Adding and removing li by Javascript - javascript

I am having left side pane and right side pane. I want to deal with two scenarios
When I click the list(li) on right side that want add on left side(`initially left side pane is empty) and remove from right side.
Reverse part of first one. When i click the added li in left side that need to be remove from the left side and added to the right side.
I did the first scenario like below
<div class="left_pane">
<div class="content_left_pane">
<ul data-role="listview" id="left_side_ul">
<div class="right_pane">
<ul data-role="listview" id="right_side_ul">
<li class="showDetails" id="account-1" onclick="selected_destination($(this).attr('id'))">
<div class="ui-grid-b">
<div class="ui-block-a"><div>[Facility name] A</div><div>[Account]</div></div>
<div class="ui-block-b"><div>[Address Line 1]</div><div>[Address Line 2]</div><div>[City],[Statte],[Zip code]</div></div>
<div class="ui-block-c"><span class="ui-li-count" style="right: 30%; font-size: 15px;">12</span></div>
function selected_destination(id){
$("#right_side_ul li#"+id+"").clone().prependTo("div.content_left_pane ul#left_side_ul");
$("#right_side_ul li#"+id+"").remove();
I don't have any clue to do the second part. Because in the first part i am sending the current li id in onclick function. But in the reverse part, in the left pane i am having ul only so i don't know how to do the second scenario.

I suggest you to not register onclick handler directly in html code. As you are using jQuery, this scenario should work for you:
<div class="left_pane">
<div class="content_left_pane">
<ul data-role="listview" id="left_side_ul">
<div class="right_pane">
<ul data-role="listview" id="right_side_ul">
<li class="showDetails" id="account-1">
<div class="ui-grid-b">
<div class="ui-block-a"><div>[Facility name] A</div><div>[Account]</div></div>
<div class="ui-block-b"><div>[Address Line 1]</div><div>[Address Line 2]</div><div>[City],[Statte],[Zip code]</div></div>
<div class="ui-block-c"><span class="ui-li-count" style="right: 30%; font-size: 15px;">12</span></div>
$('#right_side_ul li').live('click', function(){
$('#left_side_ul li').live('click', function(){
Please note, that I'm using live() here because LI elements are dinamically added to the UL.
As you can see, javascript code for both right and left panes are almost the same, so you may optimize my solution by combining them into one


buttons to activate buttons that toggle from one div to another

Apologies in advance if this is a simple trick, but I'm not any good at javascript so I don't know how to do it...
I have two buttons (blue and yellow) that toggle between two divs with content. On another part of the page, I have another two buttons (also blue and yellow) that are supposed to activate the same-colored button of these two toggle buttons. So blue will activate toggle-blue and yellow will activate toggle-yellow. I used the below script I found on here for the toggle feature:
<div class="flr-wrap">
<li><a class="button active" data-rel="#content-a" href="#">a button</a>
<li><a class="button" data-rel="#content-b" href="#">b button</a>
<div class="flr-inner">
<div class="container" id="content-a">AAA</div>
<div class="container" id="content-b">BBB</div>
// set content on click
$('.button').click(function (e) {
// set content on load
$('').length && setContent($(''));
function setContent($el) {
from here:
What do I add to make the other two buttons trigger the active states of their corresponding toggle buttons?
Many thanks in advance for any help!
Since you said you need the second set of buttons to trigger actions of the first set, this means that buttons do the same thing.
Here's an example of how this works:
$('.activator').on('click', function () {
var target = $(this).attr('data-target');
<button class="activator" data-target=".panel-a">Blue</button>
<button class="activator" data-target=".panel-b">Yellow</button>
<div class="panel active panel-a">First Panel</div>
<div class="panel panel-b">Second Panel</div>
<button class="activator" data-target=".panel-a">Blue</button>
<button class="activator" data-target=".panel-b">Yellow</button>
Also, you are not using buttons in your example, you are using links. Links are meant to take you to another page, buttons are meant to trigger an action.
If you want buttons to look like plain text, use CSS for styling.
You can do pretty much the same, just use the selector based on your data-rel to add the active class and add the active class to the button's data-rel statement, like that it's quite easy to always toggle the matching tags
function setContent($el) {
var rel = $'rel');
$('[data-rel="' + rel + '"]').addClass('active');
$(function() {
// the right place to fire the initial setContent (all scripts are ready and page is loaded)
// add event handlers in ready event (DOM is most surely there)
$('.button').click(function(e) {
.container {
display: none;
} {
color: #C00;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="flr-wrap">
<li><a class="button active" data-rel="#content-a" href="#">a button</a>
<li><a class="button" data-rel="#content-b" href="#">b button</a>
<div class="flr-inner">
<div class="container" id="content-a">
<div class="container" id="content-b">
<li><a class="button active" data-rel="#content-a" href="#">a button</a>
<li><a class="button" data-rel="#content-b" href="#">b button</a>

Why ShowViaLink() doesn't work with Firefox or IE?

I have this simple page, navigation isn't working on Firefox or IE, only works on chrome.
I think it have to do with this as when i changed it, it stopped working on Firefox & IE:
// makes the navigation work after all containers have bee hidden
showViaLink($("aside button#navigation a"));
it was originally like that:
// makes the navigation work after all containers have bee hidden
showViaLink($("ul#navigation li a"));
However, I don't want to use ul li, Am i selecting it wrong?
Use this:
<aside id="side">
<div class="navigation">Home </div>
<div class="navigation"> About </div>
<div class="navigation"> Contact </div>
<div class="navigation"> Awards </div>
<div class="navigation"> Links </div>
and alter this:
showViaLink($("aside .navigation a"));
In your old code you cant reach the lik, because you always push the button and so you never triggered $(this).click(function()
you just have to add some css and style your own buttons. This generator may be helpfull.
If you want to use die Buttons maybe this works:
<aside id="side">
<div class="navigation" id="#home">Home </div>
<div class="navigation" id="#about"> About </div>
<div class="navigation" id="#contact"> Contact </div>
<div class="navigation" id="#awards"> Awards </div>
<div class="navigation" id="#links"> Links </div>
showViaLink($("aside .navigation"));
// shows proper DIV depending on link 'href'
function showViaLink(array)
var target = $(this).attr("id");

mouseenter/leave & mouseover/out problems

$( ".title").mouseenter(function() {
var which = $(this).index();
$('.globalnav li').find('.dropdown').hide().eq(which).show();
}).mouseleave(function() {
var which = $(this).index();
$('.globalnav li').find('.dropdown').hide().eq(which).hide();
<ul class="globalnav">
<div class="title">Home</div>
<div class="dropdown">
<div class="navlinks">
<div class="linkstitle">Title</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>
The above code is what I am using right now which does not work in Chrome as intended *I need to hold my click down to view the div. I use mouseover, it does not work properly in IE and FF.
I am also having trouble showing the associated div of the title (on title hover, show specific div) due to the nature of the coding format itself (client given code). Right now, on hovering over a title, it shows the first li's content for "navlinks".
Here's a fiddle to show you
Why are you using the index of the .title element, if the other LI's look like that, the which variable will always be 0, and it's not the way to target the right .dropdown ?
Try something more like this
$( ".title").on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
var dropdown = $(this).closest('li').find('.dropdown').toggle(e.type=='mouseenter');
And if you want the dropdown to be visible while hovering it, place it inside the element that triggers the mouseleave
<div class="title">
<div class="dropdown">
<div class="navlinks">
<div class="linkstitle">Title</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>

How to access the dom by knowing the value of a node && Getting the index of accordion by just knowing value

I have 2 questions:
1) Since I have similar structure for the html contents and the only difference is that class title contents are different. I tried using $(div .title:contains("cat")) also
$(div .title).text()="cat")
2)How can I get the index of the accordion by just checking the $(div a) contents are required ones. I tried using $(div a).text()=="cat"
Check the codes here:
HTML1 contents
<div class="mod moduleselected" id="mod969">
<div class="content module moduleselect">
<div class="hd" ><div class="inner">
<div class="title">cat</div>
<ul class="terminallist"></ul>
<ul class="buttons">
<li class="help"></li>
<li class="show" ></li>
<div class="mod moduleselected" id="mod969">
<div class="content module moduleselect">
<div class="hd" ><div class="inner">
<div class="title">rat</div>
<ul class="terminallist"></ul>
<ul class="buttons">
<li class="help"></li>
<li class="show" ></li>
<div class="mod moduleselected" id="mod969">
<div class="content module moduleselect">
<div class="hd" ><div class="inner">
<div class="title">dog</div>
<ul class="terminallist"></ul>
<ul class="buttons">
<li class="help"></li>
<li class="show" ></li>
<div id="dia">
<div id="dialog" title="Detailed FeedBack ">
<div id="accordion">
$('div .title').mouseover(function() {
if($("div a").text().indexOf("cat")!=-1)
$("#accordion").accordion("activate", 1);
$('div .title').mouseleave(function(){$("#accordion").accordion("activate", -1); });
Here is what I am trying to do with this javascript code. When I mouse over the cat contents I want the accordion with cat contents to open. And when I leave it to close the accordion selection.
When I hover my mouse over the html contents cat ,rat. It should side by side open the accordion button of those contents. Example: I hovered over rat (of html contents) I should see accordion rat open (or active i.e. contents visible).
Updated (see demo)
It sounds like you want something like this: when a content section is hovered over, find the title of that section, match its text against the text of the <a> elements in the accordion, and activate that section:
$(function() {
var links = $('#accordion a').map(function() {
return $(this).text().trim().toLowerCase();
$('div.content').mouseover(function() {
var title = $(this).find('div.title').text().toLowerCase();
var index = links.indexOf(title);
if (index != -1) {
$("#accordion").accordion("activate", index);
P.S. jQuery does have a .hover() method for this as well.
It should be as succinct as the following (with potential minor tweaks):
$('.content .title').hover(function(e){
var index = this.textContent.split(/\W/)[1] - 1;
$("#accordion").accordion('activate', index);
Be careful with the HTML as this regular expression is overly simple in that it just grabs the last "word" which in the case of your example is a number. We subtract one to get a zero-based index. That will break if you add further text to the element.

Keep toggle state on divs using cookie.js after page refresh [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Keep toggle state on divs using cookie.js after page refresh view jsFiddle
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a simple code which allows me to toggle betwen two divs which are wraps for two sub navigations (#sub-nav-wrap is the alternative nav). They are fixed to the bottom of the browser :
What I wish to do is to keep the state of each div the same as chosen by the user after page refresh and even if the clicks on a new sub-heading the menu will remain the same, rather then resorting to the default state.
The html is this:
<!--- Main Sub Wrap --->
<div id="bottom-wrap">
<!-- Mini Sub Nav -->
<div id="sub-nav-wrapmin" class="snWrap divone">
<div id="sn-contentmin">
<div id="sn-likemin"></div>
<div id="sn-coffeesml"></div>
<div id="sn-sharemin"></div>
<div id="sn-commentsml"></div>
<div id="toggle-barmin">
<div id="sn-sidebrdrmin"></div>
<div class="sn-toggle button"></div>
<ul class="sn-comicsmin menu">
<li><a class="sn-comics" style="background-position: right top" href="#comic.html">Comic</a></li>
<li><a class="sn-archive" href="#archive.html">Archive</a></li>
<li><a class="sn-vote" href="#vote.html">Vote</a></li>
<li><a class="sn-spotlight" href="#spotlight.html">Spotlight</a></li>
<!-- Sub Nav -->
<div id="sub-nav-wrap" class="snWrap divtwo">
<div id="sub-nav-container">
<div id="sub-nav-content">
<div id="sn-bnrlft"></div>
<div id="sn-bnrrgt"></div>
<div class="sn-dividelft"></div>
<div class="sn-dividergt"></div>
<div id="sn-likebg"></div>
<div id="sn-coffeebtn">
<div id="sn-sharebtn"></div>
<div id="sn-commentbtn"></div>
<div id="toggle-bar">
<div id="sn-sidebrdr"></div>
<div class="toggle button"></div>
<div id="sub-nav-brdr">
<ul class="sub-nav-comics menu">
<li><a class="comics" style="background-position: right top" href="#comic.html">Comic</a></li>
<li><a class="archive" href="#archive.html">Archive</a></li>
<li><a class="vote" href="#vote.html">Vote</a></li>
<li><a class="spotlight" href="#spotlight.html">Spotlight</a></li>
The CSS is this:
#sub-nav-wrap {
display: none;
This is my first time asking, and I have been wracking my brains to get this to work using other similar codes from this site, but nothing is working.
Please help...
you're almost done everything right only have written a lot of superfluous :)
if($.cookie('submin_visible') == 'true') {
} else {
var isVisible = $('#sub-nav-wrapmin').is(':visible').toString();
$.cookie('submin_visible', isVisible);

