How do i avoid eval() from converting 1e-1 to 0.1? - javascript

I'm using a thrid party javascript library that uses eval() so when i call one of it's functions with the "1e-1" value as a parameter i get 0.1 returned. How can i escape this or avoid it from parsing the number?
A basic example would be:
I want the result to be 1e-1, but eval still needs to be there.
Okay Ignore the console example above
THIS is the example it should work on:
There is no way around using this library. Sorry.

Dont use eval(). Of course, Number("1e-1") has the same "problem". However, if you want a string back from eval you have to feed it with one: eval("'1e-1'").

One quick way to do this is to simply replace the hyphen with it's Character Entity code instead:
After experimenting for quite a while, the only thing that was close is placing spaces before and after the hyphen:
features[1].attributes.tag= "1e - 1";
I thought it worth mentioning incase this will suffice for what you need.


Comma Operator to Semicolons

I have a chunk of javascript that has many comma operators, for example
"i".toString(), "e".toString(), "a".toString();
Is there a way with JavaScript to convert these to semicolons?
"i".toString(); "e".toString(); "a".toString();
This might seem like a cop-out answer... but I'd suggest against trying it. Doing any kind of string manipulation to change it would be virtually impossible. In addition to function definition argument lists, you'd also need to skip text in string literals or regex literals or function calls or array literals or object literals or variable declarations.... maybe even more. Regex can't handle it, turning on and off as you see keywords can't handle it.
If you want to actually convert these, you really have to actually parse the code and figure out which ones are the comma operator. Moreover, there might be some cases where the comma's presence is relevant:
var a = 10, 20;
is not the same as
var a = 10; 20;
for example.
So I really don't think you should try it. But if you do want to, I'd start by searching for a javascript parser (or writing one, it isn't super hard, but it'd probably take the better part of a day and might still be buggy). I'm pretty sure the more advanced minifiers like Google's include a parser, maybe their source will help.
Then, you parse it to find the actual comma expressions. If the return value is used, leave it alone. If not, go ahead and replace them with expression statements, then regenerate the source code string. You could go ahead and format it based on scope indentation at this time too. It might end up looking pretty good. It'll just be a fair chunk of work.
Here's a parser library written in JS: (thanks to #torazaburo for this comment)

Is this safe? eval or new Function for simple arithmetic expression

I have heard so many bad things about eval that I've never even tried to use it. However today I have a situation where it seems to be the right answer.
I need a script that can do simple calculations by combining variables. For example, if value=5 and max=8, I want to evaluate value*100/max. Both the values and the formulas will be retrieved from external sources, which is why I am concerned with eval.
I have set up a jsfiddle demo with some sample code:
The values are converted to numbers using parseFloat, so I believe I'm pretty safe here. The characters in the formula are matched again this regular expression:
regex=/[^0-9\.+-\/*<>!=&()]/, // allows numbers (including decimal), operations, comparison
My questions:
Does my regex filter protect me from any attack?
Is there any reason to use eval vs. new Function in this case?
Is there another, safer way to evaluate formulas?
Since you aren't sending anything sending anything to your server, or using anything on anyone else's system, the worst that can happen is that the user crashes his own browser, nothing more. There is nothing unsafe about using eval here, since everything happens user-side.
Escaping and preventing anything on the client-side doesn't make sense at all. User can alter any piece of JS code and run it just as easy as I can change the jsfiddle you posted. Trust me, it's just that simple and you cannot rely on the client-side security.
If you remember to escape input fields on the server-side it's nothing to be worried about. There are plenty of functions for that by default, depending on which language you're using.
If user wants to type in <script>haxx(l33t);</script> - let him do it. Just remember to escape special characters so you'll have <script>haxx(l33t);</script>.

JavaScript to evaluate simple math string like 5*1.2 (eval/white-list?)

I have an input onchange that converts numbers like 05008 to 5,008.00.
I am considering expanding on this, to allow simple calculations. For example, 45*5 would be converted automatically to 225.00.
I could use a character white-list ()+/*-0123456789., and then pass the result to eval, I think that these characters are safe to prevent any dangerous injections. That is assuming I use an appropriate try/catch, because a syntax error could be created.
Is this an OK white-list, and then pass it to eval?
Do recommend a revised white-list
Do you recommend a different approach (maybe there is already a function that does this)
I would prefer to keep it lightweight. That is why I like the eval/white-list approach. Very little code.
What do you recommend?
That whitelist looks safe to me, but it's not such a simple question. In some browsers, for example, an eval-string like this:
is equivalent to this:
new RegExp('.(.)').exec('34')
and therefore returns the array ['34','4']. Is that "safe"?
So while the approach can probably be made to work safely, it might be a very tricky proposition. If you do go forward with this idea, I think you should use a much more aggressive approach to validate your inputs. Your principle should be "this is a member of a well-defined set of strings that is known to be 'safe'" rather than "this is a member of an ill-defined set of strings that excludes all strings known to be 'unsafe'". Furthermore, to avoid any risk of operators peeking through that you hadn't considered (such as ++ or += or whatnot), I think you should insert a space in front of every non-digit-non-dot character; and to avoid any risk of parentheses triggering a function call, I think you should handle them yourself by repeatedly replacing (...) with a space plus the result of evaluating ... (after confirming that that result is a number) plus a space.
(By the way, how come = is in your whitelist? I just can't figure out what that's useful for!)
Given that extremely restrictive whitelist, I can't see any way of performing a malicious action beyond throwing an exception. The bracket trick won't work since it requires square brackets [].
Perhaps the safest option is to modify your page's default values parser to only accept numbers and throw out anything else. That way, potentially malicious code in a link will never make it to eval.
This only leaves the possibility of the user typing something malicious into a field, but why even bother worrying about that? The user already has access to a console (Dev Tools) they could use to execute arbitrary code.
An often overlooked issue with eval is that it causes problems for javascript minifiers.
Some minifiers like YUI take the safe route and stop renaming variables as soon as they see an eval statement. This means your javascript will work but your compressed file will be larger than it needs to be.
Other's like Google Closure Compiler will continue to rename variables but if you are not careful they can break your code. You should avoid passing strings with variable names in it to eval. so for example.
var input = "1+2*3";
var result = eval("input"); // unsafe
var result = eval(input); // safe

Writing a Parser for javascript code

I want to extract javasscript code and find out if there are any dynamic tag creations like document.createElement('script'); I have tried to do this with Regular expressions but using regular expressions restricts me to get only some formats so i thought of writing a javascript parser which extracts all the keywords, strings and functions from the javascript code.
In general there is no way to know if a given line of code will ever run, you would need to solve the halting problem.
If you restrict your analysis to just finding occurances of a function call you don't make much progress. Naive methods will still be easy to trick, if you just regex match for document.createElement, you would not be able to match something as simple as document["create" + "Element"]. In general you would need to not only parse the code but evaluate it as well to get around this. And to be sure that you can evaluate the code you would again need to solve the halting problem.
Maybe you should try using Burrito
Well the first rule is never use regex for big things like this, or DOM, or ... . You have to parse it by tokens. The good news is that you don't have to write your own. There are a few JS to JS parsers.
They may be a bit hard to work with it. But well better to work with them. There are other projects that are uses these such as burrito or code surgeon. So you can have a look at the source code and see how they uses them.
But there is bad news too, which people can still outsmart other people, let alone the parsers and the code they write. At least you need to evaluate the code with some execution time variables and see if it tries to access the DOM or not.

Parsing Custom JavaScript Annotations

Implementing a large JavaScript application with a lot of scripts, its become necessary to put together a build script. JavaScript labels being ubiquitous, I've decided to use them as annotations for a custom script collator. So far, I'm just employing the use statement, like this:
use: com.example.Class;
However, I want to support an 'optional quotes' syntax, so the following would be parsed correctly as well
use: 'com.example.Class';
I'm currently using this pattern to parse the first form:
The '\S+' gloms all characters between the annotation name declaration and the terminating semi colon. What rule can I write to substitute for \S+ that will return an annotation value without quotes, no matter if it was quoted or not to begin with? I can do it in two steps, but I want to do it in one.
Thanks- I know I've put this a little awkwardly
Edit 1.
I've been able to use this, but IMHO its a mess- any more elegant solutions? (By the way, this one will parse ALL label names)
Edit 2.
The logic is the same, but expresses a little more succinctly. However, it poses a problem as it seems to pull in all sorts of javascript code as well.
Ok -this seemed to do it. Hope someone can improve on it.
/\s*([a-z]+): *('[\w_\/\.]+'|[\w_\/\.]+);/g

