How to use Dojo Dijit select without tables? - javascript

I'm working on some project that uses Dojo dijit.form.Select, that produce some really strange HTML. It's replace standard browser select with table, tr, td and other crap that made it slow (a lot of unnecessary elements), inaccessible (select by letter doesn't work) and very hard to style.
Is there any why to tell Dojo to switch into standards mode?

You probably want to override the template (you can check in dijit/form/template/select.html)
You'll need to override it, but keep the attachpoint and vars I guess.
I'd recommend checking that and if the original Select.js writes hard coded html which would mean you would also have to override these functions.
In any case, this does not seem like a simple switch off property.
In the end you might want to simply call a normal select and handle it with a custom made controller widget...


Why does jQuery Mobile use data-role attributes instead of classes?

This may be a naive question, but I'm learning jQuery Mobile and unsure why everything is related to a data-role attribute. It seems that even times when the role is related to the style, they are using data-role over class
I understand that for semantics, data-role makes sense in a lot of cases but it just seems to be abused here. Wouldn't that kind of lookup also be slower?
Why do they use data-role over class?
Thanks for any insight.
Why data
They could simply use role as an attribute (like other frameworks do), but this would make
the resulting HTML invalid. Therefore a data- is added to every attribute name.
Why not classes
I think the main reason for that is to separate view from logic as far as it is possible. In larger projects, CSS and JavaScript are not written by the same person.
It provides a lot of control over powerful styling techniques especially when combined with jquery ui. I use jquery mobile, I used their tool to easily make a theme roller and now when I use elements like data-role-header, footer listview. I have great looking pages with no effort. There are hundreds of data-role attributes you can bring into your code to easily create uniform, user friendly pages. I personally like the data-role - page attribute to create multiple views in a single HTML page. They are easy to use so the best way to learn about them is to play with them.
Please find the explanation of data-roles here.
data-role attribute is used to control the behaviour of the widget of element. For example in case of button you can use input type="button" (no data-role="button" attribute required in this case, as this is standard behaviour of this element) but you can use a element, and then you need to explicitly provide it:
So for me it's rather useful solution, as buttons behavior on mobile devices can be same for different elements. You just need to provide data-role attribute, and jQuery will do the rest for you.
This is the quotation from main jQuery Mobile website:
jQuery mobile framework takes the "write less, do more" mantra to the
next level: Instead of writing unique apps for each mobile device or
OS, the jQuery mobile framework allows you to design a single
highly-branded web site or application that will work on all popular
smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms.
They want to style every control you have in the same way, so write less, do more approach is fulfilled. So jQuery Mobile adds same styling for all elements with the same role to make things look the same way, but it doesn't mean you can't change it. It just means that they care about good look of your website, and they are aware that every button should be similar to others.
Also the page I mentioned earlier says:
The jQuery Mobile framework uses HTML5 data- attributes to allow for
markup-based initialization and configuration of widgets.
So you are reading HTML and you know how elements will behave without looking to CSS file - which I think is cool if you're not front-end dev. Of course front-end dev can overwrite CSS, but he must follow the rules, e.g. if data-inline is set to true he should style it regarding that elements must naturally follow this rule (be inline).
jQueryMobile adds a load event handler to the page, which processes the DOM looking for various data-xxx attributes. When it finds those, it does more than just stylize the elements.
In many cases it creates a type of widget tied to the data-role. For example, a <div data-role="header"> is turned into a toolbar widget, the creation of which may extensively modify the DOM within that element.
For some of the simpler widgets, like buttons, folks have seen that not much happens other than some classes get added, so why not just shortcut the process and do that directly? That can work, but it isn't future-proof. At different points in history, different versions of jQM had created buttons with different DOM structures. So I personally think it's best not to shortcut jQM, and let it process the data-attributes as it sees fit.
That being said, it would still have been possible to create widgets identified by classes rather than data-attributes, which was how people used to do these things before jQM. But then there might be an expectation that there would be CSS associated with those classes as well. Use of the data- attributes makes it clear that this is a structural/role thing rather than just styling.

HTML Markup Generator from Form

I'm making a html template generator sort of like this. It's going to have specific style and markup so all it really has to do is take the inputs from the form and place them in the "template" and output as text for easy copy/paste. I was wondering if there is an easier way to make this, like using jQuery. Open to all suggestions.
jQuery has a selection of methods for dealing with the DOM that could come in useful for creating HTML markup from a form. It also has a few methods specific to forms themselves, if that suits your purposes.
Check out the API for Manipulation. There are a variety of methods you may find useful.
Since you are constructing HTML with form values, the .wrap() method could be quite valuable to surround content with the inputted tags, ids, and classes, which could be styled with a externally linked CSS file. See also the .wrapAll() and .wrapInner().
You may find the .html() method interesting as well for grabbing the contents of any element. It is somewhat the reverse of what you need but it could come in handy.

How to avoid locking my HTML structure when using jQuery to create rich client experiences?

I've had this happen to me three times now and I feel it's time I learned how to avoid this scenario.
Typically, I build the HTML. Once I'm content with the structure and visual design, I start using jQuery to wire up events and other things.
Thing is, sometimes the client wants a small change or even a medium change that requires me to change the HTML, and this causes my javascript code to break because it depends on HTML selectors that no longer exist.
How can I avoid digging myself into this hole every time I create a website? Any articles I should read?
Make your selectors less brittle.
Don't use a selector by index, next sibling, immediate child, or the like
Use classes so even if you have to change the tag name and the element's position in the HTML, the selector will still work
Don't use parent() or child() without specifying a selector. Make sure you look for a parent or child with a specific class
Sometimes, depending on the amount of rework, you'll have to update the script. Keep them as decoupled as possible, but there's always some coupling, it's the interface between script and HTML. It's like being able to change an implementation without having to change the interface. Sometimes you need new behavior that needs a new interface.
I think the best way to help you is for you to show a small sample of a change in the HTML that required a change to your jQuery code. We could then show you how to minimize changes to JS as you update the HTML

What's the best method for creating a simple Rich-Text WYSIWYG editor?

I need to create a simple rich-text editor that saves its contents to an XML file using arbitrary markup to indicate special text styles (e.g: [b]...[/b] for bold and [i]...[/i] for italic). All the backend PHP stuff seems fairly straightforward, but the front-end WYSIWYG portion of the feature seems a bit more convoluted. I've been reticent to use one of the currently-available JavaScript-based WYSIWYG editors because the rich-text options I want to allow are so limited, and these applications are so fully-featured that it almost seems like more work to stip them down to the functions I need.
So, in setting out to create a bare-bones rich-text editor, I've encountered three approaches:
The first two approaches use the contentEditable or designMode properties to create an editable element, and the execCommand() method to apply new text styles to a selected range.
The first option uses a standard div element, executes all styling commands on that elements contents.
The second option uses the editible body of a window enclosed in an iframe, then passes any styling commands initiated from buttons in the parent document into its contentWindow to alter selected ranges in the contained body. This seems like several extra steps to accomplish the same effect as option one, but I suppose the isolation of the editable content in its own document has its advantages.
The third option uses a textarea overlaying a div, and uses the oninput JS event to update the background div's innerHTML to match the input textarea's value whenever it changes. Obviously, this requires some string finagling to to convert elements like newline characters in the textarea to <br/> in the div, but this would allow me to preserve the integrity of my [/] markup, while relegating the potentially-messy DOM manipulation to front-end display only.
I can see benefits and drawbacks for each method. the contentEditable solutions seem initially the simplest, but support for this features tends to vary across browsers, and each browser that DOES support it seems to manipulate the DOM differently when implementing execCommand(). As mentioned before, the textarea/div solution seems like the best way to preserve my arbitrary styling conventions, but the custom string-manipulation procedure to display rich text in the output div could get pretty hairy.
So, I submit to you my question: Given the development goals I've outlined, which method would you choose, and why? And of course, if there's another method I'm overlooking that might better serve my purpose, please enlighten me!
Thanks in advance!
Have you looked at This is your answer. If you are having doubts, then you are doing something wrong. :-)
Then use JS to track keyup event and simple AJAX to print preview of the input. Just like in stackoverflow.
NB It would be far more efficient to generate the preview using plain-js BBcode approach. However, do not overcomplicate stuff unless you necessary need it.
The problem with BBCode, Markdown, ... is that it's not that trivial for genpop. I suggest looking at widgEditor, it is by far the simplest WYSIWYG editor I've seen to date. It was developed some time ago, so I am not sure about compatibility, but it sure is an inspiration.
I would have included this only as a comment, since it does not directly answer your question, but I am fairly new to SA and could not find out how to do that. Sorry.

Create your own HTML Textfield with Javascript

I came across the following , and was wondering if anyone had a basic tutorial how to implement this (or perhaps what key search terms I should use)?
Is this just a heavily modified TextField, or have they somehow managed to create a completely new TextField from scratch?
I tried googling this many times, and I always get pages relating to customizing the built-in TextField with CSS etc.
A good place to start if you want to learn how richtext web editors work is to look into the contenteditable attribute and the document.execCommand method (the best editors use a lot more than this, but these are at the foundation). Over-simplified, an editor consists of a contenteditable block and ways to invoke document.execCommand on the text selection.
But, speaking as a person who has actually developed an editor of this kind, you might be better off using an existing one (CKEditor being a great one, in my opinion).
Edit: Note that contenteditable is a proprietary (Microsoft) property, but most (all?) browsers have implemented it now, and it will be in HTML5.
Edit 2: I want to try to clear up a few misconceptions.
A div or iframe isn't in itself editable, it requires the contenteditable attribute. The use of an iframe is typically a workaround for the fact that older Gecko browsers only supported an alternative editable property (designMode) that could only be applied to a whole document.
While some operations of advanced editors probably do employ innerHtml, this isn't the key to making an editor on the web.
It is not a textbox. It is a DIV that has lots of HTML injected to it with javascript.
The basic idea is that JavaScript uses the innerHtml property of the div and writes HTML to it.
This is a javascript implementation that replaces a input. It basically hides the input and uses it for storing and passing the data via POST.
The advanced textfields I have seen have all been iframe or div. The code behind them is quiet messy and not very accessible.
Proceed with caution!
You may want to consider WYSIWYM instead of WYSIWYG.

