Javascript: Loop through unknown number of object literals - javascript

I have a list of objects all named in this fashion:
var p1 = {};
var p2 = {}; = "john";
p1.hobby = "collects stamps"; = "jane";
p2.hobby = "collects antiques";
I know how to loop through p1 and p2 to collect the properties, provided I know how many of these p object literals there are. Here's my problem, I don't always know how many of these p object literals there will be. Sometimes it goes up to p2, sometimes it goes up to p20.
Is there a way to loop through objects if I know they all share the same prefix?
Edit: I can't change how I'm getting the list of objects. It's given to me in that format...

If we make the following assumptions:
The objects are global
The number suffixes are sequential
...then the following works:
for (var i = 1; window["p" + i] !== undefined; i++) {
console.log(window["p" + i]); // loop over each object here

You should have them in an Array referenced by a single variable.
var p = [];
hobby:"collects stamps"
}, {
hobby:"collects antiques"
Then you'd loop the Array, and enumerate each object...
for( var i = 0; i < p.length; i++ ) {
for( var n in p[i] ) {
console.log( p[i][n] );
It seems from a comment that these may be arriving as individual variable.
If they're global variables, and if they always have the same p1 naming, then you can access them as properties of the global window object.
var obj;
for( var i = 1; obj = window['p' + i]; i++ ) {
if( typeof obj === 'object' ) {
for( var n in obj ) {
console.log( obj[n] );
This loop will run until a p(n) global returns a falsey value.
So as long as a truthy value is found, and its typeof is 'object', you'll iterate that object.

If you have all your data stored in a variable , or a few variables you can push it into the array.
var data = "....JSON";
var a = [];
Push keeps adding stuff into the array in basic sense.
You could also pop to remove the last pushed data.
Take a look at the other methods here:

Why don't you just store them all in one top-level object literal? It will make it easier to enumerate through them.
var MyObj = {
p1: {},
p2: {}
If they are local vars, are you can't change the format of this data, you might have to use eval.
Don't shoot me:
var p1 = {};
var p2 = {}; = "john";
p1.hobby = "collects stamps"; = "jane";
p2.hobby = "collects antiques";
var found = true, c = 1;
while(found) {
try {
var obj = eval('p' + c);
} catch(e){
found = false;
I don't suggest using this, I suggest changing the format of the data you are receiving, but this is one possible solution.


Javascript dynamic nested objects

I was looking into how to create a dynamic nested objects from a string, for example, a string "obj1.obj2.obj3.obj4", how do you turn that into nested objects with the same order.
I googled around and i found this nice and clean code, but i did not understand how it worked, and there was no explanation on the page where it was written, can someone explain how this works please?
here is the code:
var s = "key1.key2.key3.key4";
var a = s.split('.');
var obj = {};
var temp = obj;
for (var k =0; k < a.length; k++) {
temp = temp[a[k]] = {};
why is there a var temp = obj?
what does this line do?:
temp = temp[a[k]] = {};
also, the console.log(temp) inside the loop always logs an empty object {}, why?
Thanks for the feedback!
why is there a var temp = obj?
obj is a variable to hold the completed object. temp is a variable to hold each intermediate step of the object being built. temp starts out with the same value as obj so that the first iteration of the loop adds on to obj.
what does this line do?:
temp = temp[a[k]] = {};
Assign an empty object to a property in temp with the name a[k], where a[k] is one of the values in a.
Assign that new empty object to temp.
This could be written separately as two lines:
temp[a[k]] = {};
temp = temp[a[k]];
also, the console.log(temp) inside the loop always logs an empty object {}, why?
Because the previous line assigns an empty object to temp.
Your question boils down to this (comments inline)
var x = {};
var y = x;
y[ "a" ] = {}; //reference to x stays so x also becomes { "a": {} }
y = y["a"]; //now y effectively becomes {} but has the same reference to y["a"] as assignment works right to left hence property `a` is becomes non-enumerable and hence shadowed.
console.log( "First Run" );
console.log( y ); //prints {}
console.log( x ); //prints { "a": {} }
y[ "a" ] = {}; //y still has a non-enumerable property `a`
y = y["a"]; //same as above y = y["a"], y again becomes {}
console.log( "Second Run" );
console.log( y ); //prints {} again
console.log( x ); //prints { "a": { "a": {} } }
First Run
{ "a": {} }
Second Run
{ "a": {
"a": {} } }
Have added comments in code, hope it will be useful
var s = "key1.key2.key3.key4";
//split the string by dot(.) and create an array
var a = s.split('.');
//Creating an empty object
var obj = {};
var temp = obj;
//looping over the array
for (var k = 0; k < a.length; k++) {
//a[k] will be key1,key2,key3....
// temp is an object,square bracket is use to create a object key
// using a variable name
// variable name here is key1,key2....
//temp[a[k]] will initialize an empty object
temp = temp[a[k]] = {};
It seems where you are iterating the array, in that temp object is newly creating and assigning key to obj.
temp = temp[a[k]] = {};
above line simply assigns a[index] value as a key to the new object and as a reference to obj the nested object is created.
for your question,
why is there a var temp = obj?
it copies obj object into temp variable
also, the console.log(temp) inside the loop always logs an empty object {}, why?
since you are recreating an empty object (or reassigning).

When to use array and when to use object?

I've read a lot of articles about objects and arrays lately but they had contrary info / facts for some reason. I need your help to learn once and for all: when it's best to use array and when object?
Obvious reason is to use array when you need specific order. What else? What about this example?
There's a lot of pushing
There's a lot of checking if array contains something
There's a lot of removing
Note that this example has much smaller numbers that I need (which is in thousands).
Code I wrote for this question, it has few things I would never do but for the sake of this question:
var x = [];
var y = [];
var z = [];
var clickedX = [];
var clickedY = [];
var clickedZ = [];
var count = 100;
for ( var a = 0; a < count; a++ ) {
//For the sake of this example: random int 1, 2 or 3
var type = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
createDiv( type );
function createDiv( thisType ) {
var self = this;
var div = self.div;
var type = thisType;
if( !div ) {
div = this.div = document.createElement( 'div' );
div.className = 'marker';
//Push to "right" array
if( type == '1' ) {
x.push( self );
else if ( type == '2' ) {
y.push( self );
else {
z.push( self );
//Attach click event
div.onclick = function() {
// X
var indexX = x.indexOf( self );
if( indexX > -1 ) {
//Push to new array
clickedX.push( self );
//Remove from old array
x.splice( indexX, 1 );
// Y
var indexY = y.indexOf( self );
if( indexY > -1 ) {
//Push to new array
clickedY.push( self );
//Remove from old array
y.splice( indexY, 1 );
// Z
var indexZ = z.indexOf( self );
if( indexZ > -1 ) {
//Push to new array
clickedZ.push( self );
//Remove from old array
z.splice( indexZ, 1 );
}; // onclick
} // if( !div )
} // createDiv()
Data example what Im currently dealing with:
// Data Im dealing with
objects = {
{ objects1: [
0: { object : [4-5 assigned values (int, string, array)] },
1: { object : [4-5 assigned values (int, string, array)] },
{ objects2: [
0: {object},
1: {object},
// 1. I need to iterate through every "object" in both "objects1" and "objects2"
// 2. I need to iterate through "array" in every "object" in "objects1"
for( /* "object" count in "objects1" */ ) {
//Do something for each "object" in "objects1"
for( /* items in "array" count */ ) {
//Do something for each item in "array"
// AND
for( /* "object" count in "objects2" */ ) {
//Do something for each "object" in "objects2"
Basically, you need to use an array, when you have a list of consequent data, and you are going to work with it as a collection.
It easily adds, iterates, gets count and checks for existence.
It is difficult to remove items in an array.
Also, it stores order.
For example, if you have 10 integers, and you need to find the index of the minimum one, then it is logical to use an array.
Use objects, when your items have keys (especially, non-integer) and you are going to work with them one by one.
It is convenient to add, remove, check for existence properties.
However, it is less convenient to iterate through object properties, and absolutely inproper to get its count.
It is also impossible to store items' order.
Time complexity
Answering your question about pushing, checking for existence and removing:
Both property setting and array pushing takes O(1) time, but I strongly believe that the first one is a bit slower
Checking for existence takes the same O(1) time
Removing an element is what array is not designed for - it needs to shift all items and takes O(n) time, while you can remove a property for O(1)
Bad usage example
There are some really bad usages. If you have the following, then you use array or object wrong.
Assign a random value to an array:
var a = [];
a[1000] = 1;
It will change the length property of an array to 1001 and if you try to output this array, you will get the following:
[undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined... 1]
which is absolutely useless, if it is not done on purpose.
Assign consequent values to an object
var a = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
a[i] = 1;
Your code
Talking about your code, there are many and many ways to do this properly - just choose one. I would do it in the following way:
var items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var o = {
type: Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1,
isClicked: false
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'marker';
div.onclick = function() {
o.isClicked = true;
o.div = div;
function GetDivs(type, isClicked)
var result = items;
if (type)
result = result.filter(function(x) { return x.type === type; });
if (isClicked !== undefined)
result = result.filter(function(x) { return x.isClicked === isClicked; });
return result;
Then, you will be able to get any items you want:
var all = GetItems(0); // or even GetDivs()
var allClicked = GetItems(0, true);
var allNotClicked = GetItems(0, false);
var divsTypeA = GetItems(1);
var clickedDivsTypeB = GetItems(2, true);
var notClickedDivsTypeC = GetItems(3, false);
With this usage, you don't need to remove any items at all - you just mark them as clicked or not, which takes O(1) time.
If you use jQuery and data HTML attributes, then you won't need to use arrays or objects at all:
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
.attr('data-type', Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1)
.click(function() {
Now, you can use the selector to find any items:
var all = $('.marker');
var allClicked = $('.marker.clicked');
var allNotClicked = $('.marker:not(.clicked)');
var divsTypeA = $('.marker[data-type='1']');
var clickedDivsTypeB = $('.marker[data-type='2'].clicked');
var notClickedDivsTypeC = $('.marker[data-type='1']:not(.clicked)');
However, the last approach can produce lags if you really have thousands of records. At the same time, is it a good idea to have 1000 dynamic divs on your page, at all? :)
When all else fails run a test, Again it depends on what you intend to use the data structure for, everything is a trade off, performance || efficiency.
Be prepared to wait a few seconds for the tests to finish.
function gimmeAHugeArray( length ){
var arr = [];
for( var ii = 0; ii < length; ii++ ){
arr.push( (ii * 100000 ).toString(16) );
return arr;
function gimmeAHugeObject( length ){
var obj = {};
for( var ii = 0; ii < length; ii++ ){
obj[ (ii * 100000 ).toString(16) ] = ii;
return obj;
var hugeArray = gimmeAHugeArray( 100000 );
var hugeObject = gimmeAHugeObject( 100000 );
var key = (8000 * 100000).toString(16);
console.perf(function arrayGetWithIndexOf(){
var val = hugeArray.indexOf( key );
console.perf(function objectGetWithKey(){
var val = hugeObject[ key ];
console.perf(function arrayIterateAllProperties(){
var val = null;
for( var ii = 0, ll = hugeArray.length; ii < ll; ii++ ){
val = hugeArray[ii];
}, 50);
console.perf(function objectIterateAllProperties(){
var val = null,
for( key in hugeObject ){
val = hugeObject[ key ];
}, 50);
<script src=""></script>
I'm going to answer your question from the comment above, from Solo.
The question is What to do if I need to do both with same data?
I have found that the best approach ( at least for me ) was to create an array, that may have empty nodes, but keep another array that will keep track of the ids that are populated.
It looks something like this:
var MyArray = function()
{ = [];
this.ids = [];
MyArray.prototype.set = function(id, value)
{[id] = value;
this.ids[this.ids.length] = id;
MyArray.prototype.get = function(id)
MyArray.prototype.delete = function(id)
This solution works quite well with both approaches, because you can delete anything at O(1), because everyone has a given ID, and you iterate it easily, because you have all of the IDs the values are stored at.
I have also created a really small class for my own usage, and it performs VERY well. Here's the link . Here's a question I asked about these things: Javascript Array Performance .
Please read what I write there, this solution applies to a pretty particular situation, I do not know exactly if it applies to you.
That is why I asked you to read what is in those links I provided, I have written like 10 pages worth of material on this, even though some of it is pure garbage talk about nothing. Anyway, I'll write a couple of examples here as well, then.
Let us say you had data from the database, the data from the database is pretty much required to have unique integer IDs, but each user may have them spread over a wide range, they are MOST LIKELY not contiguous.
So you get the data from the database into objects, something like this:
var DBData /* well, probably something more descriptive than this stupid name */ = function(id, field1, field2, field3)
{ = id;
this.field1 = field1;
this.field2 = field2;
this.fiedl3 = field3;
Given this class, you write all of the data from the database into instances of it, and store it in MyArray.
var data = new MyArray();
$.get(/* get data from DB into MyArray instance */, function(data) { /* parse it somehow */ var dbdata = new DBData(/* fields that you parsed including ID */); data.set(ID, dbdata)});
and when you want to iterate over all of the data, you can do it like this:
Just create a function to create a new array, that has all of the data in a nice contiguous block, it would go something like this:
function hydrate(myarray, ids)
var result = [];
var length = ids.length;
return null;
var storage =;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++)
result[result.length] = storage[ids[i]];
return result;
I use this method, because you can use it to select any configuration of objects into a contiguous array very easily.
One solution to handle arrays of arrays, would be to just modify MyArray to deal with that exclusively, or make a version of it, that handles it.
A different solution would be to rethink your approach, and maybe add all of the data in a single MyArray, but put all of the
objects1: [
0: { object : [4-5 assigned values (int, string, array)] },
1: { object : [4-5 assigned values (int, string, array)] },
{ objects2: [
0: {object},
1: {object},
into nice objects.
And seriously, read what I wrote in those links, there's my reasoning for everything there.

Object transformation in javascript

I have an an object I need to transform into a different format
The original:
the desired result :
{"module1":"/mod1/10/2/15","module2":"/mod2/1/5/4" }
Here is my attempt (sorry im still learning this)
var encodedUrl = {};
var tempString = "";
for (var p in newUrl) {
tempString = "/" + Object.keys(newUrl[p]);
for (var j in newUrl[p]){
_.each(newUrl[p][j], function(obj){
tempString += "/" + _.values(obj);
encodedUrl[p] = tempString;
So, I think i was able to make the string correctly. Hoever it only seems to be working the first time around. it's logging in a weird pattern
Object {module1: "/mod1/10/2/15"}
Object {module1: "/mod1///"}
Object {module1: "/mod1///", module2: "/mod2/1/5/4"}
I think i have something wrong in my logic parsing this, I cannot pinpoint it though. Would love a second pair of eyes to help. Thanks!
You have to loop over the properties of each object in turn, extracting the property names and values. There is also an array, so you have to loop over that too.
4 nested loops.
function transformObj(obj) {
var tObj, tStr, tArr, aObj, result = {};
// For each own property in the object, e.g. 'module1'
for (var p in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
// Transorm the value
tObj = obj[p];
tStr = '';
// For each property in that object, e.g. 'mod1'
for (var q in tObj) {
if (tObj.hasOwnProperty(q)) {
tStr = '/' + q;
tArr = tObj[q];
// for each member of the array
for (var i=0, iLen=tArr.length; i<iLen; i++) {
aObj = tArr[i]
// for each property of each member, e.g. hours, weeks days
for (var r in aObj) {
if (aObj.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
tStr += '/' + aObj[r];
// Assign transformed value to result object
result[p] = tStr;
return result;
var obj = {"module1":{"mod1":[{"hours":10},{"weeks":2},{"days":15}]},
// {"module1":"/mod1/10/2/15","module2":"/mod2/1/5/4"}
You can replace the and hasOwnProperty parts with Object.keys(...).forEach(...) to reduce the code a bit, but likely increase the complexity.
Note that the order that properties are returned by and Object.keys will be the same but perhaps not necessarily as you expect, and may be different from browser to browser, so you can only expect consistent results when each object has one property.
There's probably a shorter way, but it seems that your object is sort of complex.
Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(newObj, key, index) {
var module = obj[key];
var moduleKey = 'mod' + (index+1);
var arr = module[moduleKey].map(function(o){return o[Object.keys(o)[0]]}).join('/');
newObj[key] = "/" + moduleKey + "/" + arr
return newObj
}, {});

Returning key/value pair in javascript

I am writing a javascript program, whhich requires to store the original value of array of numbers and the doubled values in a key/value pair. I am beginner in javascript. Here is the program:
var Num=[2,10,30,50,100];
var obj = {};
function my_arr(N)
original_num = N
return original_num;
function doubling(N_doubled)
doubled_number = my_arr(N_doubled);
return doubled_number * 2;
for(var i=0; i< Num.length; i++)
var original_value = my_arr(Num[i]);
var doubled_value = doubling(Num[i]);
obj = {original_value : doubled_value};
The program reads the content of an array in a function, then, in another function, doubles the value.
My program produces the following output:
{ original_value: 4 }
{ original_value: 20 }
{ original_value: 60 }
{ original_value: 100 }
{ original_value: 200 }
The output which I am looking for is like this:
{2:4, 10:20,30:60,50:100, 100:200}
What's the mistake I am doing?
Your goal is to enrich the obj map with new properties in order to get {2:4, 10:20,30:60,50:100, 100:200}. But instead of doing that you're replacing the value of the obj variable with an object having only one property.
obj = {original_value : doubled_value};
obj[original_value] = doubled_value;
And then, at the end of the loop, just log
Here's the complete loop code :
for(var i=0; i< Num.length; i++) {
var original_value = my_arr(Num[i]);
var doubled_value = doubling(original_value);
obj[original_value] = doubled_value;
You can't use an expression as a label in an Object literal, it doesn't get evaluated. Instead, switch to bracket notation.
var original_value = my_arr(Num[i]),
doubled_value = doubling(Num[i]);
obj = {}; // remove this line if you don't want object to be reset each iteration
obj[original_value] = doubled_value;
//Original array
var Num=[2,10,30,50,100];
//Object with original array keys with key double values
var obj = myFunc(Num);
//Print object
function myFunc(arr)
var obj = {};
for (var i in arr) obj[arr[i]] = arr[i] * 2;
return obj;

javascript array with numeric index without undefineds

suppose I do..
var arr = Array();
var i = 3333;
arr[i] = "something";
if you do a stringify of this array it will return a string with a whole bunch of undefined numeric entries for those entries whose index is less than 3333...
is there a way to make javascript not do this?
I know that I can use an object {} but I would rather not since I want to do array operations such as shift() etc which are not available for objects
If you create an array per the OP, it only has one member with a property name of "333" and a length of 334 because length is always set to be at least one greater than the highest index. e.g.
var a = new Array(1000);
has a length of 1000 and no members,
var a = [];
var a[999] = 'foo';
has a length of 1000 and one member with a property name of "999".
The speedy way to only get defined members is to use
function myStringifyArray(a) {
var s = [];
var re = /^\d+$/;
for (var p in a) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(p) && re.test(p)) {
return '' + s;
Note that the members may be returned out of order. If that is an issue, you can use a for loop instead, but it will be slower for very sparse arrays:
function myStringifyArray(a) {
var s = [];
var re = /^\d+$/;
for (var i=0, iLen=a.length; i<iLen; i++) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
return '' + s;
In some older browsers, iterating over the array actually created the missing members, but I don't think that's in issue in modern browsers.
Please test the above thoroughly.
The literal representation of an array has to have all the items of the array, otherwise the 3334th item would not end up at index 3333.
You can replace all undefined values in the array with something else that you want to use as empty items:
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (typeof arr[i] == 'undefined') arr[i] = '';
Another alternative would be to build your own stringify method, that would create assignments instead of an array literal. I.e. instead of a format like this:
your method would create something like:
var result = [];
result[0] = 0;
result[4] = 4;
result[6] = 6;
result[7] = 7;
result[9] = 9;
return result;
However, a format like that is of course not compatible with JSON, if that is what you need.

