Is There a Way of Switching Tabs in JQuery? - javascript

First of all I want to give you the link before I forget.
Towards the bottom of the page there are multiple tabs. (Gear, Hats, Faces, Packages, etc.)
function checkForHat() {
$.get (
function parse(data) {
var hatid1 = $(data).find('#ctl00_cphRoblox_rbxUserAssetsPane_UserAssetsDataList_ctl00_AssetThumbnailHyperLink');
var hatidtitle1 = hatid1.attr('title');
var hatidhref1 = "" + hatid1.attr('href');
var hatidpi1 = $(hatid1).find('img')
var hatidpic1 = hatidpi1.attr('src')
hatLink1 = hatidhref1;
hatTitle1 = hatidtitle1;
hatPic1 = hatidpic1;
var hatid2 = $(data).find('#ctl00_cphRoblox_rbxUserAssetsPane_UserAssetsDataList_ctl01_AssetThumbnailHyperLink');
var hatidtitle2 = hatid2.attr('title');
var hatidhref2 = "" + hatid2.attr('href');
var hatidpi2 = $(hatid2).find('img')
var hatidpic2 = hatidpi2.attr('src')
hatLink2 = hatidhref2;
hatTitle2 = hatidtitle2;
hatPic2 = hatidpic2;
var hatid3 = $(data).find('#ctl00_cphRoblox_rbxUserAssetsPane_UserAssetsDataList_ctl02_AssetThumbnailHyperLink');
var hatidtitle3 = hatid3.attr('title');
var hatidhref3 = "" + hatid3.attr('href');
var hatidpi3 = $(hatid3).find('img')
var hatidpic3 = hatidpi3.attr('src')
hatLink3 = hatidhref3;
hatTitle3 = hatidtitle3;
hatPic3 = hatidpic3;
if (hatLink3 != null && hatTitle3 != null && hatPic3 != null) {
if (hatLink2 != null && hatTitle2 != null && hatPic2 != null) {
if (hatLink1 != null && hatTitle1 != null && hatPic1 != null) {
Of course some of the variables are already called earlier in the code.
Now my question is how to change tabs with JQuery. Like I said the tabs are towards the bottom.
This answer is starting to become vital because I have alot of requests for an upgrade on the chrome extension that this is in.

It appears that the javascript used to execute tab switching is held in the href attribute. You can execute eval on that method.
//this will click the shirts tab
If you want something a little more robust then:
$shirtElem = $('#assetsMenu a').filter( function() {
if ($(this).html() == 'Shirts') return true;
None of it I like, but this looks like autogenerated visual studio code which means it will be ugly and hard to work with =). I am also assuming that you don't have any control over the source or this would be a lot simpler.


Trying to use sessionStorage in javascript

I'm trying to show a popup window only once per session. In order to achieve that I'm using sessionStorage function. however, the popup is showing up whenever I reload the web page. Can you please let me know where I'm making the mistake.
dialogue = new IMu.App.Dialogue();
dialogue.setHtmlMessage(IMu.string('dialogue-heading'));{ showDetails: true });
var is_dialogue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('message');
if (is_dialogue != 'true')
Below is the show function
show: function(options, callback)
if (typeof(options) == 'function')
callback = options;
options = undefined;
var test = jQuery('body').children('div.imu-dialogue');
var owner = self.owner = jQuery('body').child('div', 'imu-dialogue');
var box = owner.child('div', 'box');
var message = box.child('div', 'message');
if (this.message)
var value = this.message.value;
var method = this.message.type;
if (self.details)
var details = box.child('div', 'details');
for (var i in self.details)
if (! self.details.hasOwnProperty(i))
var detail = details.child('div', 'detail');
var value = self.details[i].value;
var method = self.details[i].type || 'text';
var show = box.child('div', 'show-details');
if (! options || options.showDetails !== true)
show.text('I agree');
show.on('click', function()
You've got your logic backwards. You need to check if the sessionStorage item has been set first. If it has not been set, show the dialog and then set it.
if (!sessionStorage.getItem('notified')) {
let dialogue = new IMu.App.Dialogue();
dialogue.setHtmlMessage(IMu.string('dialogue-heading'));{ showDetails: true });
sessionStorage.setItem('notified', 'true');
There is no need to check the value of the stored property. Simply testing for it's existence is enough.
Forget the;
If you try in a new tab of your browser the following code:
is_dialogue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('message');
is_dialogue != 'true' // false
refresh the page and run
is_dialogue = window.sessionStorage.getItem('message');
is_dialogue != 'true' // false
You may have something in your code whick clean session storage on mounted or on created ?

Call functions from sources directly in Chrome console?

For a website there is this function under sources with the code:
betSlipView.prototype.stakeOnKeyUp = function(_key) {
var model = ob.slip.getModel(),
defval = ob.cfg.default_bet_amount;
selector = toJqId(["#stake-", _key].join('')),
stake_box = $(selector),
spl = stake_box.val();
if(spl != defval) {
spl = ob.slip.cleanFormatedAmount(spl);
if(spl === '' || isNaN(spl)) {
spl = 0;
model.setBetStake(_key, spl);
$(toJqId(['#ob-slip-estimate-', _key].join(''))).html(
model.getBet(_key, 'pretty_returns')
} else {
model.setBetStake(_key, defval);
$(toJqId(['#ob-slip-estimate-', _key].join(''))).html(
model.getBet(_key, 'pretty_returns')
//Update bonus amount
try {
var offers = model.getBet(_key, 'offers');
catch(err) {
var offers = "";
if(offers !== "" && typeof offers['STLWIN'] !== "undefined") {
this._handleAccumulatorBonusElements(_key, offers['STLWIN']);
// potential returns for this bet
I cannot figure out how to (if possible) call this function directly from the console. Firstly, when I try to write betSlipView in the console, it cannot be found. Consequently if I copy the code to the console to define the function, betSlipView is still not found and if I try to change the function name, there are some names in the function body that cannot be found either. I wish to call this function with certain arguments, is this possible?
The whole code can be found here

Can't seem to move segment into repeating field

I have a piece of code that I'm trying to get to work on an interface. Basically we take some fields and drop into other segments. The problem seems to be that it leaves the data where it is instead of moving it to the indexed PID segment. Also the CP variable is returning 'undefined' for some reason.
var i = msg['PID']['PID.13'].length();
var homeNum;
var netNum;
var cpNum;
if (msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.2'].toString() == "PRN")
homeNum = msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.9'];
if (msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.2'].toString() == "NET")
netNum = msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.4'];
if (msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.2'].toString() == "CP")
cpNum = msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.9'];
msg['PID']['PID.13'][i] = "";
msg['PID']['PID.13'][0]['PID.13.1'] = homeNum;
msg['PID']['PID.13'][0]['PID.13.4'] = netNum;
msg['PID']['PID.13'][1]['PID.13.1'] = cpNum;
Sample HL7 msg I am using before transforms (from our test system, NOT live data)
It should resemble this instead:
Any ideas/pointers on why it's not moving?
You are missing a toString() when you set the variables. A typical Mirth thing, because you get the E4X object back in the variable instead of the value you expected.
In addition to this, you should check the variables for undefined values before setting them on the new structure because otherwise you end up with "undefined" in the fields.
This is a working solution:
var i = msg['PID']['PID.13'].length();
var homeNum;
var netNum;
var cpNum;
if (msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.2'].toString() == "PRN")
homeNum = msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.9'].toString();
if (msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.2'].toString() == "NET")
netNum = msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.4'].toString();
if (msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.2'].toString() == "CP")
cpNum = msg['PID']['PID.13'][i]['PID.13.9'].toString();
msg['PID']['PID.13'][i] = "";
if(homeNum != null) msg['PID']['PID.13'][0]['PID.13.1'] = homeNum;
if(netNum != null) msg['PID']['PID.13'][0]['PID.13.4'] = netNum;
if(cpNum != null) msg['PID']['PID.13'][1]['PID.13.1'] = cpNum;

How to Delete List Item in a Custom Page?

I have a custom Dashboard page (Dashboard.aspx) that I made - it is not located inside the list, rather inside Pages folder.
I created this Dashboard to replace SharePoint's default "AllItems.aspx".
However, I could not replicate the onClick event of "Delete Item" from the SharePoint default list view.
Can anyone provide code snippets of how to delete a list item from a custom page?
P.S.: My custom page already has the ID and List Name. I appreciate your responses!
The function provided by Microsoft is this one:
function DeleteListItem() {
ULSrLq: ;
if (!IsContextSet()) return;
var b = currentCtx,
e = currentItemID,
g = currentItemFSObjType,
c = L_STSRecycleConfirm_Text;
if (!b.RecycleBinEnabled || b.ExternalDataList) c = L_STSDelConfirm_Text;
if (b.HasRelatedCascadeLists && b.CascadeDeleteWarningMessage != null) c = b.CascadeDeleteWarningMessage + c;
if (confirm(c)) {
var h = L_Notification_Delete,
f = addNotification(h, true),
a = b.clvp;
if (b.ExternalDataList && a != null) {
a.DeleteItemCore(e, g, false);
a.pendingItems = [];
a.cctx.executeQueryAsync(function () {
ULSrLq: ;
if (typeof a.rgehs != "undefined") {
if (a.rgehs.length == 1 && a.rgehs[0].get_serverErrorCode() == SP.ClientErrorCodes.redirect) {
} else RefreshPage(SP.UI.DialogResult.OK)
}, function () {
ULSrLq: ;
typeof a.rgehs != "undefined" && a.ShowErrorDialog()
} else {
var d = b.HttpPath + "&Cmd=Delete&List=" + b.listName + "&ID=" + e + "&NextUsing=" + GetSource();
if (null != currentItemContentTypeId) d += "&ContentTypeId=" + currentItemContentTypeId;
With that you should be able to find what you need for your case.
If you use some jQuery/JavaScript in your page, you may also want to check SharepointPlus that provides some useful functions (like to get data from a list or to delete an item).
I figured it out!
I have a JS library called "SPAPI_Lists", which is from SharePoint Services, I believe.
It provides a function called quickDeleteListItem(listName, listItemId).
Code looks like this:
var urlThatContainsList = '';
var listName = 'Sample List';
var listItemId = 3;
new SPAPI_Lists(urlThatContainsList).quickDeleteListItem(listName, listItemId);

javascript to stop specific service

I have the following code in a script.
The problem is That I want to get information of scripts that starts in a specific name and are in a specific startmode.
var e = new Enumerator(GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_Service"))
var WSHShell = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Shell");
var strPrefix = "TTTT";
for(;!e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()){
var Service = e.item();
var strName = Service.Name;
if (strName.substr (0, strPrefix.length) == strPrefix) {
if(Service.StartMode == 'mmManual') {
if(e.StartMode == 'Manual') {
In the above script I tried to know the start mode but it always return true.
McDowell is right, but note that you can get rid of prefix and start mode checks in your loop if you make them part of the WMI query:
SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name LIKE 'TTTT%' AND StartMode = 'Manual'
Using this query, your script could look like this:
var strComputer = ".";
var oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts://" + strComputer + "/root/CIMV2");
var colServices = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name LIKE 'TTTT%' AND StartMode = 'Manual'");
var enumServices = new Enumerator(colServices);
for(; !enumServices.atEnd(); enumServices.moveNext())
var oService = enumServices.item();
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but this...
if(Service.StartMode = 'mmManual')
...will always evaluate to true. You are missing an =. It should be:
if(Service.StartMode == 'mmManual')

