How can a restart a loop in an animation? - javascript

I am trying to build a game like space invader (since I only started coding 5 days ago) where if a shoe hits the zombie, the zombie will disappear and reappear at the top of the screen (coming down again). I just can't seem to make the zombie go back to the top (they remain at the lowest point of the animation)
Below is the test for the collision:
function zombietestCollision(position1, size1, position2, size2) {
if (((position1.left + size1.width) > position2.left) &&
(( + size1.height) > &&
((position2.left + size2.width) > position1.left) &&
(( + size2.height) > {
function loop () {
$(function zombieloop() {
setInterval( loop, 1 );
I have encompassed this test in my downward movement of the zombie
// down movement of the zombies
function movedown($zombie) {
'left': 300,
}, {
$.each($("#zombie"), function(index,zombie) {
var $zombie = $(zombie);
var $shoe = $("#shoe");
var shoeSize = {
height: $shoe.height(),
width : $shoe.width()
var zombieSize = {
height: $zombie.height(),
width : $zombie.width()
zombietestCollision($shoe.position(), shoeSize, $zombie.position(), zombieSize);
When I run this, the screen is just blank. What have I done in correctly?
If needed here is the full code:
Sorry but I am completely new to programming, so it's hard for me to understand which part I did wrong. Cheers!

You need to be careful with how you're closing functions. Take a look at this
Your movedown function should be like this
function movedown($zombie) {
'left': 300
}, {
duration: 5000,
step: function() {
$.each($("#zombie"), function(index, zombie) {
var $zombie = $(zombie);
var $shoe = $("#shoe");
var shoeSize = {
height: $shoe.height(),
width: $shoe.width()
var zombieSize = {
height: $zombie.height(),
width: $zombie.width()
Note that there's a bunch of extra braces at the end.


Phaser 2 determining which unit is active

I have 3 clickable objects. When one is clicked, this becomes the 'selected unit'.
I am trying to create some generic actions for the units such as moving to a point.
In my create function I initialize the units, when a unit is clicked on - this is supposed to become the 'selected unit' so that my movement and direction function applies to the this unit. However, the script is not able to recognize which unit intend for example I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'velocity' of undefined.
Is there a way to use a variable to indicate selected users and pass that to the functions?
window.onload = function() {
var block_count = 0;
var block = '';
var selected_unit = '';
var unit_clicked = 0;
var tank1 = null;
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render});
function preload () {
game.load.image('block', 'block.png');
game.load.image('tank1', 'tank.png');
game.load.image('baddie', 'tank.png');
game.load.image('mouse_btn', 'block.png');
game.input.mouse.capture = true;
function create () {
mouse_btn = game.add.sprite(30,30, 'mouse_btn');
mouse_btn.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
tank1 = game.add.sprite(30,30, 'tank1');
game.physics.enable(tank1, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
tank2 = game.add.sprite(30,60, 'tank1');
game.physics.enable(tank2, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);, 0, 2000, 2000);;
function update () {
if(selected_unit == '') {
mouse_btn.x = game.input.mousePointer.worldX
mouse_btn.y = game.input.mousePointer.worldY
if(game.input.activePointer.leftButton.isDown && block_count == 0 && unit_clicked == 0) {
block_count =1;
block = game.add.sprite(game.input.mousePointer.worldX, game.input.mousePointer.worldY, 'block');
game.physics.enable(block, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
block.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5)
lookAtObject(selected_unit, block, 0.005);
game.physics.arcade.moveToObject(selected_unit, block, 260, 0)
} else {
selected_unit.body.velocity.x = 0;
selected_unit.body.velocity.y = 0;
if(game.physics.arcade.collide(selected_unit, block)) {
function render(){
//console.log(game.physics.arcade.collide(tank1, block))
function lookAtObject(obj, target, rotspeed){
var angle = Math.atan2(block.y - tank1.y, block.x - tank1.body.x);
tank1.rotation = angle + game.math.degToRad(90);
function initialise_player(tank1){
tank1.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
tank1.inputEnabled = true;
tank1.input.useHandCursor = true;,this);, this), this)
function t1_clicked() {
selected_unit = tank1;
function t1_over() {
unit_clicked = 1
function t1_out () {
unit_clicked = 0
The error you're getting on initial load is because in update you're making an assumption that selected_unit exists and has a body.
Update your third if to make sure selected_unit is defined.
if (selected_unit !== '') {
selected_unit.body.velocity.x = 0;
selected_unit.body.velocity.y = 0;
However, a better option would be to put this a few lines down, where you kill the block instead.
if(game.physics.arcade.collide(selected_unit, block)) {
selected_unit.body.velocity.x = 0;
selected_unit.body.velocity.y = 0;
if (block.alive); moveToObject is also expecting selected_unit to exist and have a body, which may not be the case; wrap it with a check.
if (selected_unit !== '') {
game.physics.arcade.moveToObject(selected_unit, block, 260, 0)
That now allows tank1 to rotate to look at the item you just placed, but it doesn't move it until it or tank2 have been clicked on.
This also points out that there are a number of tweaks you'll want to make to your code in general, since you're ignoring arguments that are being passed in. For example, t1_clicked isn't using the sprite that's been clicked on, but is instead just hard-coding tank1. lookAtObject isn't using obj or target, but again has values hard-coded in.
One other thing you may want to change is the following:
if(selected_unit == '') {
mouse_btn.x = game.input.mousePointer.worldX
mouse_btn.y = game.input.mousePointer.worldY
If you make that the following, you won't end up with an extra sprite hanging about on the screen.
if (block_count === 0) {
mouse_btn.x = game.input.mousePointer.worldX;
mouse_btn.y = game.input.mousePointer.worldY;

JavaScript game switchable sprites

Any ideas how to make switchable characters I have a html game it's finished but I want to implement a way to switch my main character.
Simple coding using Phaser framework
upload function() { ("bird" assets/bird.png); ("bird2" assets/bird2.png); ("bird3" assets/bird3.png);
create function() { (0, 0 "bird" );
I want to be able to switch my playable character the "bird" with the "bird2" or "bird3" through a selection button if a player selects a switch character button for the playable character to switch to that. I'm pretty sure this is something simple but I'm still pretty new with coding.
I want a button where I press then I can switch the character
(Button 1) switches to bird2
"if button 1 is selected button two and current bird are disabled"-only bird2 is visible
(Button 2) switches to bird3
"if button 2 is selected button one and current bird are disabled"-only bird3 is visible
Edit This is My current code and states
var MainState = {
//load the game assets before the game starts
preload: function () {
this.load.image('background', 'assets/spring2.png');
this.load.spritesheet('bird', 'assets/bird.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.image('pipe', 'assets/pipe4.png');
//executed after everything is loaded
create: function () {
this.background = game.add.tileSprite(0, game.height-736,game.width, 736, 'background');
this.bird =, 200, 'bird');
this.bird.animations.add('fly');'fly', 50, true);
this.bird.body.gravity.y = 1000;
var spaceKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);
this.bird.body.immovable= true;
game.input.onDown.add(this.jump, this); //////touch screen jump
spaceKey.onDown.add(this.jump, this);
this.pipes =;
this.timer =, this.addRowOfPipes, this); /////////////timer for pipes
///Bird anchor
this.bird.anchor.setTo(-0.2, 0.5)
// this is execated multiple times per second
update: function () {
if (this.bird.y < 0 || this.bird.y > 480)
this.bird, this.pipes, this.restartGame, null, this);
///Bird Angle
if (this.bird.angle < 30)
this.bird.angle += 1;
///////////////music stop w top+bottom collision
if (this.bird.y < 0 || this.bird.y > 479)
jump: function () {
//this is for so the bird wount fly once dead
if (this.bird.alive == false)
// Add a vertical velocity to the bird
this.bird.body.velocity.y = -350;
// Jump Animation
var animation = game.add.tween(this.bird);
// Change the angle of the bird to -20° in 100 milliseconds{angle: -20}, 100);
// And start the animation
game.add.tween(this.bird).to({angle: -20}, 100).start();
restartGame: function () {
// Start the 'main' state, which restarts the game
game.state.start(game.state.StateOver); /////////////////////changed from current #########
///Hit pipe Null
this.bird, this.pipes, this.hitPipe, null, this);
addRowOfPipes: function() {
var hole = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; ///Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) ///// (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (i != hole && i != hole + 1) ///// if (i != hole && i != hole + 1)
this.addOnePipe(440, i * 50 ); ///// 640 starting point of pipe 240 point of down ////this.addOnePipe(480, i * 60 + 10);
addOnePipe: function(x, y) {
var pipe = game.add.sprite(x, y, 'pipe');
pipe.body.velocity.x = -200;
pipe.checkWorldBounds = true;
pipe.outOfBoundsKill = true;
hitPipe: function() {
// If the bird has already hit a pipe, do nothing
// It means the bird is already falling off the screen
if (this.bird.alive == false)
else {
// Set the alive property of the bird to false
this.bird.alive = false;
// Prevent new pipes from appearing;
// Go through all the pipes, and stop their movement
p.body.velocity.x = 0;
}, this);
var characters={
game.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/button.png', 215, 53, 8);
game.load.image("background", "assets/characterbackground.png");
game.load.image("pajaro", "assets/storeicon.png");
game.load.image("logo", "assets/extra/storef.png");
this.load.spritesheet('bird', 'assets/bird.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png',52 ,28, 7);
game.load.spritesheet("button2", 'assets/button2.png', 100, 10, 10);
bird = game.add.image(140, 150, 'pajaro');
logo = game.add.image (20, 350, 'logo');
this.background = game.add.tileSprite(0, game.height-736,game.width, 736, 'background');
// bird.x +=1;
changebird2: function(){
Instead of creating three sprites that you either hide or show, I might recommend just changing what texture is loaded when the sprite is created/added.
To do this you'll need to store a reference to the playable character, which you probably already have.
// On the game itself, add a reference.
this.bird = null;
// In your preload, load the different images.
this.load.image('bird', 'assets/bird.png');
this.load.image('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png');
this.load.image('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png');
// When creating, default to one.
this.bird =, 0, 'bird');
// In your function where they select a new skin, you can load in a different texture.
Alternatively, you could store the key that should be used on the game.
// On the game itself, track which key to use.
this.birdSkin = 'bird';
// You'll still have to load your possible textures.
this.load.image('bird', 'assets/bird.png');
this.load.image('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png');
this.load.image('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png');
// Now when creating just use the variable.
The Phaser init() will allow 0 or more parameters to be passed in (see the end of Phaser Tutorial: understanding Phaser states), which is where you could populate this.birdSkin.
I would look at what states you're using to determine what's best for you. If you have one state for the game and another for selecting which image/texture is used, than the second option might be better.
Update for Character State
Given your comments and what I saw in your code, I created a short example that you could tweak for your use.
There's a JSFiddle available, but the code is also included below.
var mainState = {
preload: function() {
// Load the three sprites that they can choose between.
this.load.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
this.load.image('ball', '');
this.load.image('ball2', '');
this.load.image('ball3', '');
create: function() {
this.ball =,,;
// Let the ball be acted upon. This will allow the player to change the sprite used.
this.ball.inputEnabled = true;, this);
update: function() {
changeCharacter: function() {
var characterState = {
preload: function() {
create: function() {
// For this, add our three possible ball skins.
this.ball1 =, / 2, 'ball');
this.ball1.inputEnabled = true;
this.ball2 =,, 'ball2');
this.ball2.inputEnabled = true;
this.ball3 =, * 1.5, 'ball3');
this.ball3.inputEnabled = true;
// Use the selected ball's sprite in our main game., this);, this);, this);
update: function() {
selectBall: function(sprite, pointer) {
// Grab the key of the sprite and save it to our global variable. = sprite.key;'main');
var game = new Phaser.Game(200, 200);
// Create a global object that we can add custom variables to. = {
skin: 'ball'
game.state.add('main', mainState);
game.state.add('character', characterState);
This actually simplifies things a bit, in that it just uses a global variable (I've been using TypeScript the last handful of months, so there's probably a better way to declare this).

create fn function with callback

I did the following little plugIn (to add to query.transit by Rico St Cruz):
$.fn.translateLeft = function( left, duration, easing, callback ) {
var $this = $(this);
var currentLeftPx = parseInt( $this.css('left') );
var parentWidth = $this.parent().width();
// final left layout destination in px
var finalLeftPx = parentWidth/100 * left;
// actual distances to final left layout destination in px
var distanceLeftPx = currentLeftPx - finalLeftPx;
$this.transition( { x: -distanceLeftPx }, duration, easing, function() {
$this.stop(true).css( { left: left +'%', x: 0 } );
} );
I used it (without the callback I tried to implement it worked well so far) so:
$("#someElement").translateLeft( 10.5, 300, 'easeOutSine', function() {
// do something else
} );
This helps to make smooth x translate instead of left, yet keeps the possibility to set % values that refer to the parent (which is not possible with x alone which refers alway to the element). This only for explanation.
And as I said it works very good, yet my inserted callback does not.
Did I do something wrong here semantically?
Thanks for advice!
Thanks so far for your comments that made me think. Actually even in my (beginner) fn code the callback actually works if I put for example alert( "Callback" ) in there instead of the other code. So it seems it is not possible to mix up my plugIn with any kind of code. To complete my question here is the whole code involved even if I am quite aware that it is quite complicated and will make you run out of nerves.:
This is the function IN which I liked to use my plugIn:
function switchMenuItem( id ) {
var $menuItem = $("#"+ id );
var $menu = $menuItem.parent();
var $menuImg = $menu.children(); //all siblings including selected element by id
var $prev = $menuItem.prev();
// calculate animation values
var index = $menuImg.index( $menuItem );
var ww = $(window).width();
var cssLeftPx = parseInt( $menuItem.css('left') );
var cssLeftPercent = 100 * cssLeftPx/ww;
if ( index == 1 ) { var dur = ww/2.4; };
if ( index == 2 ) { var dur = ww/1.5; };
$menuItem .stop(true)
.animate( { left: '10.5%' }, dur, 'easeOutSine', function() {
$(this) .prependTo($menu );
} );
$menuImg .first()
.animate( { left: cssLeftPercent+'%' }, dur, 'easeOutSine', function() {
$(this) .insertAfter( $prev );
.animate( { opacity: 1 }, 150, 'linear' )
.css( { cursor: 'pointer' } );
switchComplete = true;
subReady = true;
} );
and I would love to get rid of the query animate and substitute it with a smooth x translate with the help of Rico St Cruz transit plugIn (in the way I did successfully before with my kind of plugIn:
$.fn.translateLeft = function( left, duration, easing, callback ) {
var $this = $(this);
var currentLeftPx = parseInt( $this.css('left') );
var parentWidth = $this.parent().width();
// final left layout destination in px
var finalLeftPx = parentWidth/100 * left;
// actual distances to final left layout destination in px
var distanceLeftPx = currentLeftPx - finalLeftPx;
$this.transition( { x: -distanceLeftPx }, duration, easing, function() {
$this.stop(true).css( { left: left +'%', x: 0 } );
} );
So instead of „animate“ I want to use „translate Left“ which uses a smooth x translate and then return at the end a „cleaned up“ css position so that it is ready for other window resizing etc.
Did I explain myself? Any advice is appreciated a lot. Thank you in advance!

Javascript module pattern - what am I doing wrong?

A working version of this is here:
I have the following function which I'm trying to convert into a module pattern, but when I try to use one of the function that I return at the bottom, for example:
I get an error that it's not a function. Is there something i'm doing wrong here?
var est_project = (function(){
// Setup functions
var flexDestroy,
// Destroy flexslider
flexDestroy = function($slider,$cleanSlider, $projBg) {
// Insert the clone of the un-initialized slide element, and remove the current flexslider
// Effectively "destroys" the current slider
var $curSlide = $slider.find('.flex-active-slide'),
// Get the zero based index of current slide
curSlideIndex = $curSlide.index() - 1,
curBg = $curSlide.find('img').attr('src'),
slideCount = $'count'),
i = 0,
$rearrange = $('');
// When you switch projects, the current slide should stay put
if(curSlideIndex !== 0 && slideCount > 1) {
// Cut from the current slide to the end, paste at the beginning
for(i = 0 ; i < slideCount; i += 1) {
if(curSlideIndex > i) {continue;}
$rearrange = $rearrange.add( $cleanSlider.find('li:eq(' + i + ')') );
$cleanSlider.css({'background-image' : 'url(' + curBg + ')'});
return {
// Clone current
cloneCurrent: function($el) {
var $clean,
slideCount = $el.find('li').length;
$clean = $el.clone();
return $clean;
// Set the clone position, for when we add it to the DOM or resize the window
clonePosition: function(slideheight) {
var n = $cleanSlider.index(),
$myBg = $cleanSlider.find('div'),
myPosition = n * slideheight;
// Set the position of the inserted clone
.css({height: slideheight, top: myPosition, position : 'absolute'});
.css({height: slideheight});
switchSlide: function($me, $slider) {
// Get rid of current flexslider
// Clone the unitialized slider so we can add it back in later when it gets destroyed
$cleanSlider = cloneCurrent($me);
animation: "slide",
animationSpeed: 500,
slideshow: false,
manualControls: '.dot-nav li a'
// After the flexslider initializes, slide the content
slidePos($me, $slidewrap, slideheight, $win);
// Custom "masonry" function, absolutely positions each project div according to the slide height
projectLayout: function(slideheight,$proj,$projBg) {
var n = 0;
var $me = $(this),
myPosition = n * slideheight;
// Set all the heights
.css({top: myPosition, position : 'absolute'})
.css({height: slideheight});
// Set slide wrapper height to window height
contentHeight: function($win, $slidewrap) {
var winHeight = $win.height();
$slidewrap.css({height: winHeight});
// Set slide wrapper position to slide to the clicked slide, and set content position
slidePos: function($me, $slidewrap, slideheight, $win) {
var $contentText = $('.project-content .text'),
projNavHeight = Math.round( $win.height() * .1 ),
curIndex = $me.index(),
curTop = 0 - (curIndex * slideheight) + projNavHeight;
$slidewrap.css({transform: 'translate(0,' + curTop.toString() + 'px)'});
$('.corner-btn').add($contentText).css({'padding-top' : projNavHeight});
$slidewrap.removeClass('tr-none movin').addClass('tr-all');
$('.project').css({opacity: .4})
}, 100);
// Click a project, slide to it
slideClick: function($proj) {
var $me = $(this),
myHref = $'href'),
myTitle = $'title'),
$slider = $('.flexslider'),
indexMy = $me.index(),
indexCur = $('.project-current').index(),
$me.css({opacity: 1});
// Stop here if we click on the current project
if($me.hasClass('project-current')) {
return false;
// Hide and show content
infoToggle: function() {
// Open content
if($('.project-content .text').height() <= $win.height()) {
$('.project-content-wrap').css({'z-index': 10});
// Close content
closeContent: function($html) {
$('.project-content-wrap').css({'z-index': -1});
$('#classy').animate({scrollTop: 0})
The problem is that you're not executing the anonymous function, your code is the equivalent of:
var est_project = function() {};
You need to execute the function if you want it to return the functions defined in it.
Just replace the last line:
Or you can keep your code and call the closeContent function like this:
But I guess that's not what you want :-) You'd instantiate a new object everytime you call the est_project function.
At the start and end of your file just attach the object to window with the executed function and wrap whole function inside a self executing function. like this
(function(global) {
//your code goes here
global.est_project = est_project();

How to add a new item to the end of the list using jQuery?

I have this function for adding a new item to the beginning of the list and removing the last one:
function addItem(id, text){
var el = $('#' + id);
var w = el.width();
width: w,
overflow: 'hidden'
var ulPaddingLeft = parseInt(el.css('padding-left'));
var ulPaddingRight = parseInt(el.css('padding-right'));
el.prepend('<li>' + text + '</li>');
var first = $('li:first', el);
var last = $('li:last', el);
var fow = first.outerWidth();
var widthDiff = fow - last.outerWidth();
var oldMarginLeft = first.css('margin-Left');
marginLeft: 0 - fow,
position: 'relative',
left: 0 - ulPaddingLeft
last.css('position', 'relative');
el.animate({ width: w + widthDiff }, 1500);
first.animate({ left: 0 }, 250, function() {
first.animate({ marginLeft: oldMarginLeft }, 1000, function() {
last.animate({ left: ulPaddingRight }, 250, function() {
width: 'auto',
overflow: 'visible'
How can I make it work the other way around ? I want to add the item to the end and remove the first and also make it slide the other way around, like right to left.
Take a look at jQuery.append (and jQuery.prepend for beginning of list)
Your code seems really complicated. Simplifying it a little bit might give you something like this:
jQuery.fn.addItem = function(text) {
var $li = $("<li>").text(text)
jQuery plugin syntax is super easy to understand
append() to go to the bottom
var declarations at the top
Good luck!

