Does obfuscated javascript slow a browser down? - javascript

I have a script which is obfuscated and begins like this:
var _0xfb0b=["\x48\x2E\x31\x36\x28\x22\x4B\x2E continues like that for more then 435.000 chars (the file has 425kB) and in the end this is coming:
new RegExp(_0xfb0b[6]+_0x8b47x5(_0x8b47x3)+_0xfb0b[6],_0xfb0b[7]),
_0x8b47x4[_0x8b47x3]);} ;} ;return _0x8b47x1;}
My question is: Isn't it way harder for a browser to execute that compared to a not-obfuscated script and if so, how much time I'm probably loosing because of the obfuscation? Especially the older browsers like IE6 which are really not that performant in JS must spend a lot more time on that, right?

It certainly does slow down the browser more significantly on older browsers (specifically when initializing), but it definitely slows it down even afterwards. I had a heavily obfuscated file that took about 1.2 seconds to initialize, unobfuscated in the same browser and PC was about 0.2 seconds, so, significant.

It depends on what the obfuscator does.
If it primarily simply renames identifiers, I would expect it to have little impact on performance unless the identifier names it used were artificially long.
If it scrambles control or data flow, it could have arbitrary impact on code execution.
Some control flow scrambling can be done with only constant overhead.
You'll have to investigate the method of obfuscation to know the answer to this. Might be easier to just measure the difference.

The obfuscation you're using seems to just store all string constants into one array and put them into the code where they originally were. The strings are obfuscated into the array but still come out as string. (Try console.log(_0xfb0b) to see what I mean).
It does, definitely, slow down the code INITIALIZATION. However, once that array has been initialized, the impact on the script is negligible.


Spaces in equal signs

I'm just wondering is there a difference in performance using removing spaces before and after equal signs. Like this two code snippets.
int i = 0;
int i=0;
I'm using the first one, but my friend who is learning html/javascript told me that my coding is inefficient. Is it true in html/javascript? And is it a huge bump in the performance? Will it also be same in c++/c# and other programming languages? And about the indent, he said 3 spaces is better that tab. But I already used to code like this. So I just want to know if he is correct.
Your friend is a bit misguided.
The extra spaces in the code will make a small difference in the size of the JS file which could make a small difference in the download speed, though I'd be surprised if it was noticeable or meaningful.
The extra spaces are unlikely to make a meaningful difference in the time to parse the file.
Once the file is parsed, the extra spaces will not make any difference in execution speed since they are not part of the parsed code.
If you really want to optimize download or parse speed, the way to do that is to write your code in the most readable fashion possible for best maintainability and then use a minimizer for the deployed code and this is a standard practice by many web sites. This will give you the best of both worlds - maintainable, readable code and minimum deployed size.
A minimizer will remove all unnecessary spacing, shorten the names of variables, remove comments, collapse lines, etc... all designed to make the deployed code as small as possible without changing the run-time meaning of the code at all.
C++ is a compiled language. As such, only the compiler that the developer uses sees any extra spaces (same with comments). Those spaces are gone once the code has been compiled into native code which is what the end-user gets and runs. So, issues about spaces between elements in a line are simply not applicable at all for C++.
Javascript is an interpreted language. That means the source code is downloaded to the browser and the browser then parses the code at runtime into some opcode form that the interpreter can run. The spaces in Javascript will be part of the downloaded code (if you don't use a minimizer to remove them), but once the code is parsed, those extra spaces are not part of the run-time performance of the code. Thus, the spaces could have a small influence on the download time and perhaps an even smaller influence on the parse time (though I'm guessing unlikely to be measurable or meaningful). As I said above, the way to optimize this for Javascript is to use spaces to enhance readability in the source code and then run a minimizer over the code to generate a deployed version of the code to minimize the deployed size of the file. This preserves maximum readability and minimizes download size.
There is little (javascript) to no (c#, c++, Java) difference in performance. In the compiled languages in particular, the source code compiles to the exact same machine code.
Using spaces instead of tabs can be a good idea, but not because of performance. Rather, if you aren't careful, use of tabs can result in "tab rot", where there are tabs in some places and spaces in others, and the indentation of the source code depends on your tab settings, making it hard to read. timing erratic in Chrome?

I am using to get a method start and end time. I have found the results in Firefox to be a fairly consistent 10-12 ms. In Chrome, the timings vary wildly from 30-70ms.
I am not concerned about the fact that Firefox runs faster (as browser JS implementations will vary) so much as the wide spread of results encountered in Chrome that makes getting an accurate result impossible. Comments in this article seem to imply that the Chrome implementation is only accurate to 1ms in any event - is this correct?
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what is going on, or how to produce more accurate and consistent performance evaluations?
This could be one of two problems. Either is recording the wrong times (which seems unlikely), or Chrome is taking variable times to execute.
What you should do is test which one it is: use instead of performance to find the execution time: if it stabilises, the problem is in, otherwise it's Chrome.
The main advantage of performance is documented as being that it can record up to 1 microsecond's accuracy. However, this is unlikely to be required for the vast majority of problems, so using Date instead may well sort you out.
i know this is late, but is accurate, however chrome's v8 engine does crazy optimization on the code, and thats were the inconsistencies come from. the variation in time is case specific, since v8 does optimizations, and if you force it to de-optimize (ex. changing variable type from string to number) it will cost a lot performance wise.
additionally calling the same pure function multiple times will make v8 engine optimize it, hence it will become almost instantaneous over several repetitions.
if you share the code with me i can help you out with your specific case.

Is there any line limitation in javascript?

is there any limitation on number of lines a javascript file can have?
10121 / 8
Since 10121 is the maximum number of bits in the universe and presumably you would do 8-bit encoding of your javascript, then even if the whole universe was filled with nothing else then your blank javascript file there could be no more then 11.25e120 lines in it.
TL;DR No there is no limit.
Nothing official, but the larger the file, the more the browser needs to download, parse and execute.
In fact, a common practice it to join multiple javascript files into one so only one browser connection gets tied up with downloading javascript. This is normally part of minification (which can include other steps such as renaming variables to short ones, removing whitespace etc...).
I don't think there's an actual line number limitation for a javascript file, but obviously the number of lines and amount of javascript code you have can greatly affect performance.
So, the fact that you're asking this at all might be a reason to optimize and examine the code itself. Perhaps splitting out certain code functions that aren't needed on every page into different files could ease the load.
Actually there is, if you are running in IE you will find that a program that runs over more than 5,000,000 lines. IE thinks it may be stuck in a endless loop and a popup will prompt the user to either kill the script or continue...
Nope :-)
The only limitation is the memory of the computer it is running on, or the software running the Javascript. There are no such limitations in the design of Javascript.
If you have tens of thousands of lines of code, you may wish to evaluate your design and refactor a lot of it as it can be a sign of badly designed code.

Do spaces/comments slow Javascript down?

I was wondering, do whitespaces and comments slow down JavaScript? I'm doing a brute force attack which takes some time (30 seconds). Removing whitespaces does not show a significant growth in speed, but I think the browser just does have to parse more.
So, is it of any use to remove unnecessary whitespaces and comments to speed the whole up?
People usually use minimizers to reduce the SIZE of the script, to improve download speed, rather than to make any difference in speed of parsing the script.
Whitespace and comments will have little effect in how long it takes a browser to execute, as the parser needs to check if it is whitespace, or a comment, but in reality this will be so minute with current computing power, it would be impossible to notice any impact.
SIZE however is still important even with the large bandwidth available in our broadband world.
Whitespaces and comments increase the size of the JavaScript file, which slows down the actual downloading of the file from the server - minification is the process of stripping unnecessary characters from a JavaScript file to make it smaller and easier to download.
However, since you mention a brute force attack, the bottleneck is probably not the download. Try using a profiler to find what slows you down.
There is always a point in minifying, combining and gzipping your assets, to ease server load.
Minifying is the act you refer to, of stripping away unnecessary whitespace and comments, to make the download speed smaller.
Combining will most likely show an even greater increase in page rendering speed; it is the act of merging all your javascript files into one, and all your css files into one (it can also be done for most images, but that taks requires some more work). This is done to reduce the amount of requests the browser has to make towards your server, to be able to display the page.
GZipping is the act of further compressing the data, in a zipped format, to the browsers that indicate that they'll accept such data. This further reduces size, but adds some extra work load at both ends. You're likely to see a net gain from it.
Depending on what environment you're working in, there are different components that'll help you with this, that usually covers all of the above in one go.
The time your code takes to download from the server has a direct effect on how long the page takes to render. JavaScript is blocking, meaning that a JS block will prevent any furhter rendering, until the block has executed entirely. As such, where you put your javascript files (i.e. in which point in the rendering process they'll be requested), how many requests it takes for it to be completely downloaded, and how much data there is to download, will have an impact on your page load, as it appears to the user.
Once the browser has parsed your code, be it javascript, css or html, it'll have created internal representations of the part it needs to keep remembering, and the actual formatting will no longer affect it.
I don't think whitespace in js-code slows down the execution of it. As far as I understand a javascript interpreter strips all comments and redundant whitespace before processing. It can influence download time en thus loading time of a web page however.
Take a look here for a bit of extra information.
It has little to no impact on actual processing speed, however...
Smaller size => less bandwith => less costs => ??? => profit!

Javascript: Optimizing details for Critical/Highly Processed Javascript code

I've been looking through a lot of Javascript Optimizing and most of them talk about string concatenation and a few other big ones found here, but I figured there had to be more details that you can optimize for when speed is critical and the processing of those pieces of code is very high.
Say you run this code for some reason: (unlikely, I know, but bear with me)
for( var i = 0; i < 100000000000; i++ ) {
//Do stuff
And there's no way of getting around having a loop that big... You're going to want to make sure that all the stuff you're doing in that loop is optimized to the point that you can't optimize it anymore... or your website will hang.
Edit: I'm not necessarily talking about a loop, what about a function that's repeatedly called such as onmousemove? Although in most cases we shouldn't need to use onmousemove, there are some cases that do. This questions is for those cases.
Using JQuery as our JS library
So what I would like is tips for optimizing, but only the more uncommon ones
- ie. Speed differences between switch or if-else
If you'd like to see the more common ones, you can find them here:
Optimizing Javascript for Execution Speed
Javascript Tips and Tricks; Javascript Best Practices
Optimize javascript pre-load of images
How do you optimize your Javascript
Object Oriented Javascript best practices
"And there's no way of getting around having a loop that big... "
In the real world of RIA, you HAVE to get around the big loops. As important as optimization is learning how to break large loops into small loops, and giving time to the browser to deal with its UI. Otherwise you'll give your users a bad experience and they won't come back.
So I'd argue that BEFORE you learn funky JS optimizations, you should know how to break a large loop into chunks called by setTimeout() and display a progress bar (or let animated GIFs loop).
Perceived speed is often more important than actual speed. The world of the client is different from the world of the server.
When animating, learn how to find out if you're running on a lame browser (usually IE) and try for a worse framerate (or just don't animate). I can get some animations to go 90fps in a good browser but just 15fps in IE. You can test for the browser, but it's usually better to use timeouts and the clock to see how animations are performing.
Also, for genuine speedups, learn how to use web workers in Gears and in newer browsers.
You can speed up this mofo thus:
for (var i = 100000000; i--;) {
//Do stuff
Reverses the loop and checks only for
instead of
i < 10000000 and i < 10000000 = true
Performance gain of 50% in most browsers
Saw this in a great Google Code talk #
The talk contains some other great tricks.
Good luck!
If it doesn't need to be synchronous, convert the loops into a recursive implementation with setTimeout calls
for( var i = 0; i < 100000000000; i++ ) {
//Do stuff
Can probably written as
function doSomething(n)
if (n === 0) return some_value;
setTimeout(function(){doSomething(n-1);}, 0);
OK, this might not be a good example, but you get the idea. This way, you convert long synchronous operations into an asynchronous operation that doesn't hang the browser. Very useful in certain scenarios where something doesn't need to be done right away.
Using split & join instead of replace:
//str.replace("needle", "hay");
Store long reference chains in local variables:
function doit() {
var moo =;;
After seeing a few good answers by the people here, I did some more searching and found a few to add:
These are tips on Javascript optimizing when you're looking to get down to the very little details, things that in most cases wouldn't matter, but some it will make all the difference:
Switch vs. Else If
A commonly used tactic to wring
whatever overhead might be left out of
a large group of simple conditional
statements is replacing If-Then-Else's
with Switch statements.
Just incase you wanted to see benchmarking you can find it here.
Loop Unrolling
To unroll a loop, you have it do more
than one of the same step per
iteration and increment the counter
variable accordingly. This helps a lot
because you then decrease the number
of times you are checking the
condition for the loop overall. You
must be careful when doing this though
because you may end up overshooting
See details and benchmarking here.
Reverse Loop Counting
Reverse your loop so that it counts
down instead of up. I have also seen
in various documents about
optimization that comparing a number
to zero is much quicker than comparing
it to another number, so if you
decrement and compare to zero it
should be faster.
See more details and benchmarking here.
Duff's Device
It's simple, but complicated to grasp at first. Read more about it here.
Make sure to check out the improved version further down that page.
The majority of this information was quoted directly from here: JavaScript Optimization. It's interesting, since it's such an old site it looks at optimization from the perspective of the browser processing power they had back then. Although the benchmarks they have recorded there are for IE 5.5 and Netscape 4.73, their benchmarking tools give accurate results for the browser you're using.
For the people who think these details don't matter, I think it says a bit about the way people perceive the power in advancing technologies we have. Just because our browsers are processing many times faster than what they use to doesn't necessarily mean that we should abuse that processing power.
I'm not suggesting spend hours optimizing two lines of code for 0.005ms, but if you keep some these techniques in mind and implement them where appropriate it will contribute to a faster web. After all, there are still many people using IE 6, so it would be wrong to assume everyone's browsers can handle the same processing.
Which JavaScript engine are we supposed to be targeting? If you're talking about such extreme optimisation, it makes a big difference. For starters, I'll point out that the array.join() trick for string concatenation is only really applicable to Microsoft's JScript engine; it can actually give worse performance on other JS engines.

