Why user private function? - javascript

So the have seem something like this today:
$$('input').each(function() {
// do something
What is the difference between that and this:
$$('input').each( // do something );
The private function on the first example is within that for loop scope, so it is not reference-able anywhere else, so what would the benefit of having it?

The anonymous function knows its current scope and variables.
function a() {
var foo = 'test';
$('something').each(function() {
This function would alert 'test' because foo is defined within its scope.
function a() {
var foo = 'test';
function b() {
This function would cause a javascript error stating that the variable foo is undefined.
If you need to define a function that only makes sense within an exact scope and don't want to throw lots of variables around or recalculate a lot of things, it's more comfortable to define an anonymous function.

This is not private function, it's just an anonymous function (function without name).
You could do:
$('input').each(function() {
// do something
Or you could do:
function foo() {
// do something
Anyway, the .each method needs a function to be the parameter which is a callback.

The first function is not private. It can reference all variables in the containing scope to form a closure, because JavaScript has lexical scoping.
The second function is pretty much the same thing, except the only thing you can do is provide it with a function name, or you will get a syntax error.
Short Answer: You put the function statement there to do more than one thing, or do one thing and provide parameters.


Are IIFEs in JavaScript recursive?

I am passing a function as an argument to a constructor within an IIFE. I realize that the outer function of an IIFE is going to be executed, but it appears the function argument is also executed. I don't really understand why and am wondering how to work around this problem. Here are two examples:
var Foo = function(bar) {
this.bar = bar;
new Foo(function() { console.log("test"); });
In the above example, things work as I'd expect. The anonymous function is passed as an argument to the Foo constructor, but is not run.
Here's another example, where it appears an anonymous function that is created within an IIFE is executed, even though it is not explicitly called:
(function() {
var Foo = function(bar) {
this.bar = bar;
Foo.STATIC_FIELD = new Foo(new function() { console.log("test"); });
return Foo;
In this second example, "test" is written to the console. I am using the IIFE to protect the global name space from polluting it with Foo. However, I do not want the function passed to the Foo constructor to be immediately executed. It's a function I'm holding onto so that it can be later invoked with Foo.STATIC_FIELD.bar(); What's the best way to achieve this?
My question was answered sufficiently in the comments by Mike C and DavidS. If you want to store a function for later invocation, don't use "new" because that will run the function. Later, be sure to call "call" on that function with the context of the object holding onto the function. For example:

Function name visibility when declared as an argument

function foo() {
ui.login.setClose(function closer() {
ui.ask.setClose(closer) // <-- closer is not defined
I wonder why is this not working? Is not function keyword supposed to create a name visible anywhere within the current function (foo) body?
What you have there is called a named function expression. (Don't use them in IE8 or earlier, or some other quite old browsers.) It's different from a function declaration in several ways, one of which is that (on a correct implementation) the function's name is not added to the scope in which you create it.
In that example, you probably want a function declaration instead, either inside foo if you only want it accessible within foo:
function foo() {
function closer() {
or outside foo if you want it accessible outside foo:
function closer() {
function foo() {
Here's the rundown of the three main ways you create functions (other than the Function constructor, which should almost always be avoided):
Function Declaration
Looks like this:
// `foo` is in scope *and* ready to use here, even before the declaration
function foo() {
// `foo` is in scope and ready here too
// `foo` is in scope and ready here too
Is not handled as part of the step-by-step code; instead, it's created before any step-by-step code in the scope is run. That means you could use foo above in code written above the declaration as well as below it.
Because of #1, a function declaration cannot be within control structures (like if, switch, for, etc.), since that's meaningless when the function will be created before the step-by-step code runs. (And it's important not to do it, as different browsers handle that invalid placement in different ways.)
Puts the name of the function in the scope where the function declaration appears.
The function has a real name, and that name is in scope within the function.
Named Function Expression
That looks exactly the same, except that it is written where an expression is expected, such as to the right of an = (e.g., an assignment) or : (in a property initializer) or as an argument to a function:
// `foo` is *not* in scope here
var x = function foo() {
// `foo` is in scope here, refers to the function
var obj = {
x: function foo() {
// `foo` is in scope here, refers to the function
bar(function foo() {
// `foo` is in scope here, refers to the function
// `foo` is *not* in scope here
They are handled as part of the step-by-step code, just like any other expression.
They work correctly on modern browsers (including IE9 and higher), but there are bugs in IE8 and earlier, and some other quite old browsers had bugs as well (kangax wrote them up at the time).
Being expressions, they have a result: A function reference. (E.g., that's what gets assigned to x or passed to bar above.)
Their name is not added to the scope where they're defined.
The function has a real name, and that name is in scope within the function (e.g., for recursion).
Anonymous Function Expression:
The same as named function expressions, but, er, without names:
var x = function() {
// ...
var obj = {
x: function() {
// ...
bar(function() {
// ...
They are handled as part of the step-by-step code, just like any other expression.
They result in a function reference (e.g., that's what gets assigned to x or passed to bar above).
The function doesn't have a name as of the current specification. However, the next specification, ES6, will have engines infer the name of the function where possible by looking at the expression. In the above, for instance, both of the ones that are assigned to x would have the name x; the one passed into bar would still be anonymous.
You would need to declare it as a function, not just a callback function.
Something like this:
function foo() {
function closer() {
ui.ask.setClose(closer) // <-- closer is not defined
In this case
is excepting a function as an argument which in your code is only defined inside () and thus it is not available outside of setclose(). This way of defining a function is typically used if the function is only needed in the argument. That is why in this case, in principle, you dont need to specify a name for it:
ui.login.setClose(function() { ui.hideAll(); ui.main.show(); });
However, in your case, you have to define the function closer() independently of the function setclose():
function closer() {
function foo() {
You additionally missed some ; to end the line.

JavaScript: What is an anonymous function? [duplicate]

I was reading some posts about closures and saw this everywhere, but there is no clear explanation how it works - everytime I was just told to use it...:
// Create a new anonymous function, to use as a wrapper
// The variable that would, normally, be global
var msg = "Thanks for visiting!";
// Binding a new function to a global object
window.onunload = function(){
// Which uses the 'hidden' variable
alert( msg );
// Close off the anonymous function and execute it
Ok I see that we will create new anonymous function and then execute it. So after that this simple code should work (and it does):
(function (msg){alert(msg)})('SO');
My question is what kind of magic happens here? I thought that when I wrote:
(function (msg){alert(msg)})
then a new unnamed function would be created like function ""(msg) ...
but then why doesn't this work?
(function (msg){alert(msg)});
Why does it need to be in the same line?
Could you please point me some posts or give me an explanation?
Drop the semicolon after the function definition.
(function (msg){alert(msg)})
Above should work.
DEMO Page: https://jsfiddle.net/e7ooeq6m/
I have discussed this kind of pattern in this post:
jQuery and $ questions
If you look at ECMA script specification, there are 3 ways you can define a function. (Page 98, Section 13 Function Definition)
1. Using Function constructor
var sum = new Function('a','b', 'return a + b;');
alert(sum(10, 20)); //alerts 30
2. Using Function declaration.
function sum(a, b)
return a + b;
alert(sum(10, 10)); //Alerts 20;
3. Function Expression
var sum = function(a, b) { return a + b; }
alert(sum(5, 5)); // alerts 10
So you may ask, what's the difference between declaration and expression?
From ECMA Script specification:
FunctionDeclaration :
function Identifier ( FormalParameterListopt ){ FunctionBody
FunctionExpression :
function Identifieropt ( FormalParameterListopt ){ FunctionBody
If you notice, 'identifier' is optional for function expression. And when you don't give an identifier, you create an anonymous function. It doesn't mean that you can't specify an identifier.
This means following is valid.
var sum = function mySum(a, b) { return a + b; }
Important point to note is that you can use 'mySum' only inside the mySum function body, not outside. See following example:
var test1 = function test2() { alert(typeof test2); }
alert(typeof(test2)); //alerts 'undefined', surprise!
test1(); //alerts 'function' because test2 is a function.
Live Demo
Compare this to
function test1() { alert(typeof test1) };
alert(typeof test1); //alerts 'function'
test1(); //alerts 'function'
Armed with this knowledge, let's try to analyze your code.
When you have code like,
function(msg) { alert(msg); }
You created a function expression. And you can execute this function expression by wrapping it inside parenthesis.
(function(msg) { alert(msg); })('SO'); //alerts SO.
It's called a self-invoked function.
What you are doing when you call (function(){}) is returning a function object. When you append () to it, it is invoked and anything in the body is executed. The ; denotes the end of the statement, that's why the 2nd invocation fails.
One thing I found confusing is that the "()" are grouping operators.
Here is your basic declared function.
Ex. 1:
var message = 'SO';
function foo(msg) {
Functions are objects, and can be grouped. So let's throw parens around the function.
Ex. 2:
var message = 'SO';
function foo(msg) { //declares foo
(foo)(message); // calls foo
Now instead of declaring and right-away calling the same function, we can use basic substitution to declare it as we call it.
Ex. 3.
var message = 'SO';
(function foo(msg) {
})(message); // declares & calls foo
Finally, we don't have a need for that extra foo because we're not using the name to call it! Functions can be anonymous.
Ex. 4.
var message = 'SO';
(function (msg) { // remove unnecessary reference to foo
To answer your question, refer back to Example 2. Your first line declares some nameless function and groups it, but does not call it. The second line groups a string. Both do nothing. (Vincent's first example.)
(function (msg){alert(msg)});
('SO'); // nothing.
(msg); //Still nothing.
(msg); //works
An anonymous function is not a function with the name "". It is simply a function without a name.
Like any other value in JavaScript, a function does not need a name to be created. Though it is far more useful to actually bind it to a name just like any other value.
But like any other value, you sometimes want to use it without binding it to a name. That's the self-invoking pattern.
Here is a function and a number, not bound, they do nothing and can never be used:
function(){ alert("plop"); }
So we have to store them in a variable to be able to use them, just like any other value:
var f = function(){ alert("plop"); }
var n = 2;
You can also use syntatic sugar to bind the function to a variable:
function f(){ alert("plop"); }
var n = 2;
But if naming them is not required and would lead to more confusion and less readability, you could just use them right away.
(function(){ alert("plop"); })(); // will display "plop"
alert(2 + 3); // will display 5
Here, my function and my numbers are not bound to a variable, but they can still be used.
Said like this, it looks like self-invoking function have no real value. But you have to keep in mind that JavaScript scope delimiter is the function and not the block ({}).
So a self-invoking function actually has the same meaning as a C++, C# or Java block. Which means that variable created inside will not "leak" outside the scope. This is very useful in JavaScript in order not to pollute the global scope.
It's just how JavaScript works. You can declare a named function:
function foo(msg){
And call it:
Or, you can declare an anonymous function:
var foo = function (msg) {
And call that:
Or, you can just never bind the function to a name:
Functions can also return functions:
function make_foo() {
return function(msg){ alert(msg) };
It's worth nothing that any variables defined with "var" in the body of make_foo will be closed over by each function returned by make_foo. This is a closure, and it means that the any change made to the value by one function will be visible by another.
This lets you encapsulate information, if you desire:
function make_greeter(msg){
return function() { alert(msg) };
var hello = make_greeter("Hello!");
It's just how nearly every programming language but Java works.
The code you show,
(function (msg){alert(msg)});
consist of two statements. The first is an expression which yields a function object (which will then be garbage collected because it is not saved). The second is an expression which yields a string. To apply the function to the string, you either need to pass the string as an argument to the function when it is created (which you also show above), or you will need to actually store the function in a variable, so that you can apply it at a later time, at your leisure. Like so:
var f = (function (msg){alert(msg)});
Note that by storing an anonymous function (a lambda function) in a variable, your are effectively giving it a name. Hence you may just as well define a regular function:
function f(msg) {alert(msg)};
In summary of the previous comments:
function() {
when not assigned to a variable, yields a syntax error. The code is parsed as a function statement (or definition), which renders the closing parentheses syntactically incorrect. Adding parentheses around the function portion tells the interpreter (and programmer) that this is a function expression (or invocation), as in
(function() {
This is a self-invoking function, meaning it is created anonymously and runs immediately because the invocation happens in the same line where it is declared. This self-invoking function is indicated with the familiar syntax to call a no-argument function, plus added parentheses around the name of the function: (myFunction)();.
There is a good SO discussion JavaScript function syntax.
My understanding of the asker's question is such that:
How does this magic work:
(function(){}) ('input') // Used in his example
I may be wrong. However, the usual practice that people are familiar with is:
(function(){}('input') )
The reason is such that JavaScript parentheses AKA (), can't contain statements and when the parser encounters the function keyword, it knows to parse it as a function expression and not a function declaration.
Source: blog post Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
examples without brackets:
void function (msg) { alert(msg); }
(this is the only real use of void, afaik)
var a = function (msg) { alert(msg); }
!function (msg) { alert(msg); }
work as well. the void is causing the expression to evaluate, as well as the assignment and the bang. the last one works with ~, +, -, delete, typeof, some of the unary operators (void is one as well). not working are of couse ++, -- because of the requirement of a variable.
the line break is not necessary.
This answer is not strictly related to the question, but you might be interested to find out that this kind of syntax feature is not particular to functions. For example, we can always do something like this:
{foo: "I am foo", bar: "I am bar"}.foo
); // alerts "I am foo"
Related to functions. As they are objects, which inherit from Function.prototype, we can do things like:
Function.prototype.foo = function () {
return function () {
var bar = (function () {}).foo();
bar(); // alerts foo
And you know, we don't even have to surround functions with parenthesis in order to execute them. Anyway, as long as we try to assign the result to a variable.
var x = function () {} (); // this function is executed but does nothing
function () {} (); // syntax error
One other thing you may do with functions, as soon as you declare them, is to invoke the new operator over them and obtain an object. The following are equivalent:
var obj = new function () {
this.foo = "bar";
var obj = {
foo : "bar"
There is one more property JavaScript function has. If you want to call same anonymous function recursively.
(function forInternalOnly(){
//you can use forInternalOnly to call this anonymous function
/// forInternalOnly can be used inside function only, like
var result = forInternalOnly();
//this will not work
forInternalOnly();// no such a method exist
It is a self-executing anonymous function. The first set of brackets contain the expressions to be executed, and the second set of brackets executes those expressions.
(function () {
return ( 10 + 20 );
Peter Michaux discusses the difference in An Important Pair of Parentheses.
It is a useful construct when trying to hide variables from the parent namespace. All the code within the function is contained in the private scope of the function, meaning it can't be accessed at all from outside the function, making it truly private.
Closure (computer science)
JavaScript Namespacing
Important Pair of Javascript Parentheses
Another point of view
First, you can declare an anonymous function:
var foo = function(msg){
Then you call it:
foo ('Few');
Because foo = function(msg){alert(msg);} so you can replace foo as:
} ('Few');
But you should wrap your entire anonymous function inside pair of braces to avoid syntax error of declaring function when parsing. Then we have,
}) ('Few');
By this way, It's easy understand for me.
When you did:
(function (msg){alert(msg)});
You ended the function before ('SO') because of the semicolon. If you just write:
(function (msg){alert(msg)})
It will work.
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/oliverni/dbVjg/
The simple reason why it doesn't work is not because of the ; indicating the end of the anonymous function. It is because without the () on the end of a function call, it is not a function call. That is,
function help() {return true;}
If you call result = help(); this is a call to a function and will return true.
If you call result = help; this is not a call. It is an assignment where help is treated like data to be assigned to result.
What you did was declaring/instantiating an anonymous function by adding the semicolon,
(function (msg) { /* Code here */ });
and then tried to call it in another statement by using just parentheses... Obviously because the function has no name, but this will not work:
The interpreter sees the parentheses on the second line as a new instruction/statement, and thus it does not work, even if you did it like this:
(function (msg){/*code here*/});('SO');
It still doesn't work, but it works when you remove the semicolon because the interpreter ignores white spaces and carriages and sees the complete code as one statement.
(function (msg){/*code here*/}) // This space is ignored by the interpreter
Conclusion: a function call is not a function call without the () on the end unless under specific conditions such as being invoked by another function, that is, onload='help' would execute the help function even though the parentheses were not included. I believe setTimeout and setInterval also allow this type of function call too, and I also believe that the interpreter adds the parentheses behind the scenes anyhow which brings us back to "a function call is not a function call without the parentheses".
(function (msg){alert(msg)})
This is a common method of using an anonymous function as a closure which many JavaScript frameworks use.
This function called is automatically when the code is compiled.
If placing ; at the first line, the compiler treated it as two different lines. So you can't get the same results as above.
This can also be written as:
(function (msg){alert(msg)}('SO'));
For more details, look into JavaScript/Anonymous Functions.
The IIFE simply compartmentalizes the function and hides the msg variable so as to not "pollute" the global namespace. In reality, just keep it simple and do like below unless you are building a billion dollar website.
var msg = "later dude";
window.onunload = function(msg){
alert( msg );
You could namespace your msg property using a Revealing Module Pattern like:
var myScript = (function() {
var pub = {};
pub.msg = "later dude";
window.onunload = function(msg) {
return pub;
Anonymous functions are functions that are dynamically declared at
runtime. They’re called anonymous functions because they aren’t
given a name in the same way as normal functions.
Anonymous functions are declared using the function operator instead
of the function declaration. You can use the function operator to
create a new function wherever it’s valid to put an expression. For
example, you could declare a new function as a parameter to a
function call or to assign a property of another object.
Here’s a typical example of a named function:
function flyToTheMoon() {
alert("Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!");
Here’s the same example created as an anonymous function:
var flyToTheMoon = function() {
alert("Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!");
For details please read http://helephant.com/2008/08/23/javascript-anonymous-functions/
Anonymous functions are meant to be one-shot deal where you define a function on the fly so that it generates an output from you from an input that you are providing. Except that you did not provide the input. Instead, you wrote something on the second line ('SO'); - an independent statement that has nothing to do with the function. What did you expect? :)

Is this an anonymous function?

In the first snippet below, based on my understanding I am creating a function and assigning it to a variable. But does that mean the function will take that name of the variable ?
var aFunc = function(){};
I know this is named function.
function bFunc(){};
So, first of all we have to clarify the main difference between the two functions you wrote.
This one:
var aFunc = function(){};
is a function expression. Where this one:
function bFunc(){};
is a function declaration.
In a function expression you're using the function operator to defines a function inside an expression.
When you declare a function you're using the function statement.
At the beginning it can be confusing because they're really similar, however function declaration and function expression behaves differently. First of all, you can't declare a function that is anonymous: if you're using a function statement, the name is mandatory.
So only functions defined with the function operator can be anonymous:
var aFunc = function(){};
That's an anonymous function. In some browsers you can actually print the function's name and see by yourself:
(Notice that this is not standard yet, but there is a proposal)
But it doesn't means that functions declared with the function operator have to be anonymous. For instance:
var aFunc = function myFunction() {};
It's a named function. However, that's still different from having a function declaration like that:
function myFunction() {};
var aFunc = myFunction;
Why? Because in case of function expression, you don't declare a myFunction function in the scope:
var aFunc = function myFunction() {};
console.log(typeof myFunction) // undefined, unless some bugs
So what's the point to give a name to a function expression? The answer is: to have access from that function from the function's body itself, without pollute the scope. Imaging for instance you want to add an event listener to a DOM node, but execute the listener only once:
document.body.addEventListener("click", function onclick() {
// do something
document.body.removeEventListener("click", onclick, false);
}, false);
So you don't pollute the scope with a lot of functions that you use only for purpose like that ones, and you can still have access to the function from the function's body. That's especially useful in ES5 where arguments.callee is deprecated, and for recursion.
Another difference between function expression is that you can invoke them immediately, but you can't do that for function declaration. So, for instance:
function() {
Will throw an exception, because the engine can't understand if it's a function declaration or a function expression. But if you force the engine to look at it as an expression:
!function() {
// or
// etc, there are a lot of ways
Here we are: JS understand is an expression, therefore threats the function as an operator and not as a statement. And you obtain the IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression), that are useful in a lot of scenarios, specially where you want to isolate code.
So, back to you question, why the name of this function:
var aFunc = function(){};
is not aFunc?
Because, it's an expression. So the value knows nothing about the assignment on the left. It's like having:
var aFunc = -3;
Where the - is the Unary Negation operation and the 3 is the value: they knows nothing about aFunc, right? It's exactly the same with function expression, where function is the operator, and (){} is the value.
In the first example you are creating an anonymous function and then assigning it to "aFunc"
In the second example you declare a function and call it bFunc.
The most notable difference between the two is that you can't call "aFunc" until after the line where you assign it.
No, the function will not "take the name of the variable". The variable will hold a reference to an anonymous function. The function itself is still anonymous.
Note that this makes little difference in the end though, this function reference can be treated exactly the same as any regular named function once it's assigned. In fact, it makes so little difference, a named function can be treated like a variable holding a function reference too:
function foo() { }
foo = 'bar';
alert(foo); // bar
The term "anonymous function" is jargon, so likely what it means will change over time. There is no specification that states what it is, so it can be whatever you want it to be. And whatever you decide will likely be disputed by someone else. Jargon is like that (look up the word "trunking", a common jargon term in telephony).
Strictly, there are function declarations where the name is mandatory, e.g.
function foo() {
and function expressions where the name is optional. If the name is missing, e.g.:
var x = function () {
then that, to me, is an anonymous function. If it has a name, e.g.
var x = function foo() {
then it's a named function expression (and not an anonymous function). From my perspective, any function expression without an optional name is an anonymous function. There are many uses for function expressions, e.g.
// assignment to a variable
var x = function() {...}
// pass as a parameter
// immediately executed and pass the result
foo( (function(){...}()) )
and so on. So in the OP, the right hand side of the assignment is a function expression with no name so to me, that's an anonymous function. The fact that it's then assigned to an identifier doesn't suddenly make it a named function expression.
Others may differ of course.
Incidentally, the results of:
function foo(){}
var foo = function(){};
are practically indistinguishable, the main difference is when the functions are created.
No it is not. The right hand side of your first statement is a Function Expression. It is anonymous as long as you don't assign it to a variable.
After you have assigned it, you can use it as a declared function.
See more details about function declarations in this question

Trying to figure out how scope works

I'm trying to learn JS on codeacademy and I can't understand/get past this thing. Can someone please provide an answer and also an explanation of why is it so? Would deeply appreciate.
// This function tries to set foo to be the
// value specified.
function setFoo(val) {
// foo is declared in a function. It is not
// accessible outside of the function.
var foo = val;
// Now that we are outside the function, foo is
// not defined and the program will crash! Fix this
// by moving the declaration of foo outside of the
// function. Make sure that setFoo will still update
// the value of foo.
You can see scope as a term meaning what variables you can reach at a specific "level" in the code. In JavaScript, these "levels" are defined by functions. Each function introduces a new level.
For example, take this sample code:
var a;
// you can access a at this level
function function1() {
var b;
// you can access a, b at this level
function function2() {
var c;
// you can access a, b, c at this level
So in your case, you should declare var foo; outside the function, preferably above it. Then you can set it inside setFoo with foo = val;. foo then refers to the one you declared in the level above setFoo.
foo is accessible both in setFoo and in the alert call that way; compare it with the above sample code (function1 is setFoo, a is foo and the alert call is in the top-most level. function2, b and c are not used in your case.).
// Create globale variable
// (You should not use globale variables!)
var foo;
// set value
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
// show value
Just declare foo outside any function then it will be global:
var foo = null;
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
Try it !
When you declare a variable in Javascript it is only visible to code that is in the same function as it is declared, or a function inernal to that function. Because foo is originally declared in the SetFoo function nothing outside of SetFoo is able to see it, so the call to alert fails as foo does not exist in the gloabl scope.
As the comments suggest, moving the declaration of foo out of the function and into the global scope (which you can think of as a catch-all function that contains everything) would allow you to use foo when calling alert.
var foo;
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
alert(foo); // No longer crashes
Every function in Javascript has it's own scope. That means that every variable you define there with the var keyword, will only be available within that function. That means that when you call setFoo(10), you create the variable foo, give it a value of five, after which it is immediately destroyed because it went out of scope.
There are multiple ways to solve this problem. The first would be to remove the var keyword. This would put foo in the global scope, which means that it's available everywhere. However, this is discouraged, you want to keep the global scope as uncluttered as possible, so that if you have javascript code provided by multiple people on the same page, they can't overwrite other people's variables. Another way to do it would be this:
function setFoo(val){
var foo = val;
alertfoo = function(){
In this example, the only thing you're putting in the global scope is the alertfoo function, because you want that to be available everywhere. The alertfoo function is defined inside the setFoo function, this means that although foo should have gone out of scope after setfoo has been executed, it is kept in memory, because alertfoo has access to it.
This makes for some nice tricks. For example, let's say you're making a javascript library that will be included on other people's pages, you'll want to create a scope inside of which you can define variables, without polluting the global scope. The most common way to do this, is by declairing a self-executing function. This is a function which is executed immediately after being defined, it looks like this:
//set variables you want to be global in your own code
var mainpage = document.getElementById('main');
//define functions you want to make available to other people in a way that puts them in the global scope
setMainElement = function(newmain){mainpage = newmain;}
You can make this even better by making only one object global, and provide your interfae through the methods of that object, this way, you create a namespace with all the functions that your library contains. The next example uses an object literal to do this. In javascript, you can create an object by putting key/value pairs petween curly braces. the key/value pairs are properties of the object. for example:
var privatevar = 10,otherprivate=20;
publicInterface = {
'addToPrivate': function(x){privatevar+=x;},
'getPrivate': function(){return private}
Original code:
function setFoo(val) {
var foo = val;
alert(foo); // Crash!
Their advice to fix the crash:
Fix this by moving the declaration of foo outside of the function
I'm guessing you're confused as to what they mean by "outside of the function".
Try this edited code:
var foo = 5; // "var" declares the variable to be in this outer scope
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val; // but we can still access it in this inner scope...
alert(foo); // Displays a dialog box that says "10"
Variables defined in the function is valid only in the function
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
In JavaScript, new scopes are only created by functions

