How to create tabs using jquery mobile? - javascript

I have a Flot graph which i need to keep in one of the tabs.
Here is the Flot Graph jsfiddle code
How to create tabs and place this graph in one of it using jquery mobile?

Probably everything you need to know is here.
Essentially, just use jQueryMobile pages and attach an event to the pageshow for the page with teh graph in it, and have that plot your graph.

Have a look at jQueryMobile Splitview plugin.
Or maybe jQueryMobile native navbars?


Draggable Highcharts SVG Element

The demo here:
Is it possible to drag those labels around with the library? Or do we need jQuery UI?
Edit: I've tried to manipulate the SVG elements with jQuery UI draggable but it didn't not work
I'm interested to know, for those who have used this library, can I drag labels in this demo using the library?
It is stated in the download section that you can use the library with or without jQuery. Your answer was one click away...

creating custom interactive map using jquery and html5

I want to create a custom interactive map which will be similar to this one:
the example is developed using flash, and I want to make somthing similar to it using jquery and html5 if possible, the main requirements are: zooming, plotting on the map,
thank you in advance for any recommendations
I see two possibilities:
1- Do a image map and use a image point plugin like This with a tooltip plugin, if you need.
2- See this Question and do with css and use tool tip plugin.
For zoom, you can easy use a Jquery plugin
There are similar jQuery plugins too. For example:

Semantic zoom in browser HTML5 (NOT win.js)

I am building a web SPA and I'd love to use semantic zoom. I rather not bother implementing it, so I was wondering if such a library has already been built (SO and googled showed only results concerning Win.Js).
I found the following jQuery plugin library. while it is not in itself a semantic zoom library it can Aid you in creating semantic zoom.
When you zoom on an element it adds the class selectedZoomTarget you could use this in css to show/toggle more data inside your target.
The page doesn't show examples of nested zoom targets but you might be able to do it using jQuery click events.

Custom Scrollbars in ExtJS

I've been looking into implementing custom scrollbars into ExtJS. I've tried the ExtJS Scrollpane port found here:, as well as trying to use jQuery along with ExtJS like shown here: Changing scroll-bars in ExtJs.
I haven't been able to get it working though and was wondering if there is anyone has experience getting custom scrollbars into Ext JS that can lead me in the right direction.
You shouldn't apply the
$(function(){ $('.x-grid-view').jScrollPane(); });
in the render or afterrender listeners. At that point the store of the grid has not loaded yet. You have to put this code where the store has already loaded the data.
The reason why in firebug you could make it work is because at the time the store is already loaded.
Btw, I got this working in Extjs 4.2.
Here's an example of someone who got iScroll integrated with ExtJS. It includes code samples and a working demo.
you can try FleXcroll or jsscroll bar work well with Ext js

highchart inside facebox does not show up values

I am using highchart inside facebox to draw a chart. I can see the x-axis, y-axis, but not the values.. If I select the entire chart by dragging mouse, I can see the values. Which means that for some reason the chart is not being drawn. What could be the problem ?
Also I have a facebook login inside facebox, I can see the login button, but it does not work. Whereas similar login button on the main page works fine.
I tried my highchart code in jsfiddle, it works fine.
Here is how am I using facebox,
jQuery.facebox({ div: '#statLeftRightId' });
I had a similar problem with HighCharts 2.2.1 and jQuery 1.7.1. I found that using jQuery 1.6.1 drew the charts.
As the answer to this thread indicates, there are some problems with jQuery 1.7.1. So I doubt this is a facebox problem.

