Hiding an applet before a long treatment postback - javascript

I have to integrate a Java applet into a simple asp.net 2.0 control.
This applet is a bought product and cannot be modified. It contains a button designed to be clicked to continue. The button click is linked to a JavaScript function.
So we can see this applet as a black box, eating data and calling a JS function when it's done.
I have to make a postback when the JS function is called to go to the next page. Easy, I just have to write it. But I would also like to hide the applet, or the div containing it, because the postback trigger some long treatment. The point is that, while waiting, the user can click on the applet button and triggers the postback again.
In my JavaScript called function, I tried many solutions:
Make 2 postbacks. Of course this doesn't work, as a postback is a reload of the page
Hide/show the div or the applet using JavaScript
Hide/show the div or the applet using jQuery
Hide/show the div or the applet calling the click event of an invisible button to set Visible = false in the code behind
But it always fails: it seems that the web browser (IE 8.0 or Chrome) waits the end of the postback/JS function to update the page, and don't bother with some UI update just before.
So here I am:
I need the postback to go to the next page (I do not control the entire environment where my control is used)
I have to hide the applet, otherwise the user can re-click on it
I can't make a two-step process, like having the JS function hiding the applet and displaying a link to to the next page, involving a new click
My simple control:
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="MyControl.ascx.cs"
Inherits="MyControl" %>
<div id="m_DivPostDisplay" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblState" runat="server" Text="Displaying something like please wait..." />
<div id="m_DivAppletContainer" runat="server">
<applet name="myApplet" archive="./myJar.jar"
code="Main.class" height="700" width="530" mayscript>
The related javascript (injected when the page load):
<script language='javascript'>
function sendData(data) {
// This is where I try to hide the applet or the div
// Go to the next page
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(\"nextButtonId\", \"\", true, \"\", \"\", false, true));
Do you have any idea of what could be done to fix my problem?
Thanks :)

Ugly, but you could try :
function sendData(data) {
// hide applet
setTimeout(function () {WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(...);}, 500);

Finally we asked the applet editor to add a new feature, so we can now disable its buttons when we need.
So when we click on the button, we keep it disabled, launch the postback, and change page when the postback returns.


How can prevent postback page in the case of using both a JavaScript and a C# method on a button?

This is an ASP.NET C# question.
function buttonfunc() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "js work";
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<p id="demo"></p>
<asp:Button ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" Text="Update"
OnClick="UpdateButton_Click" OnClientClick="buttonfunc()"; return false;/>
protected void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("cs work");
In the case of using both a JavaScript and a C# method on a button, how can we stop postback page and display two lines of text at the same time (if possible, without using AJAX)?
The way this works is rather handy.
While that button can have both a client side event, and a server side event?
If the client side js code/event returns false, then the server side event will not trigger. This is ideal for say prompting a user to delete a record, or to perform some operation that you require a "confirm" for.
so, take this button:
<asp:Button ID="cmdDel" runat="server" Text="Delete record"
OnClientClick="return DelConfirm()" />
function DelConfirm() {
return confirm("Really delete this reocrd?")
so, if the js code (client side) returns true, then server button click runs. If client side js code returns false, then server side button does not run.
You would see this for running above:
and display two lines of text at the same time
Hum, that is not clear what you goal here. What 2 lines are you looking to display here?
I mean, either you want/have the server side button event code run, or it does not. As noted, if you return false, then you should not be seeing a post-back. With your sample code, the return false should result in the server side button even NEVER running.
I mean, if you don't do a post-back, then it does not make sense that you can/will have the server side button code run. You require a post-back for this to occur.
Now, you might be able to live with a update panel, and that allows you to define ONLY that part of the web page that will travel up to the server, and run your code. From a user point of view, the page will not appear to have a post back (and you don't actually have a full page post back in this case). The brower scoll bar will not change postion, and you not see the browser "spinner" show a post-back.
So, you drag + drop in the script manager, and then inside of the update paneel, you would have this:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="cmdDel" runat="server" Text="Delete record"
OnClientClick="return DelConfirm()" />
function DelConfirm() {
return confirm("Really delete this reocrd?")
Now, in your code exmaple, place everything inside of the content template, and remove your return false for the client side click. give it a try.
Now, some caution with above. The page life cycle DOES trigger. So, the page load event will fire (like it always does), and then your code stub will run. but to the user, you not see a full page post back. This is often called a "partial page" post-back.
Needless to say, to build a working web forms page, 99% of the time, your page load event that sets up values for controls and does things on the FIRST page load ONLY?
You have the !IsPost back stub in the page load event, so your REAL first time page load code only ever runs one time.
if (!IsPostBack)
// first time page load
// load up grid, some combo boxes etc.
// this code only runs ONE time, on first page load

ASP button OnClick not firing in javascript popup

I am attempting to submit form data from within a javascript popup window.
The popup opens fine and displays all elements as expected. When I click the asp:button, before inputting anything, it performs required field validation as expected. All of that is working just fine.
The problem I am having is in getting the OnClick to work and submit the form data.
To say I am a beginner to javascript/JQuery is an understatement, so requesting a bit of hand-holding on this one. Thanks in advance for the help.
<asp:Button ID="submitRes" CssClass="button" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="Submit This Form Data" OnClick="Submit_Click" />
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(document).on("click", ".divPopupAdd", function(event){
function showPopup(){
show: { effect: "blind", duration: 200 },
resizable: false,
modal: true,
width: 750,
height: 450,
open: function(){
$('#<%=submitRes.ClientID %>').click();
Ok, this is how you post back - click a button to run your code behind.
We going to lay this out step by step.
We assume, that you click a button on your form, and it launches the jQuery dialog? Beyond important here that this “is” in fact your flow in this form.
So, I’m going to assume user clicks a button, and the dialog is launched.
(and avoid that document on-ready. Please dump it).
Now the dialog is displayed. In that dialog, we assume user enters data, does whatever, and THEN either clicks a button for ok, or clicks a button to cancel?
Next up:
You CAN NOT do/use an asp.net button for a post back in that dialog. It WILL NOT work – end of story!
And if you did get the post back to work, it would mess up your current page “dom” that is holding the current web page, and also that of the dialog. It just does not work – don’t do it, ok?
(so no post backs in that dialog!!)
But we can still happy make this work!!!
So, how do we setup a button in the dialog?
Lets assume you need to click a button inside the dialog?
Button MUST be client side JavaScript (js).
That button will:
Close the dialog, and THEN do the post back.
So, we thus need this flow:
Display dialog on button click (client side js).
User does whatever in that dialog.
User now clicks on a button (say ok, or cancel).
We CAN and will for the sake of going crazy? We will drop on the form and use standard asp.net buttons. There is really no need to adopt HTML “input” buttons. (You can, but no real need here).
I am going to use BOTH built in jQuery buttons and ALSO two standard buttons in that dialog (the reason is many, but that way YOU can choose either way, and learn this. (boy, do I with someone had laid out how this works for me!!!). So, I going to save you much pain and suffering here.
So, lets start from the top:
Our button code to pop the dialog.
The asp button will be this:
<asp:Button ID="showdialog" runat="server" Text="Show the dialog"
OnClientClick="showpop();return false;"/>
Note close in above!!!!
We use OnClientClick=showpop();return false.
This will thus run js code, and NOT do a post back. The return = false is VERY important here, since if you leave that out, then the standard asp button will post back like it “normally” does. And we break our new rule!! – no post backs inside the dialog!!.
Ok, so that is the button to launch the dialog.
The js code to launch the popup is similar to what you have.
Eg this:
function showpop() {
var mydiv = $('#popdialog');
autoOpen: false, modal: true, title: 'My cool dialog, width: '30%'
// Open the dialog
Now, again for this example, we assume that you dropped some standard asp buttons in that dialog. But, OFTEN you want to use the built in dialog buttons. So let’s do BOTH for this example.
So, the above code thus becomes this:
function showpop() {
var mydiv = $('#popdialog');
autoOpen: false, modal: true, title: 'My cool other page', width: '30%',
position: { my: 'top', at: 'top+150' },
buttons: {
'ok': mycustomok,
'cancel': mycustomcancel
// Open the dialog
Note the two built in buttons we added. (ok, and cancel).
Note how I also broke out the 'setup' and THEN the one line that pops the dialog.
And in our pop up div, we also have two custom buttons. As noted, I am including both custom and built in dialogs. This will take you “hours” to get nice examples of this, and now you can choose either road.
So, our div has some text, and two custom buttons, and a simple text box.
The div looks like this:
<div id="popdialog" runat="server" style="display:none">
<h2>My cool pop dialog</h2>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="MyOk" runat="server" Text="My custom ok"
OnClientClick="mycustomok();return false;"/>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="MyCancel" runat="server" Text="My custom cancel"
OnClientClick="mycustomcancel();return false;"/>
The only real thing to note in above is the style=”display:none” for the WHOLE “div”. This will thus hide the div, and it will not display when the page loads.
So, when we click on the button, it will show the dialog. You will see this:
So, we have our two custom buttons, and the two jQuery but in buttons. If you don't want the built in ones then use my first sample code. As I stated, your choice as to which buttons you want, like, or feel to use here. The main point is that BOTH sets of buttons do the SAME thing.
So, for this example, you click “ok”, or “my custom ok”.
Either way? We want our post back to run for that choice.
And for my custom cancel, or the built in cancel, we want code behind (server code) to run for that cancel choice. Do keep in mind you often don't need any code - but JUST the dialog to close and cancel and do nothing.
So, the two js stubs we have for this are:
function mycustomok() {
// first, close the dialog
function mycustomcancel() {
// first, close the dialog
As noted, if you use BUILT IN buttons for the dialog, then you do NOT need the “close” of the dialog I have above. But your using (we assume) custom buttons, and not the built in jQuery ones.
And as noted, based on either choice, we will do a post back and run code behind. As I stated, the short way, easy way is to drop two hidden buttons on the form, they will look like this, and of course our outside the above div
<asp:Button ID="HiddenOk" runat="server" Text="hidden ok"
<asp:Button ID="HiddenCancel" runat="server" Text="hidden cancel"
Note careful (note BEYOND carefull here).
I have display = normal for the two buttons. The reason is that then with the designer you can double click on the button, and write your code behind. When you are DONE and have both code behind stubs written, then change the above display:normal to display:none to hide them. So we left the buttons visible for easy development. Once you wired up the code behind (simply double click on the buttons in the designer), then you are jumped to the code behind editor, and can write that code.
I have this for now:
Protected Sub HiddenOk_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HiddenOk.Click
Debug.Print("dialog ok code run")
End Sub
Protected Sub HiddenCancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HiddenCancel.Click
Debug.Print("dialgo cancel code")
End Sub
Of course you write whatever you need. As noted, you may well not need any code for the cancel button – you can leave that out of this design if you wish.
So, with the two code subs automatic wired up for you (this is why we all love asp.net forms, right???).
The “click” button trick as noted is rather nice. It solves a LONG list of issues, and does so with great ease.
You get the needed post back.
You get to run your own cute little code stub behind.
You don't have to write up ajax calls to do this!!!
So this follows the whole asp.net design pattern in which you drop buttons on a form, click them, and you get to run that nice little short code behind stub. And it all wired up automatic for you.
Thus in summary:
Don’t try + attempt post backs in the dialog – you REALLY can’t do this.
And you find they don’t work anyway! So buttons on that dialog WILL run “js” code.
you can use asp buttons if you want, just remember the extra return=false part.
If you must set/send some information to the server in that dialog before you close? Well, that is a different question and answer. But the jQuery "ajax" method works REALLY nice, and you can directly call functions in your existing web page code behind, and do so with next to no effort. You don't even have to know how to setup web methods - asp.net will do all the dirty work. but lets leave that example for another day.
Try the above idea - the "click" button trick in js really is the magic key to making this all oh so very easy to write and setup.
If you wish to call the JavaScript popup from Backend side you can use ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)
Type: The type of the startup script to register. This is of type 'Type'
key: The key of the startup script to register. This is of type String
script: The startup script literal to register. This is of type String
addScriptTags: A Boolean value indicating whether to add script tags. This is of type bool - true or false.
You can write like this:
protected void Button_clilck(Object sender, EventArgs e){
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Key","showPopUp(),true);
And if you want to call your pop up method from Front End side you can simply call the JS method in asp:button by writing OnClientClick
<asp:Button ID="submitRes" CssClass="button" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="Submit This Form Data" OnClick="Submit_Click" OnClientClick="showPopup" />

Scrollbar not visible on JSP when showing extended information on bottom of page using JavaScript

I am developing in an older apploication using JSP and Frames for HTML. I call my JSP by clicking a link in a toolbar. On the called page I have some information and everything is working fine. However, I also have some hidden information which is shown by clicking a button on the page and thereby calling a JavaScript function for it to be shown. When calling this function, however, the information is 'presented' at the bottom 'outside' of the page and no scroll bar is visible. If I then click the link in my toolbar to 'reload' the page there is a scrollbar visible. This, I believe, is because I have the following JavaScript in the body onLoad=document.body.scrollTop=document.forms[0].scrollPos.value;
I have tried to reload the JSP inside my JavaScript with the window.location.reload(); & parent.location.reload(); but this causes a warning to be shown (if you are performing transactions make sure blablabla).
This is how I call my JSP from the menu:
<frameset border="0" cols="100%" rows="100%">
<frame name="eoPartInfoHeader" src="/glopps/processEoPartInfo.do?method=initializeForm" noresize="noresize">
This is body on called JSP:
<body onLoad="setTitle('<bean:message key="title.eoPartInfo"/>');document.forms[0].jump.selectedIndex=0;setFocus();document.body.scrollTop=document.forms[0].scrollPos.value;">
Error should be kind of similar to these questions:
Scrollbar not visible in iframe
scrollbar in jsp with window.open
If anyone ever reads this here's how I solved it. Turns out we had a JavaScript function in another JSP which looks like this:
function setScrollbar() {
if(document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.clientHeight){
Then that function is justed called on body load:
<body onLoad=setScrollbar();">

jQuery dialog call redirecting page

I'm using the jQuery dialog plugin.
The dialog div is set up (but not opened) on page load:
Then a hyperlink is supposed to open the dialog:
Show dialogue box
But this opens the dialog then a fraction later redirects to a page with the URL javascript:$('#foo').dialog('open');!
I have tried returning false:
Show dialogue box
But then the link doesn't respond at all when I click on it.
I know this must be to do with one of JavaScript's infamous subtleties but I can't work it out.
Can anyone help?
Then a hyperlink is supposed to open the dialog:
Show dialogue box
But this opens the dialog then a fraction later redirects to a page with the URL javascript:$('#foo').dialog('open');!
That shouldn't be happening. The pseudo-protocol javascript: doesn't involve a page load, and certainly not one via HTTP. I don't recommend it (I'd use jQuery's click handler instead), but it should work.
I have tried returning false:
But then the link doesn't respond at all when I click on it.
That also shouldn't be happening.
Your code as quoted is fine (works here, for instance: http://jsbin.com/inixa5), so the problem must lie in some other part of the page.
Update: Okay, that's weird, IE6 and IE7 didn't like that; I think it's because dialog returns a value. You can get around that either by wrapping up your call to open the dialog in a function and doesn't explicitly return anything:
Click Me
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
function showDialog(selector) {
Or (and this is mega-hacky) by making sure the last expression in the javascript: block is undefined:
Click Me
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
Or by using onclick:
Click Me
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
But in any case, strongly recommend hooking things up with a DOM2 style event handler:
<a href="#" name='openSesame'>Click Me</a>
// This _can_ be immediately after the anchor, but I'd put it in
// a separate, since .js file for the page that you load just before
// the closing body tag.
$("#foo").dialog({autoOpen: false});
$("a[name=openSesame]").click(function() {
return false;
Live example (Obviously, you can use any selector that makes sense, you don't have to give the anchor a name [or id].)
One of the nice things about this is that you can then have the anchor take the user somewhere meaningful and/or useful if JavaScript is disabled (something called progressive enhancement).
Change the link to:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$('#foo').dialog('open')">
Show dialogue box
Best avoid putting javascript in the href.
Even better would be giving it a class and than adding a click event to it through jquery.

JavaScript: Prevent a button from being pressed before entire page is loaded

How can I prevent users from pressing my web-page buttons before the page is fully loaded?
I have a button that opens a lightbox. The JS for the lightbox is loaded last in the page for quicker response time. So if the user presses the button before the page is fully loaded - he either gets a JS error or the lightbox data is opened on a blank page.
I'm using Javascript with MooTools.
If I understand correctly neither
<body onload="...">
guarantees that the document has finished loading. The (jQuery) method that does:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#yourButton').attr("disabled", false);
Make your button disabled. After the page is loaded - make it enabled
Here is a JQuery(sorry for not being "clean" Javascript example)
$('#yourButton').attr("disabled", false);
here's an example:
<body onload="document.getElementById('button1').disabled=false">
<button id="button1" disabled="1">

