Reposted working code
(I'm trying to get Arrays from my ActiveX component, but with no luck. When I run the script I get empty Message Box, but I know that the Array are there:)
var objMain, objAdapt, lgCount, stMsg = "";
objMain = new ActiveXObject("nnetcom.oMain");
objAdapt = new ActiveXObject("nnetcom.oNetworkAdapter");
objAdapt.GetNetworkAdapters(); // Collects Network Adapters
vrAdapters = objAdapt.cName; // cName holds collected Network Adapter names
var vrAdaptVB = new VBArray(vrAdapters);
var vrAdaptJS = vrAdaptVB.toArray();
for (lgCount in vrAdaptJS) {
stMsg = stMsg + vrAdaptJS[lgCount] + '\r\n';
objAdapt = null
objMain = null
var vrAdaptVB = new VBArray(vrAdapters);
var vrAdaptJS = vrAdaptVB.toArray();
stMsg = "";
for (lgCount = 0; lgCount < vrAdaptJS.length; ++lgCount) {
stMsg = stMsg + vrAdaptJS[lgCount] + '\r\n';
Per Hans comment,
for (lgCount in vrAdapt)
stMsg = stMsg + vrAdapt[lgCount] + '\r\n';
should be:
for (lgCount in vrAdapt)
stMsg = stMsg + lgCount + '\r\n';
as lgCount is the element, not the index.
My Mistake. This example works:
var list = {a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5};
var msg = "";
for (i in list) {
msg = msg + list[i];
//msg = 12345
msg = "";
for (i in list) {
msg = msg + i;
//msg = abcde
var list = [1,2,3,4,5];
msg = "";
for (i in list) {
msg = msg + i;
//msg = 01234
msg = "";
for (i in list) {
msg = msg + list[i];
//msg = 12345
Or simplest way from my first posted answer would be:
var vrAdaptVB = new VBArray(vrAdapters);
var vrAdaptJS = vrAdaptVB.toArray();
stMsg = "";
for (lgCount in vrAdaptJS) {
stMsg = stMsg + vrAdaptJS[lgCount] + '\r\n';
This example also works fine for me!
So I'm working on SP 2013 and have a document library which has three Lookup columns viz : Business Unit, Axis Product and Policy form. What I'm trying to do is I have managed to group by the List items first by Business Unit column and then by the Axis Product Column. This works fine but recently I'm trying to show the count of the number of items inside a particular Axis Product. Which would be like - Axis Product : "Some Value" (Count).
I'm able to show this count with Business Unit, but not able to do this with Axis Product. So I tried querying the library with both Business Unit and Axis Product to get the count for Axis Product, I'm not sure about this approach and currently I'm getting an error message:
'collListItemAxisProduct' is undefined.
Any help would be appreciated as I've been stuck on this for a long time now. Here is my code below :
// JavaScript source code
$(function () {
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', oGroupBy.GetDataFromList);
function GroupBy()
this.clientContext = "";
this.SiteUrl = "/sites/insurance/products";
this.lookUpLIst = "AxisBusinessUnit";
this.AxisProductlookUpList = "AXIS Product";
this.lookUpItems = [];
this.lookUpColumnName = "Title";
this.AxisProductlookupItems = [];
this.AProducts = [];
this.index = 0;
this.secondindex = 0;
this.parentList = "AXIS Rules Library";
this.html = "<div id='accordion'><table cellspacing='35' width='100%'><tr><td width='8%'>Edit</td><td width='13%'>Name</td><td width='13%'>Modified</td><td width='13%'>Underwriting Comments</td><td width='13%'>Policy Form Applicability</td><td width='13%'>AXIS Product</td><td width='13%'>Business Unit</td></tr>";
function MultipleGroupBy()
this.AxProducts = [];
this.SecondaryGroupBy = [];
this.count = "";
this.BusinessUnit = "";
this.html = "";
function UI()
{ = ""; = "";
this.modified = "";
this.acturialComments = "";
this.underWritingComments = "";
this.policyFormApplicability = [];
this.axisProduct = [];
this.businessUnit = [];
this.itemcheck = "";
this.Count = 0;
this.header = "";
this.AxisProductCount = 0;
this.trID = "";
this.SecondaryID = "";
this.LandingUrl = "&Source=http%3A%2F%2Fecm%2Ddev%2Fsites%2FInsurance%2FProducts%2FAXIS%2520Rules%2520Library%2FForms%2FGroupBy%2Easpx";
var oUI = new UI();
var oGroupBy = new GroupBy();
var oMultipleGroupBy = new MultipleGroupBy();
GroupBy.prototype.GetDataFromList = function () {
oGroupBy.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(oGroupBy.SiteUrl);
var oList = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.lookUpLIst);
var APList = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.AxisProductlookUpList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);
var secondcamlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.secondListItem = APList.getItems(secondcamlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.BindDataFromlookUpList), Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.onError));
GroupBy.prototype.BindDataFromlookUpList = function (seneder,args) {
var listenumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();
while (listenumerator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = listenumerator.get_current();
GroupBy.prototype.GetDataFromParent = function(lookUpItems)
var oList1 = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.parentList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'Business_x0020_Unit\'/>' +
'<Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + '</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>');
this.collListItem1 = oList1.getItems(camlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.load(this.collListItem1, 'Include(ID, Business_x0020_Unit, Title, FileLeafRef, ModifiedDate, Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability, AXIS_x0020_Product, Underwriting_x0020_Comments)');
oGroupBy.clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.CreateHTMLGroupBy), Function.createDelegate(this, oGroupBy.onError));
GroupBy.prototype.CreateHTMLGroupBy = function (sender,args)
var listenumerator = this.collListItem1.getEnumerator();
var axisproductlistenumarator = secondListItem.getEnumerator();
while (axisproductlistenumarator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = axisproductlistenumarator.get_current(); oGroupBy.AxisProductlookupItems.push(currentitem.get_item(oGroupBy.lookUpColumnName));
oUI.Count = this.collListItem1.get_count();
if (oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] != undefined && oUI.Count > 0) {
oUI.trID = oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index];
oMultipleGroupBy.BusinessUnit = oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index];
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + "<table style='cursor:pointer' id='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' onclick='javascript:oUI.Slider('><tr><td colspan='7'><h2 style='width:1100px;font-weight: bold;border-bottom:1px solid #888888;padding:5px;'>Business Unit : " + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + " " + "<span> (" + oUI.Count + ")</span></h2></td></tr></table>";
oUI.businessUnit.length = 0;
oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy.length = 0;
oMultipleGroupBy.html = "";
if (oUI.Count > 0) {
if (listenumerator != undefined) {
while (listenumerator.moveNext()) {
var currentitem = listenumerator.get_current();
if (currentitem != undefined) { = currentitem.get_item("ID"); = currentitem.get_item("FileLeafRef");
oUI.modified = currentitem.get_item("ModifiedDate");
//oUI.policyFormApplicability = currentitem.get_item("Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability");
oUI.underWritingComments = currentitem.get_item("Underwriting_x0020_Comments");
//oUI.axisProduct = currentitem.get_item("AXIS_x0020_Product");
var lookupPolicyFormApplicability = currentitem.get_item("Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability");
var lookupField = currentitem.get_item("Business_x0020_Unit");
var lookupAxisProduct = currentitem.get_item("AXIS_x0020_Product");
oUI.businessUnit.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lookupField.length; i++) { oUI.businessUnit.push(lookupField[i].get_lookupValue());
oUI.axisProduct.length = 0;
for (var m = 0; m < lookupAxisProduct.length; m++) { oUI.axisProduct.push(lookupAxisProduct[m].get_lookupValue());
oUI.policyFormApplicability.length = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < lookupPolicyFormApplicability.length; a++)
if (oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] != undefined && oUI.Count > 0) {
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + oMultipleGroupBy.html;
oGroupBy.index = oGroupBy.index + 1;
if (oGroupBy.index <= oGroupBy.lookUpItems.length) {
if(oGroupBy.index == oGroupBy.lookUpItems.length + 1)
oGroupBy.html = oGroupBy.html + "</table></div>";
UI.prototype.Slider = function (id) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-show="' + id + '"]');
UI.prototype.SecondarySlider = function (id) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-secondary="' + id + '"]');
GroupBy.prototype.CreateUI = function (oUI) {
var BusinessUnit = "";
var AxisProduct = "";
var Policyformapplicability = "";
var tempBUnit = "";
for (var i = 0; i < oUI.businessUnit.length; i++) {
BusinessUnit = BusinessUnit + oUI.businessUnit[i] + ",";
for (var m = 0; m < oUI.axisProduct.length; m++) {
AxisProduct = AxisProduct + oUI.axisProduct[m] + ",";
for (var a = 0; a < oUI.policyFormApplicability.length; a++) {
Policyformapplicability = Policyformapplicability + oUI.policyFormApplicability[a] + ",";
oGroupBy.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(oGroupBy.SiteUrl);
var oList1SecondGroupBy = oGroupBy.clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(oGroupBy.parentList);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'Business_x0020_Unit\' /><Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.lookUpItems[oGroupBy.index] + '</Value></Eq>' +
'<Eq><FieldRef Name=\'AXIS_x0020_Product\' /><Value Type=\'LookupMulti\'>' + oGroupBy.AxisProductlookupItems[oGroupBy.secondindex] + '</Value></Eq></And></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'Title\' Ascending=\'True\' /></OrderBy></Query><View>');
this.collListItemAxisProduct = oList1SecondGroupBy.getItems(camlQuery);
oGroupBy.clientContext.load(this.collListItemAxisProduct, 'Include(ID, Business_x0020_Unit, Title, FileLeafRef, ModifiedDate, Policy_x0020_Form_x0020_Applicability, AXIS_x0020_Product, Underwriting_x0020_Comments)');
if (collListItemAxisProduct != undefined) {
var AxisProductlistenumerator = this.collListItemAxisProduct.getEnumerator();
if (AxisProductlistenumerator != undefined) {
oUI.AxisProductCount = this.collListItemAxisProduct.get_count();
oGroupBy.AProducts.length = 0;
if (AxisProduct != "") {
oGroupBy.AProducts = AxisProduct.split(',');
oGroupBy.AProducts.splice(oGroupBy.AProducts.length - 1, 1);
var link = "/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=" + + oUI.LandingUrl;
var editicon = "/sites/insurance/products/_layouts/15/images/edititem.gif?rev=23";
for (var i = 0; i < oGroupBy.AProducts.length; i++) {
var SecondaryGBTableID = "";
if (oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(" ", "") != "") {
SecondaryGBTableID = oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, "") + oMultipleGroupBy.BusinessUnit.replace(/\s/g, "");
SecondaryGBTableID = SecondaryGBTableID.replace("&", "");
var isPresent = $.inArray(oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, ""), oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy);
oUI.SecondaryID = oUI.trID.replace("/\s/g", "") + oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace("/\s/g", "");
if ((isPresent <= -1)) {
oMultipleGroupBy.html = oMultipleGroupBy.html + "<tr style='margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:1px solid grey;' cellspacing='36'><td ><h3 class='hide' onclick='javascript:oUI.SecondarySlider(;' id='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "' data-show='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' style='cursor:pointer;width:100%;font-weight: bold;border-bottom:1px solid #888888;padding:5px;'> - AXIS Product : " + oGroupBy.AProducts[i] + " " + "<span> (" + oUI.AxisProductCount + ")</span></h3></td></tr>";
oMultipleGroupBy.html = oMultipleGroupBy.html + "<tr><td><table class='hide' data-show='" + oUI.trID.replace(" ", "") + "' width='100%' cellspacing='36' id='" + SecondaryGBTableID + "'><tr class='sd-hide' data-secondary='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "'><td width='8%'><a href='" + link + "'><img src='" + editicon + "'></a></td><td width='13%'><a href='/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/" + + "' target='_self'>" +\.[^/.]+$/, "") + "</a></td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.modified + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.underWritingComments + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.policyFormApplicability + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.axisProduct + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.businessUnit + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
else {
if ($("#" + SecondaryGBTableID).html() != undefined) {
$("#" + SecondaryGBTableID).append("<tr class='sd-hide' data-secondary='" + oUI.SecondaryID + "'><td width='8%'><a href='" + link + "'><img src='" + editicon + "'></a></td><td width='13%'><a href='/sites/Insurance/Products/AXIS%20Rules%20Library/" + + "' target='_self'>" +\.[^/.]+$/, "") + "</a></td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.modified + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.underWritingComments + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.policyFormApplicability + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.axisProduct + "</td><td width='13%'>" + oUI.businessUnit + "</td></tr>");
oMultipleGroupBy.html = $("#divMultiplegroupBy").html();
document.getElementById("divMultiplegroupBy").innerHTML = oMultipleGroupBy.html;
if ((isPresent <= -1) && (oGroupBy.AProducts[i] != "")) {
oMultipleGroupBy.SecondaryGroupBy.push(oGroupBy.AProducts[i].replace(/\s/g, ""));
else {
oGroupBy.secondindex = oGroupBy.secondindex + 1;
GroupBy.prototype.onError = function (sender, args) {
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message() + '\n');
// JavaScript source code
You have to call clientContext.executeQueryAsync after calling clientContext.load in order to populate any results from the SharePoint object model.
executeQueryAsync takes two parameters: first the function to execute on success, and second the function to execute if an error is encountered. Any code that depends on successfully loading values from the query should be placed in the on success function.
I have to draw a side by side table with 2 different sql query data. I am sending in the given below format. However, it was drawn first query data into second table container instead with first table container.
var sqlQuery = "sql?tq=select Section, SubSection, Id, Question, Answer, Others where " +
"SubSection = '1.1' &sqlQueryID=questions_bank";
var query1 = new google.visualization.Query(sqlQuery);
TABLE_LOCATION = 'tableProductDeploymentContainer';
var sqlQuery = "sql?tq=select Section, SubSection, Id, Question, Answer, Others where " +
"SubSection = '1.2' &sqlQueryID=questions_bank";
var query2 = new google.visualization.Query(sqlQuery);
TABLE_LOCATION = 'tableProductDeploymentContainer';
function drawQuestions(queryResponse) {
if (queryResponse.isError()) {
alert('Error in query: ' + queryResponseData.getMessage() + ' ' + queryResponseData.getDetailedMessage());
var questionBankResponse = queryResponse.getDataTable();
if (questionBankResponse === null) {
alert('Empty rows in query: ' + questionBankResponse.getNumberOfRows());
var questionDataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
var questionDataTableRow = new Array();
var rowCounter;
for (rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < questionBankResponse.getNumberOfRows() ; rowCounter++) {
var count = 0 * 1;
var chbQuestion;
var questionId = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 2);
var questionName = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 3);
var answerValue = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 4);
var answerOthers = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 5);
if (answerOthers !== null)
answerOthers = answerOthers.toString();
if (answerValue === null)
answerValue = 0;
if (answerValue.toString() === "1")
chbQuestion = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + " id=\"" + questionId + "\"" + " checked />";
chbQuestion = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + " id=\"" + questionId + "\"" + " />";
questionDataTableRow[count++] = chbQuestion;
questionDataTableRow[count++] = questionName;
questionDataTableRow[count++] = answerOthers;
var tableObject = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById(TABLE_LOCATION));
tableObject.draw(questionDataTable, { allowHtml: true, 'cssClassNames': cssClasses, width: '100%', sort: 'disable' });
I believe, there is some error in setting the TABLE_LOCATION global variable. Is there any way to pass the table container dynamically without maintaining in the global level.
Thanks for your help.
since the callback for Query.send is called asynchronously,
cannot guarantee one finishes before the other
as you point out, send the table id within the callback, rather than using global scope...
see following snippet...
var sqlQuery = "sql?tq=select Section, SubSection, Id, Question, Answer, Others where " +
"SubSection = '1.1' &sqlQueryID=questions_bank";
var query1 = new google.visualization.Query(sqlQuery);
query1.send(function (queryResponse) {
drawQuestions(queryResponse, 'tableProductDeploymentContainer');
var sqlQuery2 = "sql?tq=select Section, SubSection, Id, Question, Answer, Others where " +
"SubSection = '1.2' &sqlQueryID=questions_bank";
var query2 = new google.visualization.Query(sqlQuery2);
query2.send(function (queryResponse) {
drawQuestions(queryResponse, 'tableProductDeploymentContainer2');
function drawQuestions(queryResponse, TABLE_LOCATION) {
if (queryResponse.isError()) {
alert('Error in query: ' + queryResponseData.getMessage() + ' ' + queryResponseData.getDetailedMessage());
var questionBankResponse = queryResponse.getDataTable();
if (questionBankResponse === null) {
alert('Empty rows in query: ' + questionBankResponse.getNumberOfRows());
var questionDataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
var questionDataTableRow = new Array();
var rowCounter;
for (rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < questionBankResponse.getNumberOfRows() ; rowCounter++) {
var count = 0 * 1;
var chbQuestion;
var questionId = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 2);
var questionName = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 3);
var answerValue = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 4);
var answerOthers = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 5);
if (answerOthers !== null)
answerOthers = answerOthers.toString();
if (answerValue === null)
answerValue = 0;
if (answerValue.toString() === "1")
chbQuestion = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + " id=\"" + questionId + "\"" + " checked />";
chbQuestion = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + " id=\"" + questionId + "\"" + " />";
questionDataTableRow[count++] = chbQuestion;
questionDataTableRow[count++] = questionName;
questionDataTableRow[count++] = answerOthers;
var tableObject = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById(TABLE_LOCATION));
tableObject.draw(questionDataTable, { allowHtml: true, 'cssClassNames': cssClasses, width: '100%', sort: 'disable' });
I tried to run this but it doesn't work.
It is intended to return a variable assigned inside a function, that was passed as callback to sendRequest(), which is retrieving data from the Internet through XMLHttpRequest asynchronously.
Can anyone tell me why this is not working and always returning ""?
function sendRequest(requestCode, args, callback){
var req = requestEngineUrl + "?req=" + requestCode + ";" + args;
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4)
if(callback != null){
};"GET", req, true);
this.assembleProcess = function(){
if(!isNull( && !isNull(this.titles)){
var titles = this.titles;
var id =;
c = "";
sendRequest('304', id,
var res = result.split("/");
var title = res[0];
var possibilities = res[1];
var fcontent = title + '<br><div>';
if(titles.length != possibilities){
console.log("WARNING: [SURVEYCARD].titles has not the same length as possibilities");
for(i = 0; i < possibilities; i++){
fcontent += '<div><a onclick="sendRequest("301",' + id + ',' + i + ',null)">' + titles[i] + '</a></div>';
fcontent += '</div>';
c = fcontent;
return c;
As an XMLHttpRequest is async, you should write an async function for that matter, like this
this.assembleProcess = function(callback){
if(!isNull( && !isNull(this.titles)){
var titles = this.titles;
var id =;
c = "";
sendRequest('304', id,
var res = result.split("/");
var title = res[0];
var possibilities = res[1];
var fcontent = title + '<br><div>';
if(titles.length != possibilities){
console.log("WARNING: [SURVEYCARD].titles has not the same length as possibilities");
for(i = 0; i < possibilities; i++){
fcontent += '<div><a onclick="sendRequest("301",' + id + ',' + i + ',null)">' + titles[i] + '</a></div>';
fcontent += '</div>';
c = fcontent;
and then, instead of using this.assembleProcess as a function with a result, you should pass a function as parameter:
Instead of
do this
I'm trying to get and sort all the items in localStorage and output it to an HTML page.
This is what I'm doing:
function ShoppingCart() {
var totalPrice = 0;
var output;
var productName;
var productAlbum;
var productQuantity;
var productPrice;
var productSubTotal = 0;
var totalPrice;
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length-1; i++){
var keyName = localStorage.key(i);
if(keyName.indexOf('Product_')==0) // check if key startwith 'Product_'
var product = localStorage.getItem('Product_'+i);
var result = JSON.parse(product);
var productName;
var productAlbum;
var productQuantity;
var productPrice;
var productSubTotal = 0;
var totalPrice;
productName =
productAlbum = result.album;
productQuantity = result.quantity;
productPrice = parseFloat(result.price).toFixed(2);
productSubTotal = parseFloat(productQuantity * productPrice).toFixed(2);
outputName = "<div id='cart-table'><table><tr><td><b>NAME: </b>" + productName + "</td></tr></div>" ;
outputAlbum = "<tr><td><b>ALBUM: </b>" + productAlbum + "</td></tr>" ;
outputQuantity = "<tr><td><b>QUANTITY: </b>" + productQuantity + "</td></tr>";
outputPrice = "<tr><td><b>PRICE: </b> EUR " + productPrice + "</td></tr>";
outputSubTotal = "<tr><td><b>SUB-TOTAL: </b> EUR " + productSubTotal + "</td></tr></table><br><br>";
var outputTotal = "<table><tr><td><b>TOTAL:</b> EUR " + totalPrice + "</td></tr></table>";
var TotalOutput = outputName + outputAlbum + outputQuantity + outputPrice + outputSubTotal + outputTotal;
window.onload = ShoppingCart;
The only item that is being output is the item named 'Proudct_0' in localStorage. Others are not being displayed!
This is what I have in localStorage:
Any idea why this is happening ?
something wrong in your code.
What do you think if Product_0 not in the localStorage?
var product = localStorage.getItem('Product_'+i);
var result = JSON.parse(product);
may be null and throw an error.
Try this:
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length-1; i++){
var keyName = localStorage.key(i);
if(keyName.indexOf('Product_')==0) // check if key startwith 'Product_'
var product = localStorage.getItem(keyName);
//do your code here
it's replace, not append
Hope this help!
I am having an issue with this darn array. It was to post my info looking like this. Any ideas how to fix this?
What it should look like is:
Later I'll just string together for a URL
var advid = "xxx";
var oid = "xxx";
var amt = "20.95";
// This array I cannot mess with, this is just an example
var OrderDetails = new Array();
OrderDetails[0] = ['10.95','2.50','7.50'];
OrderDetails[1] = ['TBCC9','TDxa2','Tasds'];
OrderDetails[2] = ['2','1','1'];
OrderDetails[3] = ['Shoes','Pants','Hats'];
var prdpr = '';
var prdsku = '';
var prdqn = '';
var prdcatid = '';
for(var x = 0; x < OrderDetails.length; x++) {
var delim = "";
if(x == 0){
delim = "";
} else{
delim = "^";
prdsku += delim + OrderDetails[x][0];
prdpr += delim + OrderDetails[x][1];
prdqn += delim + OrderDetails[x][2];
prdcatid += delim + OrderDetails[x][3];
var output = '<div>Product Sku=' + prdsku + 'Item Cost=' + prdpr + 'Quanty=' + prdqn + 'Category=' + prdcatid + '</div>';
var OrderDetails = new Array();
OrderDetails[0] = ['10.95','2.50','7.50'];
OrderDetails[1] = ['TBCC9','TDxa2','Tasds'];
OrderDetails[2] = ['2','1','1'];
OrderDetails[3] = ['Shoes','Pants','Hats'];
var delim = '^';
var prdpr = OrderDetails[0].join(delim);
var prdsku = OrderDetails[1].join(delim);
var prdqn = OrderDetails[2].join(delim);
var prdcatid = OrderDetails[3].join(delim);