Trouble Defining a Class in JavaScript - javascript

I am trying to learn how to define a class in JavaScript. I found this link ( but it doesn't seem to meet my needs. Essentially, I want to have a class that has properties and functions. When a class is initialized, I want to automatically call the init function. At this time, when I create a new Item using the following code, I get an error:
var item = new Item();
The error says: Object has no method 'init'.
My class definition looks like the following:
function Item() { = null; = "";
this.description = "";
this.init = function () { = "54321";
What am I doing wrong? How do I create a constructor in JavaScript?

You're calling init() before you've defined it. Simply move the invocation below the definition:
function Item() { = null; = "";
this.description = "";
this.init = function () { = "54321";

As you are instantiating the Item class, you could use the prototype of Item to take some of the logic out of the constructor. In the example below, Item is instantiated with all default properties from the prototype (including the init function)
function Item() {
Item.prototype = {
id: null,
name: '',
description: '',
init: function () { = "54321";
There are many ways to manipulate the prototype - here it is set to an Object to set all properties at once, but it could have had each item added individually by using Item.prototype.someVariable = something style syntax.
One note on setting the prototype - any non-primitive data type (ie: not boolean, number or string) will be shared across all instances (useful for sharing functions like the init function) whereas primitives will be per instance.

You are calling the init method before it's defined. Only FunctionDeclarations in JavaScript are hoisted. Not FunctionExpressions assigned to a variable. Remember, only declarations are hoisted. Not definitions.


Why these closure based private variables in JavaScript not working

I am experimenting imitating OOP like behavior in JS. I am trying to have (private) variables: id and name in function Person. To this function I am passing arguments which are used to initialize (private) variables. Then I am returning object having getter and setter for name and only a getter for id, thus effectively making id read-only.
So id can be set only through constructor whereas name can be set and get anytime.
This is the code:
var Person = function (_id,_nm) {
var id, name; = _id; = _nm;
return {
setName: function (nm) {
name = nm;
getName: function () {
return name;
getId: function () {
return id;
print: function () {
document.writeln("Id: "+id+"<br />Name: "+name);
var person = new Person(123, "Mahesh");
However when new Person(123,"Mahesh") executes, I dont understand it is actually setting id and name or not, since while debugging I can see values set appropriately when hovered over them but Locals panel does not show them initialized:
Or either while in print() is is not referring to the desired id and name variables:
Whats wrong here?
Working fiddle
The reason is because you are using public members for the Person.prototype. You don't need to add this references to these two. So delete: = _id; = _nm;
and simply use:
var id = _id,
name = _nm;
Now everything will work fine. The whole idea is to use var, and not this, otherwise a closure will not be created. Now you will not be able to access name and id directly, instead you will have to use setName(), getName(), setId(), getId() etc.
The two members, id and name, will now become closures as you want them to be.
If you used, then it wouldn't have been private and you could just do var p = new Person(1, "Mahesha"); and access or directly. They are supposed to be private so this is not what you want.
With the closure pattern, and are undefined and can only be accessed through p.getName(); and p.getId();. Read on how closures work. The idea is that because you are using that var name, a closure will be created to remember it's value.
Your getName and setName are using that closure to access the name property. There is no, there is a value remembered through a higher - order closure. and var id are not the same. is a property of the object. var id belongs to the local scope.
Either use new or return a value. Not both.
The problem is that you're creating a new instance of Person using the new keyword, but your constructor function is returning another object instead.
When you return something from a constructor function it returns that value, and not the instance of the function.
You see when you execute new Person(123, "Mahesh") a new instance of Person is created. This is accessible within the constructor function as this.
If you don't return anything from your constructor then JavaScript automatically returns this. However you're explicitly returning another object.
No wonder var person doesn't have id and name properties (which you only defined on this).
In addition print doesn't display the id and name because although you declared them (var id, name) you didn't give them any values. Hence they are undefined.
This is how I would rewrite your Person constructor:
function Person(id, name) {
this.getId = function () {
return id;
this.getName = function () {
return name;
this.setName = function (new_name) {
name = new_name;
this.print = function () {
document.writeln("Id: " + id + "<br/>Name: " + name);
I didn't set the id and name properties on this because it makes no sense to include them.
You've mixed up using locally scoped ("private") variables for _id and _nm and "public" instance properties ( and this.nm).
In this case you need the former, but you created both and only initialised the latter.
Note that since id is read-only you don't really need a separate local variable at all, you can just use the lexically scoped first parameter to the constructor:
var Person = function (id, _nm) {
var name = _nm;
Let me try to explain using the following:
// Scope 1
var Person = function (_id,_nm) {
// Scope 2
var id, name; = _id; = _nm;
return {
// Scope 3
setName: function (nm) {
name = nm;
getName: function () {
return name;
getId: function () {
return id;
print: function () {
$("#output").append("<p>Id: "+id+"; Name: "+name + "<p/>");
The print method will return undefined because you are referring to the var id, name; that is never set in your code. You set the _id and _name to the property id and name but you fail to return the object that you just created. Instead, you return a dictionary, that references the name and id variable you created in Scope 2 that you never set, hence the undefined output in the print() call.
Here is what you should have done:
var NewPerson = function (_id,_nm) {
var self = this; = _id; = _nm;
this.print = function () {
$("#output").append("<p>New Person Id: ""; Name: "+ + "<p/>");
return this;
var nperson = new NewPerson(456, "Marcos");
This will output:
New Person Id: 456; Name: Marcos
In essence, new is creating a new object represented by this, and you must return this to have a reference to the object created. In fact, if you do not use the new before creating an object, you end up referencing a global instance of this. Try the following:
var nperson = new NewPerson(456, "Marcos"); = "Hello";
var nperson1 = NewPerson(456, "Marcos"); = "Hello";
You will see that the first output will be as expected:
New Person Id: 456; Name: Marcos
But the second will pick up the change made to
New Person Id: 456; Name: Hello
Here is the JSFiddle.

How to convert javascript object variable into a class

How do I define a class I can instatiate later?
I wrote myself a rotator class using jquery which looks like:
var Rotator =
Loop: null,
init: function(identifierName)
If i want to have one rotator on my page it's good. I just call Rotator.init() and it's ready.
However when I want to have 3 rotators i got to define 3 times the whole class code changing its name.
Way easier it would be if I could just do
Instance1 = new rotator;
Instance2 = new rotator;
Instance3 = new rotator;
The following is what your object literal might look like as a re-usable Named Function that can be instantiated multiple times:
var Rotator = function(name) {
this.Name = name;
this.Loop = null;
this.init = function(identifierName)
this.Name = identifierName;
// usage:
var foorotator = new Rotator('foo');
var barrotator = new Rotator('bar');
After Edit:
Xander's solution looks like an acceptable form for a class-like object used only once. If you plan to subclass or multiply instantiate it, however, you should apply methods to the prototype rather than defining them within the main class (constructor) function. For example:
var Rotator = function(name) {
//run your initialization logic inside this constructor function
this.Name = name;
this.Loop = null;
Rotator.prototype.someMethod = function() {
//method code
var rotator1 = new Rotator('foo');
var rotator2 = new Rotator('bar');
The reason to use this structure is to prevent the methods from being reconstructed every time the class is instantiated. By applying the methods to the prototype, they will be shared between all instances of the class.
I've found this to be a helpful reference for some basics of JavaScript class definition:
3 Ways to Define a JavaScript Class

Object Oriented JavaScript programming

I have been trying to learn OOP with JavaScript before I start attempting to learn backbone.js.
I want to be able to data bind but I can't seem to get it to work.
I've just made a simple protoype of a budget website that you can put in a budget and input how much you've spent, and it will show if you've gone over.
function BudgetItem(spent, budget){
this.setSpent = function(spent){
this.spent = spent;
this.setBudget = function(budget){
this.budget = budget;
this.getSpent = function(){
return this.spent;
this.getBudget = function(){
return this.budget;
function BudgetType(type){
this.getType = function(){
return type;
BudgetType.prototype = new BudgetItem();
var food = new BudgetType('food');
That's my code thus far. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Am I supposed to extend things? Also, can someone explain how to dynamically data bind without a library?
First I'll give you some theory. A Javascript function is a dynamic object, just like Object is, and a new instance can be created using the new keyword much like you are doing in your listener. When this happens, the function itself will run as a constructor while the this keyword will be bound to the newly created object. What you're doing above then is in fact adding new properties on the fly as you're passing in their values for the first time... which is fine, but not very clear to another reader.
Now for the tricky part. Every function has a link to a "hidden" Prototype object. This is an anonymous (not accessible by name) object created by the JavaScript runtime and passed as a reference to the user object through the prototype property. This Prototype object also has a reference to the function through its constructor property. To test what I'm saying for yourself, try the following:
BudgetItem.prototype.constructor === BudgetItem // true
Putting it all together, you can now think of functions as constructors to (hidden) classes that are created for you behind the scenes, accessible through the function's prototype property. So, you could add the fields to the Prototype object directly as so:
function BudgetItem(spent) {
this.spent = spent
BudgetItem.prototype.setSpent = function(spent) { this.spent = spent };
BudgetItem.prototype.getSpent = function() { return this.spent };
Another problem is inheritance and passing parameters to the constructor. Again, your version is valid but you lose the ability to pass the spent and budget values when initializing a BudgetType. What I would do is forget prototypes and go:
function BudgetType(type, spent) {
var instance = new BudgetItem(spent);
instance.type = type;
return instance;
This is close to what Scott Sauyet suggested above but more powerful. Now you can pass both parameters (and more) and have a more complicated inheritance tree.
Finally, what you can do is create private (or pseudo-private, more accurately) properties by providing a getter to an otherwise automatic variable (one passed as an argument or initialised inside the function). This is a special feature of the language and it works like so:
function BudgetType(type, spent) {
var instance = new BudgetItem(spent);
instance.getType = function() {
return type;
return instance;
Now you can access the 'type' passed in the constructor by obj.getType() but cannot override the initial value. Even if you define obj.type = 'New Value' the getType() will return the initial parameter passed because it has a reference to another context which was created when the object was initialised and never got released due to the closure.
Hope that helps...
if you want all instances of objects to reference the same members/values you can use a closure:
// create a constrctor for you object wrapped in a closure
myCon = (function() {
// define shared members up here
var mySharedObj = new function () {
this.member = "a";
// return the actual constructor
return function () {
this.mySharedObj = mySharedObj;
// create two instances of the object
var a = new myCon();
var b = new myCon();
// Altering the shared object from one
a.mySharedObj.member = "b";
// Alters it for all
If you want to build objects from other objects(sort of like other languages' class whatever extends baseClass), but do not want them to share values via reference(instead a clone of values), you can use something like the following:
Object.prototype.extendsUpon = (function (_prop, _args) {
return function (base) {
for (var key in base) {
if (, key)) {
this[key] = base[key];
function con(child){
this.constructor = child;
con.prototype = base.prototype;
this.prototype = new con(this);
this.__base__ = base.prototype;
var args =;
base.constructor.apply(this, args);
}(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Array.prototype.slice));
Then to build objects ontop of objects:
// Base Object Constructor
function Fruit(name) {
this.fruitname = name;
Fruit.prototype.yum = function() {
return "I had an " + this.fruitname;
// Object constructor that derives from the Base Object
function Favorite() {
// Derive this object from a specified base object:
// #arg0 -> Object Constructor to use as base
// #arg1+ -> arguments passed to the BaseObject's constructor
this.extendsUpon(Fruit, "apple");
// From here proceed as usual
// To access members from the base object that have been over-written,
// use "this.__base__.MEMBER.apply(this, arguments)"
Favorite.prototype.yum = function() {
return this.__base__.yum.apply(this) + " and it was my favorite";
var mmm = new Favorite();
// Outputs: "I had an apple and it was my favorite"

How to call a parent method from child class in javascript?

I've spent the last couple of hours trying to find a solution to my problem but it seems to be hopeless.
Basically I need to know how to call a parent method from a child class.
All the stuff that I've tried so far ends up in either not working or over-writing the parent method.
I am using the following code to set up OOP in javascript:
// surrogate constructor (empty function)
function surrogateCtor() {}
function extend(base, sub) {
// copy the prototype from the base to setup inheritance
surrogateCtor.prototype = base.prototype;
sub.prototype = new surrogateCtor();
sub.prototype.constructor = sub;
// parent class
function ParentObject(name) { = name;
// parent's methods
ParentObject.prototype = {
myMethod: function(arg) { = arg;
// child
function ChildObject(name) {
// call the parent's constructor, name);
this.myMethod = function(arg) {
// do stuff
// setup the prototype chain
extend(ParentObject, ChildObject);
I need to call the parent's method first and then add some more stuff to it in the child class.
In most OOP languages that would be as simple as calling parent.myMethod()
But I really cant grasp how its done in javascript.
Any help is much appreciated, thank you!
ES6 style allows you to use new features, such as super keyword. super keyword it's all about parent class context, when you are using ES6 classes syntax. As a very simple example, checkout:
Remember: We cannot invoke parent static methods via super keyword inside an instance method. Calling method should also be static.
Invocation of static method via instance method - TypeError !
class Foo {
static classMethod() {
return 'hello';
class Bar extends Foo {
classMethod() {
return super.classMethod() + ', too';
console.log(Bar.classMethod()); // 'hello' - Invokes inherited static method
console.log((new Bar()).classMethod()); // 'Uncaught TypeError' - Invokes on instance method
Invocation of static method via super - This works!
class Foo {
static classMethod() {
return 'hello';
class Bar extends Foo {
static classMethod() {
return super.classMethod() + ', too';
console.log(Bar.classMethod()); // 'hello, too'
Now super context changes based on invocation - Voila!
class Foo {
static classMethod() {
return 'hello i am static only';
classMethod() {
return 'hello there i am an instance ';
class Bar extends Foo {
classMethod() {
return super.classMethod() + ', too';
console.log((new Bar()).classMethod()); // "hello there i am an instance , too"
console.log(Bar.classMethod()); // "hello i am static only"
Also, you can use super to call parent constructor:
class Foo {}
class Bar extends Foo {
constructor(num) {
let tmp = num * 2; // OK
this.num = num; // ReferenceError
this.num = num; // OK
And of course you can use it to access parent class properties super.prop.
So, use ES6 and be happy.
Here's how its done: ParentClass.prototype.myMethod();
Or if you want to call it in the context of the current instance, you can do:
Same goes for calling a parent method from child class with arguments:, arg1, arg2, ..) * Hint: use apply() instead of call() to pass arguments as an array.
Well in order to do this, you are not limited with the Class abstraction of ES6. Accessing the parent constructor's prototype methods is possible through the __proto__ property (I am pretty sure there will be fellow JS coders to complain that it's depreciated) which is depreciated but at the same time discovered that it is actually an essential tool for sub-classing needs (especially for the Array sub-classing needs though). So while the __proto__ property is still available in all major JS engines that i know, ES6 introduced the Object.getPrototypeOf() functionality on top of it. The super() tool in the Class abstraction is a syntactical sugar of this.
So in case you don't have access to the parent constructor's name and don't want to use the Class abstraction you may still do as follows;
function ChildObject(name) {
// call the parent's constructor, name);
this.myMethod = function(arg) {
Here's a nice way for child objects to have access to parent properties and methods using JavaScript's prototype chain, and it's compatible with Internet Explorer. JavaScript searches the prototype chain for methods and we want the child’s prototype chain to looks like this:
Child instance -> Child’s prototype (with Child methods) -> Parent’s prototype (with Parent methods) -> Object prototype -> null
The child methods can also call shadowed parent methods, as shown at the three asterisks *** below.
Here’s how:
//Parent constructor
function ParentConstructor(firstName){
//add parent properties:
this.parentProperty = firstName;
//add 2 Parent methods:
ParentConstructor.prototype.parentMethod = function(argument){
"Parent says: argument=" + argument +
", parentProperty=" + this.parentProperty +
", childProperty=" + this.childProperty
ParentConstructor.prototype.commonMethod = function(argument){
console.log("Hello from Parent! argument=" + argument);
//Child constructor
function ChildConstructor(firstName, lastName){
//first add parent's properties, firstName);
//now add child's properties:
this.childProperty = lastName;
//insert Parent's methods into Child's prototype chain
var rCopyParentProto = Object.create(ParentConstructor.prototype);
rCopyParentProto.constructor = ChildConstructor;
ChildConstructor.prototype = rCopyParentProto;
//add 2 Child methods:
ChildConstructor.prototype.childMethod = function(argument){
"Child says: argument=" + argument +
", parentProperty=" + this.parentProperty +
", childProperty=" + this.childProperty
ChildConstructor.prototype.commonMethod = function(argument){
console.log("Hello from Child! argument=" + argument);
// *** call Parent's version of common method
//create an instance of Child
var child_1 = new ChildConstructor('Albert', 'Einstein');
//call Child method
child_1.childMethod('do child method');
//call Parent method
child_1.parentMethod('do parent method');
//call common method
child_1.commonMethod('do common method');
In case of multiple inheritance level, this function can be used as a super() method in other languages. Here is a demo fiddle, with some tests, you can use it like this, inside your method use : call_base(this, 'method_name', arguments);
It make use of quite recent ES functions, an compatibility with older browsers is not guarantee. Tested in IE11, FF29, CH35.
* Call super method of the given object and method.
* This function create a temporary variable called "_call_base_reference",
* to inspect whole inheritance linage. It will be deleted at the end of inspection.
* Usage : Inside your method use call_base(this, 'method_name', arguments);
* #param {object} object The owner object of the method and inheritance linage
* #param {string} method The name of the super method to find.
* #param {array} args The calls arguments, basically use the "arguments" special variable.
* #returns {*} The data returned from the super method.
function call_base(object, method, args) {
// We get base object, first time it will be passed object,
// but in case of multiple inheritance, it will be instance of parent objects.
var base = object.hasOwnProperty('_call_base_reference') ? object._call_base_reference : object,
// We get matching method, from current object,
// this is a reference to define super method.
object_current_method = base[method],
// Temp object wo receive method definition.
descriptor = null,
// We define super function after founding current position.
is_super = false,
// Contain output data.
output = null;
while (base !== undefined) {
// Get method info
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, method);
if (descriptor !== undefined) {
// We search for current object method to define inherited part of chain.
if (descriptor.value === object_current_method) {
// Further loops will be considered as inherited function.
is_super = true;
// We already have found current object method.
else if (is_super === true) {
// We need to pass original object to apply() as first argument,
// this allow to keep original instance definition along all method
// inheritance. But we also need to save reference to "base" who
// contain parent class, it will be used into this function startup
// to begin at the right chain position.
object._call_base_reference = base;
// Apply super method.
output = descriptor.value.apply(object, args);
// Property have been used into super function if another
// call_base() is launched. Reference is not useful anymore.
delete object._call_base_reference;
// Job is done.
return output;
// Iterate to the next parent inherited.
base = Object.getPrototypeOf(base);
How about something based on Douglas Crockford idea:
function Shape(){} = 'Shape';
Shape.prototype.toString = function(){
return this.constructor.parent
? this.constructor.parent.toString() + ',' +
function TwoDShape(){}
var F = function(){};
F.prototype = Shape.prototype;
TwoDShape.prototype = new F();
TwoDShape.prototype.constructor = TwoDShape;
TwoDShape.parent = Shape.prototype; = '2D Shape';
var my = new TwoDShape();
console.log(my.toString()); ===> Shape,2D Shape
There is a much easier and more compact solution for multilevel prototype lookup, but it requires Proxy support. Usage: SUPER(<instance>).<method>(<args>), for example, assuming two classes A and B extends A with method m: SUPER(new B).m().
function SUPER(instance) {
return new Proxy(instance, {
get(target, prop) {
return Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(target))[prop].bind(target);
more flexible answer with classic js.
You define "_parent = A.prototype;" in the child class, then you can call parent's methods with apply:
class A{
_msgOnlyA=' great from A';
console.log('hello '+this._msg+', '+this._msgOnlyA);
class B extends A{
_parent = A.prototype;
this._parent.hello.apply(this, arguments);
console.log('hello '+this._msg);
var b = new B();
While you can call the parent method by the prototype of the parent, you will need to pass the current child instance for using call, apply, or bind method. The bind method will create a new function so I doesn't recommend that if you care for performance except it only called once.
As an alternative you can replace the child method and put the parent method on the instance while calling the original child method.
function proxy(context, parent){
var proto = parent.prototype;
var list = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto);
for(var i=0; i < list.length; i++){
var key = list[i];
// Create only when child have similar method name
if(context[key] !== proto[key]){
let currentMethod = context[key];
let parentMethod = proto[key];
context[key] = function(){
context.super = parentMethod;
return currentMethod.apply(context, arguments);
// ========= The usage would be like this ==========
class Parent {
first = "Home";
console.log('Parent created');
return this.first + ", Parent "+arg;
class Child extends Parent{
proxy(this, Parent);
console.log('Child created');
// Comment this to call method from parent only
return super.add(arg) + ", Child "+arg;
var family = new Child();

Encapsulation in javascript

I need to create simple reusable javascript object publishing several methods and parameterized constructor. After reading through several "OOP in JavaScript" guides I'm sitting here with an empty head. How on the Earth can I do this?
Here my last non-working code:
SomeClass = function(id) {
this._id = id;
(function() {
function intFun() {
return this._id;
SomeClass.prototype.extFun = function() {
return incFun();
This is my usual approach:
MyClass = function(x, y, z) {
// This is the constructor. When you use it with "new MyClass(),"
// then "this" refers to the new object being constructed. So you can
// assign member variables to it.
this.x = x;
MyClass.prototype = {
doSomething: function() {
// Here we can use the member variable that
// we created in the constructor.
return this.x;
somethingElse: function(a) {
var myObj = new MyClass(1,2,3);
alert(myObj.doSomething()); // this will return the object's "x" member
alert(myObj.x); // this will do the same, by accessing the member directly
Normally the "this" keyword, when used in one of the object's methods, will refer to the object itself. When you use it in the constructor, it will refer to the new object that's being created. So in the above example, both alert statements will display "1".
An exception to this rule is when you pass one of your member functions somewhere else, and then call it. For example,
myDiv.onclick = myObj.doSomething;
In this case, JavaScript ignores the fact that "doSomething" belongs to "myObj". As a result, the "this" inside doSomething will point to another object, so the method won't work as expected. To get around this, you need to specify the object to which "this" should refer. You can do so with JavaScript's "call" function:
myDiv.onclick = function() {;
It's weird, but you'll get used to it eventually. The bottom line is that, when passing around methods, you also need to pass around the object that they should be called on.
I usually don't worry too much about hiding the internals, although I do prefix them with underscores to mark them as not intended to be used outside the "class". Normally what I will do is:
var MyClass = function() {};
MyClass.prototype = {
_someVar : null,
_otherVar : null,
initialize: function( optionHash ) {
_someVar = optionsHash["varValue"];
_otherVar = optionsHash["otherValue"];
method: function( arg ) {
return _someVar + arg;
And use it as so...
var myClass = new MyClass( { varValue: -1, otherValue: 10 } );
var foo = myClass.method(6);
All vars are private:
SomeClass = function (id) {
var THIS = this; // unambiguous reference
THIS._id = id;
var intFun = function () { // private
return THIS._id;
this.extFun = function () { // public
return intFun();
Use THIS within private methods since this won't equal what you might expect.
// The module pattern
var feature = (function() {
// private variables and functions
var privateThing = "secret";
var publicThing = "not secret";
var changePrivateThing = function() {
privateThing = "super secret";
var sayPrivateThing = function() {
console.log( privateThing );
// public API
return {
publicThing: publicThing,
sayPrivateThing: sayPrivateThing
feature.publicThing; // "not secret"
// logs "secret" and changes the value of privateThing
So using returning an object that aliases its "methods" could be another way to do it.
I've read from that it is always good practice to use getters and setters rather that accessing the variable directly from outside the object, so that would eliminate the need of returning variables by reference.
BTW you could just use this.variable to reference/declare a public variable and var variable to declare a private variable.
I know this is a late answer, but I hope it helps anyone who reads it in the future.

