange="window.location.href=this.form.URL.options[this.form.URL.selectedIndex].value">
<option value="">Select option</option>
<option onclick="openChangePassword()">Change password</option>
<option value="">Edit personal data</option>
<option value="">Dashboard</option>
This is changing url not a problem, but i have problem with some option because values are calling function, onclick="openChangePassword() and it is not working this way, any solution.
On some option i need url redirect on other i need function call?
As A. Wolff points out in his comment, you should add an event listener to the <select> element instead. Like this:
<form id="go">
<select name="URL">
<option value="">Select option</option>
<option value="openChangePassword">Change password</option>
<option value="">Edit personal data</option>
<option value="">Dashboard</option>
document.querySelector('select[name="URL"]').addEventListener('change', function(e){
var selection = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
if(selection == 'openChangePassword'){
} else {
window.location.href = selection;
Notice that I only use the value attribute of <option> and then decide what to do in the listener callback function.

select option using jquery fails?

Here iam trying to get values based on #category selection when i select a category men or women,following select option should show the relevant options.what i did satisfied my requirement but when i try to access it using keyboard(down arrow) it shows all the options of the is the code and fiddle.any help is thankful.
my fiddle
<select id="category" name="category">
<option value="MEN" id="menu1">MEN</option>
<option value="WOMEN" id="menu2">WOMEN</option>
<select id="subcategory">
<option id="Clothing" value="Clothing">Clothing</option>
<option id="Accessories" value="Accessories">Accessories</option>
<option id="Footwear" value="Footwear">Footwear</option>
<option id="Watches" value="Watches">Watches</option>
<option id="Sunglasses" value="Sunglasses">Sunglasses</option>
<option id="Bags" value="Bags">Bags</option>
$("#category").change(function() {
var xyz = $("option:selected").attr("id");
if(xyz === "menu1"){
$("#subcategory option").hide();
Try this in your conditional. The disabled property doesn't allow keyboard selection. Seems to work for me.
$("#subcategory option").prop('disabled', true).hide();
$("#Clothing,#Footwear").prop('disabled', false).show();
Also, your logic breaks if a user switches from men to women.
This answer is not exactly addressing your problem (using keyboard(down arrow)) but I think it is IMHO a better way to do what you want. And also I used the fixed part from #user2301903 answer, just to make my point. my main point here was using the markup attributes.
We can use our markup attributes to have less complexity, I changed your markup like this (added a catg attribute):
<select id="category" name="category">
<option value="MEN" id="menu1" catg="m">MEN</option>
<option value="WOMEN" id="menu2" catg="w">WOMEN</option>
<select id="subcategory">
<option id="Clothing" value="Clothing" catg="m">Clothing</option>
<option id="Accessories" value="Accessories" catg="w">Accessories</option>
<option id="Footwear" value="Footwear" catg="m">Footwear</option>
<option id="Watches" value="Watches" catg="w">Watches</option>
<option id="Sunglasses" value="Sunglasses" catg="w">Sunglasses</option>
<option id="Bags" value="Bags" catg="w">Bags</option>
and your code like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#category").change(function () {
var catg = $("option:selected").attr("catg");
//from #user2301903 answer
$("#subcategory option").prop('disabled', true).hide();
$("option[catg=" + catg + "]").prop('disabled', false).show();
and this is your working DEMO;
and this one is another way of doing what you want which works even in IE: IE_DEMO

How to get selected value from select tag using javascript and go to another page using that value

I have a select tag where it contains some values, as shown below:
<select id="menu" SIZE=6 onChange="go()">
<option value="">Select city</option>
<option value="delhi" >delhi</option>
<option value="kolkata" >kolkata</option>
<option value="mumbai" >mumbai</option>
Now i am using below script for this, where it get the selected value from the drop down,
function go(){
var sel = document.getElementById('menu');
var sv = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
// here i need to make a specific link using this selected drop down value
I just need to know how can i make use of this selected value and go to specific link like
window.location.href='getCityDetails.jsp?c=sv'; // this is not working properly
Can anyone suggest me best solution for this.
function go(){
var sel = document.getElementById('menu');
var sv = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
window.location.href='getCityDetails.jsp?c=' + sv;
Hope it helps you
<select id="menu" SIZE=6 onChange="go(this.value)">
<option value="">Select city</option>
<option value="delhi" >delhi</option>
<option value="kolkata" >kolkata</option>
<option value="mumbai" >mumbai</option>
Javascript :
function go(desination){
if (destination != ''){
window.location.href='getCityDetails.jsp?c=' + desination;
you need to concatenate the string properly. try this:
window.location.href='getCityDetails.jsp?c=' + sv;
-- You can use--
var TaskType = document.form1.SelTaskType.value;
-- TaskType will display selected option from below
<select id="SelTaskType" name="SelTaskType" >
<option selected>-- select --</option>

