Assistance needed with Jquery if statement for calculated fields - javascript

ow would I write a script that would allow the option of having the user enter a percentage and a dollar amount is calculated or a dollar amount and a percentage is calculated? Currently my form only allows for the entry of a percentage and the dollar amount is calculated, but I need for the user to be able to enter either and have the form automatically calculate the missing element. Here is the code that I am using to calculate the dollar amount:
script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
function getFldValue(fldValue) {
return isNaN(fldValue) ? 0 : parseFloat(fldValue);
function calculate() {
var property_SPrice = getFldValue($('#property_SPrice').val());
var price = getFldValue($('#price').val());
var REO_sale_percentage = getFldValue($('#REO_sale_percentage').val());
var REO_sale_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_sale_dollars').val());
var REO_sale_bonus_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_sale_bonus_dollars').val());
var REO_sale_fixed_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_sale_fixed_dollars').val());
var REO_sale_total_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_sale_total_dollars').val());
var REO_list_percentage = getFldValue($('#REO_list_percentage').val());
var REO_list_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_list_dollars').val());
var REO_list_bonus_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_list_bonus_dollars').val());
var REO_list_fixed_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_list_fixed_dollars').val());
var REO_list_total_dollars = getFldValue($('#REO_list_total_dollars').val());
var gr_comm_percentage = getFldValue($('#gr_comm_percentage').val());
var gr_comm_dollars = getFldValue($('#gr_comm_dollars').val());
var gr_bonus_dollars = getFldValue($('#gr_bonus_dollars').val());
var gr_fixed_dollars = getFldValue($('#gr_fixed_dollars').val());
var gr_total_dollars = getFldValue($('#gr_total_dollars').val());
$('#gr_comm_percentage').val(REO_list_percentage + REO_sale_percentage);
$('#gr_comm_dollars').val(getFldValue(REO_list_dollars + REO_sale_dollars));
$('#gr_fixed_dollars').val(getFldValue(REO_list_fixed_dollars + REO_sale_fixed_dollars));
$('#gr_bonus_dollars').val(getFldValue(REO_list_bonus_dollars + REO_sale_bonus_dollars));
$('#gr_total_dollars').val(getFldValue(REO_sale_total_dollars + REO_list_total_dollars));
$('#REO_sale_total_dollars').val(getFldValue(REO_sale_dollars + REO_sale_fixed_dollars + REO_sale_bonus_dollars));
$('#REO_list_total_dollars').val(getFldValue(REO_list_dollars + REO_list_fixed_dollars + REO_list_bonus_dollars));

you could try something like
var fieldvalue= //get the field value
if(fieldvalue.indexOf('%') != -1){
var percentage = parseFloat(fieldvalue.replace('%',''));
//do whatever you need with that value


Im trying to auto populate in javascript some calculated user input... can you tell me why this keeps getting a parsing error?

trying to get the calculation results of user input and auto-populate them into the text input fields.. and it keeps giving me a parsing error...
enter code here
function add_number(){
var monthlyPayment = parseInt(document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").value);
var maintFees = parseInt(document.getElementById("maintFees").value);
var memFees = parseInt(document.getElementById("memFees").value);
ar exchFees = parseInt(document.getElementById("exchFees").value);
var result = (monthlyPayment?monthlyPayment:0) + (maintFees?maintFees:0) + (memFees?memFees:0) +
document.getElementById("txtresult").value = result;}
function mpTwelve(){
var monPay = parseInt(document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").value);
var monTwe = monPay * 12;
document.getElementById("mpTimesTwelve").value = monTwe;}
function maintTwelve(){
var maintPay = parseInt(document.getElementById("maintFees").value);
var maintTwe = maintPay * 12;
document.getElementById("maintTimesTwelve").value = maintTwe;}
i.addEventListener('change', (event) => {add_number();mpTwelve();maintTwelve();})})

Not Retaining letters in display each keyup (pure javascript)

I'm making a caesar decoding feature but every time I change the letter the display is not retaining, I need to retain the previous letters in dom, how can I make that happen with most minimal change in my code
var max = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var input = document.querySelector('#un');
input.addEventListener("keyup", caesar)
function caesar() {
var userpref = 1
var joe = max.split("")
var text = document.querySelector('#un').value;
var textlet = Array.of(...text);
var num = joe.indexOf(textlet[textlet.length - 1]) + userpref
var fin = joe[num]
var decoded = document.querySelector('#decoded').innerHTML = fin;
<input id="un" type="text">
<div id="decoded"></div>
<div id="list"></div>
I updated the snipped to work below:
Just add a + to concatenate the string.
var max = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var input = document.querySelector('#un');
input.addEventListener("keyup", caesar)
function caesar() {
var userpref = 1
var joe = max.split("")
var text = document.querySelector('#un').value;
var textlet = Array.of(...text);
var num = joe.indexOf(textlet[textlet.length - 1]) + userpref
var fin = joe[num]
var decoded = document.querySelector('#decoded').innerHTML += fin; // add this plus here!
<input id="un" type="text">
<div id="decoded"></div>
<div id="list"></div>

How to get bitcoin price from bitstamp

i want to show bitcoin price but there are several exchangers. i want to get from bitstamp only but positions of exchangers are changing and can't get only one
i wrote some code on jquery but i can't finish it
$.getJSON('', function(data) {
var text = ` ${[1].price} `
var integer = parseFloat(text, 10)
var percent = 3
var display = (integer - (integer/100 * percent)).valueOf()
$(".mypanel").html(display.toPrecision(7) + '$');
if you want to get request with jquery you should use $.get() and I write you code again (jquery version 3.3.1) get more detail
$(document).ready(function() {
var url= "";
var text = ` ${[1].price} `
var integer = parseFloat(text, 10)
var percent = 3
var display = (integer - (integer/100 * percent)).valueOf()
$(".mypanel").html(display.toPrecision(7) + '$');

Cant call Jquery function in if loop

my first ever question pretty sure I'm being a bit daft here, but am a beginner and would appreciate your help.
Im working on a webpage where there is a html table listing several columns of data.
When the page loads it runs a jquery script which counts the different types of "incidents" and plots them in another table which then another jquery script populates a graph.
I have a third script (javascript) which after a button is clicked, runs an if loop, which looks at the data in the first column and if it does not match the criteria then the row is deleted.
So far so good, the issue is that I want the script which populates the table for the graph to run again, but Im not sure how to call it from my if loop.
Ive put the two scripts below, basically I want to call the 1st script in the second script.
$(function () {
var NumFireAlarms = $("#incidents tr:contains('Fire Alarm')");
$("#result").html(NumFireAlarms.length + " Fire Alarm");
var firealarms = NumFireAlarms.length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML = firealarms
var NumLockout = $("#incidents tr:contains('Lockout Out of Office Hours')");
$("#result").html(NumLockout.length + " Lockout Out of Office Hours");
var lockouts = NumLockout.length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML = lockouts
var NumLockoutDayTime = $("#incidents tr:contains('Lockout Day Time')");
$("#result").html(NumLockout.length + " Lockout Day Time");
var lockoutsDayTime = NumLockoutDayTime.length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[3].cells[1].innerHTML = lockoutsDayTime
var NumSensitiveIncident = $("#incidents tr:contains('Sensitive Incident')");
$("#result").html(NumSensitiveIncident.length + " Sensitive Incident");
var SensitiveIncident = NumSensitiveIncident.length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[4].cells[1].innerHTML = SensitiveIncident
function filterForGraph() {
var incident_category = document.getElementById("Incident_Category").value;
var start_date = document.getElementById("start_date").value;
var end_date = document.getElementById("end_date").value;
var staff_type = document.getElementById("Job_Title").value;
var i;
var count = 0;
var table_length = document.getElementById("incidents").rows;
var TL = table_length.length;
for (i = TL - 1; i >= 1; i--)
var category_column = document.getElementById("incidents").rows[i].cells.item(0).innerHTML;
var date_column = document.getElementById("incidents").rows[i].cells.item(1).innerHTML;
var staff_colunm = document.getElementById("incidents").rows[i].cells.item(8).innerHTML;
if (category_column === incident_category)
else if (category_column !== incident_category)
I removed a few bits of code that did not seem to do anything, but I'm sure you can put them back. I think you might want something like this:
function updateTable(){
var elResult = document.getElementById("result");
var elNumIncidentType = document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type");
var firealarms: document.querySelectorAll("#incidents tr:contains('Fire Alarm')").length;
var lockouts: document.querySelectorAll("#incidents tr:contains('Lockout Out of Office Hours')").length;
var lockoutsDayTime: document.querySelectorAll("#incidents tr:contains('Lockout Day Time')").length;
var sensitiveIncident: document.querySelectorAll("#incidents tr:contains('Sensitive Incident')").length;
elResult.innerHTML = "";
elResult.innerHTML += "<div>" + firealarms + " Fire Alarm</div>";
elResult.innerHTML += "<div>" + lockouts + " Lockout Out of Office Hours</div>";
elResult.innerHTML += "<div>" + lockoutsDayTime + " Lockout Day Time</div>";
elResult.innerHTML += "<div>" + sensitiveIncident + " Sensitive Incident</div>";
elNumIncidentType.rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML = firealarms;
elNumIncidentType.rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML = lockouts;
elNumIncidentType.rows[3].cells[1].innerHTML = lockoutsDayTime;
elNumIncidentType.rows[4].cells[1].innerHTML = sensitiveIncident;
function filterForGraph() {
var elIncidents = document.getElementById("incidents");
var incident_category = document.getElementById("Incident_Category").value;
var table_length = document.getElementById("incidents").rows.length;
for (var i = table_length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
var currentIncident = elIncidents.rows[i].cells;
var category_column = currentIncident.item(0).innerHTML;
if (category_column != incident_category) { elIncidents.deleteRow(i); }
$(function(){ updateTable(); });
Hi JonSG tried your code and it didnt work not sure why, but it gave me some ideas to work with and I think Ive cracked it
function Populate_Incident_No_Table() {
//previously function called updateTable
$(function () {
var NumFireAlarms = $("#incidents tr:contains('Fire Alarm')").length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[1].cells[1].innerHTML = NumFireAlarms
var NumLockout = $("#incidents tr:contains('Lockout Out of Office Hours')").length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[2].cells[1].innerHTML = NumLockout
var NumLockoutDayTime = $("#incidents tr:contains('Lockout Day Time')").length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[3].cells[1].innerHTML = NumLockoutDayTime
var NumSensitiveIncident = $("#incidents tr:contains('Sensitive Incident')").length;
document.getElementById("no_of_incident_type").rows[4].cells[1].innerHTML = NumSensitiveIncident
function filterForGraph() {
var incident_category = document.getElementById("Incident_Category").value;
var i;
var TL = document.getElementById("incidents").rows.length;
for (i = TL - 1; i >= 1; i--)
var category_column = document.getElementById("incidents").rows[i].cells.item(0).innerHTML;
if (category_column !== incident_category)
I think the issue was how I was trying to call the functions. So what I've done to achieve what I wanted (please excuse any bad terminology / phrasing).
First I tried to name the function $(function updateTable(){ this did not work when I then tried to call the function like this updateTable();
Second thing I tried was putting the updateTable() function "inside" a function and call that function. This has worked for me I dont know why.
Thanks for your help without it I would not have thought to try what I did

Run javascript on multiple selected checkboxes

Hello I am currently writing a web application that calculates a number based on what a user has checked.
You can see it here.
If you go to the link you can see that a person will check a checkbox first and enter a value from the dropdown and type 2 values to get an output.
What I need help with is being able to calculate the value for more than one checkbox at a time.
Right now I can only calculate the value for a checkbox one at a time even if multiple are selected. So basically I need help try to figure how to calculate for more than one checkbox at a time.
I was using an if statement inside my javascript file but thats not giving me the result that I want.
Just remove else if statements, change for IF only. But I have to say that's solution its not that scalable, and for a big application could turns into a nightmare.
I recommend you try to use $("input:checked").each(function() {}); if you dont want to store it and just show the values on the client to avoid further problems and bad code. With your line of thought, you'll need everytime make copy and paste those IF's everytime you want to implement new form labels.
function check(){
var pokemonCount = parseInt($("#pokecount1").val());
var candyCount = parseInt($("#candycount1").val());
var reqCandy = parseInt($("#dropdown1 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount = 0;
evolveAmount = Math.floor(((candyCount + pokemonCount) - 1) / (reqCandy));
var pokemonCount2 = parseInt($("#pokecount2").val());
var candyCount2 = parseInt($("#candycount2").val());
var reqCandy2 = parseInt($("#dropdown2 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount2 = 0;
evolveAmount2 = Math.floor(((candyCount2 + pokemonCount2) - 1) / (reqCandy2));
if ($('#checkbox3').is(':checked')){
var pokemonCount3 = parseInt($("#pokecount3").val());
var candyCount3 = parseInt($("#candycount3").val());
var reqCandy3 = parseInt($("#dropdown3 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount3 = 0;
evolveAmount3 = Math.floor(((candyCount3 + pokemonCount3) - 1) / (reqCandy3));
Just remove Else if to if only
function check(){
var pokemonCount = parseInt($("#pokecount1").val());
var candyCount = parseInt($("#candycount1").val());
var reqCandy = parseInt($("#dropdown1 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount = 0;
evolveAmount = Math.floor(((candyCount + pokemonCount) - 1) / (reqCandy));
var pokemonCount2 = parseInt($("#pokecount2").val());
var candyCount2 = parseInt($("#candycount2").val());
var reqCandy2 = parseInt($("#dropdown2 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount2 = 0;
evolveAmount2 = Math.floor(((candyCount2 + pokemonCount2) - 1) / (reqCandy2));
if ($('#checkbox3').is(':checked')){
var pokemonCount3 = parseInt($("#pokecount3").val());
var candyCount3 = parseInt($("#candycount3").val());
var reqCandy3 = parseInt($("#dropdown3 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount3 = 0;
evolveAmount3 = Math.floor(((candyCount3 + pokemonCount3) - 1) / (reqCandy3));
You've used elseif, so if the first checkbox is checked then it runs that code and stops. You need a series of if blocks:
You are using else if statements in your code, which means that the code of only one of the 3 if statements can be executed. More info here.
You need to replace them with simple if statements, like this:
function check(){
var pokemonCount = parseInt($("#pokecount1").val());
var candyCount = parseInt($("#candycount1").val());
var reqCandy = parseInt($("#dropdown1 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount = 0;
evolveAmount = Math.floor(((candyCount + pokemonCount) - 1) / (reqCandy));
var pokemonCount2 = parseInt($("#pokecount2").val());
var candyCount2 = parseInt($("#candycount2").val());
var reqCandy2 = parseInt($("#dropdown2 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount2 = 0;
evolveAmount2 = Math.floor(((candyCount2 + pokemonCount2) - 1) / (reqCandy2));
if ($('#checkbox3').is(':checked')){
var pokemonCount3 = parseInt($("#pokecount3").val());
var candyCount3 = parseInt($("#candycount3").val());
var reqCandy3 = parseInt($("#dropdown3 :selected").val());
var evolveAmount3 = 0;
evolveAmount3 = Math.floor(((candyCount3 + pokemonCount3) - 1) / (reqCandy3));

