Can a zipcode input be validated worldwide? - javascript

I found this regex
var zipCodePattern = /^\d{5}$|^\d{5}-\d{4}$/;
That won't validate: 12345, but it does validate 07179. I need to be sure that it would work worldwide, would it? If not, does it exist?

No, in some countries(India, for eg.), the Zip Code is of 6 digits and in some others, it might be entirely different with spaces also. Your expression should support that too.


Regular expression to match at least two special characters in any order

I have to do jQuery form validation for password.
The password should contain at least two special characters in any order. I have tried with
Regular Expression for password validation but it does not address that two random special characters can come at any order.
How do I do it using a JavaScript regular expression?
You do not have to use look-arounds in cases when you do not have to.
If you only need to make sure the string has at least 2 characters of a specific set, use this kind of a regex (with a negated class to make it more robust):
See demo
In javascript it worked for me:
var goodtogo = false;
var pass = 'simp!le#'; //example
var times = pass.match(/[\\\[\]\/\(\)\+\*\?`!##$%\^&_=-]/g).length;
if(times >= 2)
goodtogo = true;
Now I advice you to try several passwords and if you find a bug or something don't hesitate to yell back.
And if you have more special chars just add them to the parameter for match.
Hope it helps.

RegEx for email to allow Empty spaces, vaild email address and multiple email addresses

I have this RegEx which I use for CC and BCC email fields
reg = /(^\s*$|^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)$)/;
This allows for the email field to be empty, or have a valid email address, otherwise it will error.
I would like to extend the RegEx to allow mutiple emails also e.g.,,
I have tried adding [,;] to allow comma or semicolon seperated values, but i can't seem to get it to work.
Any one know if i'm on the right lines with [,;] and where I should be placing it?
Update: I've updated the RegEx to, so it doesn't look for gTLDs:
reg =
If Alex K.'s comment about ASP.NET validation doesn't help, then I have a band-aid for you. I wouldn't consider this a proper answer, as there really isn't a way to get exactly the functionality that you're looking for without giving us all pre and post email special characters that can occur. You could use something like this that uses non-capture groups to help find matches. It's not 100% accurate, but it should work for most cases. One problem with it is that you're apt to capture garbage/non-desired results if it runs into stray # symbols.
regex tested by RegexBuddy 4.2.0:
Test strings used:
9som$emaIL#cm3Gks.qa1vv; 9som$emaIL#cm3Gks.qa1vv, 9som$emaIL#cm3Gks.qa1vv; 9som$ ;

How to modify regex for phone numbers and accept only digits

I have this following regex method for the jquery validate plugin.
jQuery.validator.addMethod("phoneUS", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\s+/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid phone number");
Currently, its validating against phone numbers in this format : 203-123-1234
I need to change to validate like this: 2031231234
Does anyone have a quick and easy solution for me?
You can replace
with this
\d means match any digit
{10} means 10 times
Getting rid of all those -? sequences is probably the quickest way - they mean zero or one - characters.
That will reduce it to:
whih can be further simplified to:
If you also want to disallow the brackets around area codes, you can further simplify it to:
(and, technically, it won't match the literal 203-123-1234 since the character immediately after that first - has to be 2 thru 9, so I'm assuming you were just talking about the format rather than the values there).
I think better approach would be changing the whole expression with simpler version, something like this:
Edited, Note (see comments):
This is just a limited example of how to validate a format: 111-222-3333 vs 1112223333, not proper US phone number validation.
If you just want ten digits, then
will do it. If you want to match any of the other conditions in there (eg match both 1-2031231234 and 2031231234), you will need to add more.
As a side note, what you currently have doesn't match 203-123-1234 because the first digit after the first hyphen is a 1, and it is looking for 2-9 in that spot.
([0-9]{10}) this will match with 10 digit number.
You can use if you want to match all formats, including 203-123-1234 and 2031231234
EDIT : I'm no regex expert, but I added "1-" support
By the way, there's a really nice AIR tool for regex, it's called RegExr and you can get the desktop version here or use the online version . There's also a "community" section that contains a lot of useful working regex. That's where I took that one.

regex for email validation Not Working with Subdomains?

I'm using the following for email validation:
var filter = /^([\w]+)(.[\w]+)*#([\w]+)(.[\w]{2,3}){1,2}$/; // For Email Validation
if (filter.test(emailInputVal))) {console.log('good')}
For some reason the above does not work with emails that have a subdomain Any ideas why?
Because your regular expression is incorrect. Try this instead:
var filter = /^\w+(?:\.\w+)*#\w+(?:\.\w+)+$/;
This link may help you lots when validating email addresses:
Official RFC 2822 standard
This non-trivial simplified regular expression conforming to RFC 2822 standard:
var filter = /[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*#(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)\b/;
That is one weird regex. It's certainly not doing what you're expecting it to do, for example because the dot isn't escaped when you do mean a literal dot.
Since it's impossible to really validate an email address with a regex anyway - why not go for something simpler?
This will still match some invalid addresses and will reject some valid addresses (as all readable regexes do), but in the end you have to send a confirmation mail to a user-submitted mail address and see if you get a reply if you truly want to validate it.
You can't reliably validate email addresses with regular expressions. What I'd do:
use a simple expression like /^[^#]+#([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/ for client-side validation to catch typos
check the DNS record on the server-side
send a confirmation mail
Your last component is: any length word, then one or two instances of (dot, two-or-three-letter word). I would expect "" to work, but perhaps not more realistic examples like "" because your domain name is not a two-or-three-letter word.
Do yourself a favor: use simply /^[^# ]+#[^# ]+\.[^# ]+$/ More about this:
I am not sure if the above code will work any format, because there is an extra ) in the if condition, removing it works for the sub domain too:
if (filter.test(emailInputVal)) {console.log('good')}

Check that the user is entering a time format? eg 13:00

Basically, I'd like to have an input that when blur'd, will check the input to make sure it's in the format...
[24hour] : [minutes]
So for example 13:00, or 15:30.
So I guess I have to split it up into three parts, check the first bit is between 0 and 24, then check it has the semi-colon, then check it has a number between 0 and 60.
Going more complicated than that, it'd be fantastic to have it so if the user enters 19 it'll complete it as 19:00 for example.
I am using jQuery fwiw, but regular code is fine, for example I'm using this little piece of code so far which works fine, to convert . inputs to :
tempval = $(this).val().replace(".", ":");
Not sure where to start with this, if anyone could recommend me some reading that'd be fantastic, thank you!
([0-1 ]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])
I think that's the regex you're looking for (not specifically for javascript though).
This site has an excellent amount of info for language-specific regular expressions! Cheers!
I suggest using masked input That way the wrong input will be prevented in the first place.
Disclaimer: I haven't used that plugin myself, just found it by keywords "masked input"
There are a bunch of widgets that already deal with time validation - try googling for "jQuery time widget" - the first result doesn't look bad.
var re = /^(\d+)(:\d+)?$/;
var match = re.match(yourstring);
Now if the match has succeeded match is an array with the matched pieces: match[0] is the whole of yourstring (you don't care about that), match[1] has the digits before the colon (if any colon, else just digits), match[2] if it exists has the colon followed by the digits after it. So now you just need to perform your numeric tests on match[1], and possibly match[2] minus the leading colon, to ensure the numbers are correct.

