get data from input to array - javascript

<h2>Add Another Input Box</h2>
<div id="p_scents">
<label for="p_scnts"><input type="text" id="p_scnt" size="20" name="p_scnt" value="" placeholder="Input Value" /> <input type="checkbox" id="c_scnt" name="c_scnt" class="show"> <input type="text" id="more" name="more" class="hide"> </label>
<span id="getall">Get all</span>
Is possible click on Get all and get all data from all inputs and next use them with loop each and get data: (first input(text)), this.two (second input(checkbox)), this.three (third input - hidden )? for example:
//here get all data to array, but how?
var html = $("<tr><td></td><td>this.two</td><td>this.three</td></tr>").appendTo("#myTable");

Something like this should work?
var myRow = document.createElement("tr");
var array = new Array()
$.each($("#p_scents").find("p"), function(ind, elem) {
var inputCol = new Array();
console.log("Adding row");
$.each($(elem).find("input"), function(ind2, inputElem) {
if ($(inputElem).attr("type") != "checkbox") {
inputCol [inputCol .length] = $(inputElem).val();
else {
inputCol [inputCol .length] = $(inputElem).is(":checked");
array[array.length] = inputCol;
console.log("Outputting results");
for (var i in array) {
console.log("Row: "+i);
for (var j in array[i]) {
console.log("Input: "+j + " == " + array[i][j]);

var arr = new Array();
$( 'input' ).each(function(index)
arr[arr.length] = $(this).val();


How to format jQuery .map() with keys and values?

I try to create array with keys and values by using the jQuery .map().
When I use my code I have a problem with formatting:
["name1:1", "name2:1", "name3:0"]
I need:
I spend a few hours to make it work, but I don't know what is wrong.
<div class="inputs-container">
<input id="name1" name="name1" type="checkbox" class="multicheckbox-item" value="1" checked="checked">
<input id="name2" name="name2" type="checkbox" class="multicheckbox-item" value="1" checked="checked">
<input id="name3" name="name3" type="checkbox" class="multicheckbox-item" value="0">
var inputsContainer = $('.inputs-container');
var inputValues = inputsContainer.find( 'input.multicheckbox-item' ).map( function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
var active = 0;
if( $(this).prop( 'checked' ) ){
var active = 1;
return name + ':' + active;
console.log( inputValues );
You'll want an object and .each (or .forEach in native array terms).
var inputsContainer = $('.inputs-container');
var inputValues = {};
var inputValues = inputsContainer.find('input.multicheckbox-item').each( function() {
inputValues[$(this).attr('name')] = ($(this).prop('checked') ? 1 : 0);
Try This
var inputsContainer = $('.inputs-container');
var inputValues_key = inputsContainer.find( 'input.multicheckbox-item' ).map(function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
return name;
var inputValues_value = inputsContainer.find( 'input.multicheckbox-item' ).map(function() {
var active = $(this).prop('checked')? 1 : 0;
return active;
var inputValues = [], length = Math.min(inputValues_key.length, inputValues_value.length);
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
inputValues.push([inputValues_key[i], inputValues_value[i]]);
console.log( inputValues );

this parameter not passing expected element

I have a dynamic set of input fields being generated. They all get named sequentially and each has an onFocus() handler. Just before each Input element is a div with a corresponding Id where I grab a dollar value from.
<input type="hidden" name="balance" value="2500.0" />
<div id="invoiceAmount0">$500.00</div>
<input type="text" size="8" id="invoiceBalance0" name="invoiceBalance0" value="" onfocus="setBalance(this)" />
<div id="invoiceAmount1">$500.00</div>
<input type="text" size="8" id="invoiceBalance1" name="invoiceBalance1" value="" onfocus="setBalance(this)" />
<div id="invoiceAmount2">$500.00</div>
<input type="text" size="8" id="invoiceBalance2" name="invoiceBalance2" value="" onfocus="setBalance(this)" />
The JS onFocus handler is as follows:
function setBalance(e) //e should be an input field element
var balance = document.PaymentForm.balance.value;
var remainder = balance;
var index = 0;
var paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance'+index); //get the first input payment element
while (paymentField != null && paymentField != e) //start with the first field and calculate the remaining balance
var paymentApplied = paymentField.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"");
remainder = remainder - paymentApplied;
paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance'+index);
while (e == paymentField) //set the selected elements value
var invoiceBalance = document.getElementById('in'+index).innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"");
if (parseFloat(remainder) > parseFloat(invoiceBalance))
e.value = parseFloat(invoiceBalance).toFixed(2).toLocaleString();
e.value = parseFloat(remainder).toFixed(2).toLocaleString();
paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance'+index);
while (paymentField != null) //blank out the rest of the input fields
paymentField.value = '';
paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance'+index);
The concept here is to calculate the remaining balance and set the input field's value as the user focuses the fields.
The problem is that The "this" parameter is always set to the first Input element "invoiceBalance0". I'm expecting it to be set to the element referring to it in it's onFocus handler.
What am I not seeing?
I'm unable to duplicate the error you describe, but I did notice what appears to be a typo:
var invoiceBalance = document.getElementById('in'+index).innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"");
looks like it should be
var invoiceBalance = document.getElementById('invoiceAmount'+index).innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"");
function setBalance(e) //e should be an input field element
var balance = document.querySelector('[name="balance"]').value;
var remainder = balance;
var index = 0;
var paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance' + index); //get the first input payment element
while (paymentField != null && paymentField != e) //start with the first field and calculate the remaining balance
var paymentApplied = paymentField.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, "");
remainder = remainder - paymentApplied;
paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance' + index);
while (e == paymentField) //set the selected elements value
var invoiceBalance = document.getElementById('invoiceAmount' + index).innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, "");
if (parseFloat(remainder) > parseFloat(invoiceBalance))
e.value = parseFloat(invoiceBalance).toFixed(2).toLocaleString();
e.value = parseFloat(remainder).toFixed(2).toLocaleString();
paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance' + index);
while (paymentField != null) //blank out the rest of the input fields
paymentField.value = '';
paymentField = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance' + index);
<input type="hidden" name="balance" value="2500.0" />
<div id="invoiceAmount0">$500.00</div>
<input type="text" size="8" id="invoiceBalance0" name="invoiceBalance0" value="" onfocus="setBalance(this)" />
<div id="invoiceAmount1">$500.00</div>
<input type="text" size="8" id="invoiceBalance1" name="invoiceBalance1" value="" onfocus="setBalance(this)" />
<div id="invoiceAmount2">$500.00</div>
<input type="text" size="8" id="invoiceBalance2" name="invoiceBalance2" value="" onfocus="setBalance(this)" />
It's work after changing this line :
var invoiceBalance = document.getElementById('in'+index).innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"")
To :
var invoiceBalance = document.getElementById('invoiceBalance'+index).innerHTML.replace(/[^
that because you don't have an id like in[index] but this form invoiceBalance[index], hope that will help See
Working Fiddle.

How to seperate the values of textbox so that I can sort by each value

I have a textbox where the user can input a value into a listbox. Then, I have buttons to either Delete that value, or Sort the value.
My problem is that I want the value to be sorted by those 2 separated values. For example, the user would enter City=Chicago in the textbox. And there would be 2 sort buttons, to 'Sort by City' and 'Sort by Value' where value in this case is Chicago.
So after hours of trying I can't figure out how to:
1. Restrict the user to only be able to enter a value like %=% (e.g. City=Chicago)
2. Have separate sort buttons for the values on either side of the equal sign
<div class='teststyles'>
Name/Value Pair
<br />
<input id="PairTextbox" type="text" value="city" />=<input id="PairTextbox1" type="text" />
<input type="button" value="Add" id="addButton" />
<br />
<br />Name/Value Pair List
<br />
<select multiple="multiple" id="PairListbox"></select>
<input type="button" value="Sort By Name" sort-type="0" id="sortName">
<input type="button" value="Sort By Value" sort-type="1" id="sortValue"><br>
<input type="button" value="Delete" id="deleteButton" />
var listArray = [];
function addNewItem() {
var textbox = document.getElementById('PairTextbox');
var textbox1 = document.getElementById('PairTextbox1');
var listbox = document.getElementById('PairListbox');
var newOption = document.createElement('option');
newOption.value = listArray.length-1; // The value that this option will have
newOption.innerHTML = textbox.value + "=" + textbox1.value; // The displayed text inside of the <option> tags
listArray.push([textbox.value, textbox1.value, ]);
function deleteItem() {
var listbox = document.getElementById('PairListbox');
if (listbox.selectedIndex != -1) {
delete listArray[listbox.value];
function sortItems(e) {
var sorttype ="sort-type");
var $listbox = document.getElementById('PairListbox');
var $options = (option) {
return option;
$options.sort(function (a, b) {
var an = a[sorttype],
bn = b[sorttype];
if (an > bn) {
return 1;
if (an < bn) {
return -1;
return 0;
$listbox.innerHTML = "";
$options.forEach(function ($option, index) {
var newOption = document.createElement('option');
newOption.value = index; // The value that this option will have
newOption.innerHTML = $option[0] + "=" + $option[1]; // The displayed text inside of the
document.getElementById('addButton').addEventListener('click', addNewItem);
document.getElementById('sortName').addEventListener('click', sortItems);
document.getElementById('sortValue').addEventListener('click', sortItems);
document.getElementById('deleteButton').addEventListener('click', deleteItem);
For those who would like to use jQuery, validation and auto-sorting this FIDDLE. The HTML is:
<div class='teststyles'>
<p>Name/Value Pair</p>
<p><input id="PairTextbox" type="text" /> <input type="button" value="Add" id="addButton" /></p>
<p>Name/Value Pair List</p>
<p><select multiple="multiple" id="PairListbox"></select></p>
<input id="byname" type="radio" name="sortby" value="name" checked="checked" /> <label for="byname">sort by name</label><br />
<input id="byvalue" type="radio" name="sortby" value="value" /> <label for="byvalue">sort by value</label>
<p><input type="button" value="Delete selected" id="deleteButton" /></p>
and the script:
// Keep your pairs in memory
var pairs = [];
// Keep record of dynamic elements
var listbox = $('#PairListbox');
var textbox = $('#PairTextbox');
var sortInput = $('input[name=sortby]');
function sortItems() {
sortType = sortInput.filter(':checked').val();
if ( sortType=='name' ) {
// Sort by key
console.log( 'sort by key' );
pairs = pairs.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.k.localeCompare(b.k);
} else {
// Sort by value
console.log( 'sort by val' );
pairs = pairs.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.v.localeCompare(b.v);
console.log( pairs );
console.log( '----------' );
function printItems() {
var optionsHtml = '';
$.each(pairs, function(i, item) {
optionsHtml += '<option value="' + item.k + '=' + item.v + '">' + item.k + '=' + item.v + '</option>';
// Customize validation of new input
function validateInput() {
var str = textbox.val().replace(/\s+/g, '_');
var splited = str.split('=');
if (splited.length == 2 && splited[0] && splited[1]) {
// Maybe also check if pair already exists in array?
k: splited[0],
v: splited[1]
return true;
} else {
function addNewItem() {
if (validateInput()) {
} else {
alert('Wrong input value!');
function deleteItem() {
var selectedItems = listbox.find('option:selected');
selectedItems.each(function(i) {
var thisItem = $(this);
var thisValueSplit = thisItem.val().split('=');
pairs = pairs.filter(function (el) {
return !(el.k==thisValueSplit[0] && el.v==thisValueSplit[1]);
$('#addButton').on('click', addNewItem);
$('#deleteButton').on('click', deleteItem);
sortInput.on('change', function(e) {

How to apply a class attribute to an HTML string (not rendered on the document)

I am am developing code for am automator to improve the project with several pages.
I have a textarea input where I can enter HTML and it shows me the HTML with the right structure.
<textarea name="message">
<input type="text" value="TextTwo" id="texttwo"/>
<input type="text" value="DataOne" id="dataone"/>
<input type="text" value="NumberTwo" id="numbertwo"/>
<input type="text" value="TextOne" id="textone"/>
<input type="text" value="DataTwo" id="datatwo"/>
<input type="text" value="NumberOne" id="numberone"/>
$('button').click(function () {
var code = $('textarea[name=message]').val();
if ($('#output').length < 1) {
$("body").append('<h2>Output</h2><textarea id="output" rows="10" cols="100"></textarea>');
I would like to apply classes following these rules:
The input that has the word "Text" value in applying the class = "text"
The input that has the word "Data" value in applying the class = "data"
The input that has the word "Number" value in applying the class = "number"
An example of how the code would output in textarea
<input type="text" value="TextTwo" id="texttwo" class="text" />
<input type="text" value="DataOne" id="dataone" class="data" />
<input type="text" value="NumberTwo" id="numbertwo" class="number" />
<input type="text" value="TextOne" id="textone" class="text"/>
<input type="text" value="DataTwo" id="datatwo" class="data" />
<input type="text" value="NumberOne" id="numberone" class="number" />
What is a good approach to do this using JQuery?
I updated your fiddle and had this code working -- Can't give you a link since I don't actually have a fiddle account:
$('button').click(function () {
var code = $('textarea[name=message]').val();
// The best thing to do here is to turn that string of HTML into
// DOM elements and let the browser do the work.
var elms = jQuery.parseHTML(code);
var result = "";
// Now that we've processed the HTML into an array, work with it.
for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) {
var el = elms[i];
if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() === "input") {
// Great! We we have an 'input' element.
var val = el.value;
if (val.indexOf("Text") !== -1) {
el.className = "text";
if (val.indexOf("Data") !== -1) {
el.className = "data";
if (val.indexOf("Number") !== -1) {
el.className = "number";
if (el.nodeType === 3) {
// Handle text nodes
result += el.nodeValue;
} else {
result += el.outerHTML;
if ($('#output').length < 1) {
$("body").append('<h2>Output</h2><textarea id="output" rows="10" cols="100"></textarea>');
Under the assumption that all the html in the textarea is valid, What we can do is just build the html into a div and then format the html with jQuery. After this is done just get the content and put it in the textarea.
$('button').click(function () {
var code = $('textarea[name=message]').val(),
$code = $('<div />').html(code),
classes = {'Text': 'text', 'Data': 'data', 'Number': 'number'};
if ($('#output').length < 1) {
$("body").append('<h2>Output</h2><textarea id="output" rows="10" cols="100"></textarea>');
$('input', $code).each(function(){
var t = this,
$t = $(this);
for(key in classes){
if(t.value.indexOf(key) > -1){
$('button').click(function () {
var code = $.parseHTML($('textarea[name=message]').val());
var newCode = "";
code = $.grep(code, function (n, i) {
if (n.nodeValue) {
return n.nodeValue.trim()
} else {
return (n.outerHTML && n.outerHTML.trim())
for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {
var element=$(code[i]);
newCode += code[i].outerHTML;
if (!$('#output').length) {
$("body").append('<h2>Output</h2><textarea id="output" rows="10" cols="100"></textarea>');
You can use the attribute contains selector.
You can dynamically build the elements:

Adding values of variable form fields

I have fields of type='number' in my form. These are dynamically generated by a database.
<input name="each[29]" id="form_29" placeholder="0.000" type="number" class="input" data-original-title="" title=""/>
<input name="each[30]" id="form_30" placeholder="0.000" type="number" class="input" data-original-title="" title=""/>
<input name="each[31]" id="form_31" placeholder="0.000" type="number" class="input" data-original-title="" title=""/>
The attribute name="each[xx]" is an ID of a category in the database. Here is the submit button:
<input type="submit" value="Enregistrer" onClick="return calculAuto('form_29,form_30,form_31')">
function calculAuto(v) {
var mystr = v;
var myarr = mystr.split(",");
var cat = '';
for (i = 0; i < myarr.length; i++) {
if ($('#' + myarr[i]).val() !== '') {
cat += $('#' + myarr[i]).val();
I want to calculate the sum of all the fields passed in the argument of the function.
you are doing:
var cat = ''; //string
so with cat += $('#' + myarr[i]).val();
its appending the values, do:
function calculAuto(v) {
var mystr = v;
var myarr = mystr.split(",");
var cat = 0;
for (i = 0; i < myarr.length; i++) {
if ($('#' + myarr[i]).val() !== '') {
cat += $('#' + myarr[i]).val();
return false;

