Internet explorer intercepts XML response - javascript

I have a form whose target is an iframe.
When submitting the form, the response is XML and I have Javascript that analyzes the response.
I noticed that when running on IE, IE intercepts the response and treats it as an RSS feed, so my code never receives the response. If I disable the RSS feeds (from the internet option, content tab) everything works ok.
I set the content type of the response to “text/xml; charset=UTF-8” but still it does not work.
Is there any workaround?

The best workaround would be not to use an iframe in this case. It sounds like IE is catching the http response and reading it on its own. Is there a reason you're not making an AJAX call to retrieve the information? It sounds like you're relying on JavaScript to handle the response anyway, so I would think that using an XMLHttpRequest object would be better for you:
If that's too complicated, look into a library like jQuery: that has built in (and much simpler) functions to make AJAX calls and handle responses.
To expand on this, you would bind the submit function of the form to a JS function (or use jQuery to do it) and pick up the form data, send it in an AJAX request, and handle the response. jQuery has a built in function serialize() which is meant to convert form data on a page into information ready for use in the ajax() function to send to the server. If you're unfamiliar with the XMLHttpRequest object, I would highly suggest using a library like jQuery for this task.

OK, found the problem…
My response XML contains FEEDBACK tags.
IE treat these tags as RSS feeds. Changing the tag name to FDBACK resolve this issue…
MS, why this is not documented???

Yes, also make sure the file is output with the correct Content-Disposition using headers, do that IE gets "response.xml" and not "response.php" or some such...
'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="response.xml"'


can AJAX do anything else than load a JSON file?

I'm want to (or think I need to) use AJAX to accomplish what I intend.
When clicking on a specific link in a list of links, I want to fill the HTML markup below with content of specific subpages. The data is naturally somewhere in the database and actually easily accessible with the CMS's API (I'm using Processwire).
I'm quite new to coding and especially AJAX and all documentation I find online only mention it in combination with a JSON file that would be loaded via AJAX.
However, I don't have a JSON file on the server, that means, according to my understanding, I would need to
store the data I need in a multidimensional php array,
use json_decode to create and then save that JSON-file on the server,
load that file via AJAX and process through more JS.
Let alone keep that JSON-file updated (or create a new one and delete the old one?) since new content will arrive periodically. It seems unnecessarily complicated to me, but what do I know.
There's got to be a better way…
Any help is appreciated.
AJAX is simply a way to make a request to the web server for information.
When you make an AJAX request you ask for a response from a file on a server. So, you can send an AJAX request to a PHP script for-instance.
The PHP script could return anything, JSON is common and very widely used response format, but XML might be another one you've encountered.
So, your request for information is made using AJAX, and the response you get back is JSON.
You don't need to store a JSON file on your server. You just need to make an AJAX request that returns current data in JSON format.
AJAX allows you to do asynchronous HTTP requests.
You can of course ask for a json file, but you can also (for example) call an API.
I suggest you start by reading the the getting started guide for AJAX in MDN:

jquery load vs ajax for form post submission

If all I want to do is submit a form to a PHP processor with POST data and get the result, is there any reason to use the ajax method over the jQuery load method?
Using Ajax requires a bunch of code versus something very simple on one line in jQuery like this:
$("#myDIV").load("myProcessor.php", {field1: target.value});
Hmmm, maybe this only works well with one field? Sorry, just getting back into JS.
$(element).load(...) will automatically insert the server response into the selected element as html (jQuery documentation for .load()). This might result in your server exposing information about the request directly to the user, which is probably not what you're looking to do.
$.ajax() also allows very fine control over what happens during the request. You can accurately intercept exceptions and produce a callback when the request finishes succesfully. These are all reasons to use $.ajax() over $(element).load(...). However, if your only concern is sending the data in the POST header and working with the response, then using $.post with a callback function will probably be the simplest approach.
The .load method is is roughly equivalent to $.get(url, data,
success) (src).
The .get method is a shorthand Ajax
function (src).
For a simple ajax call, .load is appropriate. Use .ajax if you want to deal with specials parameters.
PS: If you don't want a fat framework like jQuery, look here :
From jQuery website about load
This method is the simplest way to fetch data from the server. It is
roughly equivalent to $.get(url, data, success) except that it is a
method rather than global function and it has an implicit callback
function. When a successful response is detected (i.e. when textStatus
is "success" or "notmodified"), .load() sets the HTML contents of the
matched element to the returned data.
you can read difference between load ajax on StackOverflow.
But, load is not for submitting a form using post method. Both POST and GET are different methods and works differently, data submitted using GET method will be available in the $_GET array but not in the $_POST.

what's the diffrence between $.ajax / $.get / $.POST / .load()?

I'm trying to understand AJAX and JSON and I'm not sure I get it, there are methods and functions that are doing the same stuff...
You've got $.getJSON to retrieve JSON format data from server, and you have $.ajax + $.post + $.get + load() to send data data to the server?
Can I use all of those methods to send JSON data?
Really I'm confused! Help me figure this out.
All those are just shorthands for calling the $.ajax function.
load is for retrieving HTML and writing it to the DOM in one go. You want to load JSON.
get and getJSON use GET requests which are not well-suited for sending JSON data.
post does a POST request, but doesn't allow you to choose the contentType of the sent data
For sending JSON you should use the $.ajax function with its many options, see Send JSON data with jQuery.
An AJAX request is, at heart, an HTTP request. This is the same protocol which is used for all content on the Web (arguably, if it's not HTTP, it's not the Web) - loading a page, the images on the page, the CSS and JS includes, a submitted form, etc, etc.
As such, it inherits pretty much all of the flexibility of HTTP, meaning a generic function like jQuery.ajax ends up quite complex, with lots of options you don't normally need to worry about. This leads to the Shorthand Methods you mentioned, which bundle up common sets of options and functionality.
Among the things you might want to vary:
The "method" of the request: GET or POST (or less common ones like HEAD, PUT, DELETE...). A GET request is the simplest: request this URL, give me its contents; parameters to a GET request are shoved onto the "query string" of the URL. A POST request is how larger forms would be submitted on a normal page: the parameters are passed as a body of data separate from the URL and control headers; for an AJAX request this is often helpful to send a block of XML or JSON to a URL. This is a very broad overview, and there are many more distinctions in behaviour and meaning between the two.
The "content type" you want in the response (and, for a POST request, of the data you're sending). Not only does this tell both the server and the browser what data it is handling, ensuring it will pass it successfully, it can give jQuery (or whatever library) a hint of what to do next: if a call returns XML, you'll probably want to manipulate it as a DOM straight away; if it's JSON, you'll want to parse it as a JS object.
What you want to do once the data comes back. I've already mentioned parsing JSON or XML, but what if your response is actually a block of HTML that you want to inject straight into the parent page? Obviously you could do that yourself in the callback function, but again jQuery includes a shorthand form in the shape of .load().
All of the above are possible with jQuery.ajax, but you'd have to remember the parameters, even though you're falling into the same cases again and again, so chances are most of the time you'll be using whichever of the shorthands suits your needs at that moment.

Javascript Widget JSONP

I am looking to create a widget similar to the one created by Get Satisfaction ( You can see their widget by clicking on 'Feedback' on the left side of the page.
We would like the user to be setup by copying a bit of JS to their webpage and nothing else.
In its simplest use, a user would open the widget and enter data. This data would be sent to our server (cross domain) for processing and a response sent back to the user.
Can anyone shed some light on how this can be done?
I've read that I can send a JSONP request using jQuery and handle a response callback- can this be encapsulated with injected javascript?
All help greatly welcome.
You are correct, JSONP is the correct method for this and should work for your situation. JSONP is basically injecting a <script> tag to simulate a GET response, the contents of the script is a callback method with the JSON object inside it. Hense the name, JSON + Padding.
Note: JSONP does obviously not support POST callbacks or custom headers, as it is just a <script> tag that gets injected and removed when ready.

Javascript jquery to contact an API

I'm trying to connect to a webapi at a location that looks like this from inside my js jquery file.
Is there a simpler way to do it than an ajax call?
I would use AJAX for this, but I guess you could open a hidden IFRAME with the URL set to the page you want to connect to (not sure why you would do this though!).
Maybe use a JavaScript library like JQuery to make life easier?
If the data you're trying to access is returned as JSON then you can get around the browser security problems.
Here is a JQuery example where a request is made to from
You may be run into cross domain issues if you do it with an ajax call.
Call the web-api from serverside, it would be the most appropriate way.

