Image Slider in GWT - javascript

I'm looking for a simple image slider content with the following features in GWT:
slide several images from right to left when user clicks on the image
(selected image should be at the center)
endless looping (the last image should be followed by the first image
We tried a lot on web for slider but no result.
any recommendations?
Help would be appreciated.

I'm not aware of any native GWT sliders. The easiest way to implement one is probably to use a pre-made Javascript version from, well, pretty much anywhere on the web. You can learn about wrapping Javascript libraries here, here and here, and find lots of other resources by searching Google.


Image animation with mouse y movement

So i make websites as a hobby nothing professional,
but i found a really well made website and i thought it had some things i never saw being used before like 3 images in one div ( which i searched up and found out how to do it ).
But what i could not simply google was how he made each image move seperately on mouse y movement, i do not know if this is doable with just css or would i need to use javascript as well? ( note: i hardly know any javascript ).
Here is the website:
what i was referring to is the top portion of the website.
This is called the Parallax effect.
Looks like the website in question used this jQuery plugin for it.
To answer your question, you most certainly need JavaScript.

Javascript/HTML5 Image Viewer with Labels

I am reconstructing a massive collection of medical modules that were created in Flash. All of the modules are being redesigned for cross platform enjoyment (js and HTML5). I have been searching for a library or plugin that will add arrows(with rollover capabilities) and text above an image when the user clicks a button. I have had little luck.
The closest package I have found is Zoomify, but it's still not what I am looking for. They are asking for too much money for maximum development capabilities. I was really hoping to find a JQuery plugin or javascript library that would allow me to fully customize the interface. Here is a screenshot of an OLD FLASH module:
The red arrow corresponds to the link selected on the left. The new design is much more appealing but the underlying idea is the same, click buttons point to the objects.
If there is no such library or plugin should I create a simple javascript image viewer and store overlay coordinates in a database? Or is that overkill? I have hunderds of these things to do... maybe thousands :( Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.
What you are asking for is provided by CSS, which enables one to place text directly on top of an image or other rendered HTML. The key CSS properties to investigate are:
position set to 'absolute'
values for at least two of top, right, bottom or left
use z-index to specifying layering/order
Lightbox is a good option "Lightbox is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on top of the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers."

how to offset thumbnails by a fixed number (say 5) on clicking the left/right navigation buttons in a webpage?

Could someone please guide me create the navigation (left and right) used for thumbnail gallery in this site -
Basically I want the left and right buttons to offset the thumbnails by some number (say 6 as in this example).
I do not want fancy fade in or slide in/out effects, just a simple navigation to do the offsetting part.
I'm totally new to JS.
As you state your totaly new to JS this might be hard to accomplish but I would suggest you look at using one of the most common JS frameworks availble, jQuery. jQuery makes building JS a lot faster but also a lot easier, and another bonus is there are multiple plugins for jQuery that has already solved your problem.
Like in your case the (MB)SCROLLABLE plugin would probably help you a lot and you'll find examples on how to use it on this site:
Hope that could get you started.

How do I make image slideshows with a fold effect?

Back in 2000 I had a js that let me get a very nice homepage:
one picture: <pic src=x>
and somehow the js changed the main picture every a predefined time period.
(there was a pictures pool that was loaded at pageload)
I can find such scripts now but cannot find one with fold effect
(like folding a page in a book)
The closet I got was a jQuery solution - but I don't know this technology and I prefer the JS. Can you please give me a reference to such solution?
A quick Google search on page fold effects I found this js library:
There's also a jQuery plug-in for a very similar effect at:
Is it what you're looking for?

How to implement a book preview (2 page spread) without using Flash?

I'm looking into a solution for work, where you have a two page spread of the book to preview. Either side of this, you can hover in the corner to create a pseudo-flip and then click the mouse button to actually turn the page. I know there is many Flash solutions out there, but in this case we cannot use it... So we are looking for a possible solution that can work across all major browsers (yes, including IE6)...
I looked a few canvas solutions, but with Google's canvas extension for IE, these will terribly slow. So was thinking about an SVG/VML solution, like Raphael Javascript library. This could be good, but then trying to look into how to code this, without examples, could be a challenge with the time constraint.
Is there a solution out there that fits (or almost fits) this problem?
How about the SVG Flip solution by Paul Brunt? It seems to do exactly what you ask for, using svg and javascript.
Here are a few demos for different browser generations:
Book flip via CSS3 transforms
Book flip via CSS2.1 absolute positioning
Book flip via DHTML

