How to attach "slide" & "slid" events to the Bootstrap toolkit's carousel? - javascript

Here's a fiddle with a working Bootstrap carousel.
And here's the official documentation which tells nothing about event usage.
I thought this would work but no:
alert("Slide Event");

Based on your fiddle #carousel is wrong. It should be #myCarousel.
Updated Example:
interval: 2000
// Could be slid or slide (slide happens before animation, slid happens after)
$('#myCarousel').on('slid', function() {
alert("Slide Event");
With Bootstrap 3

For Bootstrap 3 implementations :
Before event
$('#myCarousel').bind('', function (e) {
After event
$('#myCarousel').bind('', function (e) {

Old post I know, but I wanted to show both slide and slid using the .on function.
So, my 2 cents...
$('#myCarousel').on('', function (e) {
$( '.carousel' ).removeClass('color-start');
$( '.carousel' ).addClass('color-finish');
$('#myCarousel').on('', function (e) {
$( '.carousel' ).removeClass('color-finish');
$( '.carousel' ).addClass('color-start');
$('#bind').html('slid again!');
The 'addClass & removeClass' are for the fun of showing something is happening and when. Also, you could use this along with animate.css to add/remove the 'animated' class to elements .on(slide,).
The above is I don't like 'alerts' and showing console.log can be a pain on smaller screens.


Cannot keep jQuery dropdown slide down

So I'm making a website for someone and I'm quite new to jQuery (which probably doesn't help). The site needed a dropdown menu to display links to the galleries in a list rather than having them all in the navigation bar. The problem is, whenever I hover over the li element the dropdown slides down but when I hover over the dropdown, it slides back up.
$(document).ready(function () {
function () {
function () {
Probably something simple, but help is quite welcome. JSFiddle below.
You are toggeling the event in the me handler, you need to do this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("li#navi-dropdown").on('mouseover',function () {
$("ul.nav-dropdown").on('mouseleave',function () {
I have also updated your fiddle, check it out it works now.
here is my fiddle:
Consider putting your ul submenu inside your li, and reposition it.
Don't forget to use .stop() too, so as jquery don't queue your slides animations :
See your updated fiddle here
Try with this code.
$(document).ready(function () {
function () {
function () {

Bootstrap Hover slideUp slideDown Animation

I use this code to make bootstrap dropdown show when mouse hover
var bMobile; // true if in mobile mode
// Initiate event handlers
function init() {
"use strict";
// .navbar-toggle is only visible in mobile mode
bMobile = $('.navbar-toggle').is(':visible');
var oMenus = $('.navbar-nav .dropdown'),
if (bMobile) {
// Disable hover events for mobile;
} else {
'mouseenter touchstart': function(){
'mouseleave': function() {
nTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
$(document).ready(function() {
// Your other code to run on DOM ready...
I use this code to remove hover effect from small screens and work on big screens
How can make this code slide animation ?
and if there is code better than this code please add it in comment
I am bad in English, sorry :)
I recommend using the project, and adding the css class you want, i'll try to throw together a quick example
Here's a quick and dirty demo
$($(this).find(".dropdown-menu")[0]).addClass('bounceInUp animated');
you would want to use something like this to handle the mouse events (no need for the $.on()):
so your code would look something like this.
The Jquery animation of slideDown() and slideUp() is what you're looking for, and this combined with the .hover() jquery event handler should be able to give you what you need.
you can lose the .on() calls.

How to add a bounce effect, when you click on the div

I see other tutorials about this topic on this website, but this one is different from all the other ones.
I found this tutorial called "Adding a bounce to a slide down". Here is the link for it.
I have put everything how it's supposed to be, just like in that tutorial, but I do not want two buttons representing close and open, I just want a button with an image, like an arrow. Then when you click the arrow, it will slideDown with the information and that kinda stuff and then, when you click the arrow again, it will slideUp and it will hide the information.
That tutorial could do that, but it has two ID'S representing the close button and the open button and I do not want that.
Here is the JS code for that tutorial and there is more, but this is where it get's the affects and stuff like that.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Expand Panel
$("div#panel").slideDown("slow", "easeOutBounce");
// Collapse Panel
$("#toggle a").click(function () {
$("#toggle a").toggle();
Do you see #open and #close? that represents two ID'S for the toggle buttons.
I really want to know how to delete the close and the close will represent the open so, when you click the open it will open and when you click the open again, it will close it self without another ID for it.
I have been trying to figure this out, but couldn't figure it out.
Please tell me, what do I gotta do to achieved this.
If your arrow element has the ID "toggle", you could do:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#toggle").click(function () {
var $panel = $('#panel');
if ($':visible')) {
} else {
$panel.slideDown("slow", "easeOutBounce");
you can try slideToggle()
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#toggle a").click(function () {
$("#toggle a").slideToggle();
Use $( "#panel" ).toggle( "bounce", { times: 2 }, "slow" );;
See this demo
For more Examples visit :
It uses the following external js files:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

Create a custom toggle with jQuery

I have the following code, which fades in HTML via a .load into a .pop-up modal.
$('.pop-up').load('about.php', function(){
However, I need a second click to make the .about fade out. I understand certain toggle functions are now deprecated. Is there a current method I could use? I have a couple of these functions which will need toggling throughout the code.
Any help would be great.
$('.pop-up').load('about.php', function(){
$(this).toggle( "slow", function() {
// Animation complete.
you can use toggle but by custom code you can do your customization very well
var toggle=0;
var $this=$('this');
$('.pop-up').load('about.php', function(){
else{// or do other action which you want

Using MouseOver and MouseOut

Hi guys im working on my first website and im trying to implement a sliding menu using jquery.
This is what a got so far :
<a href="javascript:void(0);"onmouseover="ShowBox();" onmouseout="HideBox();"">Show box<a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowBox()
function HideBox()
When i MouseOver the control my menu slides down but slides back up automatically.
What I would like is to let the user the time to select and option from the menu and if he doesn't, i would like the menu to close as soon as the mouse leaves the control.
Any idea why this isn't working ?
Thanks in advance.
Do your stuff without the inline JS, and remember to close the <a> element and use a ready function
<a id="test">Show box</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
mouseenter: function() {
mouseleave: function() {
click: function(e) {
As you're using jQuery I believe it would be beneficial for you to use something similar to:
function() {
//.stop() to prevent propagation
$(this).stop().animate({"bottom": "200px"}, "fast");
function() {
$(this).stop().animate({"bottom": "0px"}, "fast");
What this will mean is that whilst the mouse is over the menu, the menu will stay in its open position. When the mouse exits the menu it will close. Obviously change the id, and animation CSS values to suit your needs :)!
Here is a working example:
Really there is no problem here - the script is doing exactly what you told it to. However, from what I understand, what you want is for the menu to stay open when you leave the "trigger" element if the user's mouse is now over the menu. Try this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var timeout=250;//timeout in milliseconds to wait before hiding the menu
var menuMouseout;
$(document).ready(function() {
}, function(){
menuMouseout=setTimeout("$('#SlideMenu').slideUp();", timeout);
}, function(){
menuMouseout=setTimeout("$('#SlideMenu').slideUp();", timeout);
This way, the user is left some time after mousing out of the trigger element to get to the menu. You might need to fiddle with the timeout, but this should work. I tested this and it seems to be working. Just be sure, if necessary, to wrap this in $(document).ready to make sure all elements are loaded and ready.
If you're using jQuery this would be the proper way to go about it:
Show box
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#showBoxHref").hover(function() {
}, function() {
(just copy/paste this in and it should work)

