Many to many relationship events with backbone.js - javascript

I have a many-to-many relationship with two of my backbone.js models implemented using a pivot table on the serverside. I'm trying to figure out how to structure it clientside. My current structure is:
1) I have a Tag model, and a TagView which renders a checkbox and the tag label, I have a checked event on the checkbox which does nothing at the moment.
I have a TagsCollection, which holds a bunch of Tags.
I have a TagsCollectionView, which binds add, reset etc of the TagsCollection, and adds TagViews for the added Tags, renders them, and appends the html to its current html (on reset, the html is reset).
I have a global TagCollection instance which contains all the possible tags
I have a Notes Model which contains an (empty) TagCollection called selectedtags on init.
The server returns an array of selected tagids for each Notes, which I add to its TagCollection.
Now comes the hard part, tying it all together.. my NotesView has its own TagsCollectionView which is bound to the global TagsCollection (so it can list all the Tags).. now, how do I get a checked event on the checkedbox of its sub TagViews to trigger an add to this Notes model's selectedtags? Should I provide a reference to the this Notes model instance to the TagsCollectionView on init which then provides it to all the TagViews it creates, whose checked event then adds/removes items from that model? That's the best way I can figure out how to do this, any other thoughts would be appreciated.

View is only for visual display of model. Please specify the need for TagsCollectionView in more details:
Use change event for checking the checkbox.
I would advise incremental coding. First work with the Tag and TagView, As it works, continue adding collection to hold the Tags. After that you can add Notes. It's a 'divide and conquer' :)
Don't confuse with the whole design, it is very simple when you start.
I can not provide the whole design due to lack of requirement details. but, I think below code should trigger the starting point of your design.
var TagsCollectionView=Backbone.View.extend({
var Tag=Backbone.Model.extend({
// define the default properties
var TagView=Backbone.View.extend({
'change #checkBox':'customFunction'
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render','customFunction');
var tag=new Tag();
// code to render the checkbox and label
// whatever you want to do after checking event of checkbox
// collection to collect all the tags
var TagCollection=Backbone.Collection.extend({
var Notes=Backbone.Model.extend({
// you do not require TagsCollectionView


Update datapanel when the model is switched

I have an application linked with my autodesk account and I also have a panel dashboard that load the data from the current model, the issue is that this panel isnt update when I choose another model into the hub.
Im trying to find the Autodesk.viewing.EVENT that can record this step but I couldnt. All of them have been tryed and whitout success...
I have got this working. Don't worry about events, it's working fine.
Here are my changes and additions:
PanelBarChart.js(same goes in piechart as well)
loadWithCustomProperty(property) {
this.propertyToUse = property;
After creating list in dashboard.js, add the change event:
$('#'+_this._selectcontainer).change(function() {
console.log($('#'+_this._selectcontainer+' option:selected').text())
_this._panel.loadWithCustomProperty($('#'+_this._selectcontainer+' option:selected').text())
Here _this._selectcontainer is UUID, because you're adding multiple chards, so id needs to be unique.

How to manipulate data-binding, knockoutJs

I have a customer who is a member of a web site. He has to fill a form every time which is really very often. That's why he wants me to develop an application for him to make this process automatic. When I use the webBrowser control to manipulate it, I am able to login but after that there are fields that contains data-binding. These fields are the ones I need to manipulate. When I push the data to necessary fields, it's not working, because in the html tag, there is no value attribute, instead it has data-binding. So my question is how can I manipulate and push data to these fields?
Thank you so much for your all help in advance.
Knockout uses data-binds to listen to changes in an input and update an underlying model. For example, the value binding listens to change events and writes the new value to a data-bound observable.
If you update a value attribute through code, the change event isn't triggered. You'll see the new value in the UI, but the javascript model won't be updated.
You can combat this by explicitly triggering a change. Here's an example:
Type in the input: you'll see a console.log that shows knockout gets updated
Press the button to inject a new value: you won't see a log: knockout isn't updated
Press the last button to trigger a change event. You'll notice knockout now updates the model.
Of course, you can combine the two click listeners into one function. I've separated them to get the point across.
// Hidden knockout code:
(function() {
var label = ko.observable("test");
ko.applyBindings({ label: label });
// Your code
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var input = document.querySelector("input");
buttons[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
input.value = "generated value";
buttons[1].addEventListener("click", function() {
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" data-bind="value: label">
<button>inject value from outside</button>
<button>let knockout know something changed</button>

Angular Material md-chips not refreshing correctly

I am developing an app that works with a "Widget layout".
The user gets a page which is a Dashboard with different widgets he can interact with, such as a table, graphs etc.
I am adding a global "filter" using <md-chips>, the objective of this is having filters that are shared by all the widgets and can be updated by all the widgets.
My Filter list uses <md-chips>, with read-only and md-removable set to True. So filters can only be deleted, or added by interacting with the widgets (so only added programmatically).
One of the feature of this "module" is to add a new filter on a field when a Graph element is clicked.
Example :
Here is my Filters list before clicking a Graph element
Now I click on a Graph element which is in a Child controller of my Filter controller, it will $emit an event to say to the global controller : "I want to update the filters ! here is the filter to add"
And the Filter Controller will get that event and update his filters accordingly ($scope.tags is the list of filters and the model used in <md-chips>)
$scope.tags = [];
$scope.readOnly = true;
$scope.removable = true;
$scope.$on('filterChildChanged', function (event, filter) {
console.log("Parent event fired !");
At that point I would expect the <md-chips>element to refresh, because $scope.tags just got a new filter :
But instead, nothing happens! and the weird part is, it refreshes when I click on one of the existing chip (I had a "test" chip) !
So when I push a test chip on the array before rendering :
$scope.tags.push({field: "testField", value: "test"});
And click on a bunch of Graph elements, $scope.tags is perfectly updated, BUT the visual stays the same until I select the chip "test", then all the <md-chips> appear just like it triggered some refresh function.
Any hint on why the <md-chips> element is not refreshed as $scope.tags (its model) is updated BUT is updated when a chip is selected ?
I tried to trigger md-on-select to force this behavior to happen every time I add a new filter to $scope.tags but I got no luck so far !
Thanks for reading !
NOTE : I am using the latest version of Angular MATERIAL (HEAD MASTER) see doc here : | built from the GitHub repository.
EDIT : The problem comes from $$hashKey not being added to the objects, they are only added when I click on one of the existing tags, I need to find a way to add this $$hashKey attribute when I add a new filter
The problem came from the absence of $$hashKey when I added a new filter to my filters model for my chips ($scope.tags).
So I just needed to change
$scope.$apply(function () {
And here is my console.log test
Good thing I learned :
the <md-chips> directive only knows it needs to be updated if its <chip> objects have a $$hashKey
See this on scope.$apply

How to deal with dynamic properties in Backbone and sync to database

I have been struggling with Backbone the last few days in trying how to best approach dealing with some dynamic elements added by a user and sync those successfully with the database. I have one model and one view.
The model created is fairly straightforward, it represents a product(t-shirt) in a database and has the attributes: id, price, size, brand, colors.
The problem I am faced with is the colors attribute. The colors cannot be pre-populated by design (unfortunate as it may be) to allow for the user to enter any custom color and name it as freely as they want. In addition to the name, the user has to specify if the color is available. Clicking the Add Text button/link will have an input field and dropdown appended to the div below.
My question: What is the best way to add these multiple color properties as ONE attribute of the model?
I need to have all the colors/availability values as one property when it attempts to insert or update itself with the API as the colors property and goes into one row in the db (mysql). I believe the backend programmer has this row configured as a type of TEXT.
{"colors": [{"blue":true},{"orange":false},{"white":false}]}
My thinking is that I need to obviously have some sort of nested JSON within the model but I can't figure out how to write this properly. Any help or something to point me in the right direction would be much appreciated.
Ok, this solution involves jQuery maybe a bit too much, but should work fine. Basically, listen to both changes of your color textboxes and select:
events: {
'change .colorText': 'setColor',
'change .colorSelect': 'setColor'
setColor: function() {
// here make your `color` attribute's array
var colors = [];
this.$('.colorText').each(function() {
var val, color;
// adapt the next to navigate to the corresponding select...
(val = $(this).val()) && (((color = {})[val] = $(this).next().val()) || 1) && colors.push(color);
this.model.set('colors', colors);

Collection of template-switching views. Backbone.js

There is a Bckabone view Product:
Product = Backbone.View.extend({
templateBasic: _.template($("#pcard-basic").html()),
templateFull: _.template($("#pcard-full").html()),
initialize: function() {
// ...
Here's my draft:
How do I hide/show other views when one of them gets chosen/unchosen to view its full template so it could expand to a full container width.
Should I use a view for an entire collection? How do I deal with event handling?
That's my final draft:
But still I'm not sure whether I could achieve the same result in more elegant manner? I just think that hiding siblings is not the best way of resolving it:
viewBasic: function(e) {
if(this.switchedToFull) {
this.switchedToFull = false;
viewFull: function(e) {
this.switchedToFull = true;
If I understand correctly you want to display all your models inside your collections in two different ways, leaving the choice of how to present them to the user, right?
One way you can do this is to create a main view where the user choice is made. When the user decides you should trigger a method from that view that renders every model from the collection using a different template. On your main view you should have a container (table, div, ul, etc) where you'll append each of the model view.
So, in the end, you have to views. One acting as a container for the collection that takes care of handling the users choice. Then you have another view to render a single model from the collection. This view has to templates that can be used. On the main view you iterate over the collection creating a new view instance for each model to append in the container using a different template depending on the user decision.

