Using jQuery's serializeArray with Rails forms - javascript

I'm trying to display an order summary on the final screen of a checkout process (buit in Rails 3). Nothing is submitted prior to this, so I'm using jQuery's serializeArray() to get all the names and values from the form fields, which works great. I collect a variety of nested attributes, so the returned array is rather busy, with names like order[donations_attributes][0][amount_in_dollars].
Is there a straightforward way, in Javascript (or using jQuery) to convert those names and values to a JSON string (which would make it way easier to work with to produce my summary output). For example, something like:
"order": {
"donations_attributes": [
"amount_in_dollars": 50.95,
"category": "Some Fund"
"amount_in_dollars": 90.92,
"category": "Some Other Fund"
"billing_address_attributes": {
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Smith",
"address1": "123 Whatever Street",
"and so on": "etc"
Keep in mind that I haven't submitted anything yet (nor can I), so I can't do it in Ruby. Is there a sort of obvious, straightforward way to do this, or will I need to parse out and build the string by hand?

You can pass that data as-is to the data parameter in JQuery.ajax(...), and it will end up in parama in the controller method and view for the action you call, .e.g params[:order][:donations_attributes][0][:category] == "Some Fund".
If you want to load a new url into the browser, you can use JQuery.serialize() on the data and append it to your url (with a `"?" in between) to create the URL with the appropriate query string.


Best practice creating a key/value map dev/prod node.js

I have a Node.js app, APP-A, that communicates with another C# app, APP-B, using APP-B's API. APP-B has a RESTful API that returns JSON. Other than a few standard fields e.g., name, description, APP-B's keys are defined when the user creates the field in the system. The resulting JSON looks like this:
"name": "An example name",
"description": "Description for the example",
"cust_fields": {
"cust_123": "Joe Bloggs",
"cust_124": "Essex"
I have two instances of APP-B, a dev and prod environment, which are separate installations. As a result, the JSON from the prod environment is as above, and the JSON from the dev environment looks like this:
"name": "An example name",
"description": "Description for the example",
"cust_fields": {
"cust_782": "Joe Bloggs",
"cust_793": "Essex"
This is dealt with in APP-A (the Node.js app) by having a JSON map like this:
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"cust_fields": {
"full_name": "cust_123",
"city": "cust_124"
Which is loaded like this:
var map;
switch(env) {
case 'dev':
map = require('../env/dev/map.json');
case 'prod':
map = require('../env/prod/map.json');
module.exports = {
description: map.description,
cust_fields: {
full_name: map.cust_fields.full_name,
So I am wondering, is there is a better way of dealing with this? I don't see a way around having to create some kind of manual relationship between the key names across prod and dev, as there is no way to find out what field corresponds to what, but it seems like a lot of work.
Thanks for reading.
I have created a jsFiddle to better illustrate my question:
If the mapping is unavoidable and everything is done manually right now, the next best progression would be to automate the building of those lookup maps, through some persistent storage, i.e. a database.
The general flow would be:
When APP-B creates a new form, that field information is stored in the database with all the identifying information. You could store production and dev data in the same db (as a flag) but likely they would just be different databases. Structure might be like customerId, formId, fieldName, fieldMapping, fieldValue, isProduction --> 123, 2, 'cust_124', 'city', 'Essex', true
When APP-A needs a field listing, it queries the DB for the relevant field lists."Find mapping customer X for form Y in production" --> WHERE custId = 123 AND formId = 2 AND isProduction = true would yield a list of fields and their mapping values (which you would post process/reduce into the mapping you need).
This automated process will leave less work for you manually. You shouldn't accidentally miss or forget a mapping from the hand generated file.
This will add a tiny bit of work to the server processing, as you'll need the field mapping from the DB every time a request is processed. (You could back off a bit and do one big query each time a customer is loaded, or further back is each time the server starts . . . depends how dynamic these custom fields are). Plus you would have to map DB results into a usable listing for your purposes.
Depending how many customers and custom forms you are monitoring, an automated process for that will save you a lot of time and avoid a lot of mistakes of all things hand generated.

How Do I See the Output of Changes to JSON

Updated to try to be more clear given the comments (Thank you for comments)
I apologize in advance for this question. I may just not have the vocabulary to properly research it. If I have an array of objects called restaurants stored in my project, for example:
restaurants: [
"name": "joes's pizza",
"url": "",
"social properties": {
"name": "tony's subs",
"url": "",
"social properties": {
I then run a function to add a unique idea to all the objects in the array. The result of console.log(restaurants) is this:
"id": 3472,
"name": "joes's pizza",
"url": "",
"social properties": {
"id": 9987,
"name": "tony's subs",
"url": "",
"social properties": {
I would now like to have this updated array of objects available to look at in my project, via the text editor, as a variable or restaurants.json file. How do I actually see the new modified json array and how do i save it so that i can work with it the same way i did this one above? I am currently doing this in the browser. I can see the results if i log it to the console but I need to be able to work with the new output. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
You can encode/decode JSON with JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse().
Aside from converting to/from JSON, you work with standard JS objects and arrays:
var array = JSON.parse(json_str);
array[0].address = "5th Avenue";
Well, there's really not enough information in your question but I assume a few things:
You've loaded the json data from somewhere and it has been turned into a javascript object.
You've edited the object somehow and wish to convert it back to json and save the changes.
Assuming the above to be true, you just need to serialize the object back to json and submit it back to your server where you can save it in any manner you deem appropriate.
You can serialize the javascript object with JSON.stringify() (see
Add the serialized json to a hidden field on the form and submit it.
On the server when processing the form submission, grab the data from the hidden field and do with it what you wish.
Or get it back to the server any way you wish (ajax call, whatever) the key point is to serialize the object to a json string and save it
Hope that helps...

How to load icon for specific weather condition? (AngularJS)

I'm working on a weather app as a personal project. I have the bases of the app done where I make a HTTP get request to the Yahoo Weather API and it returns the data I want.
However I'm stuck on the next step, getting icons to load with the current conditions.
I setup a JSON file in my "models" folder and it looks like this:
"code": 32,
"icon": "img/sunny.png",
"text": "Sunny"
"code": 26,
"icon": "img/cloudy.png",
"text": "Cloudy"
And here's my request for that in my main controller (Not sure if I'm doing it right).
.success(function(data) {
vm.condition = data;
}).error(function(err) {
In the view I'm using a combination of the ng-if and ng-src directives to try to load the icons. Again, I don't I'm doing it right.
<img ng-if=" === main.conditions.code" ng-src="{{main.conditions.icon}}">
Any ideas on how I can get this to work? Am I on the right track? Thanks for any answers!
You said the JSON is being retrieved correctly, so the problem lies in the fact that you are trying to use an array as an object with the ng-src tag. You have {{main.conditions.icon}}, assuming conditions is the JSON you retrieved, you must specify an array index, however, you probably don't want to do this because you don't have a way of knowing what index is related to what weather code.
The solution to this can come in a couple different ways. For one, if possible, you can alter the JSON data to simply be an object in the form:
"32": {
"icon": ...,
"text": ...
"26": {
"icon": ...,
"text": ...
If you are able to do this, then you can use conditions as an object and do:
<img ng-src="{{main.conditions[].icon}}">
Of course, this is assuming the conditions property in the "" object isn't also an array, if so you will have to adjust even further. Also, I am assuming you made a typo as you had conditions spelled wrong in your question with the ng-if attribute.

How to POST json to the Wufoo Entries API?

The current documentation is a little lacking on how exactly to submit forms via Ajax. There is The Entries POST API but it talks only about xml, and doesn't even show an example payload.
I see that Wufoo has a half-built, abandoned jQuery plugin wufoo/Wufoo-jQuery-API-Wrapper which seems to do little more than wrap $.get and format errors a bit. POST is listed as a "todo".
I've tried hitting the API with things like:
"Field1": "first",
"Field2": "last",
"Field3": "",
"Field4": "test messsage",
And based on the line "This call would contain POST parameters in name/value pairs" and the example postAuthenticated(array('Field1' => 'Frank')); I tried just sending an array of arrays.
['Field1', 'first'],
['Field2', 'last'],
['Field3', ''],
['Field4', 'test messsage']
But since those are obviously the wrong format, I always get the following in response.
"Success": 0,
"ErrorText": "Errors have been <b>highlighted</b> below.",
"FieldErrors": [
"ID": "Field3",
"ErrorText": "This field is required. Please enter a value."
"ID": "Field4",
"ErrorText": "This field is required. Please enter a value."
Does anyone have any idea how to format these requests? Maybe someone with more experience with CurlService could interpret it from their example, but I can't make heads or tails of that documentation, nor find any examples online.
I should have known. The service doesn't accept json, it only replies in json. Submitting a regular urlencoded form body works.

How to translate Solr JSON response into HTML while JSON is different every time

I am using Solr 4 for searching in a java web application.Solr produces a JSON response from which i have to extract search results and translate them into html so user can read that.
I know one solution but it seems dumb an I think there must be intelligent ideas.
"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 0,
"params": {
"fl": "id,title",
"indent": "true",
"q": "solr",
"wt": "json"
"response": {
"numFound": 3,
"start": 0,
"docs": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Solr cookbook"
"id": "2",
"title": "Solr results"
"id": "3",
"title": "Solr perfect search"
After that i eval this text as:
var obj = eval ("(" + txt + ")");
To generate html page i can use either
document.getElementById("id").innerHTML =[1].id
document.getElementById("title").innerHTML =[1].title
But limitation is that every time solr gives response with different object structure i.e. an object may have age feild but other can not have because it depends on query.
I want to use a sigle JSP page to display search results(like Google)
for all search queries
is it possible to write a single code segment which works for any possible search results with different schema.
Javascript stops working after encountering any error which is likely in my case. that's also problem.if I use for loop to traverse the object hierarchy it is highly error -prone.
Is it possible with a single view page Thanks.
You might want to consider using ajax-solr - A JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces to Solr
I suggest using Velocity templating which is readily supported in Solr - instead of extracting data from the JSON and rendering the HTML via JS.
Docs here

