JQuery Array To Re-arranged JSON object - javascript

I want to covert this javascript Array
to this rearranged json Format
i have tried this
var aNewData =[];
for(i in aData[1]){
var item={};
item.name = aData[1][i];
item.id = "1";

Where do the ids come from? Test following script, your array is in aData and the result will be in aNewData:
var aNewData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < aData[1].length; i++) {
"name": aData[1][i],
"id": 20 + i
Also see this example.

You might easily transform those data via folding:
var sourceData = ["API","Apiales","Apiaceae","Apia"];
var transformed = sourceData.reduce(function(result, name, index) {
return result.concat({
name: name,
id: 20 + index
}, []);
This will give you essentially the same, as the for loop of scessor, but in a more data-centric way.
Think of it like this:
You hold your source data (the array with all those "api*" strings)
You create a fresh resulting array [] (passed as 2nd argument to the reduce), which should be returned as your next result.
Pass an unnamed function to reduce that will be called with 3 arguments, each time it is called, namely result, which is you recently created array, name the value of each of those "api*" strings, and index, which is the index of those strings within the original array.
You look at each of those "api*" strings consecutively and put a new object containing your desired data into it. As result.concat will return the whole array, you just add those
The result array containing all your data will be returned.
But just in case you wanted to be backward compatible with older browsers, I'd recommend using underscore.js for that.


How to parse JSON to JSON in javascript?

That so crazy, but I'm trying to convert a JSON to a JSON for any reason.I have json and i checked json at http://jsonlint.com, it's ok.
{"d": "[{\"ID\":\"VN00000123\",\"NAME\":\"JOHN GREEN\",\"GENDER\":\"Male\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"15-10-1987\"},{\"ID\":\"VN00000456\",\"NAME\":\"MERRY BLUE\",\"GENDER\":\"Female\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"03-12-1983\"},{\"ID\":\"VN00000789\",\"NAME\":\"BLACK BROWN\",\"GENDER\":\"Male\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"09-07-1990\"}]"}
Now, what I need convert it like this at the following
"columns": [
"data": [
Somebody've ideas for this, share with me (using javascript or jquery). Thank you so much.
This algorithm is pretty straightforward--something like the following should work:
function parse(a) {
//create object to return
var ret = {
columns: [],
data: []
//iterate the source array
a.forEach(function(item, i) {
if (i === 0) {
//first time through, build the columns
for (var key in item) {
//now build your data item
ret.data[i] = [];
//use the column array to guarantee that the order of the fields in the source string doesn't matter
for (var j = 0; j < ret.columns.length; j++) {
var key = ret.columns[j];
return ret;
var j = {
"d": "[{\"ID\":\"VN00000123\",\"NAME\":\"JOHN GREEN\",\"GENDER\":\"Male\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"15-10-1987\"},{\"NAME\":\"MERRY BLUE\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"03-12-1983\",\"ID\":\"VN00000456\",\"GENDER\":\"Female\"},{\"GENDER\":\"Male\",\"ID\":\"VN00000789\",\"NAME\":\"BLACK BROWN\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"09-07-1990\"}]"
//j is an object with one property (d) that is a JSON string that needs parsing
var o = parse(JSON.parse(j.d));
You can try this example using jQuery:
var dump = {"d": "[{\"ID\":\"VN00000123\",\"NAME\":\"JOHN GREEN\",\"GENDER\":\"Male\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"15-10-1987\"},{\"ID\":\"VN00000456\",\"NAME\":\"MERRY BLUE\",\"GENDER\":\"Female\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"03-12-1983\"},{\"ID\":\"VN00000789\",\"NAME\":\"BLACK BROWN\",\"GENDER\":\"Male\",\"BIRTHDAY\":\"09-07-1990\"}]"};
var parse = function(json) {
var columns = [];
var data = [];
$.each(json, function(index, row) {
var element = [];
for (var key in row) {
if (columns.indexOf(key) == -1) columns.push(key);
return {columns: columns, data: data};
var json = $.parseJSON(dump.d);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
In javascript, the built in JSON class provides the two tools you need to format your JSON, no need for jquery:
JSON.parse() will handle parsing the text, and JSON.stringify can handle taking our parsed JSON and turning into a nice pretty string.
Let's slap them together.
Start with parsing and storing the JSON:
var parsedData = JSON.parse(dataToFormat);
Now to print our parsed data, we need to learn a little bit about the stringify function, specifically its space argument. Per MDN:
JSON.stringify(value[, replacer[, space]])
The space argument may be used to control spacing in the final string. If it is a number, successive levels in the stringification will each be indented by this many space characters (up to 10). If it is a string, successive levels will be indented by this string (or the first ten characters of it).
JSON.stringify({ uno: 1, dos: 2 }, null, '\t');
// returns the string:
// '{
// "uno": 1,
// "dos": 2
// }'
Note that the above code sample uses the tab character, but as described in the doc you can simply insert a number and it will use that number of spaces instead.
Alright let's print
var prettyData = JSON.stringify(parsedData, null, '\t');
prettyData should now contain a neatly formatted and indented string.
You can throw this into one line if you'd like:
var prettyData = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(dataToFormat),null,'\t');
Now, if you wanted to add a key or something to the very top of the JSON object, you could simply define some kind of key object and attach it to the object you pass in to JSON.stringify. JSON.parse gives you a standard object, so modify it like you would any other.

Convert and calculate an array javascript

I have an array like the one you can see in the pic. I have seen array with objects in it, array with numbers and/or strings. But I don't know how to deal with this kind of array. It looks like each line is an object in the array but there is no "{}". (Sorry, I am new to javascript)
My question is..I want a new array like below, how can I convert it?
newArray = [
The percent is the value for the current time devided by sum of all numbers.
That's not really an array. It's an object with sub-objects.
var outputArray = [];
for( var prop in notQuiteArray ) {
outputArray.push({time: prop, percent: notQuiteArray[prop]});
where notQuiteArray is the object you were inspecting.

Javascript array object arrays

THis is going to sound like a stupid question but here it goes. I have a js array formatted like so
var locationID = [
{ ID: "ID1", location: "location1" },
{ ID: "ID2", location: "location2" },
{ ID: "ID3", location: "location3" },
I am trying to loop through the array
for(i = 0; i < locationID.length;i++){
var object = locationID[i];
I want to get both elements from the inner array so the ID and location. would I do this by object[0] or object["ID"] for example.
Also is there a more efficient way to do what I need to do like a for each loop or something along those lines.
Use object.ID or object['ID'].
Objects {} in JavaScript are associative, or named arrays. (Also known as a map in many languages. They are indexed by strings (in this case).
Arrays [], are indexed by integral numbers, starting from 0 and counting up to n-1, where n is the length of the array.
If you want to programmatically go through all the (key, value) pairs in each object, you can use this method.
Quotations (String Literals)
To reiterate my comment below about single and double quotes:
If you're talking about inside the [], no [,they're not important]. JavaScript treats single
quotes and double quotes pretty much the same. Both of them denote
string literals. Interestingly, you can use single quotes inside
double quotes or vice-versa: "I wanted to say 'Hello world!'" would be
a (single) valid string, but so would 'But I accidentally said "Goodbye".
This is an optimized loop based from the book of Nicholas Zackas (YAHOO performance chief). I am performing a cached array length to prevent re-evaluation of array length on every iteration of the loop. Please check jsperf.com. Also, native loop is always faster than method based loops jQuery.each and Array.prototype.forEach. This is also supported on browsers below ie8
var currentItem,
locationInfo = [
{ ID: "ID1", location: "location1" },
{ ID: "ID2", location: "location2" },
{ ID: "ID3", location: "location3" },
for (var i = 0, len = locationInfo.length; i < len; i++) {
currentItem = locationInfo[i];
console.log(currentItem.ID);//I prefer this because it shrinks down the size of the js file
what you have already will return each of the objects in the JSON as you run the loop. What you need is something like
for(i = 0; i < locationID.length;i++){
var object = {locationID[i].ID, locationID[i].location};
Remember properties of objects are accessed by their keys since they are key-value pairs.
For loops are going to be your best bet as far as speed, here's how you'd do it with forEach (IE 9+)
locationID.forEach(function(location, i){
jQuery make's it a little easier but runs slower
$.each(array, function(i, item){
Also here a useful link: For-each over an array in JavaScript?
You can use the forEach method, which make your code more cleaner.
See forEach
//Here, elm is my current object
var data = elm;
Then for your second question, you should filter and map methods.
function findNamebyID(id){
//Filter by id and map the data to location
return locationID.filter(function(elm){
return elm.ID === id;
return elm.location;
Something as:
var location = locationID.reduce(function(ob, cur) {
ob[cur.ID] = cur.location;
return ob;
}, {});
The result you get is:
Object {ID1: "location1", ID2: "location2", ID3: "location3"}
Meaning you can do:
location.ID1 // location1
location.ID2 // location2
an alternative to your loop, would be to use the JavaScript for (.. in ..) since you aren't really using the iterator; it just adds fluff
for(i = 0; i < locationID.length;i++){
var object = locationID[i];
could be written as:
for (item in locationID) {
var object = item;

Check if an object has a key in javascript

I have two arrays of objects, and I want to filter the first one according to whats on the second one. Here's an example:
var ary1 = [{id: 23, title: 'blabla'},{id:43, title: 'bleble'}, {id:54, title:'blibli'}];
var ary2 = [{id:23},{id:54}, {id:65}];
So in this case what I want to return is an array with the objects that have id's 23 and 54 of the first array, with all its possible properties (in this case, title).
Could you give me any hint that could help me?
Get a list of the indexes you want to search on using map:
var indexes = ary2.map(function (el) {
return el.id;
filter the results based on the list of indexes:
var result = ary1.filter(function (el) {
return indexes.indexOf(el.id) > -1;
This might help you.
Loop through ary2, building up an array of each id value (let's call this array existingIds).
After that loop, now loop through ary1. For each item in ary1, check to see if the id value exists in the existingIds array that we just built up. If it does, append the current item to a result array.
I could write the code for you, but it will be a better learning experience if you first try this yourself :)
Might as well make use of some functional programming built into javascript.
filteredResults = ary1.filter(function(ele){
return (ary2.map(function(idobj){return idobj.id;}).indexOf(ele.id)>-1)
filter(function) will iterate through each element of an array, passing it through a callback function. From within that callback iff a true is returned, that value is kept. If false, that value is filtered out.
Also map(function) will iterate through each element of an array passing a callback value as well. All values returned from map callback will be injected into the result. So we can take the id from each element in ary2 and return it in the map function.
var ary1 = [{id: 23, title: 'blabla'},{id:43, title: 'bleble'}, {id:54, title:'blibli'}];
var ary2 = [{id:23},{id:54}, {id:65}];
//Filter for the available ID's, store the resulting objects in a new array
filteredResults = ary1.filter(function(ele){
//map creates an array of just ID's
return (ary2.map(function(idobj){return idobj.id;}).indexOf(ele.id)>-1)
//now do whatever you were planning on doing with your results/
var res = document.getElementById("results");
res.innerHTML+="<li>{id:"+ele.id + ",title:" +ele.title+"}</li>"
<ul id="results"></ul>
try this:
var ary1 = [{id: 23, title: 'blabla'},{id:43, title: 'bleble'}, {id:54, title:'blibli'}];
var ary2 = [{id:23},{id:54}, {id:65}];
var newary=[];
for(x in ary1){
for(y in ary2){
if(ary1[x].id == ary2[y].id){
console.log(newary);// here newary will be your return newary;

jquery creating two dimensional array

Edit: It appears I was a bit confused on what I was trying to accomplish. For those that took the time to explain this, thank you.
I'm trying to create a two dimensional array in Jquery/Javascript. I've done a decent amount of searching, testing and more searching but i'm unable to find a solution that really makes sense to me. (it's been a very long week already....)
Below is the desired format of the array.
That's not a 2D array, but rather an object. Also, your product array contains only one object. I think you need something like this:
var obj = {};
obj.product = [];
for(var i=0; i < someObj.length; i++) {
obj.product.push[{"attribute": someObj[i]}]
This will produce an array inside the product property:
{"product":[{"attribute":"value"}, {"attribute":"value"}]}
You can't create a two dimensional array in Javascript, arrays can only have one dimension. Jagged arrays, i.e. arrays of arrays, are used instead of two dimensional arrays.
var a = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
The desired format that you show is neither a two dimensional array nor a jagged array, instead it's an object containing a property that is an array of objects. However, the object in the array has two properties with the same name, so I assume, you meant that as having two objects in the array:
var o = {
product: [
{ attribute: "value" },
{ attribute: "value" }
You can create an object like that using a literal object like above, or you can create it by adding properties and array items afterwards:
var o = {};
o.product = [];
o.product.push({ attribute: "value" });
o.product.push({ attribute: "value" });
Try this:
{"product":[ [{"attribute":"value"},{"attribute":"value"}]]}
tasks = [];
$(".subtasktask"+len).each(function() {
var raw = $(".subtasktask"+len).children().size();
for(var l =0;l
alert("now show json milestone array : ");
alert(milestone.month + ":" + milestone.title +":" + milestone.task. );
This is my solution.
var optionArr = []
optionArr = {"product": [{"id":1, "name":"abc"}, {"name":"value"}]}
var data = optionArr['product'][0]['name']

