jQuery UI - Combining Selectable with Draggable - javascript

As the question states, I'm trying to combine jQuery UI's Selectable and Draggable functions into a working drag-n-drop interface with the user being able to select multiple divs and move those divs into jQuery Droppables.
Here is the code I have to allow the user to select divs across a row in a table:
filter: 'div',
selected: function(event, ui) {
containment: 'document',
axis: 'y',
snap: true,
snapMode: 'inner',
revert: 'invalid',
opacity: 0.8,
drag: function(e, ui) {
top : ui.position.top //Y-Axis Only
stop: function() {
$('.ui-selected').removeClass('ui-selected ui-draggable');
As you can see, I've tried adding the known classes that jQuery UI adds to elements being dragged/selected/etc, but the only element that seems to act as an actual draggable is the one that the user has clicked on (is actually dragging).
My desire is to have the user drag the entire selected group, and have them all act as draggables (ie: revert on invalid, snap to droppable, etc)
Does anyone have any idea how to do this or where to go from here?
Also, here is a jsfiddle to demonstrate exactly what I mean (and where I'm currently at on this). You might have to resize the results view so the table cells are all the same width.

Simulate the behavior.
when selecting multiple item just mark them as selected manually (e.g. checkbox, add custom style, etc)
when dragging use draggable option helper to define custom clone helper : function(){
return "<p>custom item</p>"
this will hide individual items. And you can customize as you want.
Custom drop implementation which using those selected items to append into the proper place.


Fullcalendar with events to Select2

having many events to manage, I opted for a select to dissect the events and drop them in the calendar, I made this <https://jsfiddle.net/max1974/mr5yxe7o/4/>
but I am faced with 2 problems .....
1 ° Initially the objects in the select drop into the calendar, but then if you select other items from the select the drop stops working.
2 ° while I drop the object from the mouse disappears and reappears only when I release it.
Could you help me please.
Please see my complete working jsfiddle:
You have to use helper() function to clone the element object inside select2 and avoid relative position hiding the element outside the select2 main <span>.
Like in this example:
helper: function(){
return '<li class="select2-selection__choice ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle">'+$(this).attr('title')+'</li>';
In addition, use Select2 events: https://select2.org/programmatic-control/events
in order to re-initialize draggables when Select2 recreates the elements, everytime you select/remove the elements (see my comment1 above):
function initSelectDraggable(){
$("ul.select2-selection__rendered li").each(function(){
$(this).data('event', {
title: $.trim($(this).text()),
stick: true
revert: true,
revertDuration: 0,
helper: function()
return '<li class="select2-selection__choice ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle">'+$(this).attr('title')+'</li>';
Thanks it works great, now the problem remains that when I drop the event I lose data-id, data-num that I would need to save them in the DB and the event remains blue in the calendar instead of the chosen color.
Thanks again to everyone jsfiddle.net/max1974/bmqdax0f/57/

Updating binding with jQuery sortable?

I have a sortable list of fixtures that is populated from an observableArray using the foreach binding. One of the parameters in each fixture in the array is position.
That position reflects the order that the fixtures are sorted in. By default when the fixtures are inserted using foreach, the position numbers are in the correct order, but when you sort the list by dragging the items, the position number is updated using jQuery:
$( "#picks" ).sortable({
revert: true,
placeholder: "placeholder",
containment: 'parent',
axis: "y",
handle: '.dragHandle',
update: function() {
for (var i = 1; i <= $('#picks li').length; i++) {
$('#picks li:nth-child('+i+')').find('span.num').text(i);
So, the position numbers do change, but since the numbers are updated without referencing the observable, the observable itself isn't updated. My question is, how can I update the observable using the update function tied to the jQuery sortable.
I do not want make the number an input, so using an input with a value binding was not an option!
Demo Fiddle
You need a binding handler for your sortable. If you mess with the DOM outside of a binding handler, you have problems like this. The author even provides links to some demo fiddles at the bottom of the github page.

jquery ui sortable cannot drop cell into newly visible div

Simplest to see in a jsfiddle
Links to jsfiddle must be accompanied by code, therefore I am copying the js here:
placeholder: 'cell placeholder',
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
items: '.cell',
connectWith: '.row',
dropOnEmpty: true,
distance: 0.5,
tolerance: "pointer",
start: function() {
stop: function(event, ui){
the problem is, if I have two or more rows and one of them is being made visible after the cell is clicked on to being the drag, then the empty row cannot be dropped into unless the call is first hovered over another non-empty possible destination.
To see this in practice, click on the cell "iop" and try and drag it down into the thrid row. It doesn't work. BUT, if you click on the cell "iop", drag it up into the first row and then - without releasing it - back down into the third row, it does!
I presume that this has something to do with when sortable builds its internal list of possible targets. But, is there any way to make the empty row visible only once the dragging has started, and still have it targetable?
Refreshing sortable seems to do it:

Disable jQuery UI draggable if element has particular class

I have an interactive basket whereby the user can drag and drop an item into the basket. However, the same item cannot be placed in the basket twice (but it remains visible, albeit faded), so once it is in the basket, the draggable property must be disabled.
I tried doing this:
$("#product_badges li:not(.on)").draggable({
// Options here
However, as this just initiates the draggable() property, the element is still draggable even if I do add the on class to it when it has been dropped.
I therefore cannot see a way of achieving this without having several instances for the draggable property like so:
$("#product_badges li:not(.on)").each(function(){
// Options here
With the above method I can then call the individual product_badge and disable dragging like so:
This only gets called once the item has been placed into the basket (dropped)
Is there a better way of achieving this? Can you set an HTML element to only be draggable if it does not have a particular class?
See example here: http://jsfiddle.net/mB6GK/2/
use the cancel property.
$("#product_badges li").draggable({ cancel: ".no" })
You could use the start event,
start: function( event, ui )
{ return !$(ui.helper).hasClass('nodrop'); }});

jQuery Draggable cannot highlight for copy and paste

I make use of jQuery UI's Draggable functionality to make it so you can click and drag a table row. Unfortunately when I want to highlight the text to copy the data in one of the table cells, it starts dragging the row away. So I used the "distance" option like so:
revert: 'invalid',
helper: 'clone',
distance: 150,
start: function(event, ui) {
However my problem is that it still won't let me "highlight" the table row, even if it is prior to "dragging" it. :(
Oh btw, I'm just using a regular HTML table, IE:
<tr class="test"><td>Data</td></tr>
<tr class="test"><td>Data</td></tr>
Another Q&A on this topic has a solution and it explains the way to run disableSelection on all the elements within your items that are selectable to make it possible to select text for copy and paste and other uses. So for your problem, you could do:

