How do I validate entry before input value is set? - javascript

I'm having a really strange problem. Here's my current Javascript:
jQuery('.highlightableTDCell input').keydown(function () {
var val = jQuery(this).val();
if (!GridView.prototype.validateStandardCellNumberFormat(val)) {
return false;
else return true;
When I use this, I can still get away with entering an illegal character, but no more than that. I'm really confused because I thought this would happen first.

Inside of the keydown event, the element.value has not yet been updated to account for the key that is currently being pressed. If you want to stop the key from hitting the input box, you need to interrogate the event.which and see if it is a key you want to allow or not.

The event is raised before the new content entered the input (letting you cancel the default behavior.)
You can use something like this, to get the new content:
$('.highlightableTDCell input').keypress(function(e){
var temp = this.value + String.fromCharCode(e.which)
return GridView.prototype.validateStandardCellNumberFormat(temp)
Note that it's not full proof. like when the user entered the new char in the middle of the input.
Validation should be done only on blur. With HTML5 it should be better, but not all browsers support it yet.
Tip: this.value == jQuery(this).val() There is no need to create jQuery object to get the value


How do I detect whether or not an input with type=time has any values entered

I have a javascript script that's supposed to detect whenever an html form input with type="time" has any value entered.
However, whenever I enter a partial value (for instance, type one number, instead of a full time with AM/PM), it doesn't detect the input as having a value.
In the below example, timeSelector is the input with type="time".
if (timeSelector.value == "") {
} else {
Is there any way to detect this type of thing?
To clarify, since apparently I didn't ask my question clearly enough, I need to detect when a time input has something entered, even if that something is an invalid or incomplete input.
Well the problem with html5 inputs is they do not give the text in the input if it is not valid. So you can use checkValidity when the user removes focus from the element.
var checkInput = function() {
var value = this.value
var isValid = this.checkValidity()
if (!this.value.length && isValid) {
} else if (!this.value.length && !isValid) {
console.log('invalid time entered')
} else {
console.log('valid time entered')
var input = document.querySelector("input")
input.addEventListener("input", checkInput)
input.addEventListener("blur", checkInput)
<input type="time" />
Per the specification on Input Elements with type time ( HTML Spec ) :
The value attribute, if specified and not empty, must have a value that is a valid time string.
If the value of the element is not a valid time string, then set it to the empty string instead.
This means that input and change events don't occur until the entire time field has been filled out. Why? Because nothing really has changed.
You may think that you can circumvent this by using keydown or keyup events, but this is simply not the case.
The value is not changed and is therefore inaccessible until a full string that is capable of being parsed as a time is inside the time input box.
By filling in the below example you can see how the events fire. Notice the lack of value until everything is filled in.
let i = document.querySelector("input"),
on = type => i.addEventListener(type, function() { console.log(`${type}, value: ${i.value}`); });
<input type="time">
The only way to possibly get around the lack of a changing value is to set a default value as below:
let i = document.querySelector("input"),
on = type => i.addEventListener(type, function() { console.log(`${type}, value: ${i.value}`); });
<input type="time" value="00:00">
However, with a default value there is a risk that the user will submit a time that isn't something that you'd likely want.
You could write some validation code to take care of this depending on the complexity of your functionality this may be possible.
Overall if this is something you need and the functionality is a bit more complicated than you think you can handle validating yourself, it would be best to either create your own time input interface from other input types, or to use a library or UI kit from a source that has already done the legwork.

How To Check For Empty Fields In HTML Form With JavaScript

I'm checking a website registration form with JavaScript code and onchange listeners.
Empty fields/spaces need to be checked for first before checking for illegal characters, too long strings, etc.
I've read this.
But for a null string,
if (field.value ==="")
alert("Empty field!");
this will not generate the desired alert.
People at the end of the above thread suggested that recent browser versions might not accept such a statement.
So, how do I sort out empty/blank/ignored fields ?
I've already tried
if (!field.value)
but it only provides an alert if the user has already typed some characters in the field and immediately deleted them before entering a blank field. It will not provide an alert just by clicking the mouse on it and then tabbing on to the next field. It looks like I may need to assign a null value to these form fields at the outset . . I am using implicit adding of the changeEvent listener, i.e. on seeing a value explicitly assigned to the onchange attribute of an element, it is activated without any addEventListener(..) statement.
if (field.value.length == 0)
does not seem to produce any alert.
Sorted, I think.
I was using the JavaScript null field check as part of a field-by-field validation check on a web form.
I was using onchange as the event handler. This was wrong. What was needed here was onblur since in the case of a completely null field (i.e. a field on which nothing had been entered before tabbing away from it), no change has been effected -- and therefore no onchange event occurs that would trigger a JavaScript alert.
Thanks for your efforts.
I was stuck on this one across a couple of weeks and only sorted it with the help of some experimental programming by a more experienced guy at work here.
In this script you can see an alert of your variable value ( a console.log would be lees noisy :)
The use of === is for type check but in your example does not make sense as you are using an empty string
var field= {};
field.value = "";
function checkEquality(object){
if (object.value === "")
if(object.value == ""){
You can use bellow code for check all four(4) condition for validation like not null, not blank, not undefined and not zero only use this code (!(!(variable))) in javascript and jquery.
function myFunction() {
var data; //The Values can be like as null, blank, undefined, zero you can test
alert("data "+data);
alert("data is "+data);

get the new added characters to an input by js

I know this seems a quite easy target. I have an input[type=text], and I want to detect the new added character(s) in it. The normal way is:
$selector.keypress(function(e) {
//do sth here
var newchar = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
But the above method not working properly for some browsers on android devices. Typing the android virtual keyboard will not fire the keypress.
Then I found the following method is better:
$selector.on('input', function(e){
//do sth here
It works fine for android devices, and also, it can detect cut/paste.
Now the question is, is there a way to know the new added character(s) to the input? Do I need to do the complicated string comparison during inputing each time, i.e. compare the previous string and the new string in the input box? I said it's complicated because you may not always type in char(s) at the end, you may insert some char(s) in the middle of the previous string. Think about this, the previous string in the input box is "abc", the new string after pasting is "abcxabc", how can we know the new pasted string is "abcx", or "xabc"?
The method from keypress is quite simple:
So, is there similar way to do this by the on('input') method?
After reading Yeldar Kurmangaliyev's answer, I dived into this issue for a while, and find this is really more complicated than my previous expectation. The key point here is that there's a way to get the cursor position by calling: selectionEnd.
As Yeldar Kurmangaliyev mentioned, his answer can't cover the situation:
it is not working is when you select text and paste another text with
replacing the original one.
Based on his answer, I modified the getInputedString function as following:
function getInputedString(prev, curr, selEnd) {
if (selEnd === 0) {
return "";
//note: substr(start,length) and substring(start,end) are different
var preLen = prev.length;
var curLen = curr.length;
var index = (preLen > selEnd) ? selEnd : preLen;
var subStrPrev;
var subStrCurr;
for(i=index; i > 0; i--){
subStrPrev = prev.substr(0, i);
subStrCurr = curr.substr(0, i);
if (subStrCurr === subStrPrev) {
var subInterval = selEnd - i;
var interval = curLen - preLen;
if (interval>subInterval) {
return curr.substring(i, selEnd+(interval-subInterval));
return curr.substring(i, selEnd);
return curr.substring(0, selEnd);
The code is quite self explanation. The core idea is, no matter what character(s) were added(type or paste), the new content MUST be ended at the cursor position.
There's also one issue for my code, e.g. when the prev is abcabc|, you select them all, and paste abc, the return value from my code will be "". Actually, I think it's reasonable, because for my scenario, I think this is just the same with delete the abc from previous abcabc|.
Also, I changed the on('input') event to on('keyup'), the reason is, for some android browsers, the this.selectionEnd will not work in a same way, e.g., the previous text is abc|, now I paste de and the current string will be abcde|, but depending on different browsers, the this.selectionEnd inside on('input') may be 3, or 5. i.e. some browsers will report the cursor position before adding the input, some will report the cursor position after adding the input.
Eventually, I found on('keyup') worked in the same way for all the browsers I tested.
The whole demo is as following:
Working on the cross-browser compatibility is always difficult, especially when you need to consider the touch screen ones. Hope this can help someone, and have fun.
Important notes:
when a user types in a character, the cursor stands after it
when a user pastes the text, the cursor is also located after the pasted text
Assuming this, we can try to suggest the inputed \ pasted string.
For example, when we have a string abc and it becomes abcx|abc (| is a cursor) - we know that actually he pasted "abcx", but not "xabc".
How do this algorithmically? Lets assume that we have the previous input abc and the current input: abcx|abc (cursor is after x).
The new one is of length 7, while the previous one is of length 4. It means that a user inputed 4 characters. Just return these four characters :)
The only case when it is not working is when you select text and paste another text with replacing the original one. I am sure you will come up with a solution for it yoruself :)
Here is the working snippet:
function getInputedString(prev, curr, selEnd) {
if (prev.length > curr.length) {
console.log("User has removed \ cut character(s)");
return "";
var lengthOfPasted = curr.length - prev.length;
if (curr.substr(0, selEnd - lengthOfPasted) + curr.substr(selEnd) === prev)
return curr.substr(selEnd - lengthOfPasted, lengthOfPasted);
} else {
console.log("The user has replaced a selection :(");
return "n\\a";
var prevText = "";
$("input").on('input', function() {
var lastInput = getInputedString(prevText, this.value, this.selectionEnd);
prevText = this.value;
$("#result").text("Last input: " + lastInput);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" />
<div id="result">Start inputing...</div>

onkeyup() event - possible to detect if key press was ignored because a field was at it's maxlength?

I have a form field for entering a user id. The user id is always 6 characters so the field is limited to a maxlength of 6 characters.
The field has an onkeyup() event to call a function that looks up the user id and fills in several other form fields if the user id is valid. Most people I know have used onblur() for something like this but I never liked how a user has to tab to or click on another field before the autofilling AJAX goes off.
The function right now will return w/o doing anything if the field length is < 6 characters or if the key that was pressed is a left or right cursor field.
There's one flaw left I haven't been able to think around. Since the field is limited to 6 characters, if 6 characters are already entered and another key is pressed, the value of the field will not change but the function will fire and validate the field (un-necessary validation/db-query).
Is there anyway to prevent the function from going off in this case? I'm thinking it's not possible but wanted to check. I had a thought if the field length was 6 I could check the last key pressed against the 6th character of the field, but if someone typed something like 'a' as the 6th character and then 'a' again, it wouldn't work. I guess that could eliminate all possibilities except for the one case though one case (not perfect but better).
(rails) <%= f.text_field :uid, :size => 10, :maxlength => 6, :class => 'validate_text', :onkeyup => uid_lookup (event)', :autocomplete => :off %>
<script type="text/javascript">
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
<script type="text/javascript">
uid_lookup = function(e){
var unicode=e.keyCode? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
if (unicode == 37 || unicode == 39) { // ignore a left or right arrow press
var uid= $('uid').value;
uid = uid.trim();
$('uid).value = uid; //uid's have no spaces, go ahead and remove if typed
if (uid.length != 6) {
// db lookup & form autofill
The solution is not to use onkeyup. The correct event to use is HTML5's oninput, which is supported by almost every major browser out there. The one browser lacking support is—of course—Internet Explorer 8, but we can emulate the event using IE's proprietary onpropertychange event which will fire whenever an input element's value property changes.
I'm not familiar with rails, but the best way to apply the event is using JavaScript so that you can gracefully degrade if oninput isn't supported:
var el = document.getElementById("myEl");
// Check support
if ("onpropertychange" in el && !("oninput" in el)) {
el.onpropertychange = function () {
if (event.propertyName == "value"), event);
el.oninput = uuid_lookup;
The other great thing about this event is that it only fires when the value changes - much like onchange but more real-time. This means you can do away with your key detection for left and right arrows in the uuid_lookup function.
Can you not use another variable to store the previous value of the field the last time the validation function was fired? Then you can simply return if uid.value = lastValue.
Not perfect, but it would save some processing.

How to loop through elements and call onblur handler for certain elements

I have a case where I have a bunch of text boxes and radio buttons on a screen all built dynamically with various DIVs. There are onblur routines for all of the text boxes to validate entry, but depending on the radio button selection, the text box entry could be invalid when it was valid originally. I can't use onblur with the radio buttons because they could go from the radio button into one of the text boxes that was made invalid and create an infinite loop since I'm putting focus into the invalid element. Since each text box has its own special parameters for the onblur calls, I figure the best way to do this is to call the onblur event for the textboxes when the form gets submitted to make sure all entry is still valid with the radio button configuration they have selected. I also need it to stop submitting if one of the onblur events returns false so they can correct the textbox that is wrong. This is what I've written:
for (var intElement = 0; intElement < document.forms[0].elements.length; intElement = intElement + 1)
if (document.forms[0].elements[intElement].name.substr(3) == "FactorAmount") // The first 3 characters of the name are a unique identifier for each field
if (document.forms[0].elements[intElement].onblur())
return false;
return true;
I originally had (!document.forms[0].elements[intElement].onblur()) but the alert messages from the onblur events weren't popping up when I had that. Now the alert messages are popping up, but it's still continuing to loop through elements if it hits an error. I've stepped through this with a debugger both ways, and it appears to be looping just fine, but it's either 1) not stopping and returning false when I need it to or 2) not executing my alert messages to tell the user what the error was. Can someone possibly help? It's probably something stupid I'm doing.
The onblur method that is getting called looks like this:
function f_VerifyRange(tagFactor, reaMin, reaMax, intPrecision, sLOB, sIL, sFactorCode)
var tagCreditOrDebit;
var tagIsTotal;
var tagPercentageOrDecimal;
eval("tagCreditOrDebit = document.forms[0]." +,3) + "CreditOrDebitC");
eval("tagIsTotal = document.forms[0]." +,3) + "IsTotal");
eval("tagPercentageOrDecimal = document.forms[0]." +,3) + "PercentageOrDecimal");
if (tagPercentageOrDecimal.value == "P")
reaMax = Math.round((reaMax - 1) * 100);
reaMin = Math.round((1 - reaMin) * 100);
if (parseFloat(tagFactor.value) == 0)
alert("Please enter a value other than 0 or leave this field blank.");
return false;
if (tagIsTotal.value == "True")
if (tagCreditOrDebit.checked)
if (parseFloat(tagFactor.value) > reaMin)
alert("Please enter a value less than or equal to " + reaMin + "% for a credit or " + reaMax + "% for a debit.");
return false;
if (parseFloat(tagFactor.value) > reaMax)
alert("Please enter a value less than or equal to " + reaMin + "% for a credit or " + reaMax + "% for a debit.");
return false;
return true;
EDIT: I think I've figured out why this isn't working as expected, but I still don't know how I can accomplish what I need to. The line below:
if (!document.forms[0].elements[intElement].onblur())
if (document.forms[0].elements[intElement].onblur())
is not returning what the single onblur function (f_VerifyRange) is returning. Instead it is always returning either true or false no matter what. In the first case, it returns true and then quits and aborts the submit after the first textbox even though there was no error with the first textbox. In the second case, it returns false and runs through all the boxes. Even though there might have been errors (which it displays), it doesn't think there are any errors, so it continues on with the submit. I guess what I really need is how to get the return value from f_VerifyRange which is my onblur function.
This question is a bit too involved for me at this time of the night, but I will give you this bit of advice:
eval("tagCreditOrDebit = document.forms[0]." +,3) + "CreditOrDebitC");
This can be written in a MUCH better way:
tagCreditOrDebit = document.forms[0][,3) + "CreditOrDebitC"];
In javascript, anywhere where you can use dotted syntax, you can use square brackets.
var b = 'body';
Also, think about giving your forms some sort of identifier. I have no clue at all why document.forms[0] was the standard way to address a form for so long... if you decide to place another form on the page before this one, then everything will break!
Other ways to do it include:
<form name="myFormName">
// Javascript
var f = document.myFormName;
<form id="myFormId">
var f = document.getElementById("myFormId")
You´re not getting any success with if (!...onblur()) because the return of onblur() is always undefined when used directly. OnBlur() is a Event Handler Function. Like you descovered, you have to create a workaround.
I ended up solving this with a global variable. I originally set a value g_bHardEditsPassed to true assuming we will have no errors. Then in f_VerifyRange, everytime I return a value, I put a line before it to set the g_bHardEditsPassed variable to match. Then I modified the loop to look like this...
g_bHardEditsPassed = true;
for (var intElement = 0; intElement < document.forms[0].elements.length; intElement = intElement + 1)
if (document.forms[0].elements[intElement].name.substr(3) == "FactorAmount")
if (!g_bHardEditsPassed)
g_bHardEditsPassed = true;
return false;
return true;
Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I'm sure that the jQuery thing especially will be worth looking into for the future.
First, for the love of god and all that is holy, stop writing native javascript and help yourself to some of that jQuery :)
Second, start using a validation framework. For jQuery, jQuery Validate usually works really well. It supports things like dependencies between different fields, etc. And you can also quite easily add new rules, like valid ISBN numbers, etc.
Edit: As for your code, I'm not sure that you can use onunload for this, as at that point there's no way back, you can't abort at that point. You should put this code on the onsubmit event instead.

