Parallax game base - Chrome (and probably others) - performance - javascript
I have tried writing a game base for a side scroller adventure/puzzle game. I have some performance issues in Chrome and it looks buggy in IE and Safari, but nice in FF and in Opera.
Is it possible to make the code more efficient? Is there another way of achieving the parallax effect? It really annoys me that this isn't working the same way in all browsers...

For the backdrop, looks like you need to specify 'background-attachment: fixed;' and have javascript move it with the page instead of against the page to avoid that jerky effect. The rest looked alright. See here for further explanation:


Non-jumping parallax with IE11 - but how?

On my website, I experience - and a lot of others do on theirs - a kind of jumping/lagging effect with Internet Explorer 11 (on a Windows 8.1 machine) when creating a parallax. On Firefox for example it is working absolutely fine.
According to my research, this is a common problem with IE11 that has no solution, but I have found a website that somehow fixed the issue (or made a Workaround?!?) :
But my website has the same issue as this one:
What are they doing differently to get it work? I appreciate your help!
Best solution I have seen to this issue is to use transition on whatever properties you are using to create the parallax.
Example, you use transform:translateY to create a parralax effect, then add:
transition:transform 10ms linear
This forces the parralax to animate smoothly.
Downside, its not fully backward compatible with older browsers

Animation of gets choppy on Android

I just found out about this really cool plugin (new for me, old for some of you maybe) and it works like a charm upon implementation, but only in regular computer browsers. When I try it on my android phone, the css3 animation of the dropdown moves really really choppy, just like its dropping frames. How can I fix this problem?
Here is the plugin I am reffering to:
They seem to have done a really nice job with the plugin, I would say the largest cause of the drop of frame rate may be because you are repainting the entire screen. If you would like, roll your own side navigation but make it go over the existing web page rather than move all the elements on the screen.
As a further step you can also get rid of the javascript and just do plain CSS and see how that works for you, an example of using checkboxes and labels to control the side nav can be found on my site (just inspect the code) - . Hope this helps!

Slow scrolling in Opera (11) using fixed position and text shadow

I am using text-shadow for all p and headline tags (2px white glow for better readability), everything works fine until page is scrolled and javascript changes absolute positioning on one element to fixed - which I want to stay visible.
Is there any way apart of changing style for opera to make it scrolled smoothly? overflow:auto is not working in this case...
it's hard to say 100% without seeing the code, but I guess that the way you've styled this page makes Opera do a lot of reflowing and painting when it is scrolled, and the combination of styles will make this a very expensive operation. (It would be nice to see a jsfiddle or get a link to the actual page, this would also make it simpler to advice on possible workarounds).
There are various fixes you could try - like keeping the element you want on-screen styled with position:absolute and move it from JavaScript after scroll events, or simply avoid setting position:fixed in Opera and letting the element scroll away for better scroll performance.
However, I'd strongly recommend that you first report a bug to Opera. Why?
The reason and the genesis of the web is collaboration. It may not be obvious to (understandably) frustrated web developers struggling with browser bugs, but they have a responsibility for helping browser vendors improve when they find problems, thereby contributing to moving the web forward. A minority browser like Opera admittedly has less development and QA staff resources, but to some extent support from the user community and "normal" web developers makes up for this and makes it possible also for smaller players to develop in the Web ecosystem. I think that's one of the web's strengths and the real reason why no single corporation has been able to dominate it.
So please report your issues and problems :)
This is a problem with Opera, not any way you've written the code. Opera is a gigantic steaming pile of doo-doo with almost no market share, and you should use another browser.
That's basically all anyone could tell you here, unfortunately. I understand that everyone loves their browser of choice but some just don't handle these things well. Other examples: browser with a poor javascript engine rendering animations erratically and jerky, etc.

Why is this website sooo slow in IE8

I just finished a website: and all is good in IE9, chrome and firefox.
It does not support browsers < IE8, but that is planned.
However the website is really really slow in IE8 and for some reason some people encounter that the scrolling divs do not work (not all IE8 users).
Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated since i cannot locate the problems.
Because IE8 just renders these animations VERY poorly. Also slow PC's will have issues with the animations.
You should detect IE8 (and lower) and disable those effects, because they are not functionally necessary
First of all well done on a good looking site. I have used Developer Toolbar in Chrome to detect the following problem. Your site uses or reference a page called daddy-shoutbox.php. This code in this page or calling code to this page is causing a infinite loop or continues call. From my results I could see that that page takes on aggregate about 500ms to load.
From the browser perspective I can only assume that IE8 actually shows the symptoms of this loop. My stats showed that the page has made over 130 requests and counting after 2mins.
Not modern browsers and, as douwe said, even slow PCs will be affected.
The parallax animation requires lots of CPU time and the effect is mainly related to the aesthetics of the website.
A good compromise between usability and aesthetics could be achieved by reducing the parallax effect.
I suggest you to remove the effect from the text ( class: contentwrapper). It will save you some CPU time and it will give you a more readable text.
You could even switch to a normal scroll bar. For my experience, customized scrollbars, always give some trouble with the users ;)
If you are happy with the experience on the modern browsers, you could simply discriminate older browsers.
With jquery you can use this
good luck
In Opera 11.52 it doesn't load at all..

Jquery Image Fade Lightbox-Like/Effect Stutter in Firefox

So I hand-made my own lightbox-like effect and I've run into a little bit of a problem on Firefox. In Chrome, the fade-in looks clean and smooth. And IE, well lets just say I have a conditional statement that opts out of the code if the user is browsing in IE.
Firefox looks a bit stuttered, but I'm pretty sure the image is loaded properly.
So I am wondering if there is a way to smooth these types of things out?
My code looks something like this for the click function, although I dont know if this will be of much help.
About all you can do (from my experience at least) is add more time to the transition. FF is just a little slow when it comes to these things.

