Navigation close onClick of another list item - javascript

Does anyone know how I can expand on the function at the moment, so that when one navigation is open, when the user clicks to open the other navigation, the navigation which is open presently collapses?
Please find the code below;

What you're currently doing is toggling the display of all elements with the sub class, so clicking on any link will display all of the sub menus. Instead, you want to hide all of the elements with the class sub that aren't a sibling of the link being clicked on, and then toggle only the element with the class sub that is a sibling of the link being clicked on.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.main > li > a').click(function() {
var sibling = $(this).siblings('.sub'); // select the <ul> to exclude
$('.sub').not(sibling).hide(); // hide everything except that element
sibling.toggle(); // toggle that element
Updated jsFiddle

Updated your jsFiddle
$('.main > li > a').click(function(event)
$('.main > li > ul').hide();

Like this?
EDIT: A bit of a cleanup, with single click handler:


I want menu close when click on the link

I want menu close when click on the link or on ul.
I am using this menu.
You can remove the active class whenever an li in the #menu is clicked like that:
$('#menu li').on('click', function() {

How to set active class to multiple tabs in one page onclick?

I have multiple tabs in one page and having trouble in setting up an active class to the selected menu. It's working great if I only have one set of tab. If I click on the first tab menu, the 2nd tab menu will lose its active class. Also the fade in effect is not workin. Please help. thank you. Fiddle here.
$(".tabs a").click(function() {
$(".tabs a").parent().removeClass("active");
Do it like this
$(".tabs a").click(function(e) {
var p = $(this).closest('.tabs');
var i = '#'+$(this).attr('data-tab');
$(p).find('.tabInner div').hide();
Try this to fix the selection of the tabs:
$(".tabs a").click(function () {
jsFiddle example

Javascript and focus on descendant elements

Please, check out the JSFiddle:
$('#contacts .tab-content').focusout(function () {
$('#contacts .active').removeClass('active');
I have a (Bootstrap 3) panel at the bottom of the page which pops up when I click on its label, and goes back down when I click anywhere else outside of it. To do so, I put focus on the panel and remove the .active class when the focus is lost. The problem is that, if I click on any other focusable element inside of the panel (like inputs or buttons), it also loses the focus and triggers the function. How can I include all elements inside the panel and remove the .active class when none of them is focused?
$('#contacts > .nav-tabs a').click(function() {
$('#contacts .tab-content').focus();
if(!$( ".tab-content" ).length && !$( ".nav-tabs a" ).length){
Check this once

jQuery remove class after second click

I have my own drop down navigation working, so when a user clicks on one of the links a page overlay will appear. I just need when they click again the page overlay removes.
Here is my code to add the overlay
$('#nav li a').on('click', function(){
And a working DEMO is here -
I just need help for when a user clicks off the navigation the page overlay class disappear.
Thanks in advanced.
Use toggleClass()
$('#nav li a').on('click', function(){
Note: I don't think there is a need to use .siblings().removeClass('active'), as you are not adding the active class to any other elements

How would I trigger a javascript responsive menu to hide on click?

I'm using the following JS to show and hive a responsive-specific menu. Basically, when an h4 is clicked, a list with my my within #secondary-navigation slides down. I'm using this menu on a page with page anchors, so I'd like the menu to slideUp when one of the menu items is clicked. How would I go about accomplishing this with my code below? Thanks for any help.
(function($) {
$(function() {
var header = $('h4', '#secondary-navigation'); {
if($(this).next().is(':hidden')) {
} else {
</script><!-- end mobile nav -->
Edit: I misread your question at first. You need to add a second function that triggers when one of the menu children is clicked. That's a separate event.
Assuming your menu items are wrapped in a div or ul with an id of #menu:
$('#menu a').click(function() {
Add this as a separate function, outside of the one you posted above.

