How can I make a table in a cell a variable? - javascript

I have a table in a cell that displays the numbers a user enters with buttons (using onclick and a showthis function. I need to be able to store the value as a variable in order to perform operations on it. How can I do this?
PS: I am using JavaScript and HTML
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function showthis(first){
<h1 align="center"> RPN Calculator </h1>
<table summary align="center" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3">
<th id="displaycell" colspan="5" type="text"> </td>
<button type="button" onclick="showthis('1')">1</button>
<button type="button" onclick="showthis('2')">2</button>
<button type="button" onclick="showthis('3')">3</button>
<!-- ... -->

Firstly you should not be using += with innerHTML. It means that you will end up with the numbers appending to the cell's internal value rather than overwriting it.
function showthis ( number ) {
var cell = document.getElementById('displaycell');
cell.innerHTML = "";
cell.appendChild( document.createTextNode( number ));
Would be a much better way to handle that.
Next, within showthis you are best off storing the value in a variable so that you can access it directly from javascript in the future.
var displayStore = 0;
function showthis ( number ) {
var cell = document.getElementById('displaycell');
cell.innerHTML = "";
cell.appendChild( document.createTextNode( number ));
// you can either do this in a variable local to the <td> DOM Object like so
cell.currentDisplayNumber = number;
//or in a global variable like so
displayStore = number;
Finally, to access that variable again you can either read it out of the displaystore <td> or read it from your variable.
function DoStuff0 () {
var number = Number( document.getElementById( 'displaycell' )).innerHTML;
// rest
function DoStuff1 () {
var number = document.getElementById('displaycell').currentDisplayNumber;
// rest
function DoStuff2 () {
var number = displayStore;
// rest

Is this what you wanted?
<h1 align="center"> RPN Calculator </h1>
<table summary align="center" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3">
<th id="displaycell" colspan="5"> </th>
<td> <button type="button" onClick="showthis('1')">1</button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" onClick="showthis('2')">2</button> </td>
<td> <button type="button" onClick="showthis('3')">3</button> </td>
function showthis(first){
document.getElementById("displaycell").innerHTML += first;


Delete row using inout field

I am creating table, and want to remove row by id using input field. (if input field matches with id then the row must be deleted)
can not figure it out.
Your help is much appreciated
<body onload="addRow()">
<table id="myTable" style="display:none">
<th class="borderless">ID</th>
<tbody id="myTableBody">
<button type="button" id="buttonShow" onclick="showTable()">Show Table</button>
<button type="button" id="buttonAdd" onclick="addRow()" disabled>Add a new row</button>
<input class="input1" type="text" name="todoTags"/>
<button class="dellbtn" id="buttonDell"onclick="delRow()" disabled>Delete row</button>
function showTable(){
document.getElementById("myTable").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("buttonAdd").disabled = false;
document.getElementById("buttonDell").disabled = false;
const btn = document.querySelector('.dellbtn')
const userTags = []
Here is my: JSfiddle
What you could do is changing the addRow() method so it adds a data-attribute to each row, in the <tr>. You can achieve this goal by adding this when creating the row :
row.setAttribute("row-id", tr.length - 1);
Then, when you want to delete it, you can simply search the
row that has the data-attribute that you just input. And it will look like this :
function delRow() {
const value = document.getElementById("valueToDelete").value;
document.querySelector('[row-id="' + value + '"]').remove();
I created a fork to your JSFiddle that you can check right here.
Hope it helps ! Good luck :)
Not exactly what you're asking, but this method might work better for you. It uses a delete button for each row so you can decide which one to delete. Then it uses a delegate listener to enable the delete buttons
const table = document.querySelector('#theTable tbody');
let c = 1
const addRow = () => {
table.innerHTML += `<tr><td>${c} data</td><td>${c} data</td><td><button class='delete'>delete</button></td></tr>`;
// delegate listener for the delete button
table.addEventListener('click', e => {
if ('delete')) {'tr').remove();
<table id='theTable'>
<td>Col 1</td>
<td>Col 2</td>
<button onclick='addRow()'>Add Row</button>

How do I get and pass the field of the row having class="name" in the following html?

<td class="name" hidden>200398</td>
<td>iPhone X 64Gb Grey</td>
<button onclick="fetchdata(parameter)">Fetch Details</button>
In the above html, I want that the function fetchdata('parameter') to contain the text content of the td which has a class of name and is hidden, as the parameter.
I need a way in which I can get the text content of the td having class of name in my javascript function.
function fetchdata() {
const name = document.somethingThatGivesMeName()
NOTE: There are going to be multiple rows that I may require to get the name of so I can't directly do document.queryselector('.name')
Sorry, This might be pretty simple but I can't quite figure it out.
When clicking the button find the first row up in the tree relative to the button with the closest method. Then from the row select the element with the class name and read the textContent or innerText of that element.
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.js-fetch-details');
function fetchDetails(event) {
const row ='tr');
const name = row.querySelector('.name').textContent;
buttons.forEach(button => button.addEventListener('click', fetchDetails));
<td class="name" hidden>200398</td>
<td>iPhone X 64Gb Grey</td>
<button class="js-fetch-details">Fetch Details</button>
You just need the quotes ':
function fetchdata(value){
<td class="name" hidden>200398</td>
<td>iPhone X 64Gb Grey</td>
<button onclick="fetchdata('parameter')">Fetch Details</button>
or you can use event listener and data value:
document.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('click', e => {
e = e || window.event;
e = || e.srcElement;
<td class="name" hidden>200398</td>
<td>iPhone X 64Gb Grey</td>
<button data-value="parameter">Fetch Details</button>
You can use document.getElementsByClassName('name')
This will get all the elements that have class of name.
I would put the listener on the <tbody> instead.
document.querySelector('tbody').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
// Clicking on the whole row
if ( === 'TR') {
const name ='.name').textContent;
// Clicking on the button
// Give the button a class
if ('.somebuttonclass')) {
const name ='.name').textContent;
closest would also work
document.querySelector('tbody').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
// Clicking on the whole row
if ( === 'TR') {
const name ='.name').textContent;
// Clicking on the button
// Give the button a class
if ('.somebuttonclass')) {
const name ='tr').querySelector('.name').textContent;
First you get all elements with class="name", then you pick just (the first) one with the attribute "hidden".
It's a way to do it anyway.
function fetchdata() {
const tds = document.getElementsByClassName("name")
for(let i = 0; i < tds.length; i++){
if(tds[i].getAttribute("hidden") != null) {
<td class="name">gibberish</td>
<td class="name" hidden>200398</td>
<td>iPhone X 64Gb Grey</td>
<td class="name">1</td>
<button onclick="fetchdata()">Fetch Details</button>
With jQuery you can just do:
function fetchdata() {
<script src=""></script>
<td class="name" hidden>200398</td>
<td>iPhone X 64Gb Grey</td>
<button onclick="fetchdata()">Fetch Details</button>
Note that you need to have a table around your structure for any of this to work properly. You can't have tbody, tr and td outside a table.
If you use document.getElementsByClassName you will get what you want.
However, if there will be a case where more than one instance of that class name will occur, then you need to iterate through the classes and get their values.
The following should solve your problem
function fetchdata(){
var data = document.getElementsByClassName("data");
var t = data.length;
for(i = 0; i< t; i++){
var content = data[i].innerHTML;
alert (content);
<td class="data" hidden>200398</td>
<td>iPhone X 64Gb Grey</td>
<button onclick="fetchdata()">Fetch Details</button>

Trying to alert value of same selector in two iterations, getting correct value in 1st iteration and incorrect one in second. Why?

JSFiddle here.
In the following SSCCE,there are two .inner-table elements. I have used JQuery each() to iterate through them. Then inside each .inner-table, I iterate through each <tr> to find out and alert the value of the <input>.color-name element, by using val() function.
The problem is that in the first iteration, the alert showing value of <input>.color-name shows correct value I entered into the text field, but in the second iteration (i.e. for the second inner-table), the alert seems to show an empty string no matter what I write into the text field.
The question is why? What am I doing wrong?
$(document).on("click", "#button", function(event) {
alert('Button clicked.'); //check
var colorName;
var dataJSON = {};
$(".inner-table").each(function() {
var dataUnit = [];
dataJSON.dataUnit = dataUnit;
var iterationCount = 1;
$(this).find("tbody tr").each(function() {
alert("Iteration " + iterationCount); //check
if ($(this).find("td .color-name").length) {
colorName = $(this).find("td .color-name").val();
alert(colorName); //check
var color = {
"colorName": colorName
console.log("dataJSON > " + JSON.stringify(dataJSON)); //check
.outer-table tr {
margin: 30px;
.inner-table {
border: 2px solid yellow;
background-color: wheat;
<script src=""></script>
<button id="button">
<table class="outer-table">
<td colspan="3">
<table class="inner-table">
<p class="input-label">Name of Color</p>
<input class="input-field color-name" type="text" />
<!-- ------------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- ------------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- ------------------------------------------------- -->
<td colspan="3">
<table class="inner-table">
<p class="input-label">Name of Color</p>
<input class="input-field colorName" type="text" />
you are using a wrong class name in the second td. you are using "colorName" it should be "color-name"
You should read more on the each API here: You should change your callback function to accept parameters including the iteration variable, rather than declaring your own. I think that is start of your solution. In the jsfiddle, the iterator variable never seems to advance in the alerts popped up.

Trying to serialize a form with dynamically created input elements, but values of elements aren't posted

I am dynamically adding elements. However when I try and serialize the form, none of the dynamically generated elements are serialized.
This is the function I'm using to add elements to the page :
function addObjects(IDname,classname)
//to add more objects
var number;
case "name":
number = no_Name++;
case "part":
number = no_part++;
var id = classname + number;
$("#"+IDname).append('<tr class="'+id+'"><td><input id="'+id+'" class="'+id+'" type="text"> <button class="'+id+'" onclick=removeAdditions("'+id+'")>x</button></td></tr>');
The page looks like this:
<script src="Controller.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//in order to prevent form reload when button click occurs
document.getElementById("ReportForm").onsubmit = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }
<div class="detailsPane" id="detailsPane1" >
<form id="ReportForm" name="ReportForm" >
<table style="width: 100%;">
1. Describe the Status briefly-
<textarea id="StatDescp" name="StatDescp"></textarea>
<table style="width: 100%;">
<th colspan="4" align="top">
Part Status
<td style="vertical-align:top;">
Part Name:
<td style="vertical-align:top;">
<table >
<tbody id="PartName">
<tr class="partname0">
<td><input class="part_name" type="text"> <button onclick='addObjects("PartName","part_name");'>+</button></td>
<div id="buttonDiv" >
<a class="bottomLeftResultDiv" id="messageBox"></a>
<input type="button" id="saveButton" value="Save" style="width:85px" onclick="save();" />
And finally here is the save Button.
function save() {
var select = document.getElementById('newReportPane');
var contents = $('#ReportForm').serialize();
contents = contents.replace(/=on/g, "=checked");
contents = contents.replace(/\+/g, " ");
$("#messageBox").html("Saving report...");
$.post("/Report/Report1", { action: "save", content: contents }, function (data) {
if (data != "ACK")
$("#messageBox").html("Unable to save.");
$("#messageBox").html("Report saved successfully");
When I click on the save button, it only posts this StatDescp= without any of the dynamically generated elements.
I really can't figure out why.
Any help would be appreciated.
Give a name= attribute to each of your added inputs.
For a form element's value to be included in the serialized string,
the element must have a name attribute.

how to get values of columns for a selected row through jQuery on click of element calling method to retrieve value

here i am trying to fetch values of a particular column for a selected row via jquery.In Following code i have two rows which do not have any id.I tried following way and getting both rows value for that column appending each to get value for that row only using jquery only.I want to call test function on click of that element, dont want to use
<script src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
function test(){
var id = $(".use-address").closest("tr").find('td:eq(2)').text();
<table id="choose-address-table" class="ui-widget ui-widget-content">
<tr class="ui-widget-header ">
<td class="nr"><span>50</span>
<td>Some Street 1</td>
<td>G0 0XX</td>
<td>United Kingdom</td>
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test();">Use</button>
<td class="nr"><span>30</span>
<td>Some Street 2</td>
<td>G0 0XX</td>
<td>United Kingdom</td>
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test();">Use</button>
Not sure why you don't want to use jQuery Click event!!
Any way, if you want to stick with your test function, you need to tell the function from where it got called.
so change the
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test();">Use</button>
<button type="button" class="use-address" onclick="test(this);">Use</button>
And update your test function as
function test(el) {
var id = $(el).closest("tr").find('td:eq(2)').text();
If you change your mind you can use the following code
jQuery('document').ready(function() {
jQuery('.use-address').on('click',function() {
var id = $(this).closest("tr").find('td:eq(2)').text();
Based on a click of a TD:
$('td').on('click',function() {
//get the column of the TD
var myCol = $(this).index();
//loop through the rows of this table, get the TD in the same column
$(this).parent('table').find('tr').each(function() {
var colValue = $(this).find('td').eq(myIndex).html()
"colValue" in the loop will grab the contents of the TD at that position.

