Is there a way to send variables to javascript files? - javascript

is it possible to do something like this
to send the value id=3 to the js file
<script src="" ....
otherwise what's the approach to do that?

No, that won't work.
Just set the variables before you load the file:
<script>var id = 3;</script>
<script src="" ....
Since all the scripts share a global namespace, you'll be able to access the id variable from inside your loader.js file.
Of course you should think about the style and implications of using global vars to achieve that. Using a global object that hold these config variables might be a cleaner approach.

If that is just a javascript file, you can just define the variable before load it.
var id = 3;
<script src="" ....

It would work, but not if your .js URL is just for a static file. If you wrote server-side code that output JavaScript, then you could output custom JavaScript based on the query string.
This is probably overkill for what you're trying to achieve.

k so this question has pretty much been answered. But there is another approach, which may or may not be suitable for you. If you want to render script conditionally or fetch a certain script for a certain id. You can declare it in a serverside script
In the loader.js.php
Just use the following line in the beginning
header("Content-type: text/javascript");//To declare it is a javascript file
//Normal js continues after this
//When you need to use the variable, just use
var id=<?=$id?>


How to access a variable among multiple javascript files

Currently i have 2 html pages and 2 java script pages,say
where can i declare a variable so that the variable can be accessible between both of java script and html files
i want to initialize a value to that variable in first java script file and access that value in the second java script file
if you want to access variable values across two html files even after the page loads you can use localStorage in js.
say if you want to set a value for a variable localStorage.setItem("newvariable", 'variablevalue'); and for getting value use this var getValue = localStorage.getItem("newvariable");
for your base question refer those js files one by one
<script src="j1.js"></script>
<script src="j2.js"></script>
you can declare the variable in any javascript file, and just include the file next to the other javascript file forexample.
// for example if you have file1.js like this.
var myvalue = 25;
You can then save this file and include it in your main or other html files for example at the bottom of your html document.
<body> </body>
<script src='file1.js'></script> // put the javascript file with your variable declaration on top of the other file you want to access the value from.
<script src='file2.js'></script>
after the above you can then just print the variable in 'file2.js' like this.
// inside file2.js
console.log(myvalue) // which was declared in the 'file1.js'
hope this helps.
You can bring your javascripts in to the <head> of your html then you can refer to the javascript as a function passing values as a parameter and returning data as well.
PS Don't forget to declare the javascript on your form.

Use TAL:defined variable in javascript

I'm creating a page template for a plone-based website. I've defined some variables using the template attribute language:
<tal:macro metal:define-macro="sample" tal:define="var python: here.getThisVar();">
Now I would like to use var in an extern javascript file, that I call by clicking a button inside my template. How can I transfer my variable, that I can work with it in my javascript file?
In your template define a javascript variable by writing it out using TAL like this:
<script type="text/javascript" tal:content="string:var MY_VAR=${view/myVar};"></script>
Now MY_VAR should be available in scope of your external js as long as you call it after the line above...
Another way: inject your variable into HTML using an HTML 5 data attribute::
<div id="myVar" tal:attributes="data-myVar python:here.getThisVar();">
Then read it using JAvaScript/jQuery::
There are a variety of ways to do it. All involve constructing Javascript code as if it's text, then returning the result for insertion into a page or rendering as a JS resource in the javascript registry.
If you'd like a robust example that includes provisions for message translatability and works with the JS resource registry, see the way Plone itself does it:

Give preference to JS file function over HTML file

I have two functions of the same name; let's say foo().
One in the HTML file and one in the JS file, which is included in the HTML file. The problem is I want to give preference to the JS file function rather than the HTML file function.
Is there any way to do that, or is there any syntax in JavaScript like [JSFileName].foo(), that may perhaps call the function in the JS file?
Not sure why you want to have two identically-named functions.
The snarky answer is: Just remove the reference to the function you don't want. (If you have control over your html, such a situation shouldn't exist.)
The answer you're looking for: Place the external script tag after the inline script tag.
Make sure the script tag for the js file is after the HTML script tag in which foo is declared.
It's not clear from your question why you have two functions named foo, but based on your [JSFileName].foo() attempt at a solution, I might suggest using objects as namespaces. In your script you could do:
var myScriptFunctions = {
foo: function() {
// do foo stuff
You can call it with and you won't have two functions competing for the global name foo.

How to split JavaScript code into multiple files and use them without including them via script tag in HTML?

I am making use of constructors (classes) extensively and would like each constructor to be in a separate file (something like Java). Suppose I have constructors say Class1, Class2, ... Class10 and I only want to use Class1 and Class5 I need to use script tags to include Class1.js and Class2.js into the HTML page. Later if I also need to use Class3 and Class6 I again need to go to the HTML page and add script tags for them. Maintenance with this approach is too poor.
Is there something in JavaScript similar to include directive of C? If not, is there a way to emulate this behavior?
You can use jQuery.getScript:
Or any of the many javascript loaders like YUI, JSLoader, etc. See comparison here:
You can use something like this:
jsimport = function(url) {
var _head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var _script = document.createElement('script');
_script.type = 'text/javascript';
_script.src = url;
then use it in your code like:
Be careful to use this when the head is already in the DOM, else it won't work.
Yes: You can create script tags from JavaScript and load required classes on demand.
See here for a couple of solutions:
With careful use of id attributes or a global variable that contains "already loaded" scripts, it should be possible to develop a dependency resolution framework for JavaScript like Maven or OSGi for Java.
When we are talking about JavaScript, I feel it is better to include one file that includes everything you need instead of requesting a new file every time you need something that you don't currently have access to.
Each time you send out for another file, the browser will do many things. It checks if the requested file can in fact be found by sending an HTTPRequest, and if the browser has already seen this, is it cached and unchanged?
What you are wanting to do is not in the spirit of JavaScript. Doing what you are explaining will produce addition load times, and you wouldn't be able to do anything until the file has completely loaded, which creates wait times.
It would be better to use one file for this, include at the inner end of the </body tag (which won't cause the browser to wait until the script is done to load the page), then create one simple function that will execute when the page is completely loaded.
For example:
<!-- HTML code here... -->
<script src="javascript.js"></script>
(function r(f) {
/in/.test(document.readyState) ? setTimeout('r(' + f + ')', 9) : f()
})(function() {
// When the page has completey loaded
alert("DOM has loaded and is ready!");
you can include one js file into another js file by doing something like this in the begginig of your js file:
document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='another.js'></script>");
The best approach in your situation is using of compiler of some kind. The greatest one is Google Closure Compiler. This is part of Google Closure Libraty which has structure similar to what you described.

Best Practice for Storing JSON Data That Will Be Passed to jQuery Plugin

I'm looking for the "best practice" as to where the JSON should be stored if it's just a string array. Should it be stored in a variable in a script block in the HTML page? Should it be stored in a JavaScript file outside of the HTML for separation? Or should it be stored in the plugin itself?
If it should be an external js file, what's the "best practice" naming scheme for the file? I know the accepted jQuery plugin name is jquery.plugin.js or jquery.plugin-min.js (for the minified file).
Depends, if you need the JSON right away you can store it anywhere to get it executed:
<script> var myJsonObj = { ... }; </script>
If it's a lot of Data and you don't need the data right away, you can always make an ajax call to a file named something like "data.json".
For naming the plugin name, well it's really up to you, but yeah I believe jquery.pluginname.js is the standard way of doing it.
I'll second sktrdie to add the extension .json for a file like this. A gotcha that I ran across when first playing with JSON is that a JSON string is not a valid JavaScript File.
For example, If I call a file with this content:
'foos': 'whatever',
'bar': false,
'items': [1,2,3]
as the src of a <script> tag, I get this error:
Error: invalid label
Line: 2, Column: 1
Source Code:
'foos': 'whatever',
In the past I've actually hidden JSON strings in <divs> or spans like this:
<div id="jsonStorage" style="display:none">
{'foos': 'whatever','bar': false,'items': [1,2,3]}
I've also used hidden form fields for this.
If it's part of the plugin, i.e. default config, I'd store it in the plugin file itself. If it's an external config for the plugin, then it depends. It might make sense to store it in a variable in the HTML, i.e.
var myConfig = {
"foo" : "bar"
This could especially be the case if you need any of the JSON to be generated by your back-end code.
Really, the answer is "it depends" -- can you give more details?

