load page and execute javascript in a url - javascript

Hello wonderful stackoverflow users.
I have a question about url loading.
In many browsers and web viewers, there is the functionality to load a url to a website, but also a url to execute javascript.
Load a website: http://www.google.com
Load a script: javascript:alert("Hello!");
My question is, is there a way to load an http request as well as a javascript.
The answer is most likely no, but I want to confirm because I can't find any resources that describe this.
I was thinking it would be something like:
but the problem is, of course, this is not correct.
The reason why I am doing this is to provide a url that once it is clicked, it will also execute a certain javascript function. This will be in Android.
I appreciate any response, and understand that the answer may be no.

It all depends on whether you have control of the page being linked to. If you cannot modify the source of the linked page, then the answer is quite simply, no.
But, if it is your page, you can pass arguments in the hash, and then read the hash when the page loads and execute script accordingly.
window.onload = function () {
if (location.hash.indexOf("doSomething") > -1) {
// do something

You can execute javascript when a page loads using Browser plugins, such as GreaseMonkey for Firefox, or TamperMonkey for Chrome.


Alert box after redirect

so i know this may sound stupid, but I want to know if there is any way that i could redirect someone to a website, and then display an alert box on the web page, using either javascript or any other interface that can be weaved into HTML5. I asked some of my classmates, and they didn't know, so I just need a confirmation that this isn't possible.
I have ran a few trials i found, but on further review, they wouldn't work.
edit I have control over the site, but I wish for the box to only pop up if i redirect it.
I can give the code if it would help, but I'm doubtful it will help
sorry for wasting your time if i did. thanks.
Similar to Gerard's answer, but using query strings. A possibly more standard solution.
On the first page:
window.location = 'https://{your website here}/?showAlert=true';
Then on the 2nd page.
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const showAlert = urlParams.get('showAlert');
if(showAlert === "true") {
Note this will not work in internet explorer
You could communicate to the new site that it's a redirect by appending the route:
On the site you want to redirect from:
// if you can't use a normal link, change the url with JS
window.location = 'https://{your website here}/#redirect';
On the site you want to show the alert:
if (window.location.pathname.includes('#redirect') alert('What you want to say');
If you only have control over the first site, you could alert before redirecting, there wouldn't be much difference to the user since the alert blocks execution of other code.
You can call an alert box in a HTML document with JavaScript like this:
window.onload = function () {
alert("Hello World!");
-> https://jsfiddle.net/u8x6s31v/
You can also redirect somebody, if the page he's visiting is yours. Is that what you mean?
I think you can't see the URL where someone comes from with JavaScript. The only way to trigger scripts for some people is to add a hash.
window.onload = function () {
hashUrl = window.location.hash;
if (hashUrl == "#alert") {
alert("Hello World!");
Then call for example: domain.tld/path/index.html#alert
-> https://jsfiddle.net/u8x6s31v/1/
This is a vague questions with a lot of possible answers but seeing as how you're new, I'm going to speculate on what you might be asking and try to answer it.
It's not clear what you mean by "redirect".
Is this a server-side redirect like when you move/change a URL and you redirect the old URL to a new URL? Is this a Javascript meta refresh that you put in a 404 template? Is this a redirect that occurs after a user takes an action?
Regardless, you're going to have to "annotate" that user and then take action upon that annotation. The most obvious method would be based on the "referrer" HTTP header but it is also possible to do it based on the presence of a cookie.
Additionally, adding URL parameters to a redirect is trivially easy and often used for stuff like this.
The immediate things that come to my mind would be via Google Analytics (preferably implemented via Google Tag Manager because it'll make it easier).
Look into "outbound link tracking", "cross-domain tracking" and "UTM campaign tracking" (all related to Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager) and you'll probably find something that suits your needs.
URL shorteners are commonly used to mask parameters in links and there are open source libraries that allow you to host your own URL shortener (which you could integrate into your redirects) or do some other type of link tracking like is often used for affiliates.

stop the web page from loading programmatically

I want to create an extension to firefox using addon builder that
stops users from visiting a malicious website; When I see a URL that is
suspicious, I stop the page from loading and ask the user if he really
wants to visit the site. How could I implement that? I am expecting the functionality programmatically, so that I can make an extension.
There is an event called beforescriptexecute supported my mozilla ..... Have a look , I think it will work the job for you. But what you desire can be done something like this:
var r=confirm("Are you sure you want to visit this site ?");
if (r==false) { window.stop(); }
You are creating a FF extension right? Why not use greasemonkey or so? You can execute a script BEFORE the page loads(on greasemonkey). when that script is called, you can potentially stop the pageload and throw an error message.

How to manipulate Javascript websites in Perl

I have been asked to automate the logging into a webapp(what I assume to be one, that runs a lot of .aspx and .js scripts) that, currently, can only run in IE. Now i am programming in Perl and have tried to use Win32::IE::Mechanize to run the IE browser and log in. What i did was try an extract all the forms from the webapp, and given the users information, fill out the required forms, but this is where the problem arises, when I try and run the subroutine no forms appear......
So then I transitioned into WWW::Mechanize and used the post subroutine(from LWP::UserAgent) which solved the problem for the most part. Now i've run into a problem in the response, from the server, I get this script as the content of the response and I don't know what to do with it.
So my question is: Using Perl how can I go about to manipulate a Javascript functions in a website? Would that even be a valid solution to the problem?
I am open to writing this in other programming languages as well. Thanks in advance for the help!
(So that I can fully log in to the webapp)
Update: The content of the response:
var msgTimerID;
var strForceLogOff = "false";
function WindowOnLoad(){
if ("false" == "true" && "false" == "false")
if ("false"=="true")
msgTimerID = window.setInterval("MerlinSystemMsg(10095,64)", 300000,'javascript');
function MyShowModal(){
showModalDialog("", window, strFeatures);}
function clearMsgInterval(){
function WindowOnUnLoad(){
if(top.frames(0).document.getElementById("OPMODE").value =="LOGOFF"){
strFeatures = "width=1,height=1,left=1000,top=1000,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,resizable=1";
window.onbeforeunload = WindowOnUnLoad;
window.onload = WindowOnLoad;
There is also this Frame Title that has the src:
FRAME TITLE="Service Desk Express Navigator" SRC="options_nailogo.aspx" MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 NORESIZE scrolling=no
Trying to emulate the browser with a fully functioning JS engine is going to be a mighty big task. Instead, I'd suggest that you just try to emulate the actual interaction with the web site and not care what HTML/JS is actually sent back. Your server side code doesn't care how the HTTP submissions take place, only that they do. Admittedly this is more fragile if the forms change a lot, but at least you're not trying to implement a full browser.
So look at modules like LWP::UserAgent, HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response.
I'm copying and pasting my answer to your other duplicate question here
(You should consider deleting one of these?)
That content is the website source :)
How WWW::Mechanize deals with FRAME SRC as a link:
Note that <FRAME SRC="..."> tags are parsed out of the the HTML and
treated as links so this method works with them.
You'll want to use follow_link on that link.
As far as dealing with Javascript, there is support for a Firefox Add-on called MozRepl that you can use in conjunction with WWW::Mechanize::Firefox that I have used in the past to call Javascript code while crawling a page.

How can I write something in browser's address bar with JavaScript after the page is completely loaded?

How can I write something ("hello my client" for example) in the browser's address bar with javascript after the page is completely loaded?
Mean writing something in address bar without entering - is it possible?
It seems we can do this job with JavaScript, if not can we do that with server side code?
This is possible, but only the part after the hostname:
history.pushState(null, "page 2", '/foo.html');
Try this in your javascript console, this effectively changes the current path with /foo.html. (It's a new html5 feature, and is available in recent browsers only.)
See mozilla docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/Manipulating_the_browser_history#Adding_and_modifying_history_entries
Browser Compatibility
This is used to make ajax sites history/bookmark/link friendly by updating the URL as the content is updated. Currently most sites do this by only changing the hash part of the URL (e.g. Twitter with their #!.)
For instance Github uses this for their code browser: https://github.com/blog/760-the-tree-slider
Maybe its already answered # Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript .
You can set location.hash, but you can't replace the entire URI.
The reason this is not possible is it presents a security violation. This is why phishers write a gif file over where they believe the address bar will be.
My question is why would you want to do this? The only reason I can think of is you want to make someone think they are at http://Iamreallyyourbank.com when they are at http://IamStealingYourMoney.com, which is why the security is in place.
This is not possible. You cannot change the URL displayed in the browser. Not only would it be a horrible security practice, it would be a violation of trust to the people visiting your site.

Creating a bookmarklet that doesn't get blocked

Goal: To create a bookmarklet that calls a remote javascript file that opens a popup window. The popup window is functionally similar to what Delicious's bookmarklet does.
Background: Currently, I'm using window.open within this javascript file, however the popup is getting blocked by pretty much every major browser.
The alternative solution to this is very similar to the way Delicious wrote their bookmarklet - calling window.open through a javascript query within the bookmarklet itself. However, I need the ability to modify the other contents of my javascript file in the future without requiring users to continually grab newest releases of the bookmarklet.
What I've determined to be happening: Since the window.open call is not occurring directly as a result of a click by the user, the browser feels this is something that should be blocked. Here's a source on this.
This is the tutorial I referenced most recently in creating the call to the remote js file.
Here is a basic example of what my code is doing; the window.open/popup portion is the only significant part I'm including as it's the only part I feel is causing the complication:
Example of the remote javascript file:
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
var jQ = document.createElement('script');
jQ.type = 'text/javascript';
jQ.src = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js';
} else {
function runthis() {
window.open('http://www.google.com/', 'a title',
I'd really appreciate any help as this has been stumping me for a while!
An approach that looks better and side-steps the blocking issue is to have the bookmarklet insert an iframe in the page the user is currently viewing. Ended up taking this approach back when I asked this question. Worked out fine.

