Accessing HTML Form elements through Javascript - javascript

Can any guru show me how to get values from HTML Form element - RADIO BUTTON and CHECK BOX?
For example in case of text box we can get the value directly by getElementById(id).value;
But how to get the value for a combo box (drop down menu), radio button and checkbox ?

Drop down (<select>):
var el = document.getElementById('yourSelectId');
var value = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
If you're treating your select list as a multi-select (combobox) list, you have to loop through the options and check if they are selected:
var el = document.getElementByid('yourSelectId');
var selectedValues = [];
for (var i = 0; i < el.options.length; i++) {
if (el.options[i].selected) {
// all selected values are now in the selectedValues array.
Radio buttons and checkboxes should also have value properties, but more appropriately I think I would only test whether they are checked:
var isChecked = document.getElementById('yourRadioOrCheckboxId').checked;

For checkbox, the element has a .checked property:
document.getElementById('foo').checked; // true or false


JavaScript radio onclick processed before UI reflects selection

I have the following JavaScript code:
var radios = form.elements["option_filter"];
for (var i = 0, max = radios.length; i < max; i++) {
if (typeof (radios[i].value) !== 'undefined') {
radios[i].onclick = function () {
var l = this.nextElementSibling.innerText;
<code to create a path containing selection>
which works fine, except that when a radio is clicked, the selection is considered checked in code, but that is not reflected in the UI ... the radio button remains blank as the redirect is processed.
I tried having it sleep a bit between the onclick firing and the redirect, to no avail.
How do I get the UI to reflect the selection change so that the user sees it selected while waiting for the new page to load?
To get the UI to reflect... you'll need to set the value of the target radio button to a value...
radio[i].value = "whatever"
Also remember that the value set must match the name of one of the radio buttons in your options...

JQuery get the option of a checkbox checked

I'm doing some code where i need to get the option(value) from an checkbox checked
Here is how i create the checkbox
function createCheckbox(txt) {
var comb = document.createElement("Select");
comb.className = "something";
for (var i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) {
var option = document.createElement("OPTION");
var optionText = document.createTextNode(txt[i]); //some options
return comb;
Function where i need to show the option that is selected
function foo{
var inputTextValue = document.getElementsByClassName("something");
var checkedValue = $(inputTextValue).is(':checked');
alert(checkedValue); //true/false
the alert only show true /false depeding if the checkbox is checked or not.But what i need its the option checked. I already tried $(inputTextValue).is(':checked').val().
Checkbox and Select are two different HTML Elements
For Getting the value of Selected option use
$(".something option:selected").val();
I think tou mix here between checkbox and select.
Select option is selected with :selected attribute.
Checkbox is checked with :checked attribute.
The value of a <select> is the value of the selected option.

Dynamically creation select box options issue in IE8

I am using the following function to create a add options to my select box
//add options to the requested select box
addOptionsToSelect : function(__enum , obj, selected_value) {
var optn = new Option(this.text, this.val)
if(selected_value === this.val){ optn.setAttribute('selected', 'selected') }
return obj
__enum is the key value pair containing the value and the text that we pass to the select option
obj is the select box obj which is also created dynamically
selected_value is the value that needs to set as selected on the select box.
The problem here is optn.setAttribute('selected', 'selected') works fine in all the browsers expect IE8.
I am looking for a workaround that will allow me to set the selected value in all the browsers dynamically.
I'd add an option to a like so:
var select = document.getElementById("drop-down");
var newOption = document.createElement("option");
newOption.innerHTML = 'hello';
Here's an example: my fiddle

Get An Element Within a Table Row

If possible, I would like to do this without JQuery, and purely Javascript.
Ok so I have an html table with rows getting added dynamically to it.
In each row is a:
Select Element (id = "ddFields")
Text Input Element (id = "tfValue")
Button Element (no id)
The Button Element removes the row for which it is situated
The Select Element has a default option of "" and then other 'valid' options
The Text Input is added to the row but it is hidden.
All elements are in the same
Basically I would like for the Select Element to show the hidden text input element if the selected index is != 0
so far I have this for my onchange function:
function itemChanged(dropdown) //called from itemChanged(this)
var cell = dropdown.parentNode;
var row = cell.parentNode;
var rowIndex = dropdown.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
var index = dropdown.selectedIndex;
var option = dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].text;
if(index >0)
var obj=row.getElementById("tfValue"); //tfValue is the Text Field element
//row.getElementById("tfValue").hidden = "false"; //doesn't work
//row.getElementById("tfValue").setAttribute("hidden","true"); //doesn't work
alert('none selected');
Finally figured it out. So here it is:
A table that has rows added to it dynamically.
In each row there is a select element and an input text element.
The select element changes text-value of the input text element based on the index of the select element.
in your select element set the onchange function to this:
then create a javascript function shown below:
function selectionChanged(dropdown)
//get the currently selected index of the dropdown
var index = dropdown.selectedIndex;
//get the cell in which your dropdown is
var cell = dropdown.parentNode;located
//get the row of that cell
var row = cell.parentNode;
//get the array of all cells in that row
var cells = row.getElementsByTagName("td");
//my text-field is in the second cell
//get the first input element in the second cell
var textfield = cells[1].getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
//i use the first option of the dropdown as a default option with no value
if(index > 0)
textfield.value = "anything-you-want";
textfield.value = null;
Hope this helps whoever. It bugged me for a very long time. Thanks shub for the help! :)
first, I hope you are not repeating your ids. No two items should have the same id.
If you're iterating, create id1, id2, id3.
Also, this is not necessary but I suggest introducing your vars like this:
var a = x,
b = y,
c = z;
If you decide to use jQuery you could just do this:
$('#tableid').on('change', 'select',function(){
if($(this).val()){ $(this).next().show(); }
Be sure to change #tableid to match your table's id.
This assumes the text input is the very next element after the select box. If not so, adjust as necessary or ask and I'll edit.

How do I add items to multiple drop down lists at the same time with Javascript in Razor?

I'm creating an MVC form, and I have multiple checkboxes and two drop down lists. I have figured out how to populate the first DDL based on what boxes are checked (i.e. empty at the beginning, checking boxes fills the items). However, I want to add another DDL that has the same items and populates in the same manner. My code looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkedToggle(value, checked) {
x = document.getElementById("filter1");
y = document.getElementById("filter2");
if (checked == true) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = value;
x.add(option, null);
y.add(option, null);
else {
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (x.options[i].value == value) {
The else statement obviously removes an item from the list once you uncheck the box.
Now, when you click a check box, rather than adding the item to both lists, it only adds to the second one, and I'm not exactly sure why. Any advice?
You need to create two elements, since in your code you just move the first DOM element to the second select.
var option = document.createElement("option");
var option2 = document.createElement("option");
option.text = value;
option2.text = value;
x.add(option, null);
y.add(option2, null);

