ipad Javascript slider - javascript

I'm looking to create a slider/scroller with javascript for the iPad. I created one using JQuery UI, but it's not supported on iPad.
I'm looking to create something simple, where the user can drag an image left and right along a track. I've looked all over the place for some simple insight on how to do that, all I find are tutorials or links to jquery plugins.
I'm not sure I can use the built-in slider from jquery-mobile, as I have specific images to use, and it doesn't look like it can be skinned.
Any help is welcome.

jQuery Tools Scrollable is iPad/touch friendly.
As an example, checkout the custom scrollable slider on trekk.com (works on iPad) that I built with jQuery Tools.

I recently used a plugin called Flexslider (http://flex.madebymufffin.com/) that supports swiping between images on iOS.


Bootstrap 3 Navigation Javascripts Disabled

I started using bootstrap and had a very good experience with it.
Today when I was testing it, I understood that the navigation menu doesn't work when javascript is disabled. i.e. drop down menus don't work (i know that they cannot work without javascript but atleast some alternative should be there) and the menu is not at all accessible for mobile devices having javasript turned off.
I didn't find any resources which helped to fix this online. So, is there any way (if not fix drop down menus) make the menu work on mobile devices?
Or do I have to stop using bootstrap?
Most modern mobile devices should be able to support JavaScript. And it is the recommended way of doing responsive Web pages.
However you may be able to use css for this type of function by using a hover which will display a div that you've defined and hidden further up in the css
There is also css animations if you wish to have some sort of movement.

Custom page slide transition for PhoneGap App without any UI Frameworks

I need a custom page slide transition for my new PhoneGap Project, Please help me to how to create a custom page slide transition using html5, css3 and javascript
Thanks advance..
I would recommend PageSlider by Christopher Conraets (an Adobe employee and strong proponent of PhoneGap - check out this talk by him about good rules for PhoneGap development if you're interested).
I'm using this at the moment. It feels good and is very easy to work with.
Check out this plugin pagingSlider.
slide to pages with touch swipes
auto switch to pages by clicking menu item
animated mobile pagebrowser
integrated touch events with QuoJS
shafi plz use
transform translate3d 3d in css3
to translate the pages left to rigth and rigth to left
You can use Jquery Mobile transitions :
IScroll4 is a good tool for you。 http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4

Where is the flickr Carousel/Slideshow "hero" available?

I was looking at flickr and noticed their carousel at the top and how smoothly it operated. Upon inspecting it, it shows "yui" but I don't see it anywhere in the YUI list of items.
Does anyone know what elements specifically from YUI the carousel is made from, and where they're available?
Thank you for any assistance.
The following are conclusions I'm reaching based on what I can tell from the HTML and minified JS source.
The Flickr carousel is written with very little YUI code and without using any complex component besides the transition module. Transition is used to provide a fallback for animations in older browsers. It's very smooth because it's using CSS transitions, in particular using translate3d() which works really well for moving images in one direction.
Like Quinn mentions, there's the Gallery Carousel widget. Lately I'm using ScrollView + ScrollViewPaginator and disabling drag events in non-touch devices. I like this approach because it feels like the typical carousel, but it also supports flicking through the images/pages with gestures on touch devices.
you can build it very easily using the YUI Gallery Carousel YUI Gallery Carousel

Javascript Skinnable UI Controls Library for Desktop and Mobile?

I need something that gives me theming enabled controls (dropdown, combobox, etc), slick animation, dialog windows, and so forth for both desktop and mobile.
The only thing I've found so far is jQuery UI. I'm sure there's more?
Note: I'm not looking for ExtJS or other "big" solutions, just something simple that I can add-on quickly.
If you don't want a "big" solution (note that things like Ext JS can be trimmed down) then you should use jQuery.
For mobile you should look at using jQuery Touch as well.

Custom scrollbar

I am hoping to incorporate custom scrollbars in my site as there are divs with set heights that will overflow. I have managed to get exactly what I want using webkit styling in css however I am aware that there will be issues when looking at the site in Firefox or IE.
As a result, I tried to incorporate the jScrollPane library into my site but its causing all sorts of js "clashes" which is throwing the whole site into a mess!
Are there any simpler methods to customise my scroll bar so that I have cross browser compatibility without adding a new js page to the site?
Alternatively - is there a way I can attach something to the css for when the browser is firefox!?
Fast forward to 2017, and there are a lot of good custom scrollbar scripts these days. By good I mean ones that rely on native scrolling mechanics and works on mobile devices too. The one I use is Perfect Scrollbar. Some other good ones can be found here in this blog post.
I'm a little confused with what exactly you're asking for, but if you're looking for a scroll bar of some sort that can be customized with CSS, look no further than jQuery UI's Slider.
You'll have to add some event handlers to do the scrolling, but it shouldn't be too difficult over-all.
Here are some custom scrollbars you can use:
One off these solutions should work. BTW i use JScrollpane and it works like a charm for me
I went through all of the suggestions above and was disappointed by either of the following issues:
poor cross-browser compatibility
a lot of redundant code/ dependencies (jQuery UI)
Therefore, I've used some CSS trickery and JavaScript (depends on jQuery selectors) to build my own custom scrollbar implementation. The demo is available at https://dev.anuary.com/680a3c94-9651-550f-abca-e853613eb9ce/. The source code is hosted at https://github.com/anuary/jquery-custom-scrollbar.
My approach relies on the native browser scrollbar. However, this implementation does not support horizontal scrollbars.
Just found this, without jQuery, if anyone is interested:

