swfupload check if flash installed - javascript

I am using swfupload and wanted to notify the user that they need flash installed for this to work.
I found this: http://swfupload.org/forum/generaldiscussion/2140 although have no idea where I need to implement this.
This is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var upload0, upload1, upload2, upload3, upload4, upload5;
window.onload = function () {
upload{$smarty.section.r.index} = new SWFUpload({
// Backend settings
upload_url: "{$REQUEST_URL}{if $swfcallbackid}/id/{$swfcallbackid}{/if}?swfcb={$row.formname}&{php}echo session_name();{/php}={php}echo session_id();{/php}",
file_post_name: "{$row.formname}",
post_params: {"{php}echo session_name();{/php}" : "{php}echo session_id();{/php}"},
// Flash file settings
file_size_limit : "500MB",
file_types : "{$row.mask|default:"*"}", // valid file type mask
file_types_description : "{$row.mask_desc|default:"All Files"}",
file_upload_limit : "0",
file_queue_limit : "1",
// Event handler settings
//swfupload_loaded_handler : swfUploadLoaded,
file_dialog_start_handler: fileDialogStart,
file_queued_handler : fileQueued,
file_queue_error_handler : fileQueueError,
file_dialog_complete_handler : fileDialogComplete,
//upload_start_handler : uploadStart, // I could do some client/JavaScript validation here, but I don't need to.
upload_progress_handler : uploadProgress,
upload_error_handler : uploadError,
upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess,
upload_complete_handler : uploadComplete,
// Button Settings
button_image_url : "{$HOME}/webapp/shared/swfupload/XPButtonUploadText_61x22.jpg",
button_placeholder_id : "{$row.formname}_button",
button_width: 63,
button_height: 23,
button_window_mode: "TRANSPARENT",
// Flash Settings
flash_url : "/webapp/shared/swfupload/Flash/swfupload.swf",
custom_settings : {
progressTarget : "{$row.formname}_progress",
cancelButtonId : "{$row.formname}_cancel",
filenameDisplayId : "{$row.formname}"
// Debug settings
debug: false


how to access function in Json

I am able to access the onclick properties function for the printButton property at the end of the block. Although I am unable to initiate the onclick functions under the exportButton property.I have the following code.
B.exporting = {
type : "image/png",
url : "http://export.highcharts.com/",
width : 800,
enableImages : false,
buttons : {
exportButton : {
symbol : "exportIcon",
x : -10,
symbolFill : "#A8BF77",
hoverSymbolFill : "#768F3E",
_titleKey : "exportButtonTitle",
menuItems : [{
textKey : "downloadPNG",
onclick : function() {
}, {
textKey : "downloadJPEG",
**onclick : function() {
type : "image/jpeg"
}, {
textKey : "downloadPDF",
onclick : function() {
type : "application/pdf"
}, {
textKey : "downloadSVG",
onclick : function() {
type : "image/svg+xml"
printButton : {
symbol : "printIcon",
x : -36,
symbolFill : "#B5C9DF",
hoverSymbolFill : "#779ABF",
_titleKey : "printButtonTitle",
onclick : function() {
I am binding keyboard controls to the click events using the jquery plugin this is what I used to print. This Works!:
Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+s', function(e) { B.exporting.buttons.printButton.onclick(this.print());
This code is what I tried to access an individual onclick function under the exportButton property in the json above
Mousetrap.bind('*', function(e) {B.exporting.buttons.exportButton.menuItems[0].onclick;});
The result i get is the value but i want to run the function as the onclick property does.Does anyone know how to run a function under a json property?I Appreciate any help here thanks folks.
Mousetrap.bind('click', B.exporting.buttons.exportButton.menuItems[0].onclick);
Your ctrl-s binding also looks wrong, it should be:
Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+s', B.exporting.buttons.printButton.onclick);
The printButton.onclick function doesn't take an argument. Your binding calls this.print before calling the printButton.onclick function, and then the printButton.onclick function
does it again.

TinyMCE: Text Counter not working on readonly toggle

I have TinyMCE on my website which works fine.
Recently I added the functionality of readonly toggle.
For the readonly toggle I added a field "mytext_readonly".
TinyMCE is initialized in readonly mode, and stays in readonly if the value in "mytext_readonly" is 'readonly', otherwise it becomes editable.
The functionality is working as I want it, except the textcounter isn't working.
The problem is onKeyUp event is not working.
Text counter works if I click on B I U etc on the toolbar(means onExecCommand is working)
I want to know why onKeyUp is not working? And what shall I do to make it work?
mode : "exact",
elements : "mytext",
debug : false,
nowrap : false,
cleanup_on_startup : true,
fix_nesting : true,
force_br_newlines : true,
force_p_newlines : false,
gecko_spellcheck : true,
forced_root_block : '' ,
readonly : true,
setupcontent_callback : "myCustomSetupContent",
plugins : "preview",
plugins : "AtD,preview",
atd_button_url : "/tinymce-new/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/atd-tinymce/atdbuttontr.gif",
atd_css_url : "/tinymce-new/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/atd-tinymce/css/content.css",
tab_focus : ':next',
theme : "advanced",
theme_advanced_buttons1_add : "AtD",
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,separator, justifyfull,bullist,numlist,|,charmap,|,undo,redo,|",
theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
/* the URL of proxy file */
atd_rpc_url : "/common-scripts/tinymce-new/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/atd-tinymce/server/proxy.php?url=",
/* set your API key */
atd_rpc_id : "flinstone",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
valid_elements : ""
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed) {
ed.onExecCommand.add(function(ed) {
function myCustomSetupContent(editor_id, body, doc) {
var desc = document.getElementById('item_description').value;
desc = unescape(desc);
if (desc)
desc = desc.replace(/''/ig,"'");
desc = desc.replace(/&/ig,'&');
if (document.getElementById('mytext_readonly') && document.getElementById('mytext_readonly').value == 'readonly') {
//do nothing
tinyMCE.get('mytext').getBody().setAttribute('contenteditable', true);

how to use JSON in clientside only

I have created an Object.. please tell me If I'm doing it right:
{"images": {
image1 : {
"small_image" : "images/1.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/1.png"
image2 : {
"small_image" : "images/2.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/2.png"
image3 : {
"small_image" : "images/3.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/3.png"
Now, I saved it with the name images.json
How will I call it on my HTML file using jQuery?..
I want to test it on a console first..
I use this code and it does'nt display anthing on console..
$.getJSON("js/images.json", function(data){
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
console.log("asdfasdf " +value);
You need to modify your object Literal to make it a JSON String. It should look more like this:
{"images": {
"image1" : {
"small_image" : "images/1.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/1.png"
"image2" : {
"small_image" : "images/2.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/2.png"
"image3" : {
"small_image" : "images/3.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/3.png"
That along with the javascript you already have should work, assuming your webserver is setup to properly serve .json files.

jQuery Simple Dialog Events

I have a simpledialog2 box, its fully functional but im trying to work out a way to call a function when its been loaded.
For example i have
mode : 'blank',
animate : false,
transition : 'none',
// dialogAllow : true,
// dialogForce : true,
headerText : 'Statement Metadata',
blankContent : "HTML HERE"
After HTML HERE has been loaded what event is fired? Or how can i call javascript once the simpledialog2 is fuly ready?
Similar to pageshow event handler...
Try the following:
mode : 'blank',
animate : false,
transition : 'none',
// dialogAllow : true,
// dialogForce : true,
headerText : 'Statement Metadata',
blankContent : "HTML HERE",
callbackOpen: function() {
var me = this;
setTimeout(function() {me.close();},2000);

CKEditor Plugin - OK Button Permission Error

Hi i have created the following ckeditor plugin to insert a youtube video:
(function() {
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('youtube', {
requires : ['iframedialog'],
init : function(editor) {
var iframeWindow = null;
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('youtube_dialog', function() {
return {
title : 'YouTube Movie Properties',
minWidth : 550,
minHeight : 200,
contents : [{
id : 'iframe',
label : 'Insert YouTube Movie',
expand : true,
elements : [{
type : 'iframe',
src : me.path + 'dialogs/youtube.html',
width : '100%',
height : '100%',
onContentLoad : function() {
iframeWindow = document.getElementById(this._.frameId).contentWindow;
onOk : function() {
this._.editor.insertHtml('<cke:youtube url="' + iframeWindow.document.getElementById('url').value + '">YouTube Video Place Marker</cke:youtube>');
editor.addCommand('youtube', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('youtube_dialog'));
editor.ui.addButton('YouTube', {
label : 'Insert YouTube Movie',
command : 'youtube',
icon : this.path + 'images/icon.gif'
This was working fine but i recently moved my ckeditor files to a CDN. Now when i click the "OK" button i get a permission error. I was looking at the source of the existing plugins to get an idea of how they work but whatever i have tried doesn't seem to work. To get something basic working I tried changing my okOk event to:
onOk : function() {
var hr = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('hr', editor.document );
But this gave me a null reference exception.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could show me what i am doing wrong. Thanks
Problem fixed! The solution is to change:
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('youtube_dialog', function()
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('youtube_dialog', function(editor)
and change:
Hope this helps.

