How can I make an address in the address bar appear differently? - javascript

I have a DNS, and each computer has a website to make different folders / documents accessible in a different way than just browsing to that computer. For example, \Media takes me to the media servers pages (Music, Movies, etc.), and \Aurora takes me to the media server's website. Instead of it displaying "Aurora" in the address bar, however, I would like to use a script to replace it with "Aurora - Media Server Website, (server information)." I would really like to learn this method, I tried to look somewhere and it mentioned JavaScript would probably be the easiest way to do this. This would be helpful if I actually knew JavaScript =p If there is an easier way to do this, that would also be much appreciated =]
In a nutshell, I want the address of a website, //Aurora, hosted on a local DNS server to appear as "Aurora - Media Server Website (server information)." What would be a possible way to implement this?

Just use the replaceState method of window.history in JavaScript like so:
window.history.replaceState({}, '', url);
(params are: data (object), title (string), url (string));
I do it all the time to modify the URL, to remove the query string when using AJAX.

If you want to change the hostname then you have to change the DNS so that the machine gets the name you want. You can't use spaces or parenthesis in hostnames though.
The closest you can come with JS is the history API which only lets you modify the local part of the URI.

It is not possible to change the contents of the address bar due to security reasons (Phishing websites would exploit this heavily).
I would suggest simply changing the title of the page.
<title>Title goes here</title>
If you want to change it using javascript (for some reason) you can do this:
document.title = "The new title goes here.";


Best way to uniquely identify a user in this case?

I am going to have code running on a site in an iframe which may or may not be cross-domain, and may be duplicated in multiple iframes. I may have code running in the top window, I may not. I want my JS to generate a unique identifier which will be the same if it is generated by my code in any iframe on that page, in multiple iframes, iframes nested in iframes, or in the top window, for the life of that load of the main page only.
It should generate the same identifier when run in any window context of that webpage loading for that user at that time. So if an iframe is removed, another one added should generate the same id.
What is the best information to use for this? It is essentially a 'session' id but needs to be generated in the browser, and be the same for any child iframe generating it. Thanks to anyone who can help!
After some reading, it appears making a browser fingerprint will be the solution. These github projects are helpful:
I'll probably use one of those, or get some ideas for implementing my own simplified solution.
I'm not 100% sure if this answers your question, but my go-to way to generate a random string is partly inspired by MongoDB's way of generating unique object IDs:
var uniqueString = + Math.random();
Unless you have hundreds of thousands of users all running this code at the exact same millisecond, you should be fairly guaranteed a random string.
The question mentions running code in the top window. With this, there are multiple solutions that could work:
Use the PostMessage API to send all iframes on the page the same random id
Deploy the iframe with the random id as a query string (e.g.
If, however, you are unable to execute code in the top window, you will have to do things server-side. Here I'm not too certain of how I'd do it, since I'm not sure what you're using on the back-end, but in Node.js you could check the req object. It will contain things like the user's IP address, their useragent string, the date of the request, etc. Concatenating the IP address, useragent string, and maybe the referring page (i.e. the page your user is viewing that loaded the iframes) should give a unique ID for all frames on a given page for a given user.

Jquery to pull the URL of a webpage

I am looking for a way to use Jquery (or any other open source script) to pull the URL of a particular webpage. I am working on a service that will pull the original URL of any webpage - consider a scenario where I load but have entered in the address bar (without pressing enter key) - the script should be able to validate if the the URL on the address bar is the same as the actual URL or if it is different.
There is no way to do this. And there better not be any in the making. There is no reason to need such information, and it's a violation of user privacy.
No dear, Absolutely no way to do this.
and i agree with #bjb568 , its definitely violation of user privacy.
you can get the current page URL in your script.
But why you need this kind of functionality.?
i will advise you to find any alternative of your requirement,
You can get the current location of the page using regular Javascript, but I do not think you can get the currently typed address bar, although I do not see where you should ever need to.
In response to everyone on here saying it is a breach of user privacy: I don't think grabbing the URL or the typed address bar on the current page is a breach of privacy or security unless you are somehow able to change the address bar to make it seem like you are on a different site - like being on and it saying you are on But, from the OP's original question, it just seems like he wants to get the information; not change it.
Using Javascript, you can use var location = document.location.href
The closest you can get to change the addressbar is window.history.pushState(), but browsers have a security settings that do not allow domains outside of the current domain to be used.
My first question that comes to mind: "Why on earth does he want to do that???" If it was possible you would have to interact with each browser directly which is not possible.
jQuery is just a client-language that interprets with each browsers "engine" (that handles rendering of html, javascript etc) and not the browser itself (menus, settings etc). Secondly, if it would work: How often would you check? Each keypress? Every 10 seconds? It would not be doable in a proper way - even if it was possible.
I think you should rethink your issue and try to explain why you want to do this. It might be other (better) solutions that would handle your issue in a better way.

Special URL for language selection?

Just a simple question, I was wondering why some websites have something like "?lang=EN" in their URL after selecting a language? Is it because their html file or folder containing it is named "?lang=EN", or some other code that does this? I'd like to set the URL like that for my website (has 2 languages). Currently I have folder structure like this:
Language selection: D:/media/index.html
EN site: D:/media/en/index.html
CN site: D:/media/cn/index.html
Files for the website: D:/media/site
First of all, anything after the file extension ( .html ) is a server side function.
The ? is a function for PHP and adds variables to the super global GET array ( in the form: ?variable=value&variable2=value2 ) that is directed to from another page and from that point many things can be done with the data.
Sites that use the ?lang=EN are probably programmed to print out the chunks of text needed on the single page in the places and languages required. Though it is possible using this method to redirect to a language specific directory.
Hope this helps :)
That's because they often have a content management system where the content isn't stored in files necessarily, but in a database. The lang=en is a GET variable from the URL that they retrieve in, for example, PHP, to display the correct content. In your case, however, you can just redirect the user if they click EN or CN to the appropriate locations, in your case, /en/index.html and /cn/index.html.
The url you see at the address bar, whatever comes after "?" is called "QueryString" and with libraries on the server side (based on the developing platform that website is made on) you can access the values. For instance the value of "lang" can be equal to "EN" or "CN" etc.
By the way you can have some http handlers to rewrite the requested url and get your parameters through the url that physically doesn't exists. Like the one you mentioned, "". I myself prefer this way but as you requested you should use some server side libraries to access the query string values and choose the language of the content you wanna send to client.
Also as one solution that once I used, you can also use some translation service (like client libraries and call it at client side with jquery or even javascript and translate all the texts on page load. Although it's damn fast in action, it has some issues you will see.
Hope it helps.
PHP uses $_GET to get value from variables from the URL.It gets the value from that LANG variable and then it selects all from a file where are stored all the words in different languages or from the database
You don't need to copy every file and then translate it.
Search for php dynamic pages tutorial in your case. I found THIS.
P.S. PHP is one from many ways to do this.

Can I change the URL string in the address bar using javascript

I've a link on my webpage, say 'about'. Clicking on it loads a particular div without refreshing the whole page using jquery .load(). This does not change the URL string in the browser address bar.
The same page can be accessed by going to
So what I want to do is, when the user clicks on the 'about' link, the pages will be loaded as it is (using jquery), but I want to change the URL string in the browser address bar also so that someone can actually copy or bookmark the exact page.
Is it possible to do so??
You have two possibilites to tackle this problem:
In newer browsers you can make use of the HTML5 history API, which lets change part of the URL, also the query string (and path afaik).
In browsers which don't support this, you can only change the fragment identifier # without reloading the page (via the location object). That means you have to change the URL to e.g.!page=about
#! is a convention from Google to make Ajax sites crawlable. As the fragment identifier is not sent to the server, you have to detect it with JavaScript and load the corresponding data from the server.
There are jQuery plugins that help you to handler this.
I would look for a good plugin makes use of the history API if available and falls back to the hash based solution.
As written in my comment, you can also find more information here:
How to change browser address bar without reloading page, especially #ThiefMaster's answer.
Yes, I've done it by doing
location.hash = 'foo';
There's other attributes of location you can change, not sure what it's called for '?', probably query-string, get, or soemthing like that.

Get information from a web page (title, pictures, heads, etc...)

In Facebook, when you add a link to your wall, it gets the title, pictures and part of the text. I've seen this behavior in other websites where you can add links, how does it work? does it has a name? Is there any javascript/jQuery extension that implements it?
And how is possible that facebook goes to another website and gets the html when it's, supposedly, forbidden to make a cross site ajax call ??
Basic Methodology
When the fetch event is triggered (for example on Facebook pasting a URL in) you can use AJAX to request the url*, then parse the returned data as you wish.
Parsing the data is the tricky bit, because so many websites have varying standards. Taking the text between the title tags is a good start, along with possibly searching for a META description (but these are being used less and less as search engines evolve into more sophisticated content based searches).
Failing that, you need some way of finding the most important text on the page and taking the first 100 chars or so as well as finding the most prominent picture on the page.
This is not a trivial task, it is extremely complicated trying to derive semantics from such a liquid and contrasting set of data (a generic returned web page). For example, you might find the biggest image on the page, that's a good start, but how do you know it's not a background image? How do you know that's the image that best describes that page?
Good luck!
*If you can't directly AJAX third party URL's, this can be done by requesting a page on your local server which fetches the remote page server side with some sort of HTTP request.
Some Extra Thoughts
If you grab an image from a remote server and 'hotlink' it on your site, many sites seem to sometimes have 'anti hotlinking' replacement images when you try and display this image, so it might be worth comparing the requested image from your server page with the actual fetched image so you don't show anything nasty by accident.
A lot of title tags in the head will be generic and non descriptive, it would be better to fetch the title of the article (assuming an article type site) if there is one available as it will be more descriptive, finding this is difficult though!
If you are really smart, you might be able to piggy back off Google for example (check their T&C though). If a user requests a certain URL, you can google search it behind the scenes, and use the returned google descriptive text as your return text. If google changes their markup significantly though this could break very quickly!
You can use a PHP server side script to fetch the contents of any web page (look up web scraping). What facebook does is it throws out a call to a PHP server side script via ajax which has a PHP function called
now once the file or webpage has been sucked into your server-side script you can then filter the contents for anything in particular. eg. Facebooks get link will look for the title, img and meta property="description parts of the file or webpage via regular expression
eg. PHP's
preg_match(); Function.
This can be collected then returned back to your webpage.
You may also want to consider adding extra functions for returning the data you want as scraping some pages may take longer than expected to return your desired information. eg. filter out irrelevant stuff like javascript, css, irrelavant tags, huge images etc. to make it run faster.
If you get this down pat you could potentialy be on your way to building a web search engine or better yet, collecting data off sites like yellowpages, eg. phone numbers, mailing addresses, etc.
Also you may want to look further into:
There are several API's that can provide this functionality, for example PageMunch lets you pass in a url and callback so that you can do this from the client-side or feed it through your own server:
An example response for the BBC website looks like:
"inLanguage": "en",
"schema": "http:\/\/\/WebPage",
"type": "WebPage",
"url": "http:\/\/\/",
"name": "BBC - Homepage",
"description": "Breaking news, sport, TV, radio and a whole lot more. The BBC informs, educates and entertains - wherever you are, whatever your age.",
"image": "http:\/\/\/wwhomepage-3.5\/1.0.64\/img\/iphone.png",
"keywords": [
"British Broadcasting Corporation",
"BBC iPlayer",
"dateAccessed": "2013-02-11T23:25:40+00:00"
You can always just look what it in the tag. If you need this in javascript it shouldn't be that hard. Once you have the data you can do:
var title = $(data).find('title').html();
The problem will be getting the data since I think most browsers will block you from making cross site ajax requests. You can get around this by having a service on your site which will act as a proxy and make the request for you. However, at that point you might as well parse out the title on the server. Since you didn't specify what your back-end language is, I won't bother to guess now.
It's not possible with pure JavaScript due to cross domain policy - client side script can't read contents of pages on other domains unless that other domain explicitly expose JSON service.
The trick is sending server side request (each server side language has its own tools), parse the results using Regular Expressions or some other string parsing techniques then using this server side code as "proxy" to AJAX call made "on the fly" when posting link.

