Facebook like button not loading - javascript

I can't seem to get my facebook like button to load.
The pages meta tags pass the facebook debugger tests, but the button itself does not load

Looks like you have:
<div id="fb-root"></div>
...twice in your document, which is probably throwing off your script. This should only appear once.

I looked at your HTML code being served down from http://ping-it.theonconnection.com/properties/31 and I could not find where you're putting in your like button code.
I do not see any like button code in there. However I do see the FB.init, the all.js file, and TWO fb-roots.


Download property in HTML tag not working with BLOB file

I am working on a project on my website Click here to go to project site,
but after inputting all the needed information, the download element does not work. Here is the code for the download link: The download may work on this website, but it doesn't work on my website, which is strange.
<a id="down" href="blob:http://veryblankwhitepaper.weebly.com/8d869eaa-5bce-4326-9dff-dd0b50286a84" download="filename.txt">DOWNLOAD</a>
For some reason, when I click this, nothing happens.
If you want, you can see the javascript here.
Scroll down to the scripts within the "/text-file-generator.html"
(I put all the scripts for my pages in one file)
Edit1: If I take the element out of the div that it is in, it seems to work, but I want it to still be in the div.
Your scripts change the link too quickly. Try adding a setTimeout function for half a second when you click the link. This should allow it to download.

How to add content to an html from jquery loaded in other html

I would like to do something for a client.
I would like to make a content creator on an html file to be loaded in index.html for example or any other page.
So to be clear, for example im in editor.html creating an article with title and subtitle etc, and when i press a button every thing appears in index.html.
Is it possible to do it with jquery or maybe other tool?
Thanks a lot!

How to load remote html page links in the same <div> container?

This is going to be very hard for me to explain, but I'll give it my best shot.
I am writing a sort of portable book system, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's essentially a website; you can throw the package up online and it can function like a full website, or keep it local on the machine to read it as if it were a website.
This means I cannot use things like PHP or MySQL; this is all using browser functionality, as anyone who is reading it on their own computer likely wouldn't have WAMP or the like installed to run it.
I'm having a problem trying to make it so that in my main .htm file's <div id="content"> tag always loads external .htm file, even when those external .htm files have <a> links of their own.
I have tried using jQuery to run load(), but when the new content rendered and I clicked on those links inside that new content, it completely drew away from my main page and loaded the full external .htm file into my browser.
And I think I understand why. When I use the $('a') after loading, it only renders that function to the index.htm's own links, and not the new ones I load into the <div>.
I don't want this effect. I want each and every single link loaded each and every single time to always draw content from the linked .htm file into the index.htm's <div>.
I have looked around and found several related answers here, but they either don't work or give me the same result. One was a plugin called "PJAX", which looked like it worked in the library example, but when I loaded it into my own project it wasn't running. I have tried using the ajax() calls I saw in another answer that addressed the url cache and success parameters, and that didn't work.
What am I doing wrong? I didn't think something as simple as loading an external .htm file and repeating the load inside its <a> wouldn't be so intricate as whatever is cutting me off from fixing this. I thought the load() function did the job up until I clicked the other <a> links.
Code Examples to help clarify what I'm talking about. Not full files or perfect, but a model.
<body> <!-- book interface -->
<div id="content"></div>
<body> <!-- a sample page read on the book, fed in the #content -->
test link <!-- link inside the page -->
<!-- ^^^ That link is supposed to open the page1 inside the #content tag of index.htm instead of on its own. -->
return false;
When page2's link loads inside index's <div>, and you click the link inside it, it doesn't change the <div> to page1's content. It reloads the entirety of page1 into the browser.
Turns out Chad's answer was correct. If anyone feels like chiming in, I'd like to learn how this works as it did.
$(document).on('click', 'a', function(e){
var ahref = $(this).attr('href');
return false;

Facebook comments do not show up when added with javascript

I am having a page with multiple facebook-comment areas, which are all different.
In order to save page load time, I want to make them only appear/load when the user clicks some button.
The problem is, when I've written the code
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://mypage.com" data-width="600" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="dark"></div>
in html, it all worked but when I've added the code via .innerHTML it does not show anything expect when I include the sdk after the html is manipulated. the problem with that is, that all other comment-boxes cannot be shown since the sdk loaded already.
How do I make all comment-boxes visible to the user when they click a button using JavaScript?
I´ve solved it like this. I changed the comment code to
<fb:comments href="http://mypage.com" width="600" numposts="5" colorscheme="dark"></fb:comments>
and after I´ve added the code i refreshed this particular section with
FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById("parent of commentField"));

AddThis share button wont work in DotNetNuke

For some reason when I add a HTML module (well the default module added to DNN 5.4) and then add the "AddThis" javascript. While the button shows up clicking on it opens up a new page rather than showing an iframe modal message or on hover a list of popular social media networks to share the page with. Wonder what would be the easiest way to resolve this and why this happens?
This is not a complete answer, but to me it sounds like the AddThis javascript code is never loaded by the browser. When viewing the web page that doesn't workg, open the HTML source and look for the AddThis script tag. It probably should look something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#username=..."></script>
If you can not find it, then there is something to work on. If you find it, try to open the URL in your browser and see if you get the javascript.
Otherwise: as always, FireBug (or the tools in IE8) is your friend.
Try copying the addthis script reference and pasting it to the page header tags:

