WebSockets: useful for reducing overhead? - javascript

I am building a dynamic search (updated with every keystroke): my current scheme is to, at each keystroke, send a new AJAX request to the server and get data back in JSON.
I considered opening a WebSocket for every search "session" in order to save some overhead.
I know that this will save time, but the question is, is it really worth it, considering those parameters:
80ms average ping time
166ms: time between each keystroke, assuming the user types relatively fast
A worst-case transfer rate of 1MB/s, with each data pack that has to be received on every keystroke being no more than 1KB.
The app also takes something like 30-40ms to weld the search results to the DOM.
I found this: HTTP vs Websockets with respect to overhead, but it was a different use case.
Will websockets reduce anything besides the pure HTTP overhead? How much is the HTTP overhead (assuming no cookies and minimal headers)?
I guess that HTTP requests open a new network socket on each request, while the WebSocket allows us to use only one all the time. If my understanding is correct, what is the actual overhead of opening a new network socket?

It seems like WebSockets provide a better performance in situations like yours.
Web Socked
small handshake header
full duplex communication after the handshake.
After the connection is established, only 2 bytes are added per transmitted request/response
Http headers are sent along with each request
On the other hand, WebSocket is a relatively new technology. It would be wise to investigate web browser support potential network related issues.


What are some good use cases for Server Sent Events

I discovered SSE (Server Sent Events) pretty late, but I can't seem to figure out some use cases for it, so that it would be more efficient than using setInterval() and ajax.
I guess, if we'd have to update the data multiple times per second then having one single connection created would produce less overhead. But, except this case, when would one really choose SSE?
I was thinking of this scenario:
A new user comment from the website is added in the database
Server periodically queries DB for changes. If it finds new comment, send notification to client with SSE
Also, this SSE question came into my mind after having to do a simple "live" website change (when someone posts a comment, notify everybody who is on the site). Is there really another way of doing this without periodically querying the database?
Nowadays web technologies are used to implmement all sort of applications, including those which need to fetch constant updates from the server.
As an example, imagine to have a graph in your web page which displays real time data. Your page must refresh the graph any time there is new data to display.
Before Server Sent Events the only way to obtain new data from the server was to perform a new request every time.
As you pointed out in the question, one way to look for updates is to use setInterval() and an ajax request. With this technique, our client will perform a request once every X seconds, no matter if there is new data or not. This technique is known as polling.
Server Sent Events on the contrary are asynchronous. The server itself will notify to the client when there is new data available.
In the scenario of your example, you would implement SSE such in a way that the server sends an event immediately after adding the new comment, and not by polling the DB.
Now the question may be when is it advisable to use polling vs SSE. Aside from compatibility issues (not all browsers support SSE, although there are some polyfills which essentially emulate SSE via polling), you should focus on the frequency and regularity of the updates.
If you are uncertain about the frequency of the updates (how often new data should be available), SSE may be the solution because they avoid all the extra requests that polling would perform.
However, it is wrong to say in general that SSE produce less overhead than polling. That is because SSE requires an open TCP connection to work. This essentially means that some resources on the server (e.g. a worker and a network socket) are allocated to one client until the connection is over. With polling instead, after the request is answered the connection may be reset.
Therefore, I would not recommend to use SSE if the average number of connected clients is high, because this could create some overhead on the server.
In general, I advice to use SSE only if your application requires real time updates. As real life example, I developed a data acquisition software in the past and had to provide a web interface for it. In this case, a lot of graphs were updated every time a new data point was collected. That was a good fit for SSE because the number of connected clients was low (essentially, only one), the user interface should update in real-time, and the server was not flooded with requests as it would be with polling.
Many applications do not require real time updates, and thus it is perfectly acceptable to display the updates with some delay. In this case, polling with a long interval may be viable.

What is the best way to send push notification in angular webapp from mongodb? [duplicate]

I am building a small chat application for friends, but unsure about how to get information in a timely manner that is not as manual or as rudimentary as forcing a page refresh.
Currently, I am implementing this using simple AJAX, but this has the disadvantage of regularly hitting the server when a short timer elapses.
In researching long/short polling, I ran across HTML5 WebSockets. This seems easy to implement, but I'm not sure if there are some hidden disadvantages. For example, I think WebSockets is only supported by certain browsers. Are there other disadvantages to WebSockets that I should be aware of?
Since it seems like both technologies do the same thing, in what sorts of scenarios would one prefer to use one over the other? More specifically, has HTML5 WebSockets made AJAX long/short polling obsolete, or are there compelling reasons to prefer AJAX over WebSockets?
WebSockets is definitely the future now.
Long polling is a dirty workaround to prevent creating connections for each request like AJAX does - but long polling was created when WebSockets didn't exist. Now due to WebSockets,
long polling is going away no more.
WebRTC allows for peer-to-peer communication.
I recommend learning WebSockets.
of different communication techniques on the web
AJAX - request → response. Creates a connection to the server, sends request headers with optional data, gets a response from the server, and closes the connection.
Supported in all major browsers.
Long poll - request → wait → response. Creates a connection to the server like AJAX does, but maintains a keep-alive connection open for some time (not long though). During connection, the open client can receive data from the server. The client has to reconnect periodically after the connection is closed, due to timeouts or data eof. On server side it is still treated like an HTTP request, same as AJAX, except the answer on request will happen now or some time in the future, defined by the application logic.
support chart (full) | wikipedia
WebSockets - client ↔ server. Create a TCP connection to the server, and keep it open as long as needed. The server or client can easily close the connection. The client goes through an HTTP compatible handshake process. If it succeeds, then the server and client can exchange data in both directions at any time. It is efficient if the application requires frequent data exchange in both ways. WebSockets do have data framing that includes masking for each message sent from client to server, so data is simply encrypted.
support chart (very good) | wikipedia
WebRTC - peer ↔ peer. Transport to establish communication between clients and is transport-agnostic, so it can use UDP, TCP or even more abstract layers. This is generally used for high volume data transfer, such as video/audio streaming, where reliability is secondary and a few frames or reduction in quality progression can be sacrificed in favour of response time and, at least, some data transfer. Both sides (peers) can push data to each other independently. While it can be used totally independent from any centralised servers, it still requires some way of exchanging endPoints data, where in most cases developers still use centralised servers to "link" peers. This is required only to exchange essential data for establishing a connection, after which a centralised server is not required.
support chart (medium) | wikipedia
Server-Sent Events - client ← server. Client establishes persistent and long-term connection to server. Only the server can send data to a client. If the client wants to send data to the server, it would require the use of another technology/protocol to do so. This protocol is HTTP compatible and simple to implement in most server-side platforms. This is a preferable protocol to be used instead of Long Polling. support chart (good, except IE) | wikipedia
The main advantage of WebSockets server-side, is that it is not an HTTP request (after handshake), but a proper message based communication protocol. This enables you to achieve huge performance and architecture advantages. For example, in node.js, you can share the same memory for different socket connections, so they can each access shared variables. Therefore, you don't need to use a database as an exchange point in the middle (like with AJAX or Long Polling with a language like PHP).
You can store data in RAM, or even republish between sockets straight away.
Security considerations
People are often concerned about the security of WebSockets. The reality is that it makes little difference or even puts WebSockets as better option. First of all, with AJAX, there is a higher chance of MITM, as each request is a new TCP connection that is traversing through internet infrastructure. With WebSockets, once it's connected it is far more challenging to intercept in between, with additionally enforced frame masking when data is streamed from client to server as well as additional compression, which requires more effort to probe data. All modern protocols support both: HTTP and HTTPS (encrypted).
Remember that WebSockets generally have a very different approach of logic for networking, more like real-time games had all this time, and not like http.
One contending technology you've omitted is Server-Sent Events / Event Source. What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet? has a good discussion of all of these. Keep in mind that some of these are easier than others to integrate with on the server side.
For chat applications or any other application that is in constant conversation with the server, WebSockets are the best option. However, you can only use WebSockets with a server that supports them, so that may limit your ability to use them if you cannot install the required libraries. In which case, you would need to use Long Polling to obtain similar functionality.
XHR polling A Request is answered when the event occurs (could be straight away, or after a delay). Subsequent requests will need to made to receive further events.
The browser makes an asynchronous request of the server,
which may wait for data to be available before responding. The
response can contain encoded data (typically XML or JSON) or
Javascript to be executed by the client. At the end of the processing
of the response, the browser creates and sends another XHR, to await
the next event. Thus the browser always keeps a request outstanding
with the server, to be answered as each event occurs. Wikipedia
Server Sent Events Client sends request to server. Server sends new data to webpage at any time.
Traditionally, a web page has to send a request to the server to
receive new data; that is, the page requests data from the server.
With server-sent events, it's possible for a server to send new data
to a web page at any time, by pushing messages to the web page. These
incoming messages can be treated as Events + data inside the web page. Mozilla
WebSockets After the initial handshake (via HTTP protocol). Communication is done bidirectionally using the WebSocket protocol.
The handshake starts with an HTTP request/response, allowing servers
to handle HTTP connections as well as WebSocket connections on the
same port. Once the connection is established, communication switches
to a bidirectional binary protocol which does not conform to the HTTP
protocol. Wikipedia

Prevent recursive calls of XmlHttpRequest to server

I've been googling for hours for this issue, but did not find any solution.
I am currently working on this app, built on Meteor.
Now the scenario is, after the website is opened and all the assets have been loaded in browser, the browser constantly makes recursive xhr calls to server. These calls are made at the regular interval of 25 seconds.
This can be seen in the Network tab of browser console. See the Pending request of the last row in image.
I can't figure out from where it originates, and why it is invoked automatically even when the user is idle.
Now the question is, How can I disable these automatic requests? I want to invoke the requests manually, i.e. when the menu item is selected, etc.
Any help will be appriciated.
In response to the Jan Dvorak's comment:
When I type "e" in the search box, the the list of events which has name starting with letter "e" will be displayed.
The request goes with all valid parameters and the Payload like this:
And this is the response, which is valid.
The code for this action is posted here
But in the case of automatic recursive requests, the request goes without the payload and the response is just a letter "h", which is strange. Isn't it? How can I get rid of this.?
Meteor has a feature called
Live page updates.
Just write your templates. They automatically update when data in the database changes. No more boilerplate redraw code to write. Supports any templating language.
To support this feature, Meteor needs to do some server-client communication behind the scenes.
Traditionally, HTTP was created to fetch dead data. The client tells the server it needs something, and it gets something. There is no way for the server to tell the client it needs something. Later, it became needed to push some data to the client. Several alternatives came to existence:
The client makes periodic requests to the server. The server responds with new data or says "no data" immediately. It's easy to implement and doesn't use much resources. However, it's not exactly live. It can be used for a news ticker but it's not exactly good for a chat application.
If you increase the polling frequency, you improve the update rate, but the resource usage grows with the polling frequency, not with the data transfer rate. HTTP requests are not exactly cheap. One request per second from multiple clients at the same time could really hurt the server.
hanging requests:
The client makes a request to the server. If the server has data, it sends them. If the server doesn't have data, it doesn't respond until it does. The changes are picked up immediately, no data is transferred when it doesn't need to be. It does have a few drawbacks, though:
If a web proxy sees that the server is silent, it eventually cuts off the connection. This means that even if there is no data to send, the server needs to send a keep-alive response anyways to make the proxies (and the web browser) happy.
Hanging requests don't use up (much) bandwidth, but they do take up memory. Nowadays' servers can handle multiple concurrent TCP connections, so it's less of an issue than it was before. What does need to be considered is the amount of memory associated with the threads holding on to these requests - especially when the connections are tied to specific threads serving them.
Browsers have hard limits on the number of concurrent requests per domain and in total. Again, this is less of a concern now than it was before. Thus, it seems like a good idea to have one hanging request per session only.
Managing hanging requests feels kinda manual as you have to make a new request after each response. A TCP handshake takes some time as well, but we can live with a 300ms (at worst) refractory period.
Chunked response:
The client creates a hidden iFrame with a source corresponding to the data stream. The server responds with an HTTP response header immediately and leaves the connection open. To send a message, the server wraps it in a pair of <script></script> tags that the browser executes when it receives the closing tag. The upside is that there's no connection reopening but there is more overhead with each message. Moreover, this requires a callback in the global scope that the response calls.
Also, this cannot be used with cross-domain requests as cross-domain iFrame communication presents its own set of problems. The need to trust the server is also a challenge here.
Web Sockets:
These start as a normal HTTP connection but they don't actually follow the HTTP protocol later on. From the programming point of view, things are as simple as they can be. The API is a classic open/callback style on the client side and the server just pushes messages into an open socket. No need to reopen anything after each message.
There still needs to be an open connection, but it's not really an issue here with the browser limits out of the way. The browser knows the connection is going to be open for a while, so it doesn't need to apply the same limits as to normal requests.
These seem like the ideal solution, but there is one major issue: IE<10 doesn't know them. As long as IE8 is alive, web sockets cannot be relied upon. Also, the native Android browser and Opera mini are out as well (ref.).
Still, web sockets seem to be the way to go once IE8 (and IE9) finally dies.
What you see are hanging requests with the timeout of 25 seconds that are used to implement the live update feature. As I already said, the keep-alive message ("h") is used so that the browser doesn't think it's not going to get a response. "h" simply means "nothing happens".
Chrome supports web sockets, so Meteor could have used them with a fallback to long requests, but, frankly, hanging requests are not at all bad once you've got them implemented (sure, the browser connection limit still applies).

In what situations would AJAX long/short polling be preferred over HTML5 WebSockets?

I am building a small chat application for friends, but unsure about how to get information in a timely manner that is not as manual or as rudimentary as forcing a page refresh.
Currently, I am implementing this using simple AJAX, but this has the disadvantage of regularly hitting the server when a short timer elapses.
In researching long/short polling, I ran across HTML5 WebSockets. This seems easy to implement, but I'm not sure if there are some hidden disadvantages. For example, I think WebSockets is only supported by certain browsers. Are there other disadvantages to WebSockets that I should be aware of?
Since it seems like both technologies do the same thing, in what sorts of scenarios would one prefer to use one over the other? More specifically, has HTML5 WebSockets made AJAX long/short polling obsolete, or are there compelling reasons to prefer AJAX over WebSockets?
WebSockets is definitely the future now.
Long polling is a dirty workaround to prevent creating connections for each request like AJAX does - but long polling was created when WebSockets didn't exist. Now due to WebSockets,
long polling is going away no more.
WebRTC allows for peer-to-peer communication.
I recommend learning WebSockets.
of different communication techniques on the web
AJAX - request → response. Creates a connection to the server, sends request headers with optional data, gets a response from the server, and closes the connection.
Supported in all major browsers.
Long poll - request → wait → response. Creates a connection to the server like AJAX does, but maintains a keep-alive connection open for some time (not long though). During connection, the open client can receive data from the server. The client has to reconnect periodically after the connection is closed, due to timeouts or data eof. On server side it is still treated like an HTTP request, same as AJAX, except the answer on request will happen now or some time in the future, defined by the application logic.
support chart (full) | wikipedia
WebSockets - client ↔ server. Create a TCP connection to the server, and keep it open as long as needed. The server or client can easily close the connection. The client goes through an HTTP compatible handshake process. If it succeeds, then the server and client can exchange data in both directions at any time. It is efficient if the application requires frequent data exchange in both ways. WebSockets do have data framing that includes masking for each message sent from client to server, so data is simply encrypted.
support chart (very good) | wikipedia
WebRTC - peer ↔ peer. Transport to establish communication between clients and is transport-agnostic, so it can use UDP, TCP or even more abstract layers. This is generally used for high volume data transfer, such as video/audio streaming, where reliability is secondary and a few frames or reduction in quality progression can be sacrificed in favour of response time and, at least, some data transfer. Both sides (peers) can push data to each other independently. While it can be used totally independent from any centralised servers, it still requires some way of exchanging endPoints data, where in most cases developers still use centralised servers to "link" peers. This is required only to exchange essential data for establishing a connection, after which a centralised server is not required.
support chart (medium) | wikipedia
Server-Sent Events - client ← server. Client establishes persistent and long-term connection to server. Only the server can send data to a client. If the client wants to send data to the server, it would require the use of another technology/protocol to do so. This protocol is HTTP compatible and simple to implement in most server-side platforms. This is a preferable protocol to be used instead of Long Polling. support chart (good, except IE) | wikipedia
The main advantage of WebSockets server-side, is that it is not an HTTP request (after handshake), but a proper message based communication protocol. This enables you to achieve huge performance and architecture advantages. For example, in node.js, you can share the same memory for different socket connections, so they can each access shared variables. Therefore, you don't need to use a database as an exchange point in the middle (like with AJAX or Long Polling with a language like PHP).
You can store data in RAM, or even republish between sockets straight away.
Security considerations
People are often concerned about the security of WebSockets. The reality is that it makes little difference or even puts WebSockets as better option. First of all, with AJAX, there is a higher chance of MITM, as each request is a new TCP connection that is traversing through internet infrastructure. With WebSockets, once it's connected it is far more challenging to intercept in between, with additionally enforced frame masking when data is streamed from client to server as well as additional compression, which requires more effort to probe data. All modern protocols support both: HTTP and HTTPS (encrypted).
Remember that WebSockets generally have a very different approach of logic for networking, more like real-time games had all this time, and not like http.
One contending technology you've omitted is Server-Sent Events / Event Source. What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet? has a good discussion of all of these. Keep in mind that some of these are easier than others to integrate with on the server side.
For chat applications or any other application that is in constant conversation with the server, WebSockets are the best option. However, you can only use WebSockets with a server that supports them, so that may limit your ability to use them if you cannot install the required libraries. In which case, you would need to use Long Polling to obtain similar functionality.
XHR polling A Request is answered when the event occurs (could be straight away, or after a delay). Subsequent requests will need to made to receive further events.
The browser makes an asynchronous request of the server,
which may wait for data to be available before responding. The
response can contain encoded data (typically XML or JSON) or
Javascript to be executed by the client. At the end of the processing
of the response, the browser creates and sends another XHR, to await
the next event. Thus the browser always keeps a request outstanding
with the server, to be answered as each event occurs. Wikipedia
Server Sent Events Client sends request to server. Server sends new data to webpage at any time.
Traditionally, a web page has to send a request to the server to
receive new data; that is, the page requests data from the server.
With server-sent events, it's possible for a server to send new data
to a web page at any time, by pushing messages to the web page. These
incoming messages can be treated as Events + data inside the web page. Mozilla
WebSockets After the initial handshake (via HTTP protocol). Communication is done bidirectionally using the WebSocket protocol.
The handshake starts with an HTTP request/response, allowing servers
to handle HTTP connections as well as WebSocket connections on the
same port. Once the connection is established, communication switches
to a bidirectional binary protocol which does not conform to the HTTP
protocol. Wikipedia

disadvantages of websockets

I would like to know what kind of limitations there are in using websockets.
Websockets is just so.. powerful. I can't imagine that it is without disadvantages.
Say, what is the number of users that can simultaneously connect to a server (if I'm creating a game and users will connect to the game through WebSockets, what will limit the number of users able to connect at any one time?)
Also is it true that with each additional connection, the quality of the connections (speed and stuff like that) will decrease?
The advantages and disadvantages will of course depend on the specific use case, but I'll try to point out some differences between WebSocket and HTTP.
WebSocket is more complex than HTTP. You can establish an HTTP connection with a telnet client, but you probably cannot do the same with WS. Even if you ignored the handshake requirements (which include the use of the SHA1 hash function), you would then be unable to properly mask and frame the data to be sent, and the server would close the connection.
As Uwe said, WebSocket connections are intended to be more persistent than HTTP connections. If you only want to receive an update every 30 minutes, you will want to go with HTTP. If you want to receive updates every second, a WebSocket might be a better option, because establishing an HTTP connection takes a lot of time.
To establish an HTTP connection, you first have to establish a TCP connection (SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK), then send a GET request with a pretty big header, then finally receive the server's response (along with another big header).
With an open WebSocket you simply receive the response (no request needed), and it comes with a much smaller header: from two bytes for small frames, up to 10 bytes for ridiculously large frames (in the gigabyte range).
You need to weigh the two costs (keeping a connection open vs establishing a new connection) to decide between the two protocols.
Note: this answer is based on the current draft of the protocol (draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-09). WebSocket is evolving rapidly, many implementations are still based on older drafts, and some details may change before it is finalized.
From what I read, this seems to be related to HTTP Server Push which I read that it is usually not recommended to use since it creates lots of connections on the server.
If I have to choose, I probably would always develop a client polling mechanism.

