Sort an array by a preferred order - javascript

I'd like to come up with a good way to have a "suggested" order for how to sort an array in javascript.
So say my first array looks something like this:
Now all I care about, is that the sorted results starts out in this order:
After that, I Want the remaining values to be presented in their original order.
So I would expect the result to be:
I have an API that I am communicating with, and I want to present the results important to me in the list at the top. After that, I'd prefer they are just returned in their original order.
If this can be easily accomplished with a javascript framework like jQuery, I'd like to hear about that too. Thanks!
Edit for clarity:
I'd like to assume that the values provided in the array that I want to sort are not guaranteed.
So in the original example, if the provided was:
And I wanted to sort it by:
Since 'david' isn't in the provided array, I'd like the result to exclude it.
Edit2 for more clarity:
A practical example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
The API will return something looking like:
['Load Average','Memory Usage','Disk Space']
I'd like to present the user with the most important results first, but each of these fields may not always be returned. So I'd like the most important (as determined by the user in some other code), to be displayed first if they are available.

Something like this should work:
var presetOrder = ['jim','steve','david']; // needn't be hardcoded
function sortSpecial(arr) {
var result = [],
i, j;
for (i = 0; i < presetOrder.length; i++)
while (-1 != (j = $.inArray(presetOrder[i], arr)))
result.push(arr.splice(j, 1)[0]);
return result.concat(arr);
var sorted = sortSpecial( ['bob','david','steve','darrel','jim'] );
I've allowed for the "special" values appearing more than once in the array being processed, and assumed that duplicates should be kept as long as they're shuffled up to the front in the order defined in presetOrder.
Note: I've used jQuery's $.inArray() rather than Array.indexOf() only because that latter isn't supported by IE until IE9 and you've tagged your question with "jQuery". You could of course use .indexOf() if you don't care about old IE, or if you use a shim.

var important_results = {
// object keys are the important results, values is their order
jim: 1,
steve: 2,
david: 3
// results is the orig array from the api
results.sort(function(a,b) {
// If compareFunction(a, b) is less than 0, sort a to a lower index than b.
// See
var important_a = important_results[a],
important_b = important_results[b],
if (important_a && !important_b) {ret = -1}
else if (important_b && !important_a) {ret = 1}
else if (important_a && important_b) {ret = important_a - important_b}
else {ret = 0}; // keep original order if neither a or b is important
Use a sorting function that treats the previously known important results specially--sorts them to the head of the results if present in results.
items in important_results don't have to be in the results

Here's a simple test page:
<script language="javascript">
function test()
var items = ['bob', 'david', 'steve', 'darrel', 'jim'];
var map = {'jim':-3,'steve':-2,'david':-1};
return map[a] - map[b];
<button onclick="javascript:test()">Click Me</button>
It works in most browsers because javascript typically uses what is called a stable sort algorithm, the defining feature of which is that it preserves the original order of equivalent items. However, I know there have been exceptions. You guarantee stability by using the array index of each remaining item as it's a1/b1 value.
I think this might help. The $('#yrDiv').tsort({place:'start'}); will add your important list in the start.
You can also sort using this function the way you like.

Live demo ( jsfiddle seems to be down),html
var priorities=['jim','steve','david'];
var liveData=['bob','david','steve','darrel','jim'];
var output=[],temp=[];
for ( i=0; i<liveData.length; i++){
if( $.inArray( liveData[i], priorities) ==-1){
output.push( liveData[i]);
temp.push( liveData[i]);
var temp2=$.grep( priorities, function(name,i){
return $.inArray( name, temp) >-1;
output=$.merge( temp2, output);

there can be another way of sorting on order base, also values can be objects to work with
const inputs = ["bob", "david", "steve", "darrel", "jim"].map((val) => ({
const order = ["jim", "steve", "david"];
const vMap = new Map( => [v.val, v]));
const sorted = [];
order.forEach((o) => {
if (vMap.has(o)) {
const result = sorted.concat(Array.from(vMap.values()));
const plainResult ={ val }) => val);

Have you considered using Underscore.js? It contains several utilities for manipulating lists like this.
In your case, you could:
Filter the results you want using filter() and store them in a collection.
var priorities = _.filter(['bob','david','steve','darrel','jim'],
if (pName == 'jim' || pName == 'steve' || pName == 'david') return true;
Get a copy of the other results using without()
var leftovers = _.without(['bob','david','steve','darrel','jim'], 'jim', 'steve', 'david');
Union the arrays from the previous steps using union()
var finalList = _.union(priorities, leftovers);


What's the best way to delete specific characters in a JavaScript array?

Currently, I have a huge JavaScript array where each element is like this:
I need to remove everything except the price after high. What is the most efficient way I can do this?
I've tried popping the individual elements, but I can't help but feel as if there is a more efficient/easier way to do this.
So hopefully the ending array would just be [235.86].
The below code should work. It's efficient enough :D
for (i in arrayName){
// Loops through array
delete arrayName[i].high
delete arrayName[i].low
delete arrayName[i].close
delete arrayName[i].volume
delete arrayName[i].date
// Deletes unwanted properties
// Print output
One potential solution would be to map the array to a new array like so:
const yourArray = [
{"open":235.86, "high":247.13, "low":231.5, "close":244.1, "volume":55025735},
{"open":257.52, "high":234.53, "low":220.2, "close":274.1, "volume":23534060},
const mappedArray = =>;
// mappedArray = [235.86, 257.52]
Check out the MDN documentation for the map method,
Note: The above example uses ECMAScript 6 arrow functions and implicit returns. It is functionally equivalent to:
const yourArray = [
{"open":235.86, "high":247.13, "low":231.5, "close":244.1, "volume":55025735},
{"open":257.52, "high":234.53, "low":220.2, "close":274.1, "volume":23534060},
const mappedArray ={
You can use reduce for this scenario. Example
var temp = [{"open":235.86, "high":247.13, "low":231.5, "close":244.1, "volume":55025735, "date":"2019-05-01T21:00:00.000Z"}];
var highValArray = temp.reduce((arr, t) => {
return arr.concat(t['high']);
}, []);
You can learn more about reduce function at the MDN website.
This should work: => {
return item.high

Search through a big collection of objects

i have a really big collection of objects that i want to search through.
The array have > 60.000 items and the search performance can be really slow from time to time.
One object in that array looks like this:
"title": "title"
"company": "abc company"
"rating": 13 // internal rating based on comments and interaction
I want to search for the title and the company info and order that by the rating of the items.
This is what my search currently look like:
onSearchInput(searchTerm) {
this.searchInputTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
searchForFood(searchTerm) {
if (searchTerm.length > 1) {
this.searchResults = []; => {
searchTerm.split(' ').map(searchTermPart => {
if (item.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchTermPart.toLowerCase())
|| {
this.searchResults = this.searchResults.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.rating - b.rating;
} else {
this.searchResults = [];
Question: Is there any way to improve the search logic and performance wise?
A bunch of hints:
It's a bit excessive to put searching through 60,000 items on the front-end. Any way you can perform part of the search on the back-end? If you really must do it on the front-end considering searching in chunks of e.g. 10,000 and then using a setImmediate() to perform the next part of the search so the user's browser won't completely freeze during processing time.
Do the splitting and lowercasing of the search term outside of the loop.
map() like you're using it is weird as you don't use the return value. Better to use forEach(). Better still, is use filter() to get the items that match.
When iterating over the search terms, use some() (as pointed out in the comments) as it's an opportunity to early return.
sort() mutates the original array so you don't need to re-assign it.
sort() with reverse() is usually a smell. Instead, swap the sides of your condition to be b - a.
At this scale, it may make sense to do performance tests with includes(), indexOf(), roll-your-own-for-loop, match() (can almost guarantee it will be slower though)
Alex's suggestions are good. My only suggestion would be, if you could afford to pre-process the data during idle time (preferably don't hold up first render or interaction) you could process the data into a modified prefix trie. That would let you search for the items in O(k) time where k is the length of the search term (right now you are searching in O(kn) time because you look at every item and then do an includes which takes k time (it's actually a little worse because of the toLowerCase's but I don't want to get into the weeds of it).
If you aren't familiar with what a trie is, hopefully the code below gives you the idea or you can search for information with your search engine of choice. It's basically a mapping of characters in a string in nested hash maps.
Here's some sample code of how you might construct the trie:
function makeTries(data){
let companyTrie = {};
let titleTrie = {};
data.forEach(item => {
addToTrie(companyTrie,, item, 0);
addToTrie(titleTrie, item.title, item, 0);
return {
function addToTrie(trie, str, item, i){ = || [];;
if(i >= str.length)
if(! trie[str[i]]){
trie[str[i]] = {};
addToTrie(trie[str[i]], str, item, ++i);
function searchTrie(trie, term){
if(trie == undefined)
return [];
if(term == "")
return searchTrie(trie[term[0]], term.substring(1));
var testData = [
company: "abc",
title: "def",
rank: 5
company: "abd",
title: "deg",
rank: 5
company: "afg",
title: "efg",
rank: 5
company: "afgh",
title: "efh",
rank: 5
const tries = makeTries(testData);
console.log(searchTrie(tries.companyTrie, "afg"));

Comparing 2 Json Object using javascript or underscore

PS: I have already searched the forums and have seen the relevant posts for this wherein the same post exists but I am not able to resolve my issue with those solutions.
I have 2 json objects
var json1 = [{uid:"111", addrs:"abc", tab:"tab1"},{uid:"222", addrs:"def", tab:"tab2"}];
var json2 = [{id:"tab1"},{id:"new"}];
I want to compare both these and check if the id element in json2 is present in json1 by comparing to its tab key. If not then set some boolean to false. ie by comparing id:"tab1" in json2 to tab:"tab1 in json1 .
I tried using below solutions as suggested by various posts:
var o1 = json1;
var o2 = json2;
var set= false;
for (var p in o1) {
if (o1.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
if (o1[p].tab!== o2[p].id) {
set= true;
for (var p in o2) {
if (o2.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
if (o1[p].tab!== o2[p].id) {
set= true;
Also tried with underscore as:
_.each(json1, function(one) {
_.each(json2, function(two) {
if (!== {
set= true;
Both of them fail for some test case or other.
Can anyone tell any other better method or outline the issues above.
Don't call them JSON because they are JavaScript arrays. Read What is JSON.
To solve the problem, you may loop over second array and then in the iteration check if none of the objects in the first array matched the criteria. If so, set the result to true.
const obj1 = [{uid:"111", addrs:"abc", tab:"tab1"},{uid:"222",addrs:"def", tab:"tab2"}];
const obj2 = [{id:"tab1"},{id:"new"}];
let result = false;
for (let {id} of obj2) {
if (!obj1.some(i => === id)) {
result = true;
Unfortunately, searching the forums and reading the relevant posts is not going to replace THINKING. Step away from your computer, and write down, on a piece of paper, exactly what the problem is and how you plan to solve it. For example:
Calculate for each object in an array whether some object in another array has a tab property whose value is the same as the first object's id property.
There are many ways to do this. The first way involves using array functions like map (corresponding to the "calculate for each" in the question, and some (corresponding to the "some" in the question). To make it easier, and try to avoid confusing ourselves, we'll do it step by step.
function calculateMatch(obj2) {
That's it. Your program is finished. You don't even need to test it, because it's obviously right.
But wait. How are you supposed to know about these array functions like map and some? By reading the documentation. No one help you with that. You have to do it yourself. You have to do it in advance as part of your learning process. You can't do it at the moment you need it, because you won't know what you don't know!
If it's easier for you to understand, and you're just getting started with functions, you may want to write this as => doesSomeElementInObj1Match(obj1Element))
or, if you're still not up to speed on arrow functions, then { return doesSomeElementInObj1Match(obj1Element); })
The only thing left to do is to write doesSomeElementInObj2Match. For testing purposes, we can make one that always returns true:
function doesSomeElementInObj2Match() { return true; }
But eventually we will have to write it. Remember the part of our English description of the problem that's relevant here:
some object in another array has a tab property whose value is the same as the first object's id property.
When working with JS arrays, for "some" we have the some function. So, following the same top-down approach, we are going to write (assuming we know what the ID is):
In the same way as above, we can write this as
function doesSomeElementInObj2Match(id) {
obj2.some(obj2Element => tabFieldMatches(obj2Element, id))
obj2.some(function(obj2Element) { return tabFieldMatches(obj2Element, id); })
Here, tabFieldMatches is nothing more than checking to make sure and id are identical.
We're almost done! but we still have to write hasMatchingTabField. That's quite easy, it turns out:
function hasMatchingTabField(e2, id) { return === id; }
In the following, to save space, we will write e1 for obj1Element and e2 for obj2Element, and stick with the arrow functions. This completes our first solution. We have
const tabFieldMatches = (tab, id) { return tab === id; }
const hasMatchingTabField = (obj, id) => obj.some(e => tabFieldMatches(, id);
const findMatches = obj => obj.some(e => hasMatchingTabField(e1,;
And we call this using findMatches(obj1).
Old-fashioned array
But perhaps all these maps and somes are a little too much for you at this point. What ever happened to good old-fashioned for-loops? Yes, we can write things this way, and some people might prefer that alternative.
top: for (e1 of obj1) {
for (e2 of (obj2) {
if ( === {
console.log("found match");
break top;
console.log("didn't find match);
But some people are sure to complain about the non-standard use of break here. Or, we might want to end up with an array of boolean parallel to the input array. In that case, we have to be careful about remembering what matched, at what level.
const matched = [];
for (e1 of obj1) {
let match = false;
for (e2 of obj2) {
if ( === match = true;
We can clean this up and optimize it bit, but that's the basic idea. Notice that we have to reset match each time through the loop over the first object.

JavaScript/React Native array(objects) sort

I'm starting with react-native building an app to track lap times from my RC Cars. I have an arduino with TCP connection (server) and for each lap, this arduino sends the current time/lap for all connected clients like this:
In my program (in react-native), I have one state called dados with this struct:
dados[tx_id] = {
tx_id: <tx_id>,
This program connects to arduino and when receive some data, just push to this state. More specific in laps array of each transponder. Finally, I get something like this:
dados[33] = {
last_time: 456,
best_lap: 3455,
best_time: 32432,
diff: 32,
laps: [{lap:1,time:1234},{lap:2,time:32323},{lap:3,time:3242332}]
dados[34] = {
last_time: 123,
best_lap: 32234,
best_time: 335343,
diff: 10,
laps: [{lap:1,time:1234},{lap:2,time:32323},{lap:3,time:3242332}]
dados[35] = {
last_time: 789,
best_lap: 32234,
best_time: 335343,
diff: 8,
laps: [{lap:1,time:1234},{lap:2,time:32323},{lap:3,time:3242332},{lap:4,time:343232}]
This data in rendered to View's using map function (not a FlatList).
My problem now is that I need to order this before printing on screen.
Now, with this code, data are printed using tx_id as order, since it's the key for main array. Is there a way to order this array using number of elements in laps property and the second option to sort, use last_time property of element?
In this case, the last tx of my example (35) would be the first in the list because it has one lap more than other elements. The second item would be 34 (because of last_time). And the third would be tx 33.
Is there any way to to this in JavaScript, or I need to create a custom functions and check every item in recursive way?!
Tks #crackhead420
While waiting for reply to this question, I just found what you said.... :)
This is my final teste/solution that worked:
var t_teste = this.state.teste;
t_teste[33] = {tx_id: 33, last_time:998,best_lap:2,best_time:123,diff:0,laps:[{lap:1,time:123},{lap:2,time:456}]};
t_teste[34] = {tx_id: 34, last_time:123,best_lap:2,best_time:123,diff:0,laps:[{lap:1,time:123},{lap:2,time:456}]};
t_teste[35] = {tx_id: 35, last_time:456,best_lap:2,best_time:123,diff:0,laps:[{lap:1,time:123},{lap:2,time:456},{lap:3,time:423}]};
t_teste[36] = {tx_id: 36, last_time:789,best_lap:2,best_time:123,diff:0,laps:[{lap:1,time:123},{lap:2,time:456}]};
console.log('Teste original: ',JSON.stringify(t_teste));
var saida = t_teste.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.laps.length > b.laps.length) {
return -1;
if (a.laps.length < b.laps.length) {
return 1;
// In this case, the laps are let's check last_time
if (a.last_time < b.last_time) {
return -1; // fastest lap (less time) first!
if (a.last_time > b.last_time) {
return 1;
// Return the same
return 0;
console.log('Teste novo: ',JSON.stringify(saida));
Using some simple helper functions, this is definitely possible:
const data = [{tx_id:33,last_time:456,best_lap:3455,best_time:32432,diff:32,laps:[{lap:1,time:1234},{lap:2,time:32323},{lap:3,time:3242332}]},{tx_id:34,last_time:123,best_lap:32234,best_time:335343,diff:10,laps:[{lap:1,time:1234},{lap:2,time:32323},{lap:3,time:3242332}]},{tx_id:35,last_time:789,best_lap:32234,best_time:335343,diff:8,laps:[{lap:1,time:1234},{lap:2,time:32323},{lap:3,time:3242332},{lap:4,time:343232}]}]
const sortBy = fn => (a, b) => -(fn(a) < fn(b)) || +(fn(a) > fn(b))
const sortByLapsLength = sortBy(o => o.laps.length)
const sortByLastTime = sortBy(o => o.last_time)
const sortFn = (a, b) => -sortByLapsLength(a, b) || sortByLastTime(a, b)
// show new order of `tx_id`s
console.log( => o.tx_id))
sortBy() (more explanation at the link) accepts a function that selects a value as the sorting criteria of a given object. This value must be a string or a number. sortBy() then returns a function that, given two objects, will sort them in ascending order when passed to Array.prototype.sort(). sortFn() uses two of these functions with a logical OR || operator to employ short-circuiting behavior and sort first by laps.length (in descending order, thus the negation -), and then by last_time if two objects' laps.length are equal.
Its possible to sort an object array by theire values:
dados.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.last_time - b.last_time;

Use Lodash to find the indexOf a JSON array inside of an [] array

I have an array that looks something like this.
Users : {
0 : { BidderBadge: "somestuff", Bidders: 6, }
1 : { BidderBadge: "somemorestuff", Bidders: 7,}
I want to search the array using lodash to find a value inside of each of the user objects.
Specifically, I want to use values from another similar array of objects to find the value.
var bidArray = [];
_.each(this.vue.AllUsers, function(user) {
_.each(this.vue.Bids, function(bid) {
if(user.BidderBadge == bid.Badge) {
This is what I have and it works, but I want to do it using only one loop instead of two. I want to use something like _.indexOf. Is that possible?
If you want to avoid nesting, you just have to modify Azamantes' solution a bit
var bidders = this.vue.Bids.reduce(function(acc, bid) {
return acc[bid.BidderBadge] = true;
}, {});
var bidArray = this.vue.AllBidders.filter(function(bidder) {
return !!bidders[bidder.Badge];
It is difficult to give an accurate answer with an example that doesn't coincide with the input that your provide.
Anyway, supposing your data structures were more or less like this ones, you could solve the problem with lodash _.intersectionWith.
Intersect both arrays using a comparator that checks the correct object properties. Also, take into account that users must go first in the intersection due to the fact that you're interested in its values.
function comparator(user, bid) {
return user.BidderBadge === bid.Badge;
console.log(_.intersectionWith(users, bids, comparator));
Here's the fiddle.

