How do I use getvalue using Ace Editor? - javascript

I am using the Ace Editor, but I do no use JavaScript a lot so I'm finding it hard to make it actually work without a proper documentation.
I'm working on a local PHP file editor.. so open files etc, works fine, setcontent works like a charm. But now I want to save the editor's information back to the file.
In itself not really a problem. But how do I retrieve the var code.
If I use document.write it will not show the current information in the editor
If I could print out what is in the editor I could save the data. But I don't know how to provide a valid callback for getValue
Can someone please give me a little bit more information on what to do?

Simply say:
editor.getSession().on('change', function(){

Where editor is the instance of the editor. If you're using jQuery along side of Ace, what I've been doing is preserving the editor instance on the DOM element.
var editor = ace.edit('...');
$('#editor').data('editor', editor);
Later on if you need to get the value back you can then just do...


TinyMCE, checkValidity and CopyPaste

I am using TinyMCE as my editor. If I use setContent method provided by TinyMCE, I can see the paragraph getting inserted into the editor. Then I use the save method, to make sure the hidden textarea is also inserted with the same content. But when I use checkValidity method of Javascript for the form, it doesn't recognise the content.
But when I simply copy content from a website and paste it (Ctrl + V literally) into the TinyMCE editor, checkValidity then works, it doesn't fail.
I am not sure what is the difference between setContent and copy/paste into the editor. Can some one explain it to me conceptually? If I understand this, probably I can come across a solution as well. Or if you have faced this issue, then please let me know how this was resolved.

Tags Get Removed When Using Codesample Plugin with TinyMCE

Since 4.3.0 TinyMCE includes Codesample plugin that lets you enter code snippets.
This works very well for languages like Java, PHP, C# etc. that are not directly running in the browser. You save your code snippet to the server, load it back into the browser, edit it, and save it back to the server again - no hassle.
If you want to do it with HTML, JavaScript, or XML, then it seems not to be possible to load the code snippet back into the browser after saving it to the server.
Most of the tags will be removed, despite being already encoded before.
See TinyMCE Fiddle 1 and TinyMCE Fiddle 2 that try to illustrate the problem.
Any ideas? Many thanks in advance!
If you want to reload content into TinyMCE that was previously stored in your database I would use TinyMCE's JavaScript APIs to load the data after the editor is initialized. I have created a fiddle to show how you would do this.
In this example the content that would have come out of TinyMCE from a prior edit is in the theContent variable:
var theContent = '<pre class="language-markup"><code><ul><li>one</li><li>two</li></ul></code></pre>';
(In a real application you would of course grab this from the database and inject it into the web page instead of hard coding the value)
I then use the TinyMCE API for setContent to add the content to TinyMCE once its loaded:
setup: function (editor) {
editor.on('init', function () {
var theContent = '<pre class="language-markup"><code><ul><li>one</li><li>two</li></ul></code></pre>';
When you do it this way the editor will properly syntax highlight the code sample content (as seen in the Fiddle).
<textarea> tags and HTML are a difficult combination if you have anything beyond the simplest of HTML so I would avoid dropping HTML directly into the <textarea>.
Expanding on Michael's answer, putting your content into a hidden DIV, then grabbing it's html works better for me:
<div class="theDiv">
<pre class="language-markup">
var theContent = $('.theDiv').html();
The answer of Felix Riesterer in the forum of TinyMCE might be of help as well:
Yes, in the way I pointed out: < > and " need to be properly encoded as < > and " because these characters have a special meaning in HTML context. So if you want to comply with the specs (and TinyMCE expects you to do so!) you need to convert these characters accordingly. There is no way around that.
And yes, I forgot to mention that & (ampersand) needs to be encoded as & as well.
You might have to double-encode stuff: If you want to see "" you need to code <h1> so the HTML code renders as plain text. The logic behind it is like this:
1. content gets decoded into raw text (< gets translated to <, & becomes &)
2.raw text gets treated as original HTML code for the editor contents (<h1> renders as <h1>, <h1> renders as a first-level heading)

Programmatically insert images with the aloha editor

I want to include images in an aloha editable after a drop event, thus not using the toolbar button.
While some aloha commands may be executed programmatically, there is not so much doc about it and one must look into the code.
With the debugger i found that the relevant function is here so now i would go for copying the insertImg function body somewhere in my code and build my function.
On the other hand it would be much cleaner to reuse that code calling something like
In a way similar to how it is done here. Is it possible to do such a thing?
A colleague explained me that there is nothing special required in order to insert an image. The function used by aloha is just a way to substitute jQuery and is not necessary.
Once the common/image plugin is loaded, it is sufficient to append an <img> tag inside the editable, also with jQuery, and the plugin will be triggered on it, adding the resize handle and showing the image toolbar when needed.

Does JSON store formatted text and maintain the format

I am adding a text editor to a web app. I want the user to be able to create the text as they want: bold, underlined, colored, etc. If I store this in a JSON will it maintain the format or will it just be plain text when I retrieve it once again?
I researched online and didn't come across anything that could help answer my question.
I am using NicEdit on my website
Your question is too vague. What editor program are you using? As an example: if you use tinymce, you can retrieve and store the formatting by calling:
tinyMCE.get( ).getContent();
This will return a string similar to:
<p><b>This is bolded,</b> but this is not</p>
EDIT: nicEdit works exactly the same way:
And FYI: nicEdit recommends you switch to tinyMCE.
Nicedit is no longer under active development, you might want to try CKEditor or TinyMCE instead.
It all depends on how your editor stores the data behind the scenes. If you're storing some sort of markup (or markdown as the case may be in recent editors), then you should be ok. Otherwise, it's going to be stored as plaintext.

WP - JS - Get Instance of Tinymce Editor

I'm creating a Wordpress plugin, which adds a metabox right under the post editor containing a button. The plugin also loads a Javascript file right below the closing </body> tag.
At the moment, what I am trying to achieve with the plugin is simple. When a user enters content to the editor and then clicks the button inside the metabox, I want to modify the editor's content.
In its simplest form:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('#button').on('click', function(e) {
var editor = tinyMCE.get("content");
The problem is that editor variable returns undefined.
FIREBUG (when trying to set var editor)
wpActiveEditor : "content"
editors : [ ]
activeEditor : null
I have tried many, many things (also many small tweaks) found on Tinymce's documentation and here on Stackoverflow but the problem still remains the same.
Any help would be very appreciated.
PS. The content textarea is visible when running my tests.
When the Editor first loads with the "Text" mode active, tinymce does not get initialized, therefore you cannot use tinyMCE.get(), as opposed to the "Visual" mode.
(I hadn't noticed that it actually works on the "Visual" mode, as I was keep testing it on the "Text" mode)
So, a conditional statement is necessary to determine first which tab is active. I solved my problem with this method:
function setEditorContent(val) {
var $_editorTextArea = $('#content');
$':visible') ? $_editorTextArea.val(val) : tinyMCE.get('content').setContent(val);
Hope this answer will prevent some headaches :)
Well, a live example would help a lot.
This way i can only guess: It looks a bit as if you cannot get the editor you want.
There are two possible reasons that come into my mind:
The editor id you are using is not the id of your editor
To verify this you check the id of your editors soure html element (in most cases a textarea).If there is no id set tinymce will use "content" as default.
There iy no editor initialized at all
To verify this you can use console.log(tinymce.editors) in your javascript console. If no editor is initialized then you will get an empty array.
Many years later but maybe this will help someone...
In addition to everything said above some consideration needs to be paid to the JS event model. Consider:
TinyMCE may not initialize (and the tinymce global may not be available) until the document is done loading. The OP correctly wrapped calls in jQuery(fn), which will solve this. This is relevant if you're using an added framework that initializes and tries to manipulate the editors (like AngularJS directives).
Parts of initialization seem to be asynchronous so even if you wrap everything in jQuery(fn) the editors may not be available until later. WP loads Underscore as part of Backbone so wrapping initial attempts to locate editors in _.defer(fn) seems to get me lots of mileage. This could be done with the native JS setTimeout as well.
Beyond the fantastic answer by #m.spyratos, it may be helpful to note that you can hook mode change events (Visual/Text) by adding a jQuery click event handler to button.switch-tmce[data-wp-editor="my_editor_id"] and button.switch-html[data-wp-editor="my_editor_id"] for when the user selects Visual or Text, respectively. Your version may vary but I found that the textarea goes away when switching to Visual mode and the tinymce.editor instance goes away when switching to Text mode. Hooking to these events gives a persistent means to re-hook when the user decides to change modes.
As a quick reference, you can attach to the editor object (activeEditor or something in editors[], which is keyed by editor ID) to receive any and all changes in visual editor content with by hooking to the editor with editor.on('NodeChange keyup', fn) and a single event callback. I included blur in my solution as well, for posterity. The text editor content can be hooked with jQuery('textarea#my_editor_id').on('keyup', fn).
I have successfully managed multiple editors on a page that are entirely two-way bound entirely through JS; the editors are created with wp_editor and no initial content then loaded asynchronously (via AJAX in my case) and managed through multiple edit cycles without a server round-trip. This is possible, if not slightly convoluted.

