Fetch http status code in jquery - javascript

Below is an existing jquery code in our code base.
$("#download_").click( function() {
type : "GET",
cache : false,
async : false,
url : "/download",
success : function(data) {
var json_obj = $.parseJSON(data);
if(json_obj !== undefined && json_obj != null){
error : function(data) {
Here, In case of error (marked as TODO), I want to check if the http status is 404, then I need to redirect user to different url.
Can any one tell me how do I get the http status in this error: function(data) method?

Did you even look at the docs?
statusCode: {
404: function() {
alert('page not found');

try: statusCode
from documentation:
statusCode: {
404: function() {
alert('page not found');
Now that I think about it, do you only want to redirect if it's a 404? What about other error codes?


How to check ajax's response from laravel's controller is empty?

I work on laravel project with ajax. Below is my controller.
public function Student(Request $request){
$student = Student::where('school_uuid',$request->school_uuid)
return response()->json($student);
And this is my ajax.
url:"{{ route('api.student') }}",
if (typeof response.name !== 'undefined'){
console.log("no data");
I can check the empty response by using typeof response.name !== 'undefined' and it work fine. But I'm not sure that is the best way or not. Any advice or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
You should send the correct response code if the student isn't found, and then handle that in the javascript.
For example:
public function Student(Request $request){
$student = Student::where('school_uuid',$request->school_uuid)
->firstOrFail(); // This will cause a 404 if the student does not exist
return response()->json($student);
And then in your JS:
url:"{{ route('api.student') }}",
error: function(xhr) {
if (xhr.status === 404) {
// Handle 404 error
// Handle any other error

How can I display alert only once in javascript?

My case like this :
if(window.location.pathname == '/shop/payment/checkout' || window.location.pathname == '/shop/detail' || window.location.pathname == '/shop') {
alert('Your data has been removed')
var _token = $('input[name="_token"]').val();
type: 'POST',
url: baseUrl+'/shop/delete-cache',
data: {_token: _token},
success: function(response){
window.location = "/shop";
error: function(request, status, error) {
If the url accessed meets the condition of if then it will delete session by ajax and redirect to the url /shop
My problem is if redirect to url /shop, it will check again and display alert message again. So on and on
I want if the alert message appears and reload to the url /shop, it does not check anymore and displays the alert message
How can I do it?
After the answer given, I wrapped my code like this:
if (localStorage.getItem("cartCache") !== null) {
else {
alert('Your data has been removed')
var _token = $('input[name="_token"]').val();
type: 'POST',
url: baseUrl+'/shop/delete-cache',
data: {_token: _token},
success: function(response){
window.location = "/shop";
error: function(request, status, error) {
It does not work as intended.
Before removing, you could first check if the local storage data is still there. Put this before the alert:
if (localStorage.getItem("cartCache") === null) return;
... assuming this code is within a function. But you get the idea. Or you can combine it with the if you already have (a bit improved):
if(['/shop/payment/checkout', '/shop/detail', '/shop'].includes(window.location.pathname)
&& localStorage.getItem("cartCache") !== null) {
// ...etc.

Ajax success function not working in jquery mobile

I am trying to validate a basic login form with username and password fields. I need to validate username and password from check.php ajax page. There is no problem in ajax request and response. I am getting proper response from ajax page. But Ajax success function is not working properly.
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#login', function(){
$(document).on('click', '#submit', function() {
if($('#username').val().length > 0 && $('#password').val().length > 0){
url : 'serverurl/check.php',
data: {action : 'login', formData : $('#check-user').serialize()},
type: 'post',
beforeSend: function() {
complete: function() {
success: function (result) {
console.log("Ajax response");
res = JSON.stringify(result);
if(res.status == "success"){
resultObject.formSubmitionResult = res.uname;
localStorage["login_details"] = window.JSON.stringify(result);
alert("incorrect login");
error: function (request,error) {
alert('Network error has occurred please try again!');
} else {
alert('Fill all fields');
return false;
Here i have added my ajax page. This page only validates posted username and password. Finally it returns json object. What am i doing wrong?
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header('Content-Type: application/json');
if(isset($_POST['formData']) && isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'login'){
$uname = "arun";
$pwd = "welcome";
$resultArray = array();
if($uname == $searchArray['username'] && $pwd == $searchArray['password'])
$resultArray['uname'] = $searchArray['username'];
$resultArray['pwd'] = $searchArray['password'];
$resultArray['status'] = 'success';
$resultArray['status'] = 'failed';
echo json_encode($resultArray);
Your code should be
success: function (result) {
console.log("Ajax response");
//don't do this
//res = JSON.stringify(result);
if(result.status == "success"){
resultObject.formSubmitionResult = result.uname;
localStorage["login_details"] = window.JSON.stringify(result);
alert("incorrect login");
After JSON.stringify you are accessing like stringJson.status this will not work. it mast have "parsed" "json object" not stringify.
Don't need to convert your JSON to String.
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#login', function(){
$(document).on('click', '#submit', function() {
if($('#username').val().length > 0 && $('#password').val().length > 0){
url : 'serverurl/check.php',
data: {action : 'login', formData : $('#check-user').serialize()},
type: 'post',
beforeSend: function() {
complete: function() {
success: function (result) {
console.log("Ajax response");
//Don't need to converting JSON to String
//res = JSON.stringify(result);
//directly use result
if(result.status == "success"){
resultObject.formSubmitionResult = result.uname;
localStorage["login_details"] = window.JSON.stringify(result);
alert("incorrect login");
error: function (request,error) {
alert('Network error has occurred please try again!');
} else {
alert('Fill all fields');
return false;
Your AJAX call is perfect but datatype is not declared in ajax
Try with jSON OR JSONP. You will get success.
url : 'serverurl/check.php',
type: 'post',
dataType: "json", OR "jsonp",
async: false,
data: {action : 'login', formData : $('#check-user').serialize()},
beforeSend: function() {
complete: function() {
success: function (result) {
console.log("Ajax response");
alert(JSON.stringify(result)); // Check response in alert then parse according to that
res = JSON.stringify(result);
if(res.status == "success"){
resultObject.formSubmitionResult = res.uname;
localStorage["login_details"] = window.JSON.stringify(result);
alert("incorrect login");
error: function (request,error) {
alert('Network error has occurred please try again!');
Under some circumstances your server might not return the response correctly. Have you tried to handle the actual response code (e.g. if your server returns 200) like this:
url : 'serverurl/check.php',
data: {action : 'login', formData : $('#check-user').serialize()},
type: 'post',
statusCode: {
200: function (response) {
// do your stuff here

Delete a file with ajax request

I'm trying to delete a file with ajax request:
function deleteFile(file_path)
var r = confirm("Sure?")
if(r == true)
url: 'delete_file.php',
data: {'file' : file_path },
method: 'GET',
success: function (response) {
error: function () {
alert('Not Deleted!');
delete_file.php :
It returns true on succes,but the file is not deleted.
Check the response in AJAX, Best is use JSON DATA to check the response:
// Default AJAX request type is GET so no need to define
url: 'delete_file.php',
data: {'file' : file_path },
dataType: 'json',
success: function (response) {
if( response.status === true ) {
alert('File Deleted!');
else alert('Something Went Wrong!');
Do It like this in PHP:
// First Check if file exists
$response = array('status'=>false);
if( file_exists('FILE_PATH/FILENAME') ) {
$response['status'] = true;
// Send JSON Data to AJAX Request
echo json_encode($response);
Make sure you are giving the complete path with filename to unlink() function
Try this you need to check file, give permission, then delete it
$filename = 'full absolute file path';
if(file_exists($filename)) {
#chmod($filename, 0777);
return true;
As there can be two issues either the file path is not correct or the file is not having permission.
With the above code both will be checked.

MooTools: How to use responseText directly

In following example of code, I want to traverse the responseText object which consist the html code came from request_page.php file. In onSuccess event, i want to check whether < Div > with id 'ersDiv' has any errors posted in it.
new Request.HTML({
url: 'request_page.php',
onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML) {
// My expected code to handle responseText object
onFailure: function() { }
request_page.php file is like this :
<div align='center'><div id='ersDiv'>Page loaded with insufficient data</div></div>
try this for 1.2.x (example tweaked for the jsfiddle api):
new Request.HTML({
url: '/echo/html/',
method: "post",
data: {
html: "<div align='center'><div id='ersDiv'>Page loaded with insufficient data</div></div>",
delay: 1
onComplete: function(responseText, responseXML) {
var error, errors = responseXML.getElements("div").filter(function(el) {
return el.get("id") == "ersDiv";
if (errors.length) {
error = errors[0].get("text");
working example:
in 1.3 this can work as oskar suggested:
have fun.
function(responseText, responseXML) {
if (responseText.getElement('#ersDiv').get('text') === 'Page loaded with insufficient data'){
console.log('There was an error');
Btw. 1990 called, they want their align='center''s back :-)

